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Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Church of England Now there's a Misnomer

Screw the Church of England PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow    At the British Resistance Site
February 2011
gaypriest_140_x_140Church of England.  Now there's a misnomer if ever there was one.  The Church of England has not been for England or any other part of the United Kingdom for a long, long time.  In fact it has very little to do with religion even these days and is more about pushing the communist party manifesto or the homosexual Pink News rather than the word of God.
Instead of being concerned about the number of Churches being converted into mosques for the followers of the Cult of the Dead paedophile, whose followers are killing Christians world wide, they are more concerned about their pink frocked priests joining the British National Party.
Today, their ruling body, the General Synod has backed draft legislation paving the way for a ban on clergy membership of the patriotic BNP.  One wonders how long before they start to ban their congregations from joining or even supporting the party.  But why stop there?  Why not burn the nasty BNP alive at the stake or perhaps throw them to some lions.
One would also have thought that the issue of how they can condone having practising homosexuals as priests and ordain at so called homosexual weddings is driving real Christians away from the Churches, would have been more important.  But in the new Church of England, politics is far more fun than saving souls.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
One of the main drivers for pushing this ban through on British People, is Indian born Vasantha Gnanadoss, a Metropolitan police civilian worker and General Synod member who first won backing for the ban two years ago and who I wrote about here.
My advice to true Christians (and I consider myself to be one) is to say "Screw you Vicar and screw the Church of EnglandGod does not care where we worship or where we pray to him but he does care about the way we follow his teachings".

Radio RWB

Beirut in Folkestone Kent ” — David Cameron’s Muscular Liberalism in Action

Beirut in Folkestone” — David Cameron’s Muscular Liberalism in Action

An outbreak of Afghan tribal warfare which has left at least one dead and several injured in Folkestone, Kent, has served once again to highlight the continuing insanity of mass Third World immigration and David Cameron’s “muscular liberalism.”
According to local inhabitants quoted in regional media sources, Folkestone has “become like Beirut” and there are entire areas of the town which are no-go zones for white British people.
Most recently a tribal warfare broke out between gangs of Afghan “immigrants” at Marine Parade in the town.
One Afghan “immigrant” was stabbed to death in an area which was described as a “no-go area after dark” in the local media.
Another five Afghan “immigrants” were hospitalised as the fight, which turned the street into something resembling a combat zone, raged up and down the street.
According to local residents, the area around the former harbour has “become a hotbed of problems between rival gangs and is notorious for drug taking.”
The buildings behind the hotel, which overlooks the harbour, has been used to house “asylum seekers” and “foreign nationals,” the local media reported.
“Other locals say it is not safe to walk the streets after 9pm and in recent months problems in the area have got worse,” the reports continued.
One local resident was quoted as saying: “This used to be a holiday town but in the last few years it’s turned into Beirut. This could be such a nice place, all these old buildings and it’s been left to go to ruin."
Another resident, Michael Straw, 50, said he had stayed with friends since the mass brawl. “It is absolute chaos and like being in a war zone. I felt scared being there and cannot face going back.”
Another local resident interviewed by the media, former policeman Malcolm Montgomery, said the area had a long history of trouble.
“There’s a lot of problems around here; I wouldn’t feel happy walking around here at night. This area has got an awful reputation."
Chief Superintendent Chris Hogben announced that police were “investigating this serious incident which appears to be the result of a dispute between two groups of Middle Eastern people.”
Ironically, Chief Superintendent Hogben added that the police “also have specialist officers working within the community to reduce these tensions" as if a ‘community cohesion officer’ would be capable of sorting out a tribal war imported into Britain as a result of the Labour/Tory immigration policy.
One report claimed that some families have fled their homes to “escape the violence that has come with the influx of immigrants.”
If this is the sort of ‘muscular liberalism’ and its ‘integration’ which Mr Cameron now prefers instead of his equally awful ‘multiculturalism', then it is about time that Afghan ‘asylum seekers’ should be placed next to his millionaire’s house in Witney.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Why is the Asia & The Rest of The Third World Not “Multicultural?”

Why is the Third World Not “Multicultural?”

