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Monday 21 June 2010

USA Faces Demographic Crisis as European-Americans Slide into Minority

USA Faces Demographic Crisis as European-Americans Slide into Minority Status

The demographic crisis which imperils Europe’s future also threatens the United States of America, a fact illustrated by this week’s news that European Americans will become a minority among newborn children in that nation next year.
The US Census Bureau’s (USCB) latest report announced that non-white births accounted for 48.6 percent of the children born in America between July 2008 and July 2009, gaining ground from 46.8 percent two years earlier.
This trajectory means that non-white births will pass European-American births within the next year.
In addition, the median age of the white population is older than that of non-whites. This means that a larger number of non-white immigrant women are of childbearing age, a situation aggravated by the fact that Third World populations tend to have much higher reproduction rates than Europeans.
Among the Hispanic population, there were roughly nine births for every one death, compared with a roughly one-to-one ratio for whites.
According to the census count, as of July 2009, whites constituted 65 percent of the American population. The rate of the white decline is astonishing: in 1960, they made up 85 percent of the population.
This figure is most certainly an underestimate as the US Census bureau counts all Middle Easterners (including people from North Africa and most of the Arab world) as “white.”
An August 2008 report from the USCB projected that by 2042, whites will be an absolute minority. This is a revision of earlier projections which projected this demographic change to take place in 2050.
By 2050, the USCB said, whites will have fallen to 46 percent of the population.
The Hispanic population will be more than 30 percent of the population by then, and the number of blacks will have risen to 15 percent. Asians are expected to rise to nine percent of the population by 2050.
Overall, the population of the United States is due to rise from 296 million in 2005 to 438 million, with 82 percent of the increase coming from Third World immigrants.
The total projected growth is equal to the combined populations of Great Britain, France and Spain. The 105 million extra people which will result from this immigration wave is equal to 13 additional New York Cities.
Hispanics accounted for 54.7 percent of the total population increase between July 2008 and July 2009, with 66 percent of that increase resulting from births in America.
As shocking as these figures are, they do not even include the impact of illegal immigration. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research body widely regarded as an authority on the issue, in August 2007, the illegal population total stood at around 12.5 million. This means, in real terms, that there are probably more illegal aliens in America than there are blacks.
When this figure is added to the official totals, the demographic swing against European-origin America is even more marked. As all Third World immigrants have far higher birth rates than whites, then, when the legal and illegal immigration wave is factored in, it is likely that even the 2042 date for majority non-European America is optimistic.
The effects of this Third World immigration tsunami, which has reached into all parts of America, have been uniformly negative, quite apart from the long-term implications which will see that nation downgraded to Third World Status well before the end of the 21st Century
read more The BNP Newsroom

Nick Griffin elected Vice-President of the AENM Group in EU Parliament

Nick Griffin elected Vice-President of the AENM

Nick Griffin elected Vice-President of the AENM A few days ago we reported that the Alliance of European Nationalist Movements (AENM), a pan-European party made up of nationalist parties have chosen to work together at a European level.
On the 16th and 17th of June, the AENM held its first General Assembly in Strasbourg.
The Chairman Bruno Gollnisch set up the agenda and drew the position the AENM will take in the near future. The General Assembly then proceeded to renew the “Bureau”, the political leadership of the party namely, the President (Bruno Gollnisch), Vice-President (Nick Griffin), Treasurer (Bela Kovacs) and General Secretary (Valerio Cignetti).
The assembly then deliberated on the enlargement of the party by accepting applications from the “Partido Nacional Renovador” and “Nationaldemokraterna” to join the AENM increasing the total number of represented Nations to nine.
The full list of the members is now:
- Front National (France)
- Jobbik (Hungary)
- Fiamma Tricolore (Italy)
- British National Party (Great Britain)
- Svoboda (Ukraine)
- Movimiento Social Republicano (Spain)
- Front National du Belgique (Belgium)
- Partido Nacional Renovador (Portugal)
- Nationaldemokraterna (Sweden)
The appointment of Nick Griffin as Vice-President is an acknowledgment of his talent and his dedication to nationalism.
Mr Griffin is well known outside Britain and many party leaders in Europe respect him for turning the BNP into the most feared political party in Britain.
How effective the AENM will be is difficult to judge, but if Mr Griffin in his new position of Vice President can replicate, even in a small way what he has achieved for the BNP, you can expect shockwaves across the EU.
So should nationalists thank Margaret Hodge?
Her landslide victory gave our Chairman more time to concentrate on the new AENM project, and make an even bigger impact at the European level.
Mrs Hodge urged BNP members to pack their bags and leave, and this is what Mr Griffin did: he left Barking to go to Brussels and Strasbourg where he will stay until 2014.
How does the old saying go?
“Be careful what you wish for”?

