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Sunday 2 May 2010

The Daily Mirror Winston Churchill's Predictions Have Come True

May 2, 2010 - By BNP News Team

Winston Churchill’s famous remark that “the fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists” is nowhere better illustrated than in the Daily Mirror newspaper, which pretends to be far left but actually openly supported Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts in 1934.
Although it is widely known that the “right-wing” Daily Mail editorially supported the British Union of Fascists during much of the 1930s, it is not so well known that the Daily Mirror was also a pro-fascist publication at that time.
The Daily Mail is, of course, forever tainted by its “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” edition published in January 1934.
However, not to be outdone by its Fleet Street rival in the promotion of fascism, the Daily Mirror responded on Monday, 22 January, 1934 with a piece entitled: “Give the Blackshirts a helping hand.”
The Mirror piece not only urged its readers to join the British Union of Fascists and also helpfully provided office addresses in London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Plymouth and East Anglia to which membership applications should be sent.
The piece and appeal urging support for fascism filled most of page 12 of that edition of the Daily Mirror.
According to the Daily Mirror piece:
“Timid alarmists all this week have been whimpering that the rapid growth in numbers of the British Blackshirts is preparing the way for a system of rulership by means of steel whips and concentration camps.
”Very few of these panic-mongers have any personal knowledge of the countries that are already under Blackshirt government. The notion that a permanent reign of terror exists there has been evolved entirely from their own morbid imaginations, fed by sensational propaganda from opponents of the party now in power.
”As a purely British organization, the Blackshirts will respect those principles of tolerance which are traditional in British politics. They have no prejudice either of class or race. Their recruits are drawn from all social grades and every political party.
”Young men may join the British Union of Fascists by writing to the Headquarters, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.”
In its bid to further promote fascism, the Mirror’s Sunday sister paper, then known as The Pictorial, followed up with a Hello!-style picture essay showing uniformed blackshirts relaxing playing table tennis and enjoying a sing-song around the piano.
Not content with their already considerable promotion of the Mosley movement the Mirror and Pictorial also planned to run a photographic beauty contest aimed at finding Britain’s most attractive female fascist.
This was, apparently, a promotion too far for Sir Oswald’s tastes.
He is said to have personally objected to the Mirror’s proposal on the grounds that it would trivialise his fascist party.
It wasn’t until around 1936 that the Mirror switched its support for fascism to socialism.
Commentators claim that its change in editorial direction had little to do with politics and everything to do with headed business considerations.
Apparently there was a larger and more profitable market to be exploited amongst the socialist-inclined working class than amongst those of the fascist persuasion.
Considering the Mirror’s pro-fascist record its repeated accusations of “fascist” levelled at the BNP, many of whose members – like recently deceased World War II Wellington bomber crewman Douglas Tidy — actually fought against fascism, is exactly the sort of hypocrisy one would expect from this Labour Party supporting rag.

Establishment’s institutional anti-white racism has been illustrated again!

May 1, 2010 - By Michael Wood
The establishment’s institutional anti-white racism has been illustrated with two contrasting events this week: the feather glove treatment handed out to a Muslim who defaced a war memorial; and the heavy handed treatment of a British man who dared to put up a homemade poster in his window calling for voters to “get the lot out.”
Red White and
 Blue: Obviously racist
Red White and Blue: Obviously racist.
When a 74-yr-old man decided to add some colour to his anti-politician poster, he never dreamed that his choice would end with the local police at the door.
Within 90 minutes of posting the banner on the inside of his bedroom window, a busybody neighbour had presumably decided to take offence on behalf of ethnic minorities and called the local police station.
Apparently, the choice of Union flag colours on a white background could be considered to be racist.
There are two troubling – but not all that surprising – themes to this tale. The first is that a neighbour felt the need to inform the police the moment they felt the state orthodoxy had been contradicted. There once existed a super state that encouraged this type of spying on fellow citizens.
The second concern is the zeal of the police when dealing with somebody who has allegedly said, done or even thought something which has been described as potentially racist. Somebody’s breaking into your car? Ok, here’s a crime reference number.
Somebody has a St George’s cross in their car? Cue the sirens. In other tyrannical regimes across the world there once existed organisations which dealt with potential dissidents in this manner.
I imagine the rapidity of the police response was probably inspired by the thought that they’d be dealing with a British National Party member. We’d better arrest one of them; it’s been a while.
In contrast, an Islamic radical can denigrate a memorial to our war dead, praise a mastermind of mass-murder, threaten the non-Muslim population and the Prime Minister all at once, and then walk away with conditional discharge.

Islam Will Dominate: Clearly non-religious
Believe me, if you or I, as members of the British National Party, had incited murder, our feet wouldn’t touch the floor. The media would be presenting the act as proof that we’re all violent thugs. The black propagandists of the Labour Party would be in an orgasmic state and their aggressive attack dogs in the UAF would be tooling themselves up, looking for a BNP cranium to smash.
Yet, a spiritual leader defending the perpetrator reveals the utter contempt that these people have for the indigenous community: “It really doesn’t concern us how the British people feel about the graffiti,” he bleated.
I don’t suppose it would concern them. When you have the entire state apparatus working for you, then you need not fear offending the subjugated majority.
The twist to this disgusting story is that the local media and ultra-leftist groups had tried to claim that this hate graffiti was the work of the BNP. Egg and faces comes to mind.
want to read more see link

UKIP a Tory Spare Wheel Party

UPDATED: Tory’s Spare Wheel: UKIP Calls on Somerset Voters to Back Conservatives and Stabs Own Party Supporters in the Back