Why does the liberal elite want to force multiculturalism upon Britain and the First World yet they vigorously defend the right of the Third World nations to maintain their distinct cultures, asks British National Party correspondent Maid of Kent.
By Maid of Kent — It must be time to divert the attention of the sheeple away from another 'bad news day' — what better way to hide bad news than to announce that our 'beloved and respected leaders' have finally seen the light about the mass immigration and attendant multiculturalism disaster that they imposed on us in the first place?
Watching David Cameron give his 'failed multiculturalism' speech (for all of 30 seconds — I can't take any more than that) I have to wonder at the desperation of the Conservative Party and voters that they would vote for this man.
He speaks with the conviction of a wooden puppet (Pinocchio comes to mind) and so obviously neither believes what he is saying nor intends to follow through with any promises that his speech/propaganda writers make.
He reminds me of Tony Blair, but is an even worse actor and liar, which is saying something.
I just find it frightening that there are masses of people in this country who believe this performance and really think that things are going to change!
What is more indicative of the predominant beliefs among the liberal elite who Cameron represents is the comment on his speech by Paul Vallely in the Independent newspaper.
This — and many of the comments posted — reveals the twisted views and beliefs of influential segments of our society, views and beliefs that we must rigorously contest.
These elements in Britain have the self-righteous view that multiculturalism is the natural and desired state of life in our country, although they rigorously and hypocritically avoid the suggestion that it should be imposed on any other country on earth.
From the brainwashed Marxist agitators to the Asians who say that they are British but still call themselves 'Asians' (you cannot be both), we can see the whole range of Liberal fascism and intolerance of the views of the ordinary British people.
Vallely himself suggests that British culture has no right to be the dominant culture in Britain — how twisted is that?
Perhaps he would be happier if Islamic culture was the only culture of Britain?
Would he also suggest that Indian/Chinese or African culture had no right to be the dominant cultures of those countries? Of course not — such is the hypocrisy and arrogance of these so-called liberals.
Unfortunately, such has been the brainwashing of our people by these liberal fascists, that many British people believe that the mass immigration-imposed multiculturalism is the normal and best state for Britain.
Nationalists, who have opposed the folly of mass immigration and have resented the invasion of our homeland by uninvited and unwanted hordes from all over the world, believe that the indigenous British people have the right to their own homeland and for their culture to be the only acceptable culture in that homeland.
We ask no more than African, Asian or Oriental people do in their own homelands — the acceptance of the indigenous peoples' culture as the sole and dominant culture of that country. 
Why is that not acceptable to these liberal fascists? I can only assume that it is because they wish to see the destruction of any European Christian based culture — for what reasons and ends I can only guess.
But when they make war with my culture, they make war with me, and any who share my belief in our culture.
Bear in mind that the hordes of immigrants who have invaded Britain came originally and solely for economic reasons — and should have been grateful for the opportunities afforded them — but have bitten the hand that fed them by then seeking to impose their cultures (prevalent in their failed Third World homelands) on the countries and native peoples that allowed them such opportunities.
How ungrateful and ungracious is that?
When I see all of the countries in the world happily and peacefully enjoying the multicultural experience, then I may be prepared to submit my country to the multicultural experience.
I fail to understand why Britain and Europe should be the ones to have this experiment forced on them, when many, many, countries in the world would be far more likely to benefit from this experiment than previously successful European nations.
But the liberal fascist elite hypocritically recoil from any suggestion that failed Third World nations might benefit from such an experiment — it is only acceptable for the white European nations.
The truth is — and they know it — that multiculturalism has failed in every country that has experienced it, throughout history.
We have been able to read in our history books and learn about these multicultural failures, but thanks to the Lib/Lab/Con politicians, we can now experience the horrors of such failures ourselves.
The former Yugoslavia, the anti-Semitism prevalent in Europe throughout history — the history of mankind is full of examples of the failed concept of multiculturalism — yet the idiots from the Lib/Lab/Con parties who have ruled Britain for decades ignored the lessons of history and imposed the same doctrine on us — and it has failed yet again. 
This is Britain — not Africa, not China, not India, not Pakistan — and British culture, the culture of the British people who are the rightful inhabitants of Britain, should and will prevail.
If any don't like it, they can go to a country with a culture that they do like.
I, and other Nationalists, won't stop them and if necessary, will help them on their way.
Like many British people, my forefathers spilt too much blood to allow me to give my homeland away to foreign invaders. Like the flesh that I spring from, I will fight for my God, kith, kin and country — and culture.
By the way, there is no such thing as 'multicultural'. The term suggests that the people of a nation enjoy living with numerous aspects of different cultures, all interweaving seamlessly and harmoniously.
While superficially that may be correct — the British people have always enjoyed their cup of tea and more recently, a curry — these examples are merely occasional adoptions of certain elements of other countries cultures in that they have then been absorbed into our culture over time, therefore over time, becoming part of British culture.
These foreign customs have been willingly adopted by the British people, through choice and preference. They have not been forced down our throats.
I had a quite heated discussion with a multi-culture supporter recently. She is quite offended by someone who belches out loud in public — to her (as a British person) it is bad mannered to do so.
But what happens when a refined British person who believes that belching in public is the height of bad manners comes up against someone of Arabic origin and culture, who believes that belching loudly after a meal is the height of good manners?
Does the Arab refrain from belching in order to not offend the Briton (therefore changing their culture and submitting to the norms of another culture) or do they belch loudly (following their own culture) and offend the Briton?
Or does the Briton (adhering to their cultural norms) show their disapproval of the belching (therefore offending the Arab) or, ignoring their own culture, accept the cultural manners of the Arab?
If both follow their own culture, then both will be highly offended by the actions of the other, proving that for multiculturalism to work, one or the other (or both) cultures has to submit to the other.
One, or both have to make concessions for people of different cultures to live harmoniously together, in which case, neither is following their own culture — they are both giving way on their traditional beliefs — therefore they have no culture. Or one does not give way and makes no concessions to other races and cultures, which leads either to the submission of one culture to the other, or to a cultural clash. 
We see this every day in Britain with the acceptance by the British people of 'gay' rights, feminist rights etc., when these same ideals and principles are fundamentally opposed by Muslims — whose culture prevails?
Multiculturalism does not work in theory and it does not work in practice.
People of all cultures and races have more respect for each other when they live in their separate nations where they can observe their own unique cultures, moulded and guided by their own peoples’ customs and traditions.