Sunday 20 June 2010

Oldham Madrassa Complaints Finally Addressed

Madrassa Complaints Finally Addressed

NICK GRIFFIN MEP has intervened to ensure that a non-registered Madrassa operating in the Oldham area conforms to standard legal requirements. He was responding to a plea for help by local residents who felt that the council wasn’t taking seriously their complaints about the Madrassa.
The Madrassa/Meeting room located on a back lane in Oldham, was established recently by a local resident in a former workshop/storage building to provide evening and weekend Islamic schooling for up to 40 children. Residents had raised concerns with the council regarding the noise and disruption associated with this new development, but little action had been taken to address the issue.
Nick wrote to the Planning Department, outlining the concerns of local residents and referring to the council’s pledge to “value the importance of customer complaints... and respond within 15 working days”.
Oldham Council certainly met its promise on this occasion and the MEP received a reply from the principal Planning Officer 10 days later, stating that he, along with a representative from the Environmental Health office, had gained access to the Madrassa and the developer had been informed that planning permission is required for a change of use.
He has also informed his colleagues in the Building Control office and School Improvement Team about the school, so that compliance with the necessary legislative requirements can be ensured.
It is understood that the developer intends to submit an application for retrospective planning permission shortly, and that this will be subject to consultation with nearby residents. If this application is refused, enforcement action could be taken under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
While Oldham Council has on this occasion - albeit with a little prompting - responded to residents’ concerns about this unregistered/unauthorised operation, complaints which may be politically sensitive are ignored all too often in the interests of “good community relations”. 
We have reported previously on this website, for instance, that some councils in the Northwest region are turning a blind eye to residents who claim that their properties are used as mosques in order to exploit a loophole in the council tax system. Mosques are exempt from full council tax charges, and perhaps not surprisingly, there has been a significant rise recently in the number of exemption claims submitted in certain areas. When the MEP’s constituency staff tried to confirm whether the expected comparative rise in the number of “change of use” (from residential to mosque/meeting place) certificates granted had occurred, they were informed that this information wasn’t available. In other words, there isn’t a cross-referencing system in place to ensure that council tax exemption claims relate to properties which are genuinely used as mosques, they are simply accepted in good faith - a most unusually tolerant and trusting approach that is not equally applied to benefit applicants from those “not-so-favoured” sections of the community. 
If you are experiencing similar problems to the Oldham residents with your local council, and feel your complaints are being brushed aside, please let your British National Party MEP, Nick Griffin, know. He will be pleased to act on your behalf, and is not restricted by the nonsensical “politically correct” straightjacket which other politicians and people in authority appear to wear with such exaggerated enthusiasm.
Don’t Accept a Brush-off: Take Action!
It is a very simple process to lodge a complaint against a development which you suspect doesn’t conform to legislative requirements. Write to your local council, expressing your views with reference to issues such as the planning history of the site, the visual impact of the development, the affect on the public in terms of noise/disruption, access, traffic and highway considerations, the impact on listed buildings/ conservation areas, etc. Councils are obliged to respond to complaints within set time limits and can be held to account if they fail to do so.
read more at Nick Griffin MEP for the North West