April 29, 2010 - By BNP News
The leader of the fake UKIP party has revealed himself as little more than a Tory stooge with a public call on voters in Somerset to vote for the Conservative Party — despite local UKIP candidates already fighting two of the seats.
Lord Pearson wrote to the Mid Somerset News and Media group urging “voters to support the Conservatives rather than his party’s candidates,” according to an article in a local newspaper.
Lord Pearson said constituents should back the Tory candidates in Wells, Somerton and Frome, and Taunton Deane. UKIP has already nominated candidates in Wells and Taunton Deane.
In Wells, the confused UKIP candidate, Jake Baynes, refused to stand down, calling Lord Pearson’s demand a “betrayal.”
The UKIP man in Taunton Deane, Tony McIntyre, knew nothing about the open letter to Mid Somerset News and Media until he was contacted by the media.
This is not the first time that the fake UKIP party has revealed itself to be nothing more than the Conservative Party’s spare wheel.
In December 2009, Lord Pearson was forced to issue a public apology to UKIP members for trying to disband that party behind their backs.
In an interview with the Times newspaper following his election as UKIP leader, Lord Pearson unequivocally stated that he and Nigel Farage had offered to disband UKIP and join the Tories if David Cameron held a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
Because Lord Pearson is actually a rank amateur politician (whose only “elected office” before he became UKIP leader was when he was elected a prefect at Eton), he was totally unaware of the horror with which this confession would be met within his own party’s ranks.
With this simple blunder, Lord Pearson revealed to all the dupes who voted for UKIP that that party is nothing else but a front for the euro-sceptic wing of the Tory party.
* A study of Lord Pearson’s expenses revealed that he had claimed more than £100,000 in public funds on the basis that his £3.7 million house in London was his second home — while he owned a 12,000-acre estate with servants in Scotland.
He has sat in the Lords since 1990. Since 2001, the earliest year for which expenses records are available, he has told the Parliamentary authorities that his estate beside Loch Rannoch, Perthshire, is his “main home.”
This enabled him to claim about £100,000 in taxpayer-funded overnight subsistence allowances between April 2001 and June 2007 for staying at his own townhouse in Victoria, one mile away from Parliament in central London, where he had no mortgage to pay.
After selling the flat for £3.7 million in June 2007, Lord Pearson moved to another London flat two miles away in Kennington. He paid £1.2 million for the flat, again without a mortgage. He then claimed another £15,000 in allowances on the basis of his overnight stays there, despite Lords’ rules specifically stating that “Members whose main residence is within Greater London cannot claim night subsistence.”
Lord Pearson has repeatedly declared in official company documents that his London home was his “usual residential address.”
His London house was also given as the address to which applicants wishing to work as a housekeeper or gardener at the Scottish estate should send their CVs, in an advert placed by Lady Pearson in the Scottish Farmer in January 2009.
As well as claiming £115,683 for overnight subsistence, since 2001 Lord Pearson has claimed £56,685 in “day subsistence” allowances. Peers can claim £86.50 a day for meals, drinks and taxis while working in Westminster, with no need for receipts.
He also claimed £48,471 in travel expenses, including £10,064 for the cost of flying between Scotland and London over the last two years.
* The good news is that voters in Wells can vote for a genuinely anti-EU party, the British National Party, represented by Richard Boyce.
* News has just come through that UKIP has endorsed no less than six Tory candidates in various parts of the country. The latest Conservative to receive UKIP’s backing is Phillip Hollobone in Kettering, who has even had a “UKIP for Hollobone” banner erected in the town, as displayed in the local newspaper.

Green Agenda & Global Warming Myth is Based In Marxism

Green Agenda is Based In Marxism It is About Control Of people & Resources only ! Do Not be Fooled!

Many around us have bought in to the "green revolution,"
but do you think it's possible that the Global Warming Movement has nothing to do with the environment, that it's just a smokescreen for socialists who want to destroy and then restructure our economy with "carbon credit taxation?"

Many Americans believe new mantra of socialism in the U.S. is

If you are confused about all this, here are a few articles and links that I have selected for you to review, they are worth a look...

Global Warming has its roots in Socialism
Don't forget Claude Allegre is one of France's most prominent SOCIALISTS, and he pretty much started the Global Warming Movement---although he has recently changed his own views, you can read that here:

Environmental Alarmists have a bad track record
Did you know that climate "experts" in the 1970's were warning about GLOBAL COOLING and the threat of another ice age? For more of the insanity promoted by the alarmist "Earth Day" crowd, take a look here at the smart comments by Walter E. Williams, Ph.D. this is amazing!!!:

Revelle Recants
Gore's Mentor and Harvard professor, Dr. Roger Revelle wrote the following before he died,
'The scientific base for a greenhouse warming is too uncertain to justify drastic action at this time,'

Petition Project
FACT: Over 30,000 scientists have signed a petition to debunk the Global Warming Myth of climate change...
Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.*It is evident that 31,072 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,021 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,072 American scientists are not “skeptics.”*These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity and that government action on the basis of this hypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductively damage both human prosperity and the natural environment of the Earth...

Have you read the writings of Alan Caruba,
"Fear mongering has always been the movement’s instrument of choice to influence public opinion and policy. A simple case in point was the reversal of an extensive campaign in the 1970s warning of a coming Ice Age to one that began in the 1980s about “global warming.”