had enough then Join or donate to the British National Party Here

UK Police running scared of Muslim grooming

Police running scared of Muslim grooming

TELEVISION programmes often generate a lot of correspondence to the MEP's Constituency Office and this week's The Wright Stuff was one such programme.

 Programme presenter Matthew Wright (right) was confronting the issue of racially motivated sex crime, and trying to get studio and audience guests to comment.
Apparently the police refused to attend the show, and Matthew Wright openly called them "chicken" for running scared of this growing problem.
What prompted constituents to write to their MEP was the way the invited guests were too scared to honestly respond to questions and used typical political evasion to avoid answering.
One or two people were brave enough to tell the truth including an Asian woman called Yasmin who pointed out that racially motivated sex crimes had increased British National Party membership.
Even a Muslim caller even acknowledged that the perpetrators of these crimes were almost exclusively Muslim.
Special guest Robert Winston backed off when faced with the Muslim grooming issue and this otherwise incredibly intelligent man, displayed that he had virtually no knowledge whatsoever about Islam.
Responding to those who had written to their MEP, Constituency Office manager Tina Wingfield wrote:
"Given that the police fully collude with the “culture of silence” surrounding the issue of racially motivated sex crime, it is not surprising that they declined to talk publically about the issue. Off the record, of course, officers have revealed that the pathetic conviction rates for sex offenders represents only a small proportion of the “tidal wave” of offending that has been uncovered in areas such as Lancashire and Manchester.
Mr Griffin and the constituency team are working to expose the scandal of the lack of action by police and education authorities to address the problem.
The police are so politically correct that they twist the statistics to hide the extend of Muslim involvement in these vile crimes. We have however, through Freedom of Information requests, forced Lancashire police to admit that all the victims in their Operation Engage grooming investigation were recorded as 'white' and we will continue to shine the spotlight on the police until the true facts surrounding this crime are revealed.
When we have collected all the relevant evidence, Mr Griffin will raise this issue in the European Parliament, as well as running a high-profile campaign in the North West to ensure that this increasing problem is fully recognised and effectively confronted.
We owe it to the young victims - and thousands of potential future victims - to ensure that Political Correctness and the fear of being branded as 'racist', is not allowed to jeopardise the protection of our vulnerable youngsters or to prevent justice from being served."