Nick griffin MEP Earning his corn in the EU Parliament

Earning his corn

Ever since Mr Griffin was elected, unlike other UK MEPs, he has taken the view that his role in the European Parliament should be more than just a question of ceremony. Instead, despite genuine hostility towards the concept of federal Europe, he has taken the opportunity to use the tools at his disposal rather than indulge in juvenile barracking or insulting of EU officials.
Once such arrow available in Nick's quiver is his ability to fire off questions as he sees fit to The Commission and The Council. Throughout their whole 5 year term, many so-called Eurosceptic British MEPs hardly generate a single question let alone one of genuine merit. Here you can see a selection from no less than seventeen questions submitted this week by Mr Griffin allowing you to be the judge of whether or not he is earning his corn. 
Will the Commission acknowledge that its policies in respect of freedom of movement and immigration are creating a condition of gross overpopulation in the UK and, therefore, congestion, pollution and pressure on scarce resources, all at vast cost to the environment?  
What advice/information has the British Foreign Office or its subsidiaries provided to the EU in respect of political opinion and parties within the UK that are hostile to EU membership?  
How are Commission papers and archives classified in terms of their importance and confidentiality?
Who, outside the Commission, is provided with facilities to study those papers and archives?
Do the Monet Professors obtain access to those papers and archives?
What facilities are in existence to permit historians to study those papers and archives?
Who are the custodians of those papers and archives and where are they housed?  
Where and when did Mr Barroso last meet Mr David Rockefeller?  
The recent Labour Government deliberately encouraged mass immigration into the UK.
Does the Commission agree with the views of an ex Labour Cabinet Minister that such high levels of immigration have adversely affected the pay and conditions of British workers?
What affect on British wages does the Commission believe will occur from the influx of Turkish workers, assuming Turkey joins the EU in line with the policy of the British Labour, Liberal Democratic and Conservative Parties?  
Kindly advise the nature of the representations on the part of senior representatives of the EU Commission and their agents to the previous British Labour Government (and to individual Ministers and agents thereof) in respect of that Government’s prior public intention to call a referendum over the Constitutional Treaty (which later became known as the Lisbon Treaty) – an intention which was subsequently abandoned. Kindly advise what representations and assurances were made by the British Government and its agents in respect of the referendum pledge to the EU and/or to the EU’s agents and representatives. In addition, what representations were made through the British Foreign Office in respect of the referendum pledge, both from EU sources and from the UK?   
In the light of the recent lodging of two anti-smoking cases by the EU Court in Luxembourg, will the Commission kindly advise whether it supports a ban on the sale of tobacco products in the EU?
If it does support a ban, perhaps it would also advise how it would suggest stamping out smoking, illegal trafficking and production?   Would the Commission agree that the consequences of a ban would be similar to the prohibition period in the USA and merely make a legal habit an illegal habit, which would require expensive police resources, whilst also depriving national exchequers of taxation revenues from tobacco?

White People Blamed Because Blacks Seven Times More Likely to Be Stopped and Searched

White People Blamed Because Blacks Seven Times More Likely to Be Stopped and Searched