"Early Greens spread lies across a vast spectrum of issues, invariably causing incalculable harm. An example was Rachel Carson’s claims about DDT that resulted in its ban. Millions have since died for lack of the protection it affords against malaria and other insect-borne diseases. A full-scale attack on all pesticides and herbicides, critical to disease control and the world’s food supply, continues."
just to hear another side of the story---see here:

The Greens are Going Crazy
The Greens have bet everything on global warming as the reason for giving up the use of long established sources of energy such as oil, coal and natural gas. The object has been to slow everything the modern world calls progress...

Weather Channel Founder says sue Al Gore for Fraud:
By now most people are aware that the founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, said global warming is "the greatest scam in history" last November.*On Monday, while speaking at the*2008 International Conference on Climate Changebeing held in New York City, Coleman took his criticisms further by advocating that all those involved in the sale and marketing of carbon credits, including Al Gore, should be sued "to finally put some light on the fraud of global warming.”

Newsweek Acknowledges Cracks in Global Warming Hoax
You know the global warming hoax is running out of gas when even knee-jerk liberal Newsweek admits that not everyone is on board with the hysterical "consensus." The April 16 issue includes a surprisingly*sane editorial*by MIT Professor of Meteorology Richard Lindzen.

The Green Agenda
Radical socialist greens are out to damage industry and restructure the world economy, it really has very little to do with the the environment. Just a few months ago the liberals in Congress were trying to pass a mammoth taxation bill designed to force corporations to buy "credits" in order to operate on American soil. Senate leader Mitch McConnell said the proposed system of allowing widespread trading of carbon emissions allowances would produce "the largest restructuring of the American economy since the New Deal." more here:
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." Psalms 12:6-7

Simon Darby I feel like a stranger in my Homeland in London

Nu Labours Plans to Take away your Children If you do not tow the State Line

Nu Labours Plans to Take away your Children If you do not tow the State Line ,

As you can see, Tony Blair decided years ago when the time was right that not only should Social Workers have the power to take away kids who need to be placed in care for obvious reasons (ie abuse) but that they should be able to take children simply because parents disagree with state intervention. As you see on this video, Tony 'war Criminal' Blair decided that Social Workers should be given ultimate power and control over families lives whether the children are actually suffering abuse or not. If you choose to vote Labour, then you may as well sign your own death warrant while you're at it,

For goodness sake do not vote Labour the are not only enimies of the British People but against Humanity look and see !

Plots, shots, and liberal thoughts: conspiracy theory and the death of Ginger Goodwin (in 1918).: An article from: Labour/Le Travail

Saturday 1 May 2010

Labour Government black out of 'truth' Over Troop Activity in Afghan War

Telegraph correspondent Andrew Gilligan released a report in March of what amounts to a media black out of  'truth' of the ordeal of our forces in Afghanistan.
We raised the issue earlier on Green Arrow and friends, of a suspicion but now it appears that our suspicions of the government failing or refusing to bring news of deaths of British soldiers, could be true.
The British people have been warned by the British National Party for years of political connivance by all the three parties, to not only keep you in the dark, but to twist truth into in their constant psychological war against the British people in order to create a sole less society.
You are aware of Media control IMRAX funded by the European Union, and you are aware of the govt's own media control policy 'Reporting Diversity'.
The writers on this site know far more than is written here but we will never write anything we cannot prove. Such is our aim, to ensure that what you see and hear is what you get and that what we say can be trusted in a world where politicians can not.
The blackout can be for one sole purpose.
It can only be to block bad news whilst you decide to vote them in again unless you know different but are not saying.
The report reads: 'Army faces Afghan gag for election'

