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Friday 4 June 2010

Mandelson States the Obvious about Labour

Mandelson States the Obvious about Labour

NuLabour is dead but what of Britain:
It was hardly surprising after the battering Labour received at the last election to hear that Peter Mandelson had scuttled off to Nat Rothchild's Swiss chalet retreat. As we know, being under media spotlight when all around you are either crowing over your defeat, wringing their hands in anguish, or pointing the finger of blame to anyone but themselves, is not really Mandelson's cup of tea. Mandelson prefers to play the hero and take the role of star performer not some organ monkey rolled out to give awkward responses to unanswerable questions such as who was to blame.
Just as his own position as an unelected government minister was declared dead on 6th May 2010, it seems pretty damned obvious to me at least, that Mandelson, having quaffed enough champagne and eaten enough quails eggs over these last few weeks at one of the Rothchild's residences, would soon become sick of driving Nat's Ferrari round the alpine trail and would be tapping the British media pedal again in the form of Francis Elliot at The Times, for him to help manufacture some free advertising space for this summer's release' of Mandelson's 'NuLabour novel' in the guise of memoirs.
I mean what else does one do after all when one considers ones position as a washed up unelected political mouthpiece without a mail service or steel manufacturer to ruin, other than to sit and write your memoirs and 'help' your former colleagues by threatening to write nasty things about them which would "ruffle a few feathers", and how does one do it in the most devastating way to gain as much publicity as possible other than by declaring 'NuLabour is dead'?
Laying on the tears on TV to promote your book has already been done by Alistair Campbell so that wouldn't work for Mandelson. Anyway, to see him blubbing on telly would be even less convincing than it was to see the media Hawk of Westminster. No. Mandelson would have to think up something else, so he came up with "NuLabour is dead".
No tears, no arguments. Mandelson has spoken so that's an end to it. I'll say no more until you get my book. And now it's over to me me me, or rather him, him him, to tell you what comes next for the Brand New, all singing and dancing, "aspirational", "reformist", and completely "serious"....PROGRESSIVE LABOUR PARTY , which is or wants to be, "about Labour not being a party of class or sectional interest, but about being a broad-based party of conscience and reform".
I don't think Mandelson 'get's it' yet.
All that Socialist champagne must have gone to his head a bit I think when he says; “It will no doubt ruffle some feathers but if it didn’t it wouldn’t tell the story of what new Labour achieved in government, where and why it didn’t achieve everything we hoped for, and what it can accomplish in the future.”
Surely he missed the bits about invading Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan, giving away our sovereign rights to unelected foreigners like himself, smashing what was left of our legal system, bankrupting the country whilst selling off its gold reserves in return for worthless bits of paper, and basically declaring an intention to eradicate the indigenous people of these islands because they have the misfortune of being 'white' and not wanting to vote Labour.
Surely he also missed the bit about electoral fraud, a rush to popularise his party in the eyes of gay, black and other ethnic minorities by declaring them above the majority, and he missed to mention the underhand, undemocratic, deceitful and tenuously legal although completely illegitimate practice of giving taxpayers money to Common Purpose, the Unions, and to every gay, black and Islamic face in Britain whilst declaring the rest of us a bunch of bigoted racists.
Surely Mandelson won't be writing any of that in his memoirs!
So where is Progressive Labour heading?
Perhaps Labour will start a new party which makes truth and democracy their first aim but I doubt it. Even old Labour didn't do that otherwise it would not have sold out the working man and worked to transform Britain into the cesspit it has become with people like Mandelson at the helm.
Incidentally, I won't be buying Mandelson's book because I know there's nothing in it I wish to read, but no doubt there will still be enough Mandelson mugs about to keep him in draw liners and cosy nightgowns whilst he gets back to his mates Swiss retreat to work out when (not if) he should declare the Labour Party has progressed so much these days that it has decided to come out and openly declare its formal attachment with the new unelected coalition.
I wait for Mandelson to declare that henceforth LibDems, NuLabour and the Tories will be known as the LibLabCon Con Party. The only Party to ever govern Britain because people like them all think the same. i.e. None of them offer an alternative, present any opposition, give any democratic value, add anything in terms of what YOU might want for YOUR country, because 'they' don't believe in any of that sort of stuff because they are the ONLY party you will ever need and you will ever have chance to vote into power, because they will continue to see that ballot papers reflect the opinions 'they' want you to have because your true opinions are horrible racist and bigoted, because they disagree with Mandelson, Cameron and Clegg in their joint progressive venture which is to gain as much for themselves as possible whilst milking Britain until it has nothing left to give except a reason for them to write 'its' memoirs in the form of 'history books' which show only what they accomplished and nothing of how or why they wrecked and spoiled our country which went downhill and slid into the New World Order whilst people were too busy being enthralled by TV soaps and fast-credit to notice that their country had been turned into a shit hole by the 'Labour Party' and Peter Mandelson.
read more at the The Green Arrow

