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Thursday 3 June 2010

Met Office Role: Propaganda or Weather Prediction?

Met Office Role: Propaganda or Weather Prediction?

By Mercia — According to the Government-owned Met Office, the number of sweltering nights when urban temperatures will remain above 68 F will increase fivefold by 2040 because of climate change — this from the same "independent" organisation who as recently as last September predicted a “warmer than usual winter.”
The timing of the Met Office's “findings,” which comes hard on the news that the Government intends to impose a green levy on energy producers in order to fund its proposed “green bank,” has raised a few eyebrows.
In the same way as the United Nations (UN) is dependent upon the “findings” of its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to justify its plans leading to “global governance”, the UK government is equally dependent upon its subsidiary body, the Met Office, for “findings” supportive of its green energy tax proposals.
Perversely, whilst the Met Office has been quick to point out that some 2,000 (mostly elderly) people died during the 2003 heat wave, they have made no comment on the 40,000 elderly Britons who died from avoidable cold related illnesses in this country during the course of the last winter.
Possibly the reason why they ignored the latter deaths was that they occurred during a winter which they had predicted, using their defective computer-based climate modelling software, was going to be “warmer than usual.”
The Met Office has yet to explain how it is possible for it to predict climatic conditions over a period of 40 to 60 years when it is demonstrably unable to accurately predict the weather over a period of just six months.
On 10 December 2009, for instance, the Met Office claimed it was “more likely than not that 2010 will be the warmest year in the instrumental record” — a prediction that could hardly be further from  the truth as the year, so far, has been one of the coldest on record.
Perhaps a clue to what is going one was provided in a Daily Mail article published in January of this year, in which it was claimed:
“From a fuddy-duddy organisation created in 1854 to provide a service to mariners, and then aviators when the aeroplane was invented, the Met Office became an arm of the Ministry of Defence.
“But it has since transmuted into a powerful advocacy unit that sees its main mission to convince the world that we are prey to 'dangerous climate change'.”
So what exactly is the Government-owned Met Office's role? Is it primarily to provide accurate weather forecasts for those who require such information, or is it to manufacture propaganda useful for those determined to legislate for unnecessary green stealth taxes to fund their path towards “global governance?"