The Ministry of Defence has been accused of ordering a “truth blackout” over the war in Afghanistan amid warnings it is attempting to “bury bad news” during the election campaign.
British journalists and TV crews are to be banned from the Afghan front line once a date for the election has been set, while senior officers will be prohibited from making public speeches and talking to reporters.
MoD websites will also be “cleansed” of any “non-factual” material including anything containing troops’ opinions of the war, according to a memo leaked to The Daily Telegraph.
The edict comes as Gordon Brown was accused of using British troops as “political props” by visiting Afghanistan the day after giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq War.
The war in Afghanistan is likely to be a sensitive political issue in the election campaign. Last night the MoD confirmed a British soldier, from A Company 4 Rifles, was killed in a fire-fight yesterday bringing the total deaths since the conflict began to 271.
The Prime Minister has been repeatedly accused by former military chiefs of denying soldiers vital equipment. In the memo, Nick Gurr, the MoD’s director of media and communications, says “embeds” for all British news broadcasters and national journalists will be prohibited during the campaign, expected to begin later this month.
Embeds, where the reporter lives in a military unit or base, are the only safe way to cover the fighting. Foreign and local journalists will, however, be continue to be granted such access, the memo says. The MoD ruling comes despite the fact that up to 4,000 British troops - and a further 10,000 Americans and Afghans - are in the middle of the UK’s largest full-scale combat operation for seven years.
Operation Moshtarak, which aims to clear Taliban strongholds, is now in its fourth week and is soon to enter a new phase which could see significant British casualties. The only information provided on the operations during the election, however, will be through MoD briefings in Whitehall. Government departments traditionally curtail their activities during an election campaign, a period known as “purdah”. But there is no precedent for journalists being excluded from the battlefront for such a long period during operations of such significance.
In the run-up to previous election campaigns, British military activity was at a relatively low ebb.
The prohibition on public speeches by senior officers is likely to be seen as a response to the increasing outspokenness of military chiefs, something also not seen in previous pre-election periods. Beginning with the then head of the Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, in 2006, senior personnel have openly pointed out the tension between the work the Armed Forces are expected to do and the resources provided to carry it out.
Mr Gurr says that allowing journalists to report from the frontline during the election “could call into question [the forces’] political impartiality or give rise to the criticism that public resources are being used for party political purposes.” But the order has led to accusations that the government wants to hide the true picture of the war in Afghanistan from voters.
Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, said he would table an emergency question in the House of Commons demanding an explanation on Monday. “Given the recent visit of the Prime Minister, this is a bad joke,” he said. “There is clearly one rule for Gordon Brown, when he wants to use the armed forces as political props, and another for reporters who want to tell the public what is being done in their name.
“It’s a truth blackout. Nothing, especially the truth, is to stand in the way in Brown’s election.
Our armed forces can fight and die, but not write or speak. Any critics of the Government are to be banned from having any contact with the press. This is the grotesque endgame of New Labour. They want to bury bad news and bury the truth.”
Colonel Douglas Young, chairman of the British Armed Forces Federation, expressed “surprise” at the decision. “It didn’t happen in 1945 - there was no question of limiting reporting at that time simply because an election was happening and I don’t see why there should be any questions of that now. Are we to stop operations during this period? Obviously not, and if operations are in process they should be reported upon in the normal way.
“It is ridiculous to expect the forces to be hiding away just because there’s a general election.” Cdr John Muxworthy, chief executive of the UK National Defence Association, said: “To put a situation in place where the press is effectively going to be gagged, so it is not going to possible for people to see the real news from the front line, is incredible. “Afghanistan is not a political issue - it’s a matter of national importance,” he added. Col Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, said: “It is wrong to gag the media, which is what this is.
This is a critical campaign and the public have a right to be told what is happening. “It is also wrong to prevent senior officers speaking.” Gordon Brown has received considerable personal criticism for the way he funded the Armed Forces during his time as Chancellor. Former chiefs directly contradicted the Prime Minister’s claim at the Chilcot inquiry that the Forces had been given everything they asked for.
Lieutenant-General Sir Graeme Lamb, former director of special forces, told The Daily Telegraph last week that the Armed Forces were “doomed” and were “clearly in decline,” while General Lord Guthrie, former chief of the defence staff, said that Mr Brown had been “disingenuous”. Mr Gurr’s memo, written last week, is entitled “Purdah - Key Principles for Defence Communicators.”
It details a string of steps the MoD is taking to minimise the chance of embarrassing disclosures. Information on MoD and armed forces websites, it says, must be “cleansed.” Offical blogs and websites must “report factual information only”.
Even internal MoD and service journals, Mr Gurr says, must be “submitted for approval before publication” with “controversial issues avoided” because “these get into the public domain.” An MoD spokesman said: “During the period between an election being called and taking place, communications activity across government is considerably constrained by the need to be fair to all political parties.
“The MOD recognises that it is vital to continue to tell the public about the efforts and achievements of our forces in Afghanistan during this period and has agreed principles with the Cabinet Office that allow this.”
Andrew Gilligan is the man responsible for releasing news of the 'Sexed Up Dossier', which remains highly controversial in providng evidence of the govt's previous reasons for war against Iraq where weapons of mass destruction were not subsequently found, and which came shortly before the untimely and suspicious death of Dr David Kelly.
Read More Via Link

Nick Griffin Interview with USA CNN & Important Video to watch also!

Our American Cousin and BNP Member - John Charles Bush

Why this American became a member of the BNP

Our American Cousin and BNP Member - John Charles Bush
I remember the day well in August of 2009 when the US news media reported that many so called "right wing" parties had done well in the EU elections. This suddenly aroused my curiosity as I turned the volume up on my TV to hear the news. Suddenly a man appeared that I had never seen or heard of named Nick Griffin. He was standing at a podium giving a "Victory" speech . The media immediately said that the voters were fed up with the ruling Labour Party and had decided to make  change for the BNP.

Well I had also never heard of the BNP so I turned off the TV and went to my computer where I knew I could get better info from the internet. I simply typed in BNP and their website came up on the info page. It was an astoundingly professional looking site! The Union Flag was all over the front page. All of the articles were very well written and easily understandable. My curiosity turned to fascination as I read more and more. As I looked through the site I came across a BNP chatroom and I decided to go in and speak.

I was a little nervous being an American and I didn't know if I would be welcomed. Every person in that room turned out to be very nice and I immediately felt an attachment brewing. These are my kinds of people I thought! They were all interested in knowing a few things about the US as well as the state where I live which is Kentucky. Very few of them knew much about Kentucky other than KFC and I knew very little about the UK other than the Beatles. The chatroom became an interesting place to exchange our cultures as I returned night after night.

One day I asked a BNP member if Americans were allowed to join. He told me absolutely and that I should do so at my nearest convenience.  Well to make a short story shorter I joined that very moment and my membership card arrived a few weeks later. I am so proud to carry it in my wallet. My family came from Britain to America many years ago so I feel a very strong attachment to the BNP because it is so traditionally British.

When I think of Britain I think of the Union Flag as well as the English. The other parties don't even look British judging by their looks and advertising. You would think they were from some other country if you didn't know better. However, one can just take a simple first glimpse of the BNP and know they are British.

This is the sole reason I joined the BNP.