In yet another example of how whites are victimised for all ills affecting ethnic communities, “white racism” has been blamed for new figures which show that blacks are seven times more likely to be stopped and searched by police than whites.
The Ministry of Justice document, Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System, includes all kinds of stop and search incidents.
According to the report, police stop and searches on black and Asian people have increased by more than three quarters in five years.
Asians are now twice as likely and blacks seven times as likely to be searched, per head of population, than whites.
A total of 1,126,258 searches were carried out in 2008/9. Stops and searches of blacks rose from 118,165 five years ago to more than 205,000, while those of Asians rose from 59,954 to more than 105,000.
There were 1,142,763 stop and searches across England and Wales during the financial year ending April 2009, an increase of 10 percent.
Of these, 15 percent were black, nine per cent Asian, three per cent of mixed ethnicity and one percent from Chinese and other backgrounds.
The figures are distorted by the fact that nearly half (42 percent) took place in London, where 54 percent of blacks currently resident in Britain are to be found.
For every thousand people in London, 210 blacks were stopped and searched, compared with 47 whites.
The report also revealed that the proportion of stops and searches affecting people from ethnic groups had increased every year for the past five years.
Conservative Party police minister Nick Herbert was one of the first to jump onto the “blame whitey” bandwagon.
In a statement which coincided with the release of the report, Mr Herbert insinuated that the police were racist and this was the reason for the racial disparity.
"It is unacceptable that an individual might be targeted because of their race,” Mr Herbert said.
However, a Metropolitan Police was quoted as saying that their “use of stop and search is intelligence-led, carefully targeted and monitored both internally and externally.”
In other words, the police are acting against crime and suspected terrorism and are not targeting any persons because of their race, but because of their behaviour.
This is not a taboo subject. In 2007, Tony Blair caused uproar during a fleeting moment of honesty when he described gun crime as a problem affecting the black community.
In June that year, a House of Commons home affairs committee reported that “the UK’s black community face a serious crisis with young people becoming involved in crime.”
The committee was also told that the number of black men “in the criminal justice system” was “unacceptable.”
It blamed social exclusion, absent fathers, lack of positive role models and, of course, whites, saying that “real or perceived racial discrimination by the authorities” somehow contributed to the black crime rate.
This was a “serious crisis” for “sections of black communities and for some young people of a mixed ethnic background,” the committee’s report said.
“Lack of confidence in the criminal justice system may mean some young black people take the law into their own hands or carry weapons in an attempt to distribute justice and ensure their own personal safety.”
Black people make up 2.7 percent of the UK population aged 10 to 17 (according to the out-of-date 2001 census), but represent 8.5 percent of those in that age group arrested in England and Wales, the committee announced.
Government figures show that 42 percent of the entire black male population living in Britain and 77 percent of all young black men are on the police’s national DNA database.
DNA is only taken from people in police custody for a recordable offence.

Read more stories at the  BNP newsroom

UK Weekly News Round UP June 2010

Iran could shower Europe with ‘scores or even hundreds’ of missiles in a single attack, America’s defence secretary warned today.

Hundreds will be demonstrating in London against Sharia and religious laws and in support of secularism and universal rights on Sunday 20 June 2010.

New Report by One Law for All - “Sharia Law in Britain: A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights” A new report by One Law for All has found Sharia Councils and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals to be in violation of UK law, public policy and human rights (see report here).

Muslim extremists behind a YouTube  rant posted eight days before a scuffle during a homecoming parade of British troops were revealed today. The five men, who use aliases and the group name Muslims Against Crusades, are believed to have taken the names of known terrorists and supporters.

Justice Secretary, Ken Clarke was today (Wednesday, 16 June) urged to intervene as a leading legal agency for asylum seekers with 10,000 clients on its books went into administration.

Secretary of State for Justice Ken Clarke has blamed Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ) itself for its collapse, saying that all other organisations had managed to adjust to changes in the government’s legal aid payment system.

Five men have appeared in court accused of murdering a shopkeeper who was beaten to death during a robbery at his store.

Britain could be hit by a summer of strikes as the Government faces a backlash from workers over public spending cuts.

A staggering £2billion of taxpayers' money is spent employing 20,000 government consultants on salaries as high as £600,000. The Cabinet Office revealed the gargantuan size of the state payroll yesterday as part of a softening up exercise to convince voters that cuts are necessary.

A HIGH-street music chain is to sell “Anyone But England” T-shirts in its Aberdeen branch due to “local demand”. The company has taken note, no doubt, of the earlier sellout of similar T-shirts at a clothes shop in the city.

A child is a victim of a violent attack every 20 seconds, astonishing figures revealed last night. The stark reality of yob violence was exposed in official statistics showing 1,719,000 under-16s were assaulted last year. Startlingly, youngsters are three times more likely to be victims of violence than adults - and most of the attacks are carried out by other children.

A London primary school teaching assistant who led a double life as a gun converter and supplier has been jailed for more than two years.

A Royal Marine and his father have been stabbed on their doorstep as they tried to stop a group attacking a female family member in south London.

