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Wednesday 23 March 2011

The EU red tape that is drowning British businesses

18th March 2011: The owner of a small herbal manufacturing company based in the North West is facing closure because of new EU legislation.

Four employees at the company, which sells just one traditional herbal product which has been sold worldwide since the late 1800's, face losing their jobs in April due to the EU directive on traditional herbal products and the registration of such products.
To register just the one product would cost in the region of £30,000 to £40,000 which the small company cannot afford, so the only alternative is to close.
The owner of the compnay has written to Nick Griffin asking for help. He told the MEP:
 "We are not opposed to the E.U. Directive setting standards in an attempt to protect the public. However there is no flexibility, which would allow us to continue manufacturing as the cost is so prohibiting.
The result will be that many traditional herbal products will disappear never to be replaced even though they have been used for centuries with good effect. The consequence will be no alternative other than pharmaceutical medicine, which will need a prescription putting extra pressure on the already over stretched NHS
This legislation takes away choice – the choice of an individual to choose which kind of medication they take. Very few people if any die from a herbal overdose but how many people die from drug overdose or suffer massive side effects from drugs manufactured by large pharmaceutical companies.
I realize that this EU directive was brought in before you became MEP,  however your intervention can change it and allow me and and many other small business owners to continue in business.
The majority of our herbs are sold through registered colonic hydrotherapists who under the directive will not be allowed to prescribe herbal products to their patients.
I would appreciate your comments but importantly your support in changing this EU directive so that we can continue to trade."
Responding on behalf of Nick Griffin, his Constituency Office Manager Tina Wingfield wrote:
"Thank you for your correspondence regarding the European Commission’s Traditional Herbal Medicines Directive (2004/24/EC).
Nick Griffin is committed to using his status as a Member of the European Parliament to protect British businesses and UK consumers from the bureaucratic interference of the European Commission in matters which are rightfully the responsibility of our national government. As such, he is happy to support UK traders and consumers in their campaign against the imposition of restrictive limits on food supplements and herbs that threaten the survival of UK businesses and erode the freedom of consumer choice.
Of equal and comparative concern to the Traditional Herbal Medicines Directive is the Commission’s Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC). Both of these Directives constitute unjustifiable and excessive EU interference in the consumer’s right of choice.
Mr Griffin wrote to the European Commissioner, in September 2009, highlighting the concern amongst food supplements traders and consumers about the proposed introduction of restrictive limits on supplement sales. He pointed to research conducted by the Health Food Manufacturers’ Association HFMA, the National Association of Health Stores and the Food Standards Agency, which indicates that if the new harmonised levels fall even modestly below current UK levels, higher potency supplements with current annual sales of at least £100 million will be imperilled.
Over 700 independent health stores could, moreover, be forced to close nationally, with a potential total loss of business of nearly £200m and the resultant loss of hundreds of jobs. Consumer safety could also be put risk because if consumers are unable to purchase the popular high strength supplements they are accustomed to (and which have been accepted as safe and appropriately labelled by the Food Standards Agency), there is a significant risk that they will try turn to alternative products and sources, many of which will be unregulated and therefore potentially dangerous.
In light of this and in the interests of protecting the UK market and maintaining consumer choice, Mr Griffin urged the Commission not to bring forward restrictive proposals that would adversely affect the continued availability of supplements in the UK.
The same arguments apply to traditional herbs and Mr Griffin is monitoring developments in relation to these two Directives. He will be pleased to offer his support to any initiatives that address the excessive restrictions they impose, and thus restore freedom of choice over food supplements and traditional herbs for UK traders and consumers."