Labour party tricks in Horwich reach New Low

Press Statement

Ivan Cooper
British National Party Candidate
Horwich North East 

The Labour party have sunk to a new low by publishing a website & circulated document that is allowing a group called the Trafford 60+ Action Group to interfere in the democratic political process, by attacking the Conservative Parliamentary candidate with nothing more than what can be described as a character assassination of the Bolton West Conservative party candidate Susan Williams.

Not only is this group publishing it,s character assination  of Mrs Williams on the web but it is also circulation sealed hand addressed letters to residents in Horwich ( I received one through my door 1/5/2010 15.00pm). a copy of which is available on the above website,  published by Gary Titley Labour party member on behalf of Julie Hilling 108 Market st Westhoughton Bolton.

This is not the first time the Labour party has used outside parties to try and influence the democratic process, we in the British National Party have had to contend with the Trade Union &; Daily Mirror backed leafleting campaign by the Marxist group Searchlight both affiliated closely to the Labour Party, whom I allege have direct prior knowledge of these unethical campaigns against their opponents   

I therefore demand that the Bolton Labour Party stop using second parties to fight it,s campaigns and to stop using dishonest methods and smear tactics about other candidates or parties who oppose them in Democratic election, and to enter into the honest democratic process without having to resort to the violence of the Marxist UAF or the Smears of the likewise Marxist Searchlight organisations , and also the Labour Party apologise to Mrs Williams as I as the British National candidate for Horwich North East  party strongly condemn these underhand tactics.

End Statement

Immigration control staff at Dover are to be made redundant because of “budget cuts”

May 1, 2010 - By BNP News
All senior immigration control staff at Dover are to be made redundant because of “budget cuts” of £1.5 million — while the foreign aid budget is to be increased to £13.1 billion.
According to reports, all 24 UK Border Agency (UKBA) staff in Dover with the title immigration officer (the nation’s front line in immigration control) will lose their jobs.
These particular staff members are allegedly responsible for 40 percent of all the illegal immigrant removals from Kent last year.
The budget cuts will also cause the closure of the Dover detention centre which means that illegal immigrants in the region will now no longer even be held under state custody prior to being ‘deported’.
According to a leaked memo, regional UKBA deputy director Graham Ralph wrote: “The budget for Kent – including Dover, will be reduced by £1.5 million annually.
“This is a difficult and uncertain time for everyone. I urge staff to work together to get through this restructure.”
Meanwhile, the Government has announced plans for the foreign aid budget to be increased to 0.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. This will translate to a figure in excess of £13 billion.
According to the memo, two chief immigration officers will also be sacked and assistant officers will decrease from 23 to 21. Further cuts in nearby Folkestone take the job losses to 30.
Both Labour and Conservatives have promised across-the-board cuts in all public sectors, but both have “ring fenced” foreign aid as untouchable.
Other cuts will see at least 100,000 job losses in the National Health  Service, and an estimated 500,000 job losses elsewhere in the public sector.
The catastrophic after effects of these job losses will reverberate throughout the economy as a large number of private sector companies depend on public service contracts for their existence.
The increase in the foreign aid budget becomes even more scandalous in this light.
It seems there is money for foreign aid to China, but not to protect Britain’s borders.
The British National Party is the only political party to demand an end to foreign aid and the large number of other unnecessary handouts (‘climate change’, EU membership, foreign wars, immigration, asylum and all politically correct leftist projects).
The savings generated by cutting these projects will allow a BNP government to keep front line expenditure at the proper levels, without tax raises or other punitive measures.

Applause for BNP as other parties lose the plot!

There was noticeable apprehension from Conservative and Labour parliamentary candidates at a hustings in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire this week. Broxbourne Tory MP Charles Walker swore he would never share a platform with the BNP, but this week he had no choice. BNP candidate and sub-regional organiser Steve McCole stole the show with his quiet dignity and common sense approach, giving Walker serious cause for concern. The shallow policies of both Tory and Labour brought forth derision from a large and energetic crowd.

An illegal immigrant has been canvassing For Labour’s Salford MP Hazel Blears

May 1, 2010 - By BNP News
An illegal immigrant has been canvassing for Labour’s Salford MP and former Cabinet minister Hazel Blears against the British National Party’s Tina Wingfield, it has emerged.
Nigerian Rhoda Sulaimon came to Britain on a student visa five years ago. Because the Tory and Labour parties scrapped any cross checking on who leaves Britain, the Nigerian simply stayed on.
She then proceeded to have a child and, although she is in Britain illegally, lives off welfare in a council house in Manchester, courtesy of the British taxpayer.
According to a newspaper report, a Labour campaign source was quoted as saying that the illegal immigrant “has been working voluntarily for Hazel Blears in the hope it might help her case.
“She doesn’t want to go back to Nigeria and is desperate to stay here. She’s been helping out for weeks at the local campaign office and has been out with Hazel when she meets people and goes out leafleting.”
Apparently the Nigerian had already been served with a notice on 16 April that she had 30 days to report for deportation.
The media reported that as of 30 April, she was still working at Mrs Blears’ Labour campaign office.
* Mrs Blears was forced to pay back £13,332 in capital gains tax after “flipping” her second home in the ongoing expenses swindle.
She had sold her South London home for £200,000 (£45,000 more than she paid) but escaped paying the tax by re-designating it as her primary home.
Later it emerged that she had “flipped” her second home three times in one year, all with the objective of swindling as much as she could out of the taxpayer.
Given Mrs Blear’s “expenses” swindling, it comes as no surprise that her campaign team consists of illegal immigrants who are also cheating the British taxpayer.
* The BNP’s candidate in Salford, Tina Wingfield, reports that her campaign is running well and that increasing numbers of people are turning to the BNP out of disgust at the disgraceful antics of Labour.