A ‘wicked’ woman who slashed and bruised her own face and body before crying rape has today been found guilty of perverting the course of justice. Leyla Ibrahim, 22, also cut her hair and clothes to support her claim that she had been sexually attacked while walking home alone after a night out.

A German doctor who killed a pensioner during his very first shift in Britain was yesterday condemned as incompetent in a damning verdict by the General Medical Council.

A leading scientist died after an out-of-hours doctor told him to stop taking drugs that could have saved his life.

The technology used for electric car batteries is so backward they will die after just two years, experts have warned.

Scientists have created a genetically modified 'monster' salmon which could soon be on dinner tables around the world. A U.S. company claims it has been given initial approval by American safety authorities to produce the GM fish which grow two to three times faster than normal varieties.
An entire neighbourhood team of police officers and staff is under investigation over claims of criminal offences and misconduct. Anti-corruption investigators are looking into allegations against all six members of the Mottingham and Chislehurst North unit in Bromley, south-east London.

A corrupt policeman has been jailed for letting women drivers off motoring offences in exchange for sex. PC Jamie Slater, 33, abused his position by telling them he would ignore their crimes if they agreed to his demands.

A new book about Australia's most notorious dominatrix Gretel Pinniger and her gold-plated clientele has revealed her best patron was the British publishing tycoon Paul Hamlyn.

With 100 acres of open space, the Locking Parklands estate has become a popular site for travellers and their caravans. But as a former RAF base, it's perhaps no surprise that its permanent residents are prepared for an invasion - and have now organised a 24 hour blockade.

BNP members of the European Parliament, including leader Nick Griffin, will be given free access to part of the Palace of Westminster despite the attempt of MPs to bar them, it was revealed tonight.

The Miliband brothers have started attacking each other as they vie for the Labour leadership, according to one of their rivals.

Plans for children as young as five to have sex education lessons were branded “unnecessary and harmful” by campaigners yesterday.

Nearly half of state schools are failing to provide a good standard of education, Ofsted has warned. The proportion given the education inspectors' worst rating of 'inadequate' has more than doubled this year while the number of top-performing schools has nearly halved.
Hard Pressed taxpayers are to stump up £34,500 a year for a “well-being officer” to tell council workers to go for walks and have cups of tea in a bid to cut sick leave.

Hero British troops were yesterday spat at by Muslim extremists during a homecoming parade. More than 100 supporters of Muslims Against Crusades left onlookers sickened as they hurled abuse at the 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment, known as The Vikings.
Screaming hate and brandishing vile placards, Muslim extremists and far-Right groups clashed yesterday in ugly scenes that marred a parade by soldiers.
There are few sights more sickening than hate-filled zealots hurling abuse at brave soldiers who have just returned from their third tour of duty in a war zone after putting their lives on the line for their country.

A Labour and a Liberal Democrat MP have spoken out against anti-terrorism police plans to install cameras deigned to monitor the activities of Muslim-colonised suburbs of Birmingham on the grounds that it “infringes their civil liberties.”

Iran accused Britain and other Western nations including France and Sweden on Wednesday of supporting an exiled group that the Islamic state says planned terrorist acts in the country, official media reported.

Comedians are forced to censor their jokes because they fear a backlash if they offend Islamic fundamentalists, one of the country’s best-known satirists has warned.

MPs launched a bitter attack on their new expenses system today , claiming they have been 'thrown to the dogs'.

Britain will struggle to handle 'catastrophic' population growth in future unless urgent action is taken, a report has warned. The predicted increase to 70million by 2029 will put unsustainable pressure on housing, schools and hospitals as well as natural resources such as food and water, experts said.

A motorist has been fined for erratic driving caused by her Islamic headscarf, just weeks after a similar incident sparked a major political row.

A former deputy mayor of Boris Johnson's was brought back into the fold at City Hall today two years after he quit in disgrace.
Democracy could ‘collapse’ in Greece, Spain and Portugal unless urgent action is taken to tackle the debt crisis, the head of the European Commission has warned.

