A Travesty of Justice: Liverpool Court Ignores CCTV Evidence of Attack on Peter Tierney
British National Party Liverpool super activist Peter Tierney has been found guilty of “attacking” a Communist Party front organisation member by a Liverpool Court despite clear CCTV footage showing the leftist thug starting the physical confrontation.
The BNP group had had decided to leave the St John’s Gardens area after the arrival of the far leftists precisely because they wished to avoid a confrontation.
The CCTV footage, which was submitted in court, clearly showed that the protagonist, one Nicholas Barnett, was the one to first start the physical attack.
Mr Tierney stepped in to defend the BNP activists so attacked, one of whom was carrying a board and unable to properly defend himself.
It was this act of self defence for which the Liverpool Court has now found Mr Tierney guilty.
The CCTV video has been released for the public to decide for themselves and can be viewed below.
The far leftist assault starts at 0.49 into the video clip, where the thug Barnett (in the white shirt) can be seen storming the BNP group from the left hand side.
The next few seconds shows Mr Tierney defending the group from the assault.
Astonishingly, the thug Barnett, a member of the openly violent “Merseyside Coalition against Racism and Fascism” admitted in court that he had stormed the group but claimed he was “just running past them.”
The thug Barnett claimed in court that the reason why he had “run past” the BNP group was to “get ahead of them to hand out leaflets,” but the CCTV footage clearly shows that he was carrying no leaflets when he made his charge.
It is still unknown why the court failed to take this obvious lie into account.
Last night Mr Tierney said he was still considering his options and that an appeal was the most likely course of action, given the CCTV evidence which the court had ignored.
Sentencing is provisionally set for 12 July, and Mr Tierney’s brother Andrew asked for supporters to be at the court in a show of support.