A Guided Tour of the BNP’s Belfast Membership, Call and Distribution Centre

A Guided Tour of the BNP’s Belfast Membership, Call and Distribution Centre

The astonishing growth of the British National Party and its professionalisation is nowhere better illustrated than the membership, call and distribution centre in Belfast.
BNPtv has produced a special guided tour of the centre, hosted by membership secretary Jennifer Matthys.
This video illustrates the giant leap forwards in administration which the BNP has made over the last two years, mainly due to the extraordinary generosity of BNP supporters and donors combined with the incisive businesses practices introduced by the Midas Consultancy under Jim Dowson.

Labour/Tory-Backed “Points Based” Immigration System Fails to Halt Immigration Invasion

Labour/Tory-Backed “Points Based” Immigration System Fails to Halt Immigration Invasion Which Jumps to 1.2 Million in Three Years

The Labour Party-developed and Conservative Party-endorsed “points based system” (PBS) immigration scheme has done nothing to halt the immigration invasion of Britain and an astonishing 1.2 million “new” immigrants have entered our country in the past three years.
The new figures were released after research from think thank Migrationwatch.
Although Migrationwatch blamed the Labour Party for the policy in its press release, the reality is that the Conservative Party endorsed the policy, only saying that they wanted to add a “cap” to the system as well.
“Analysis now reveals that economic migration in 2009 was up by about 20 percent compared to 2007, the year before the introduction of the PBS for non-EU workers,” Migrationwatch said in its press release.
“This took place despite the deepest recession for a generation having led to unemployment of 2.5 million.
“The number of students, also part of the PBS, increased by 30 percent in 2009 compared to 2008 before the system applied to students,” the Migrationwatch statement continued before going on, incorrectly, to exclusively blame Labour for the invasion.
According to the figures, there were 159,535 permits granted in 2007. This figure jumped to 188,545 in 2008 and then increased again to 190,640 in 2009, or an increase of 20 percent.
It also means that over the three year period from 2007 to 2009, the number of work permits issued totalled 538,720.
This figure does not include “students” who entered Britain under the broken immigration system.
According to the Migrationwatch figures, the number of “students” who entered Britain in 2007 came to 223,545.
This figure jumped to 208,800 in 2008, and 273,445 in 2009, an increase of 30 percent.
This means that over the three year period in question, an astonishing 705,790 “students” were granted entrance into Britain.
This figure is larger than the total number of all students in full-time study in Britain. Official figures released in mid 2008 showed that the number of full-time students gaining places at UK universities stood at 413,430.
It is therefore impossible that these 705,790 “students” are all bona fide.
Even more disturbingly, when the total number of “student visas” is added to the total number of permits issued (538,720 + 705,790), it can be seen that an astonishing 1,244,510 people were granted permission to enter Britain legally from 2007 to 2009.
Make no mistake, this is an invasion — and the Conservative Party is just as much to blame as Labour or the Lib Dems.