Spain is in the throes of the worst economic crisis in its recent history. Reeling from the collapse of a debt-driven construction boom, Spain entered recession in the second quarter of 2008 and posted six consecutive quarters of negative growth. Although the economy grew by 0.1 percent during the first quarter of 2010, Spain’s growth prospects are poor and any pick-up could be short lived.

Private sector workers approaching retirement are being hit by the worst pension annuity rates in history, experts have warned.

Wind turbines are a poor way to harness energy - but a very good way to generate public subsidies

Terrified clubbers dived for cover as four people were wounded after a gun battle erupted in a city night-spot over the weekend.
American geologists have discovered a hidden treasure trove of minerals in  Afghanistan that could transform the fortunes of the war-scarred country.

The number of dole claimants outnumber job vacancies by five to one, showing the employment market remains "bleak", according to a new report.

The annual cost to taxpayers of paying for the gold-plated pensions of Britain’s army of retired public-sector workers will treble in five years.

Duly Noted. “What is wrong with us?” When inconveniently resisting victims endanger the peace of the universe. Cultures compared.

Blood pressure pills taken by up to one million Britons have been linked to cancer, a study published today suggests.

Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”, Nasa has warned.

A Woman with terminal cancer has been left suffering agonising medical side-effects because penny-pinching health chiefs will not pay for her prescription drugs.

The BBC is preparing to send an army of some 400 staff to cover this year's Glastonbury festival. The decision follows stinging criticism over the decision to send a similar number of workers to last year's festival.

In the Norfolk town of King's Lynn, long-standing residents have mixed feelings about the scale of immigration from eastern Europe.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is fond of saying, “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid.” Well, the Obama Administration certainly has not let the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil rig crisis go to waste, using it as a smokescreen to silently assault and further diminish American citizens’ personal freedom.

The Coalition's prompt and disgraceful U-turn on their commitment not to build an enormous database of all our medical records exposes patients to significant intrusions on their privacy.

Thousands of criminals could escape being jailed in a drastic cost-cutting move. Justice Secretary Ken Clarke suggested millions could be saved from the £2.2billion prisons budget by jailing fewer offenders and slashing sentences.

England’s genteel rural towns and villages are facing a surge of eastern European immigrants arriving in record numbers, new figures have revealed.

A Prolific benefits cheat who lived a life of luxury after stealing £120,000 from taxpayers was facing deportation last night. Queen Hanson set up 26 bank accounts to siphon cash from a range of hand-outs while stacking shelves in a supermarket.

An asylum seeker who doused his lover in boiling hot water scarring her upper body will be able to stay in Britain.

A former hospital porter is facing years behind bars after he was convicted of raping and sexually assaulting a woman at Watford General Hospital.

A Paranoid schizophrenic gave a chilling warning he was going to kill someone, just hours before he stabbed a disabled man in the throat.

The first study of voters’ attitudes to plans to slash the UK’s crippling £156 billion deficit shows overwhelming support for measures to rip up departmental budgets rather than increase tax revenues.

Nearly half of suicides among 10 to 14-year-olds are due to bullying, according to research out today. Charity Beatbullying said of 59 cases of child suicide reported in the national media between 2000 and 2008, 26 were definitely connected to bullying.

The Southern African Commercial Farmers Alliance (SACFA) has reported a spate of farm seizures and arrests in recent weeks.

The Electoral Commission has shocked observers by admitting that it will only have statistics on the amount of vote fraud committed in the previous election “sometime in 2011,” a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by British National Party South Wales super activist Roger Phillips has revealed.

Burglary in Barking and Dagenham has seen a huge rise in the past year, recent crime figures reveal.

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

Families could see their child benefit taxed or cut off once a youngster hits 13 under radical plans proposed by Frank Field, the government appointed ‘poverty tsar’.

Thousands of doctors are picking up bonuses of up to £76,000 on top of their six-figure salaries. Sixty per cent of hospital consultants received the merit payments last year, diverting £202million from patient care. The payouts were agreed in a contract introduced in 2003 by the then health secretary John Reid.

She was born precisely one minute after the creation of the National Health Service and grew up to work as an NHS nurse. But 61 years later, Aneira Thomas  -  who was named after NHS creator Aneurin Bevan  -  says her belief in the system has been destroyed by a social care betrayal that may force her to sell her house.