Bogus Foreign Student Visa Racket Costs Taxpayer up to £500 Million per Year

Bogus Student Visa Racket Costs Taxpayer up to £500 Million per Year

The bogus student visa points-based system racket, started by Labour and endorsed by the Tories in their election manifesto, costs British taxpayers anywhere between £300 and £500 million per year, a new study has shown.
Although liberals and some university staff have claimed that a crackdown on the student visa swindle — which saw 90,000 foreigners enter Britain last year — will cost money, the amount lost is far less than the cost to taxpayers which the system causes, said independent think tank Migrationwatch UK.
That body said in a report that a crackdown on bogus student visa applications “is likely to lead to a loss of some £95 million a year fee income to colleges offering below degree level courses, this has to considered alongside the £300—£500 million a year that it has estimated the taxpayer must fund to support British workers made unemployed by bogus students working illegally.”
“This is yet another legacy of the previous Government’s disastrous management of the immigration system which has once again left the taxpayer picking up the bill,” Migrationwatch chairman Sir Andrew Green said in a statement, ignoring the fact that the Conservative government had specifically endorsed that policy in their election manifesto.
“It is neither economically justifiable for the hard pressed taxpayer nor fair to British workers who have to compete for scarce jobs with people who have cheated the system to come here,” Sir Andrew continued.
Migrationwatch did, however, point out that that it was “important to be clear that the purpose of the government’s measures is not to reduce the number of students but to reduce the exploitation of the present system by bogus students” and went on to endorse the typically Tory nonsense of ‘net immigration'.
“In the normal course of events, students should leave after completing their courses to be replaced by others. Over time, therefore, the number of those who arrive will be counter balanced by those leaving with no effect on net migration,” Sir Andrew said.
Meanwhile, a separate report has revealed that last year alone, no less than 90,000 foreign ‘students’ entered Britain by applying to colleges which are not on any Home Office ‘trusted’ list.
A significant number of these entered the country since the election last year, meaning they entered under the Tory government.
Students are only supposed to be allowed to enter the country to attend colleges which have been checked and approved, but this rule has not been applied with any consistency.
According to the figures, there were 613 private colleges which are not ‘highly trusted’ in existence in January this year. Between them, these ‘colleges’ have the ability to sponsor a total of 280,000 international students.
Many of these colleges have been exposed as offering totally bogus courses in ‘hospitality', ‘business administration’ and other obvious hoaxes.

Monday 7 February 2011

Janus the Chameleon Cameron’s Pronouncements on Islam

Chameleon Cameron’s Pronouncements on Islam

Treacherous Tory leader David Cameron has called upon Muslims to “embrace our British values” just 44 months after telling voters exactly the opposite, namely that British people “need to integrate more” with the Muslim way of life.
In addition, Mr Cameron claimed that there was a difference between Islam and Islamism, even though in an earlier policy statement, he warned directly against making that distinction because, he said, it “plays into the extremists’ hands.”
In an article which appeared in the Observer newspaper in May 2007 titled “What I learnt from my stay with a Muslim family,” Mr Cameron wrote: “Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.
“If we want to remind ourselves of British values — hospitality, tolerance and generosity to name just three — there are plenty of British Muslims ready to show us what those things really mean,” the Tory leader wrote.
In his latest remarks, made over the past weekend, Mr Cameron has decided that it is Muslims who need to integrate into British society, not the other way round.
In his speech at the security conference in Munich, Mr Cameron said that British Muslims must subscribe to mainstream values of freedom and equality and that the policy of allowing each group to have its own culture had failed.
In the earlier Observer article, Mr Cameron also took great pains to stress that “many Muslims” are “deeply offended by the use of the word 'Islamic' or 'Islamist' to describe the terrorist threat we face today.
“Indeed, by using the word 'Islamist' to describe the threat, we actually help do the terrorist ideologues' work for them,” Mr Cameron wrote in his earlier article.
In his Munich speech, however, Mr Cameron once again completely reversed his view.
“We have got to get to the root of the problem, and we need to be absolutely clear on where the origins of where these terrorist attacks lie,” he said.
“That is the existence of an ideology, Islamist extremism. We should be equally clear what we mean by this term, and we must distinguish it from Islam.
“We need to be clear: Islamist extremism and Islam are not the same thing,” Mr Cameron said in his speech, which can be found on the Downing Street website.
The astonishing chameleon-like change is conclusive evidence that the Tory leadership is either utterly devious and opportunist, or just plain downright stupid.
Either way, Mr Cameron is clearly an embarrassment to Britain.