Thursday 3 June 2010

£50 Million of Your Money to Help 25 Million Bangladeshis Speak English

£50 Million of Your Money to Help 25 Million Bangladeshis Speak English

The new ConDem government has once again shown its loyalty to the British public by giving away a further £50 million to teach 25 million Bangladeshis English — while the axe falls on spending at home.
The incredible announcement of the English language programme was announced on an internal circular sent out by the Open University a few days ago and picked up by an alert BNP News correspondent.
According to the Open University circular, a “£50 million programme over nine years will help 25 million people in Bangladesh develop their English language skills via new mobile technologies.
“English in Action, currently in pilot phase, was initiated at the request of the Government of Bangladesh, is funded by the UK Department for International Development, and is using expertise from the Open University in researching the project operations and developing, supporting and evaluating innovative teacher education programmes,” said the circular.
“English in Action provides English teachers in Bangladesh with professional development training and resources and classroom materials so that they can enhance their own teaching skills and bring new ideas into the classroom.
“The Open University’s experts in distance education have helped to produce development materials for teachers that fit with the Bangladeshi curriculum, and advice on how teachers and their use of technology can be supported in the programme.
“Teachers are given handheld mobile devices such as iPods to use in the classroom with speakers, so that pupils can listen to podcasts and other audio or video materials, and use these in conjunction with their school textbooks.
“200 secondary school teachers are also studying a customised Level 1 OU course — Make Your Teaching Experience Count — which is being delivered through BRAC University in Bangladesh and quality assured by the OU.”
Meanwhile, the ConDem regime is pushing ahead with previously announced British education budget cuts of £398 million for 2010–11.
In addition, British universities have been told to make “efficiency savings” of more than £83 million.
Yet, it seems, there is money for ipods, speakers and textbooks for Bangladeshis to learn English.
* According to the International Monetary Fund, Bangladesh is ranked as the 48th largest economy with a gross domestic product of US$224.889 billion. The economy has grown at the rate of 6–7 percent per year over the past few years and has an unemployment rate of 2.4 percent — compared to the UK’s unemployment rate of 8 percent (according to the 12 May 2010 figures released by the labour force survey).

Knockout Punch for Jan Brewer on Arizona Immigration

Knockout Punch for Jan Brewer on Immigration

Tough talking Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, appears to have no problem fulfilling her duty when it comes to looking to protect the rights of Arizonans under the American Constitution, nor does she seem to have a problem when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration or giving a warning to the U.S. Federal Govt administration, to butt out of Arizona's legal affairs.
However, with six U.S. Supreme Court judges on her side, then I guess Obama might want to consider again whether to sue Arizona over its immigration law, or indeed whether he visits Arizona himself where cops will soon legally be able to ask the president to show his own birth certificate if he so much as spits on the sidewalk, has a tail light out, or jumps a red light in his motorcade.
CNN: Arizona governor defends immigration law; will meet with president Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer made clear Tuesday she's not worried about a potential legal challenge from the Obama administration over her state's controversial immigration law. "We'll meet you in court," Brewer told CNN' when asked how she would respond if President Barack Obama's Department of Justice decided to challenge the law. "I have a pretty good record of winning in court." The American Civil Liberties Union is currently leading a court challenge. Attorney General Eric Holder, who met with a delegation of police chiefs from Arizona and elsewhere this week to discuss the law, has yet to indicate whether the federal government would file a legal challenge.
Strong Supreme Court precedent in support of Arizona immigration law
On Monday, the ACLU announced a lawsuit challenging the Arizona illegal immigration law on the basis of the “prohibition on unreasonable seizures under the 14th and Fourth Amendments.”
The ACLU, however, might have a difficult time making that case.
In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in Muehler v. Mena that questioning someone regarding their immigration status is not a violation of Fourth Amendment rights - provided that person is already lawfully detained.
In the wake of a drive-by shooting, Officer Muehler and other members of local law enforcement handcuffed and questioned Iris Mena in connection to the shooting. They did so while executing a search warrant for a safe house which she and members of West Side Locos gang would gather at, most of whom were illegal immigrants. Small wonder, then, that they asked if she was in the country illegally.
Muehler v Mena establishes that “officers did not need reasonable suspicion to ask Mena for her name, date and place of birth, or immigration status.”
Even though this was a gang-related case, “no additional Fourth Amendment justification for inquiring about Mena’s immigration status was required.” If that’s true in California, it’s true in Arizona. This is a strong precedent, with six justices from that unanimous decision remaining on the bench.
Certainly, Arizona law enforcement must take care not to be heavy handed, but the choice between heavy-handed local police action and wide open borders was forced upon the states by past administrations and congresses which punted on illegal immigration rather than do the hard work of governing. Washington Examiner:
Meanwhile, I read a report yesterday from Arizona Central which basically tried to put the frighteners on by talking about a 'mass exodus' of immigrants, and noting how it would hurt immigrants businesses who were servicing immigrants!
It also reported that the last clamp down led to 100,000 leaving, and noted a rise in vacant rental properties which were being rented by legal and illegal immigrants which led to a decline in the rents because of the space created.
It didn't mention any benefits of a lowering of rent which aids the cost of living, or an easing of the burden of unemployment in Arizona, or a reduction of the state costs of keeping immigrants in lifestyles to which Arizonans are themselves unaccustomed of course.
Let me see now, we have over a million illegal immigrants here in the UK, so how much better off would we be if the UK government actually done something about it here instead of talking the talk as opposed to walking the walk like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