A MUSLIM who daubed ­graffiti glorifying Islamic terrorism over a war memorial has walked free from court despite showing no remorse.
Using spray paint, Shah desecrated the monument to generations of heroes with “Islam will dominate the world – Osama is on his way” and “Kill Gordon Brown”. But Crown Prosecution lawyers decided not to pursue the most serious charges for racially or religiously motivated crimes.
Instead, Shah was prosecuted on the minor charge of criminal damage and ordered to pay a mere £85 costs and £500 compensation. Roy Whenman, vice-chairman of the local Royal British Legion branch, described the offence as diabolical.
“There’s nothing worse in my eyes than discrediting a war memorial,” he said. “It dishonours those who have given their lives for our country. What I would say to them is there are other ways of expressing your anger about certain issues.”
Dennis Fletcher, chairman of East Staffordshire Racial Equality Council, said: “Graffiti of any type is ­terrible but when it includes what appears to be racist material it has to be considered utterly unacceptable.”BUT BECAUSE HE IS A MUSLIM ASIAN IT IS OK FOR HIM TO DO IT? )
Tory MP Patrick Mercer, a former Army colonel, said now was the time to bring in strict laws and punishments for yobs who insult our war heroes.
Mr Mercer, MP for Newark and Retford, said: “It strikes me that this is a gross disrespect of our war dead. It really does not help the deeply law-abiding and respectful Muslim community ( SQUIRMING FOR MUSLIM VOTES ? ) and I hope the next Conservative government will legislate against this sort of thing and introduce serious punishments.”( I DOUBT IT?)
Magistrates in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, heard on Thursday that Shah and a friend defaced the memorial, owned by East Staffordshire council, on December 10 last year. The comments were sprayed across the plinth outside Burton College.
A street cleaner reported the incident and photographed the damage and pictures of the offensive comments were shown in court.
CCTV footage showed two figures spraying the slogans on the memorial. Although they could not be clearly identified, the footage showed one of the vandals discarding the spray can.
Shah, who has no previous convictions, was later identified from DNA on the can and admitted his actions.
Andrew Bodger, prosecuting, said information about Shah and photos of the graffiti were sent to Crown Prosecution Service headquarters in London for a review by senior lawyers.
They decided there was insufficient evidence that the crime was racially or religiously motivated, which could have led to more serious charges and a harsher sentence.( IF HE WAS WHITE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A DIFFERENT STORY NO DOUBT?)
Mr Bodger said: “Shah wouldn’t give an explanation as to why he had done it and has shown no remorse for this very sensitive matter.
“The words were cleaned off without difficulty at a cost of £500. The CPS specialist unit was sent the pictures, as well as his mobile phone records, to see if there was a racially or religiously motivated connotation.
“It was decided there was not enough evidence to prove this, and they decided it was politically motivated. It has caused great offence to the community.” Shah admitted criminal damage and was given a two-year conditional discharge.(BULLS*&T)
Mumtaz Chaudry, defending, dismissed any claims that Shah, of Horninglow, Burton, held extremist views.
He said: “This is nothing to do with his religious beliefs, his family’s beliefs or his cultural beliefs. He is just an ordinary guy. He is remorseful, but at the time of his police interview he was simply answering questions and didn’t realise that was the right time to show remorse.
“He has no extremist views. His action was uncalled for, but we make mistakes. It was a stupid mistake and he is determined not to repeat it.”(I BET IT WAS)
A CPS spokesman last night defended the decision not to bring a more serious charge.
He said: “The conclusion in this case was that there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction.
'While it was appreciated that what was sprayed on the memorial may have been perceived by some to be part of a racial or religious incident, no racial or religious group can be shown to have been targeted.” (BACKING DOWN ON A SERIOUS INSULT TO THE BRITISH PEOPLE & IT,S BRAVE SOLDIERS DUE TO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS)


45,000 British National Party leaflets vanish in Post Office , massive electoral fraud?

April 30, 2010 - By BNP News
Some 45,000 British National Party leaflets for the Chelmsford constituency have “vanished” in the Post Office in a possible instance of electoral fraud so massive that the party’s national elections officer, Clive Jefferson, has called for the election in that region to be postponed.
“The Post Office have confirmed that they have a despatch note confirming receipt of the six palettes and more than 50 boxes of leaflets,” said Mr Jefferson.
The leaflets were delivered on time and were due to go out on the 23 April, timed to coincide with the arrival of the postal vote applications.
“This outrage is the single largest such case so far,” Mr Jefferson said. “We have had reports from all over the country about individual postmen throwing away small bundles of leaflets, but it is remarkable that an entire constituency’s leaflets have vanished.
“We have been to the police and have made a direct application to the returning officer, Steven Packham, to have the election postponed,” Mr Jefferson continued.
“Mr Packham initially denied that he has the ability to postpone the election. He does, of course. The last we heard from him was that he was taking further advice from the Electoral Commission.”
Mr Jefferson said the BNP had now had enough of this continuing subversion of democracy and was going to make a stand over Chelmsford.
“How can a free and fair election be run when our leaflets mysteriously vanish in such quantities?” he asked.
BNP News spoke to Graham Elson, the Post Office’s regional electoral manager for Anglia, who confirmed that an EL1 despatch note for the leaflets existed which “indicates that we have received them.”
Mr Elson added that the Post Office had offered to pay for a full reprint of the leaflets.
“This is unacceptable because the time frames involved will mean that possibly as many as 8,000 people will have already cast their postal ballots before our leaflets are even reprinted,” Mr Jefferson said.
“Time and time again we have seen blatant examples of electoral fraud being committed, and the elections still carry on as if nothing has happened. This has to stop,” Mr Jefferson said.
* Eastern regional organiser Paul Morris has been tasked with liaising with the local Post Office depot to sort the problem out, which appears to be far more widespread than just one constituency.