Proof wirral council admit council tax unlawful

Proof wirral council admit council tax unlawful

OK – so now the cracks are really beginning to appear.
I am indebted to my good friend and fellow Freeman on the land, for allowing me to use his documentation for this:-
Let me fill you in on the background so you have the case history:-
“Jim” (As we will call him”) is a Freeman on the Land along with us (More on that here & – and a few months back he decided (Like many of us) that he wasn’t going to pay the UNLAWFUL Council tax that they were trying to enforce upon him via thier unlawful statute legislation. So he stopped paying:-
In due course he started receiving the threatening letters until one day the “summons” appeared on his doormat. (Note: A summons is merely an invitation to attend their place of business to discuss a punishment – its an offer – Read more - just as the Council Tax Bill is an offer to contract with them – read more on this)

The “invitation” was to appear before Wirral Magistrates Court for a hearing concerning the issuing of a liability hearing. Now as we all now ALL magistrates courts are merely a trading styles of the “run for profit” company called “Ministry of Justice” – see below and you can get a copy of the document I have acquired clearly showing:-
  1. The corporate status of the Ministry of Justice
  2. The Directors (Lord Falconer of Thoroton & Others)
  3. The fact that Ministry of Justice has County Court Jugements against it
  4. The trading styles of MOJ (Top right – which includes “Magistrates Courts”
Now call me blonde but I would say this is pretty damned conclusive that we are dealing with a corporate court convened by a corporation to simply lift money from you and I.
So … “Jim” jotted the council a little letter which is shown below:-

Jim sent this letter about THREE WEEKS before the date that the hearing was due to be heard on.
So … the DAY BEFORE the hearing, Jim received a phone call from the Wirral Council LEGAL DEPARTMENT and what they said was staggering …

  1. Now this is incredible that on the back of one letter they decide to withdraw and more importantly confirms the following:-
  2. Council tax is UNLAWFUL, as you and I well know that if these leeches had once ounce of a lawful case for taking this money then they would fight it to the death
They KNOW Council Tax is unlawful and are simply robbing those who haven’t woken up to the facts yet to the tune of £140,000,000,000 per annum (thats 140 BILLION of our money!)
So, Jim being the experienced fellow he is – asked them to email him with confirmation that they were going to withdraw and printed below is their email.

Jim then asked for further clarification in a formal letter and here is the letter that they sent!

Then Jim asked them to confirm in writing that because there was now NO LIABILY that the council tax was no longer due
This is the letter they and this is probably (in my opinion) one of THE single most important documents in the fight against Council Tax as it PROVES beyond ANY DOUBT that we DO NOT HAVE TO PAY this UNLAWFUL COUNCIL TAX.
Look at the bit in red!


So not believing a word of the Council or the courts Jim rocked up to the court on the morning of the Liability hearing and standing as a Freeman on the Land asked the Judge to confirm the withdrawal of the other side which the Judge duly confirmed. The judge then told Jim that he needn’t have turned up and then Jim hit with it.
“I know that sir, but there is the small matter of mys costs”
BAM! – They were not expecting that one!
So, Jim has now duly entered a claim for costs of £1,400 against Wirral Council which is still ongoing at this time as the courts are trying to play silly !!!!!!s with Jim – he has even had one judge step down and refuse to adjudicate in favour of his costs – as you can see – its a stitch up!
Anyway – Jim has some other things planned and I will keep you abreast of developments but there you have it.