European Union Uses Greek Bailout to Grab More Power: Tories Silent

European Union Uses Greek Bailout to Grab More Power: Tories Silent

The Tory Party, which campaigned on “rolling back the EU’s powers,” has remained predictably silent on the latest European Union Greek bailout power grab which has seen the Lisbon Treaty “fundamentally changed” overnight without being voted upon in any way.
The French foreign minister, Pierre Lellouche, has said that the Eurozone’s €440 billion debt guarantee scheme is “tantamount to the adoption of a NATO-style mutual defence clause” and “marks an unprecedented change” to the Lisbon Treaty.
In a newspaper interview, Mr Lellouche said that the emergency stabilisation scheme agreed earlier this month “amounted to a fundamental revision of the European Union’s rules and a leap towards an economic government for the bloc.
“It is an enormous change,” Mr Lellouche said. “It is expressly forbidden in the treaties by the famous no bailout clause. De facto, we have changed the treaty.”
Mr Lellouche explained that the bailout was “nothing less than the importation of NATO’s Article 5 mutual defence clause applied to the Eurozone. When one member is under attack the others are obliged to come to its defence.”
Meanwhile, EU president Herman Van Rompuy has admitted that the Lisbon Treaty contains "uncertainties and gaps.”
Mr Van Rompuy agreed that the Lisbon Treaty needed to be changed and added that he hoped “we can achieve these objectives within the framework of the Lisbon Treaty."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that “changes to the EU treaty are unavoidable” if the bloc is to survive the Greek debt crisis.
Ms Merkel says that the EU budget rules, known as the Stability and Growth Pact, need to be beefed up and harsher penalties implemented against “offending” member states which could include the withdrawal of structural funds and the voting rights.
The bailout has direct implications for the ConDem regime’s EU policy.
The Conservative Party fought the general election campaign on a promise to “roll back” the powers of the EU, while the Liberal Democrats promised to increase Britain’s involvement in the EU and to adopt the euro currency.
The Greek bailout has in effect translated into a further punitive power grab by the EU — something against which the Conservatives campaigned.
Given the nature of the coalition government, it is of course unlikely that the British government will oppose the latest expansion of EU powers, and that Britain will also soon be subjected to EU budget “scrutiny” in yet another stripping away of Westminster’s powers.
* In an unrelated development, the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has warned that a new EU rat poison ban will see Britain “overrun” by rodents.
The EU in Brussels wants to ban rat poisons which contain warfarin on the obvious grounds that they are “dangerous for humans.”
“It would mean a massive increase in the rodent population,” Richard Moseley, of the BPCA was quoted as saying.
“You would have to go back to using traps and dogs. You have a spurt of the population and you could be overrun.”

British Counter Jihad: Islam Exposed 2

British Counter Jihad: Islam Exposed 2

The second in a series of short articles exposing the dirty secrets about “The Religion Of Peace” the ruling elites and duplicitous Muslims are determined to prevent the British people from discovering.

Use them whenever Islam is discussed to educate, inform and more likely, challenge Islamic apologists without needing an extensive knowledge of either the Qur’an, the ahaddith (accounts of the life of the Islamic prophet Mohammed) or Sharia Law, the legal system all Muslims must adhere to.

2. Clear Messages From The Heart Of Islam

Take a good look at the flag above. It is the flag of the Islamic state of Saudi Arabia, the land where the religion of Islam was born, the land where the Islamic Prophet Mohammed spent his time on this earth. It is the heart of Islam, the home of the two most sacred cities in Islam, a state where Sharia Law is brutally enforced and a state that makes no secret of it’s adherence to Islam.

It is an Islamic state that is sending the non-believers – the kuffars, the lowest of the low – clear messages about the true nature of Islam as we shall now see.