Belgium Common Sense Law to Go Ahead over oppresive Islamic Burka

Belgium Adopts BNP Policy as Their Parliament Votes to Ban the Burka

April 30, 2010 - By Michael Wood

Oppressive: The Burka
Belgium became the first European country to move beyond speculation about banning the oppressive desert wear after parliamentarians voted to approve a draft law banning the burka in public places.
Belgian leftists last week attempted to scupper the plans by pulling out of the ruling coalition and forcing the government to collapse.
Despite opposition from the left, a new coalition consisting of five parties managed to win the vote with all but two MPs backing the ban.
Under this legislation the Islamic dress — dubbed ‘mobile prisons’ — cannot be worn in schools, shops, streets, public parks and sports centres.
Women caught wearing the burka in public will be fined £110 and reoffending will carry a week’s jail sentence.
Anti-Islamic colonisation groups fear that this new legislation could be overturned by EU ‘human rights’ laws.
However, the bill has been carefully constructed to avoid claims of discrimination by targeting all types of clothes or veils that do not allow the wearer to be fully identified.
The Belgian bill goes before the senate for approval and should become law by July.

The British National Party will repeal all legislation enacted by successive Labour and Tory regimes which have usurped the British peoples’ basic civil liberties

April 30, 2010 - By BNP News
The British National Party will repeal all legislation enacted by successive Labour and Tory regimes which have usurped the British peoples’ basic civil liberties and has a series of proposed constitutional reforms including a new Bill of Rights.
The following are the complete sections on civil liberties and constitutional reform from the BNP’s 2010 election manifesto, previously only available in PDF format.
Restoration of Our Civil Liberties
Terrorism and the Growth of the Totalitarian State
The BNP condemns the erosion of essential democracy in Britain which has developed partly as a result of the increasingly disastrous multicultural experiment.
Britain today faces domestic terrorism from Islamists as never before in our history — caused directly by the twin policies of mass immigration and a biased Middle Eastern foreign policy.
On the one hand, the old gang parties have encouraged mass immigration which has created a large pool of disaffected Muslims in Britain, and on the other hand the same parties have actively pursued aggressive foreign policies which have served to incite the now UK-resident Islamic population.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have provided extra fuel to Islamists seeking to recruit terrorists from the millions-strong Muslim population in Britain.
In other words, the old parties have created the “perfect storm” for terrorism in Britain — and now used this self-created problem to justify ever-increasing repressive legislation and the destruction of our civil liberties.
A prime example is the Civil Contingencies Act which grants ministers wide-ranging powers during an emergency, including the right to amend any Act of Parliament except the Human Rights Act.
Islamist terrorism in Britain will not be stopped by repressive laws, but by dealing with the immigration problem and adopting a neutral foreign policy.
Dismantling the Repressive State
The BNP will repeal all laws designed to suppress our traditional right to freedom of speech, including those relating to race relations and religion.
We note that these laws are rarely enforced when those of non British ethnic descent denigrate and abuse the racial and religious groups indigenous to Britain.
The BNP will halt all moves to introduce ID cards as an undesirable manifestation of the surveillance society.
The BNP will repeal the 1998 Human Rights Act and withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights.
This Act and the Convention have a long record of thwarting the rights of the majority and the espousal of politically correct causes.
For example, the British government has recently been forced to prepare measures to enable the right of prisoners to vote — an altogether unjustifiable imposition.
Similar rulings have prevented the deportation of criminal elements and terror suspects.
By the same token, we shall not permit British courts to submit to international bodies or courts that override the law of the British parliament.
The BNP will not permit the extradition of Britons to foreign jurisdictions unless the laws they are alleged to have broken correspond to offences in the UK. We will reintroduce the requirement of proof and we shall revoke the European Arrest Warrant.
Constitutional Change: Protecting and Enhancing Our Heritage
Devolution: Bringing Power to the People
While we do not believe that devolution to the Scottish and Welsh assemblies was inevitable, the BNP is happy to accept that the process is in keeping with the democratic nationalist principle of subsidiarity (an organising principle which states that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralised competent authority).
The problem is that this hasty revision of the Constitution has developed a number of unacceptable anomalies. Thus, although English MPs are without authority over devolved decisions affecting the people of Scotland, Wales and Ulster, MPs from those places may vote on legislation affecting the English.
More remarkable, perhaps, is that they cannot vote on issues affecting their own constituents, as this is determined within their devolved chambers.
Another problem is that a number of powers wielded by local parliaments has emanated from authority that was previously overseen by our traditional counties.
In effect this placed power into the hands of pompous and overpaid professional politicians who, for the most part, have done not a stroke in their lives to create wealth but who have absorbed it in the course of their careers.
Such a typically New Labour shambles is a recipe for friction and for future division amongst the British family of nations.
The BNP’s solution to this interlocking group of difficulties is as follows:
- Devolve all powers properly capable of exercise to local level and revived county council government, returning to the ancient and traditional pre-1974 boundaries. These powers are to include control over planning.
- Create an English parliament in Westminster. This, and the Scottish, Welsh and Stormont parliaments would oversee such functions of the present devolved administrations as cannot sensibly be accommodated by the county councils.
- Create a pan-British parliament to oversee those policy areas currently determined Westminster, plus those powers repatriated from the EU. This body would have its formal base in Westminster, though we envisage it would sit in rotation in each of the national parliaments.