A UK Council running away from a court hearing because they KNOW they dont have a LAWFUL leg to stand on and the whole Council Tax is a scam to relieve you and I of money and use it to
  • A) Line the pension funds of civil servants
  • B) Keep us opressed
  • C) Pay of the interest on loans to the bank and the IMF
If you think that Council Tax pays for your bins or the Police – then you are very misguided I am afraid.

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Proof wirral council admit council tax unlawful - Forums: "

Prophets of Doom: David Bentley Hart and the Triumph of the Will

Prophets of Doom: David Bentley Hart and the Triumph of the Will PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tim Heydon   
origionaly published on the
Atheist Delusions; The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable EnemiesPart 1:  Radical Individualism and Opening the Road to State Terror

Modern Freedom means the Limitless Freedom to Will. Unleashed from the Guiding Hand of Christianity and Tradition, the Freedom to Will can Mean  the Freedom to Will Terror
Christianity Has Made Us – So How Can We Imagine a Non-Christian World?
It is difficult for us, living as we are at the end of nearly two millennia of Christian Civilisation, fully to grasp quite how revolutionary Christianity was in the transformation of attitudes in the ancient world, or to imagine what it might mean if those attitudes were to disappear, as disappearing they are in the West.
The World of Rome and the Christian Revolution
In his book ‘Atheist Delusions; The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies’  the theologian  David Bentley Hart does a terrific job of bringing  out  the impact of Christianity on the ancients, transforming  a world in which  an individual’s worth was predicated on  his or her  power or lack of it  to one in which every individual has intrinsic worth.   Roman society was built on a rather Nietzschean hierarchy of power in which the most powerful of all, the Roman Emperor, could be worshipped as a god while the lower orders were of little account individually and slaves had no personhood whatsoever. The latter were powerless things, like Christ before the powerful Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate.
Hart says , ‘the new world we see being brought into being in the Gospels is one in which the whole grand cosmic architecture of prerogative , power and eminence has been shaken and superseded by a new positively anarchic order; an order in which we see the glory of God revealed in a crucified slave’.
Hart’s Answer to Christopher Hitchens and his Ilk:  Western Civilisation
The title of Christopher Hitchens’ book ‘God is not Great’ is subtitled ‘How Religion Poisons Everything. ’ After a remarkably entertaining exposure, touched with more than a soupcon of asperity, of the paucity of Hitchen’s intellectual capabilities (and those of Dawkins), Hart asks, ‘Does he (Hitchens) really mean precisely everything?"
Would that apply then – confining ourselves just to things Christian – to ancient and medieval hospitals, leper asylums, orphanages, almshouses and hostels?  To the golden rule, ‘Love thine enemies’? ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’? Prophetic admonitions  against oppressing the poor, and commands to feed and clothe and comfort those in need? To the music of Palestrina and Bach, Michelangleo’s Pieta, ‘ah bright wings’; San Marco’s mosaics, the Bible of Amiens and all the gorgeous blue stained glass at Chartres? To the abolitionist movement and contemporary  efforts to liberate Sudanese slaves? And so on and so on? Surely it cannot  be the case that if only purged of faith these things would be even better than they are; were it not for faith it seems fairly obvious, most of them would have no existence at all.’
Our Future:  the Idea of the Sunny Uplands of ‘Progress’ is Likely to Lead to a Totalitarian Hell.
Hart holds out little hope for the West in the dawning age of secularism. He asks, ‘What evidence is there for the idea that secular reason, if finally allowed to move forward free of the constraining hand of archaic faith will naturally make society more free, more humane and more rational than it has been? It is rather difficult… to vest a great deal of hope in modernity, however radiantly enchanting its promises, when one considers how many innocent lives (‘an unprecedentedly vast collection of corpses’) have already been swallowed up in the flames of ‘Progress.’ The best ideals to which we moderns continue to cling long antedate modernity. For the most part all we can claim as truly, distinctively our own are our atrocities… The process of secularisation was marked from the first by the magnificent limitlessness of its violence.’
Radical Individualism and the Triumph of the Will
The tale of the modern nation-state’s struggle for liberation from the ‘shackles’ of religion and tradition should be located within the larger narrative of the triumph of the will.
Like most of the defining ideas in our culture, perverted though they may have been in the modern era, the emphasis on freedom of the will has its origins in Christian theology, but Descartes, the father of modern philosophy, spoke both as the heir of the late Scholastic tradition and for modernity when he said that the true image of god within human beings is the godlike liberty and incomprehensibility of the will.
Modern Ideas of Freedom are Nihilistic
Hart argues that the modern notion of freedom is essentially nihilistic, ie freedom is to be found in the individual subject’s power of choice, rather than in what is actually chosen. Neither God nor nature nor reason provides the measure of an act’s true liberty, for an act is free only when it is done in defiance of all three.
The Degradation of the Idea of Liberty.  Freedom as Consumerism 
Where is the ascendancy of the modern Idea of Freedom as Pure Spontaneity of the Will leading our Culture, Hart asks?  At an  ordinary, everyday level, it obviously leads to a degradation of the very idea of freedom, its reduction in the public imagination to a fairly banal kind of liberty, no more –though no less- significant than a consumer’s freedom to choose among different kinds of breads, shoes, televisions, drugs, drinks, sexual activities and relationships, political parties or religions.
The Death of Shared Obligations and Common Cause -  the Decay of ‘Community ‘ (and therefore National Sentiment)
At the level of conventional social behaviours it leads perhaps towards a decay of a shared sense of social obligation or common cause, or towards an increasingly insipid and self-absorbed private culture, or towards a tendency in society at large less to judge the laudability of particular choices by reference to the worthiness of their objects than to judge objects worthy solely because they have been chosen. (eg ’a woman’s right to choose’)
From the Banal to the Terrible
All this is both obvious and rather vague, but the modern concept of Freedom can lead to other more terrible things as well. For what the will may will, when it is subordinate only to its own native exuberance, is practically without limit.
Although pure spontaneity of the will is an illusion (we must actually will something), something dangerously novel entered our culture when we began to believe that the proper end of the will might simply to be willing as such. Nor does the truly liberated have to confine itself to the adventure of discovering and inventing  itself.  Collective will is so much more exciting than an individual’s will, at least if it can be disciplined and marshalled for some collective purpose.
With no Transcendent Source of the Good, the Capacity for Evil is Limitless
Furthermore if there is no transcendent source of the good to which the will is drawn but only the power of the will to decide what ends it desires, then no human project can be said to be inherently irrational or abominable. If freedom of the will is our supreme value, after all, then it is to all intents and purposes our god.
And certain kinds of gods (as our pagan ancestors understood) need to be fed.
Part 2 of ‘Prophets of Doom:  David Bentley Hart and the Triumph of the Will’  will show how radical individualism leads to state control.
his is No 2  In the ‘Prophets of Doom’ Series.
No 1: ‘Pitirim Sorokin’ and ‘A Christmas Message of Hope’ Parts 1&2