Inscribed on the flag of Saudi Arabia is the shahada. The shahada is a short statement, a short prayer if you like, that forms one of the five pillars of Islam, indeed, it is the first. Every Muslim is under an obligation to say the shahada aloud in front of two Muslims to assert their belief at least once in their lifetime.

The prayer is the foundation of belief to be a Muslim:

“La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah.” - There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.

The green colour of the flag is to represent the Prophet Mohammed. And underlining the shahada is a sword, representing the importance of the Islamic faith and the “victories and justice” of Saudi Arabia’s first King, Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud.

Looking at this scared prayer inscribed on the flag of Saudi Arabia, some very important questions can be asked:

Why is a sword underlining the most important statement of faith in Islam? How is justice represented by a sword linked to a core testament of faith in a religion that claims to be peaceful?

It is a clear assertion of strength of faith in Islam and honours the victories in warfare of the first Saudi King. But what about the claim of representing justice? The Saudis once again send a very clear message about what they mean by justice and it is a message unheeded by the majority of non-believers.

The two most sacred sites in Islam are situated in Saudi Arabia. Mecca, where the Islamic Prophet Mohammed first claimed to have received the immutable word of Allah, and Medina, where he again claimed to have received the immutable word of Allah (which super-ceded many of the first “immutable” words, but don’t let on, unless you want even more offended Muslims) during the flight from Mecca in 622.

The fifth pillar of Islam makes it incumbent for a Muslim to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, called “Hajj” at least once in their lifetime. Again it is a sacred duty, and millions of Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca every year.

It is forbidden for non-believers – dirty kuffars – to enter Mecca and Medina, as commanded by the Islamic Prophet Mohammed himself. In 2007, three French tourists were slain for having the affront to rest in a Muslim-only area. 

That non-believers are barred from entering the two most sacred sites in Islam is a clear indication of how the non-believer is regarded in Islam. There isn’t another religion in the world that treats non-believers this way, I cannot imagine the Vatican City, or Bethlehem or Jerusalem, important places to Jews and Christians, ever declaring that non-believers are forbidden to enter, indeed, these places are visited by millions of people from a variety of creeds every year.

I assert that this deplorable treatment of non-believers and the underlining of the shahada with a sword on the flag of the heart of Islam offers yet more proof that Islam categorically is not a religion of peace and it’s time all non-believers start to understand the clear messages being sent from Saudi Arabia.

Met Office Role: Propaganda or Weather Prediction?

Met Office Role: Propaganda or Weather Prediction?

By Mercia — According to the Government-owned Met Office, the number of sweltering nights when urban temperatures will remain above 68 F will increase fivefold by 2040 because of climate change — this from the same "independent" organisation who as recently as last September predicted a “warmer than usual winter.”
The timing of the Met Office's “findings,” which comes hard on the news that the Government intends to impose a green levy on energy producers in order to fund its proposed “green bank,” has raised a few eyebrows.
In the same way as the United Nations (UN) is dependent upon the “findings” of its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to justify its plans leading to “global governance”, the UK government is equally dependent upon its subsidiary body, the Met Office, for “findings” supportive of its green energy tax proposals.
Perversely, whilst the Met Office has been quick to point out that some 2,000 (mostly elderly) people died during the 2003 heat wave, they have made no comment on the 40,000 elderly Britons who died from avoidable cold related illnesses in this country during the course of the last winter.
Possibly the reason why they ignored the latter deaths was that they occurred during a winter which they had predicted, using their defective computer-based climate modelling software, was going to be “warmer than usual.”
The Met Office has yet to explain how it is possible for it to predict climatic conditions over a period of 40 to 60 years when it is demonstrably unable to accurately predict the weather over a period of just six months.
On 10 December 2009, for instance, the Met Office claimed it was “more likely than not that 2010 will be the warmest year in the instrumental record” — a prediction that could hardly be further from  the truth as the year, so far, has been one of the coldest on record.
Perhaps a clue to what is going one was provided in a Daily Mail article published in January of this year, in which it was claimed:
“From a fuddy-duddy organisation created in 1854 to provide a service to mariners, and then aviators when the aeroplane was invented, the Met Office became an arm of the Ministry of Defence.
“But it has since transmuted into a powerful advocacy unit that sees its main mission to convince the world that we are prey to 'dangerous climate change'.”
So what exactly is the Government-owned Met Office's role? Is it primarily to provide accurate weather forecasts for those who require such information, or is it to manufacture propaganda useful for those determined to legislate for unnecessary green stealth taxes to fund their path towards “global governance?"