Arthur Scargill is locked in a legal battle with his own National Union of Mineworkers over his perks. The former union boss is threatening legal action against the NUM for withdrawal of payments understood to be worth around £5,000 a year.

Immigrants are making Germany 'dumber', according to a board member of the country's central bank. Thilo Sarrazin claimed the 'limited education' of immigrants - coupled with their high birth rate - meant Germans 'are becoming dumber in a simple way'.

A Muslim community leader who falsely claimed he had been kidnapped by members of the British National Party was exposed last night as a suspected benefits cheat who was in this country illegally.

The security services fear that a new generation of British extremists is being radicalised by Awlaki, who recruited the Detroit plane bomber. They are concerned that Awlaki’s followers could unleash a wave of easily planned guerrilla-style terrorist attacks, similar to the massacre in Mumbai.

Last week a member of the public got in touch with us in some confusion over the recommendations he received in the post from the Energy Saving Trust. They claimed they could save him no less than £1,849 on fuel bills, but in reality their misjudged advice threatened to increase his annual heating bill and his CO2 emissions.

The preeminent UK science writer Matt Ridley, formerly an editor of The Economist and author of the best-selling Genome and other books, has long upheld the politically correct canons of his trade. But in his new book, The Rational Optimist, he has finally exhausted his patience with the environmental movement and the rest of the economic left.

The science around climate change is not as settled as it’s presented as being. I used to think it was, until about 2003 – and then, feeling that the remedies being proposed for climate change would be more damaging to the environment than climate change itself, I took it upon myself to look at the science.

Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx’s proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe’s drops as fertility falls. “Flashmobs” - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.

Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras—a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.
read more great articles at

Globalisation spells poverty for the nations of Europe.

Globalisation spells poverty for the nations of Europe.

16th JUNE 2010: This was a speech delivered by Andrew Brons to the parliament in Strasbourg on the preparations for the European Council Meeting that is to take place tomorrow.
*The European Council - not to be confused with the Commission - comprises heads of government and (in the case of France) one head of state. It is presided over by the President of the European Council Hermann van Rompuy. It is expected to launch a new European strategy for growth and jobs.
"The Agenda talks of a new strategy for jobs and growth, by which they mean loss of jobs and negative growth. GDP fell by 4% in 2009 and 10% of the workforce - 23 million people - are unemployed. What will be the European Council's remedy? More immigration! Look at the European Pact on Asylum and Immigration, which features on the agenda.
"If you believe that our problems will pass with the current crisis, think again. As they admit, competition from emerging economies is intensifying. What will be the European Council's strategy to deal with this? More globalisation. Open the doors to more goods from the emerging Third World economies. Export jobs by off-shore employment.
"The countries of Europe can compete with goods, services and employees of the Third World and emerging economies only if our wage rates fall to their level. Do not think that our innovation in capital and techniques will save us. Our innovations of today will belong to the world the day after tomorrow. Globalisation spells poverty for the nations of Europe."