Sunday 6 February 2011

The Coming English Revolution

Brief edited excerpt from The Mighty Oak Of The Coming English Revolution by Mike James.
We have been betrayed over successive generations by a financial caste, based in the City of London, that regards us as nothing more than cattle. We have been fooled into thinking that the British Crown, an international financial concern, is somehow connected to that wonderfully anachronistic and wholly false construct, the United Kingdom.....which is synonymous with another misnomer, “Great Britain”. They even confuse that with the geographically delineated landscape known as “The British Isles”, which includes Ireland. How deluded we have become, not by dint of their our backwardness, but by an evil, Satanic ruling oligarchy that holds us ever so tightly around the proverbials, placing manacles on our own capacity to think for ourselves.

The little-known Nielson Dissertation, which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the international-financier controlled British Crown is illegal and had no authority to usurp the Third Republic, is almost entirely inaccessible in any English library. The British Crown system of government, comprising Westminster, Whitehall and the Mafiosa state-within-a-state, the City of London, is not only illegal and lacking in legitimacy, but comprises a unified terrorist organisation designed to kill the spirit of all Freeborn Englishmen and Englishwomen. [I assume here that the author naturally includes Freeborn Welsh/Scottish/Ulster men and women due to the current meaning/interpretation of 'British' - as a result of the failed multiculturalism experiment - becoming so worthless and diluted as to mean virtually anyone]

Every man and woman employed by the illegal British Crown and its administrative adjunct, the fantasy, fictional United Kingdom, is an enemy of the English people. Most would choke on their morning coffees to hear such words. We are just as ignorant of the evil Satanic system that made serfs, and then consumer-slaves, out of the one race of men and women who have, should they rediscover the natural-born courage of their innate, God-given convictions, the effortless ability to utterly destroy the viciously evil Soviet European Union that will have our grandchildren working for less than a euro a day and bow to the Mecca of Brussels at five in the morning.