- The BNP would create a standing invitation for the Irish Republic to join the pan-British parliament as an equal partner.
The House of Lords
The role of the Lords as a revising chamber, stripped of its political cronies, requires further assessment.
At this stage, however, we can state that we see an opportunity to introduce not a simply elected duplicate of the Lower House, but a body which might provide weight to specialised experience in certain fields, such as expertise in charities, community groups, industry, commerce, agriculture, the armed forces and such like.
There exists, therefore, the opportunity to bring to bear on government the objectivity of non-party political experts and individuals chosen on the grounds of talent and service.
Further investigation is needed so as to exploit this opportunity for better governance.
Citizens’ Initiative Referenda
The BNP proposes the introduction of citizens’ initiative referenda as an important check and balance on the political class.
Individual citizens need only collect the requisite number of electors’ signatures on any given petition initiative — the wording of which they themselves will determine — in order to compel the local or national government to hold the relevant referendum.
If passed by between 50 and 66 percent of the voting public, such a referendum would create a comprehensive council/parliamentary debate on the topic in hand. If passed by over two thirds of those voting, however, the result would automatically become binding.
A New Bill of Rights
The 1688 Declaration of Rights, which in essence updated the 1215 Magna Carta, was given its parliamentary seal of approval in the terms of the 1689 Bill of Rights.
Later described as the most important document of all time by American constitutionalists, the 1689 Bill of Rights provided the Americans with the basis behind their constitution a century later.
The 1688 Declaration, however, was a compact between monarch and people. Its articles are therefore arguably inviolable.
To allay any doubts, we shall set out in a new Bill of Rights those parts of Magna Carta and the 1689 Bill of Rights which are still relevant to the modern age.
We do not necessarily believe that a written document will prevent future governments from seeking to undermine or distort the new guarantees we shall provide.
But by setting out, in readily accessible print, a document of universally-known importance, a tripwire will be available with which to alert any future generation that a ruling class has again arisen with concepts above its station.
The Right to Bear Arms
The right to bear arms is encapsulated in the 1688 Declaration of Rights. Firearms do not kill people; criminals kill people — especially when the innocent people do not possess firearms with which to defend themselves.
The BNP would restore to legitimate and law-abiding sportsmen the right to possess and use those weapons curtailed by the 1968 Firearms Act and subsequently restricted by later legislation.
Protecting the Democratic Process
The democratic process in Britain has been subverted by a number of electoral rule changes which have impacted upon the rights of citizens to organise in democratic parties and freely express their opinions.
As a result, the BNP will introduce legislation which will:
- Guarantee the right of all law-abiding organisations and individuals to organise and campaign free from interference from the state, trades unions, employers’ organisations or commercial entities.
- Protect all political parties and groups from the use of violence or intimidation for political purposes. The violation of this law will carry a minimum two year prison term.
- Disband all state-sponsored efforts to exploit the ethnic minority vote by means of programmes such as Operation Black Vote.
- Restrict postal voting — currently subject to grave abuse — to the sick and elderly or those who are absent overseas.
- Outlaw third party organisations who do not contest elections from issuing material designed to denigrate individual candidates or parties, thereby allowing political rivals to circumvent the proper spending limits on election expenses.
- Outlaw the conducting or publication of opinion polls in the last three weeks of an election campaign to prevent manipulation of the democratic process.
- Ensure that political parties organise and function only with such funds as they are able to raise from their own members and supporters to ensure that the political process is not bought by vested interests. State funding, corporate donations and political dues from trades unions will be outlawed.
- Electors will be enabled to fire or ‘recall’ their MP in circumstances of serious criminality.
- Reintroduce treason legislation to prosecute those who undermine the British constitution.



In the video, the cameraman confronts an agent from Hope not Hate interfering in the democratic process by distributing anti-BNP literature during a general election.

Now I greatly admire the cameraman for confronting the Hope not Hate agent, because these people when approached usually resort to violence as a way of punching home their Marxist views.  It would have been better if he had been a bit calmer in his questioning but in fairness, most British People are not used to being in a confrontational situation and so he done well in my opinion.

But the captions in the video are not quite correct.  The creator of the video failed to mention that Hope not Hate are an umbrella organisation for the communist organisation Searchlight, that is run by the convicted criminal Gerry "Unstable" Gable.

Now Searchlight is a registered Third Party that does not stand in elections.  That is not its purpose.  The people would never vote for their mad marxist policies.  Their role, that is funded by the government, is to campaign against those who are opposed to The Establishment and in this case their target is the BNP.

And the amount of money - your money - that they have to spend is not inconsiderable.  Consider this information that is taken from the Electoral Commission from the 2005 elections and written about in this article here and repeated below.

"Third Party" campaigns are a way for The Establishment to exceed the legal campaign allowance for advertising leaflets. And who do we see included in the list. None other than;
  • Searchlight Information Services Ltd £65,275.00
  • Unite Against Fascism £43,045.13
  • Muslim Friends of Labour £44,810.00
The British National Party is committed to outlawing this undemocratic practise of allowing Third Parties such as Searchlight, the SWP/UAF and trade unions and letting only those who are prepared to be part of the electoral process campaign.
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