Labour/Tory-Backed Illegal War Has Caused an “Asylum Seekers” Wave

How the Labour/Tory-Backed Illegal War Has Caused an “Asylum Seekers” Wave

New figures from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, have shown how the illegal and immoral wars waged by the Labour/Tory regime have caused a massive increase in 'asylum seekers' from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Bombing of Baghdad.The Bombing of Baghdad.According to the report, issued to coincide with “World Refugee Day” on 20 June, the EU27 Member States granted protection to 78,800 'asylum seekers' in 2009 compared with 75,100 in 2008.
The largest groups of beneficiaries were citizens of Iraq (13,100 or 17 percent), Somalia (13,400 persons or 17 percent) and Afghanistan (7,100 or 9 percent).
Of the 78,800 persons who were granted protection status, 39,300 persons were granted refugee status, 29,900 subsidiary protection and 9,600 authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons.
More than three quarters of grants of protection status in the EU27 were made in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands.
In 2009, the highest number of persons granted protection status was registered in the United Kingdom (12,500), followed by Germany (12,100),  France (10,400), Sweden (9,100), Italy (8,600) and the Netherlands (8,100).
These Member States accounted for more than three quarters of all those granted protection status in the EU27, said Eurostat.
More than 260,000 asylum applicants in 2009 and nearly one quarter were
minors, the report added.
In total, around 261,000 asylum applicants were registered in the EU during 2009. Amongst other characteristics such as the origin and gender of these applicants, the report highlights that minors accounted for 60,500 of the applicants, of which 12,200 were unaccompanied.
In other words, not only have the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost billions of pounds and hundreds of British lives, but they have also directly contributed towards the Third World immigration invasion of Europe.
Only the British National Party has as its declared policy the ending of British involvement in these illegal conflicts, the halting of the asylum swindle and the criminal prosecution of all those British politicians responsible for promoting, planning and executing those illegal wars.

Saturday 19 June 2010

A Travesty of Justice: Liverpool Court Ignores CCTV Evidence of Attack on BNP Members

A Travesty of Justice: Liverpool Court Ignores CCTV Evidence of Attack on Peter Tierney

British National Party Liverpool super activist Peter Tierney has been found guilty of “attacking” a Communist Party front organisation member by a Liverpool Court despite clear CCTV footage showing the leftist thug starting the physical confrontation.
Mr Tierney was part of a group of BNP supporters who were handing out leaflets on St George’s Day in the Liverpool city centre this year.
The BNP group had had decided to leave the St John’s Gardens area after the arrival of the far leftists precisely because they wished to avoid a confrontation.
The CCTV footage, which was submitted in court, clearly showed that the protagonist, one Nicholas Barnett, was the one to first start the physical attack.
Mr Tierney stepped in to defend the BNP activists so attacked, one of whom was carrying a board and unable to properly defend himself.
It was this act of self defence for which the Liverpool Court has now found Mr Tierney guilty.
The CCTV video has been released for the public to decide for themselves and can be viewed below.
The far leftist assault starts at 0.49 into the video clip, where the thug Barnett (in the white shirt) can be seen storming the BNP group from the left hand side.
The next few seconds shows Mr Tierney defending the group from the assault.
Astonishingly, the thug Barnett, a member of the openly violent “Merseyside Coalition against Racism and Fascism” admitted in court that he had stormed the group but claimed he was “just running past them.”
The thug Barnett claimed in court that the reason why he had “run past” the BNP group was to “get ahead of them to hand out leaflets,” but the CCTV footage clearly shows that he was carrying no leaflets when he made his charge.
It is still unknown why the court failed to take this obvious lie into account.
Last night Mr Tierney said he was still considering his options and that an appeal was the most likely course of action, given the CCTV evidence which the court had ignored.
Sentencing is provisionally set for 12 July, and Mr Tierney’s brother Andrew asked for supporters to be at the court in a show of support.

British National Party, Nick Griffin MEP Update

Following email received from the chairman of the British National Party, Nick Griffin MEP

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Did you see the disgusting scenes this week as fanatical Muslim mobs abused our brave boys on the streets of the London borough of Barking? What an outrage! Remember, even as these lowlife fanatics were abusing our heroes, their Muslim ’brothers’ in Afghanistan were killing British soldiers.

The same day, two members of the 1st Battalion, 'The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment' were shot dead in Afghan, and a Royal Marine died at Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham after being flown home with wounds sustained in a gun battle on Sunday. These Islamic fanatics are trampling on the graves of our glorious dead. It is time they were stopped.

Like you I am absolutely fed up watching our politicians, police and media liars pander to these wretched traitors, I say: This is our country, love it or leave it! It’s time the bearded fanatics were shown the door.

Last week another bombshell hit the Party: the Equalities Commission is dragging us into court AGAIN. Not content with changing our membership rules, and tampering with our constitution, the hateful gang of Marxist vermin at the Equalities Commission now want to send Chairman Nick Griffin and Deputy Chairman Simon Darby to PRISON.

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