Not one government minister, not one judge, not one policeman in the illegal United Kingdom has the power or authority to make us obey rules created to protect the Dutch-British-Jewish money matrix for which all English people must pay, namely, the parasites who control every aspect of our lives by playing with virtual money in the City of London, which is, constitutionally, a separate state:
What You Didn't Know About Taxes & The 'Crown' Without the City of London, the monarchy and its hierarchical system of institutionalised repression and deceit would collapse. Without the “pretender” monarchy, not to be confused with its administrative arm, the duplicitous British Crown, then the men and women who are stealing food from out of the mouths of babes and are condemning the elderly and infirm to an early grave would scramble for the first flight out of Heathrow.

This is something that must NEVER be allowed to happen.....
By forcing early closure of all international financial transactions, not one penny of the money they have stolen from us will find itself in the flush of a panicked cash-flight. By confiscating their passports and forcing closure of all international airports, we have them exactly where they belong: in prison awaiting trial.

Saturday 5 February 2011



by Horwich Nationalist
 On a political tactical point every time some mentions Jewish Zionists and not just Zionists, after all Zionism and not Judaism is a globalist political movement that has a great many Gentile acolytes.  
We hand our political and cultural enemies a big stick to beat us with. So ingrained is the folk memory of WW2, and what happened to the forced Jewish labourers of the Nazi’s. That our Political and Cultural opponents can bend and twist any comment or argument when the word Jew is used, to suit their own destructive; twisted and other bitter objectives,

 I know many will say it is true, , concerning many leading Marxist leaders and thinkers, but just look at the leadership of the Munich Red revolution of 1918-18 and other Communist revolutionary examples.
Which is true, but we would also have to ask why also, to me personally it is that due to not the race or ethnicity but Cultural difference towards education of the 19th century of Eastern Europe between the Jewish and Gentile population, as the Jewish population being barred from many trade and mercantile opportunities placed a greater emphasis on education to better their prospects in life.
But we also must recognise the lack opportunity to put that education into effect within Eastern European society of the time in all aspects of cultural life as the majority of the educated Jewish population although denied wanted to, unlike the Islamic population in modern Europe want to be  absorbed and be involved In European culture,

 Which led to a great many Eastern Jewish graduates lacking experience of the realities of the  world  and some mediocre intellectuals struggling, to be recognised for their abilities perceived or not, becoming bitter towards a culture and society that had rejected them?
And therefore they began looking for a system to change or destroy the society or culture that had snubbed them, and therefore they came across a system that would achieve that goal, in effect Communism a deliberate twisted system that would appear to be an idealistic system that was devised for the betterment of mankind to the disenfranchised and that would allow for the recognition of their alleged talents.
 But in reality was created for it’s domination by an elite who are willing to use any one or any thing in their quest for power and wealth. And the more rejected or idealistic or bitter the recruit to this cause the better!

BUT! We have also to be politically ASTUTE! In avoiding terms and statements that can be read in two ways, after all a great many of the Jewish people oppose Zionism knowing what it really is, a elitist political movement for the creation of world domination and power, at no matter the cost in lives, started by the Rothschild’s  ,who did not give a damm about the Jewish members of European society, only their impassable lust for wealth and power.
 And that now has a majority of gentile members I must add, and including some also say the highest echelons of our own so called Royal Family.

So that I must remind you that we are a party that has Jewish members and elected Jewish officials, who like many of their faith of which ours is the child of are deeply concerned at the growing Islamist threat to Western Europe and it’s culture, a culture that is strongly based on the Judeo Christian tradition of personal responsibility and freedom.
 And also remember many British Jewish patriots laid down their lives of their own free will for this Nation in both World Wars, and it would be sad to tar them with the Communist Zionist brush as well as giving our opponents a stick to beat us with!

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