Open at Last: Establishment Marks out Its Anti-White Discrimination Policies

In the Open at Last: Establishment Marks out Its Anti-White Discrimination Policies

The anti-white and anti-British establishment has abandoned any pretence at fairness and at last broken its cover with the advertising of local government jobs for which white people are forbidden from applying.
The Liberal Democratic-controlled Bristol City Council has advertised two full-time positions at £18,000 per year for management trainee opportunities — “open to Black and minority ethnic graduates.”
According to the advertisement, successful candidates “will be offered a postgraduate diploma in Management Studies, a tax free training allowance and mentoring and support throughout the traineeship.“
The council claims that these “traineeships are advertised in accordance with section 37 of the Race Relations Act 1976.”
The blatant anti-white discrimination is actually legal, and is part of that act which was passed by all three Westminster parties.
The Race Relations Act allows councils whose workforce does not represent the racial population make-up of their borough to actively recruit “ethnics.”
Bristol council has 9,000 members of staff of which 630, or 7 percent, are “ethnic.”
According to the most recently available figures, Bristol now has a 12 percent “ethnic” population and as such the council is legally entitled to advertise jobs which discriminate against white people.
According to a newspaper, one jobseeker described the posts as “totally racist. I am a tolerant white person who has lived in Bristol for 27 years.
“I am searching for a job and stumbled across a job advertisement on Bristol City Council's website that I see as totally racist.
“I feel the job would be an excellent opportunity for me to make use of the skills and qualifications that I have acquired but, being white, I am excluded,” the person was quoted as saying.
The jobseeker’s comments contain the core of the problem, namely that in their attitude of “tolerance,” white British people are being actively colonised, dispossessed and discriminated against in their own homeland.
No one in their right mind would expect the Pakistani government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Nigerian government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Chinese government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Saudi Arabian government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Japanese government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Somali government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
No one in their right mind would expect the Turkish government to employ white British people in its civil service before its own nationals.
Yet for some reason, it is perfectly acceptable for the British government to actively discriminate against its own people when offering employment in its civil service.
The British National Party alone stands opposed to the blatant anti-white and anti-British policy of all three Westminster parties.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Tonight (1st June) in the Green Arrow Paltalk Room

Tonight (1st June) in the Green Arrow Paltalk Room

Been a little bit of a debate going on in the Green Arrow paltalk room over whether not the Americans did actually put a man on on the moon back in 69.  Now I for one firmly believe they did but there are others who say they have read and seen evidence that proves that it was all filmed in someone's garage and have the evidence to prove it.

So as a break from talking about politics, bread making machines, vegetables and each other, Bertie Bert will be playing in ten minute segments a rather interesting video that he has come across interspersed with discussion about the segments viewed.

Now having done a bit of research into this and reading just what Professor Van Halen said himself about how the astronauts could have passed through the radiation belt without harm, then that is one of the "irrefutable" pieces of evidence of those who says it did not happened destroyed for a start.

Then again in these days, in which we know that government DO lie and lie constantly for different reasons, it is difficult to know what is the truth and what is not and so I for one am looking to forward to watching and listening.

If you think you can contribute to this debate then be there for the start at 2000hrs GMT this evening.

By the way for those of you still interested in the ongoing saga of Violet Elizabeth Bennett, then you can go visit it  BNP Truth Chronicles.  I had a bit of a laugh actually when Violet contacted me and asked for a chance to visit the Green Arrow Paltalk room to show how how honest and decent he was.

Well I am afraid he lost the right to anything, when he betrayed not just his party and kinsmen but also his country whilst posting the home address of an 88 year old lady to attack me personally.  This statement from him had me rolling in stitches.
In terms of my behaviour, that has always remained consistent. I'm calm and professional until threatened with violence, abused, lied about, slandered or libeled. Then I hit back - often hard. If people don't like the way I fight, don't pick fights with me, fight dirty and think I will roll over. I won't.
Like I said, he had me rolling in stitches.  Just go now Judas. You have done what you were paid for and you are now history.