Once Great Britain The Benefits Riviera Of The World

The Benefits Riviera Of The World  PDF Print E-mail
Written by BC 1959   
benefit-agency-sign_120_x_120Credit Crunch... what Credit Crunch? The world's top spot for the good life, where homes, and everything in them, including ash trays, was highlighted by the British National Party almost a decade ago, is getting even more comfortable.
It sounds like a great place to visit, and millions have decided to stay. So where is it? Here of course. Many of these visitors cannot speak the native language, one of over Fifty spoken here, thus the ever so kind tax payers have decided, at least by their voting patterns, to pay for them to have their wishes translated into English.
The cost? Nothing really, well, not to them anyway. The taxpayers, easily herded into ''political gas chambers'' with broken promises and wild ideas of equality, pay around £116,000 per week collectively for this ''service.''
Happy to vote for illegal and horrific wars, the people living in The Benefits Riviera of the world, formerly known as Great Britain, also enjoy helping in excess of 180,000 immigrants, sorry, visitors, some of them ''health tourists,'' to the tune of £78,000,000 per year.
Money going to support visitors' children still in their homeland, while one or both parents are enjoying life here, is estimated to cost more than £20,000,000. every year. The number of these types of claims, have risen by 20 per cent in the past year alone, and is in reference to Eastern Europe only. Of course, this does not even include visitors from Africa, Asia, the Far East, South America, China, or the West Indies.
Our system is rigged to promote ''equality,'' and that now includes literally anyone with enough Chutzpah to ''enjoy our hospitality'' from anywhere in the world. Why wouldn't anyone take this opportunity? Many people have been driven from here, and other Western countries for decades, with dreams of making a better life.
Some of course have returned, not wanting to admit that the grass is greener on the other side. Having said that, people taking their families to shores of gold, and seas of fun and prosperity, means that something is wrong here, or from whence they came does it not? Except for those not of indigenous European descent, there are not that many options left open to them, and this also goes for those whom made Africa a civilised and crime free, prosperous continent in the last century.
And now, the Benefits Riviera of planet earth, so loved and hated in equal terms by millions, has a gaping hole in its institutions. That hole, which includes what was once a world renowned health service, armed forces, and police force, sits alone, begging for help from someone, somewhere.
It sits alone, in the northern part of Europe, broken, crime ridden, and helpless. Still, we have some heart warming things to fill our evenings with, as millions starve, freeze to death, and find nothing relevant in terms of jobs or careers, self employment and future prospects. Yes, we have a coalition government, made up of ''opposing ideologies.'' They are different, some call themselves Liberals, others Socialist, and some Conservative, with the odd few apparently very worried about being integrated into the EU.
Yes, they are different, they are different to us, they are ''gold plated'' against poverty. They are also different in many other things also. They differ from the millions who come here, looking for a better life, but want so much to bring equality and fairness to society to them.
After all, it won't be long before an immigrant, or one from immigrant ancestry, takes the ''top job,'' and become Prime Minister. Not of Britain of course, but of England. Scotland and Wales will of course be able to enjoy this idea, as they are now preparing to depart from the ancient Britanicus that at one time, was one single entity. Soon, we will have our very own Barrack Obama. Equality would then be total. The Marxists, so wonderfully financed by the foreign bankers of old, would then be a happy bunch.
Marxism is of course, along with it's later creation, the ''Frankfurt School,'' the bedrock of the whole sham now playing at a City, town or village near you. This bedrock was not particularly stable though, as the whole house of cards was financed by those who will soon, show how ruthless they are.
How so? It's like this: Super capitalists, mainly immigrants themselves, embedded in Europe and New York, desperately needed a vehicle to drive their plan of world fiscal and resource domination into being. Once this was achieved, so-called Socialist revolutions could then explode all over the world.
Now they have completed this, many who voted Labour, joined unions, and basically threw the baby out with the bath water by despising their traditions and culture, will suffer severely. Nothing is safe, and no amount of Students demonstrating, or people moaning in pubs etc, will stop what is coming if solid action is not forthcoming. Our little island may be the benefits Riviera of the world, but it is simply unsustainable.
With so-called ''main-stream'' ideology, comes propaganda, and now it is all coming home to roost. Marxism and basic Social and Capital dogma, has been proven to be one and the same. It's all now becoming clearer, and our little nation, once the bread basket of the world in sheer engineering and export terms, is being broken, smashed into pieces, and everyone will become a victim.
Now we have only one choice, and that is to take a lead from all the opposing groups, and polarise our efforts no matter what. Somehow, and somewhere and sometime soon, very soon, there will have to be a single entity on the world wide stage, one that will reach every individual, group, and political party where-ever they are on earth.
We have little time, so watch this space, as it is becoming apparent that a legal representative with a recognised diplomatic status, to push for the rights and renaissance of our kind, will become a reality.

Race Gestapo EHRC Must Pay British National Party’s Court Costs in Full

EHRC Must Pay British National Party’s Court Costs in Full

Nick Griffin has welcomed the ruling that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) must pay the British National Party’s court costs in full as a “victory for freedom”.
“It is a massive victory for the British National Party and freedom and a crushing blow for the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Trevor Phillips' PC bullies,” he said.
Mr Griffin’s comments follow the High Court judgement ruling that the EHRC must pay all the costs incurred by him, Simon Darby and Tanya Lumby during their brave defence against the EHRC’s attempts to seize the Party's assets and throw the defendants into prison.
The ruling of Lord Justice Moore-Bick and Mr Justice Ramsey is a further crushing defeat for the Commission and a personal humiliation for Trevor Phillips and Simon Woolley, who at the start of proceedings boasted on TV that they were going to close the British National Party down.
"Thanks to the staunch generosity of so many of our members and supporters and the magnificent efforts of our legal team, their attack on democracy and freedom failed utterly," said Mr Griffin.
"The British National Party is still very much alive and kicking. We've built up a legal team which can go head to head with the most powerful opponents and beat them."
On being told that EHRC would be forced to pay its costs in full, Simon Darby said, "I told them they would never beat me or the British National Party, but they simply wouldn't listen. Now these people are going to pay the price for persecuting Nationalists. The question has to be asked as to whether this discredited quango will survive the next round of government cuts."
Exactly how much the EHRC will have to pay must now be assessed in a long and complicated procedure that will take some months. When we get our money back, it will make a healthy contribution to our war chest for next year's Assembly election in London, where the EHRC is/was based.
It will, however, come too late to help finance this May's PR-election breakthrough drives in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To fund these campaigns, we have to rely on the generosity of our supporters, so to celebrate our victory over Trevor Phillips and to continue to invest in the winning team, you can donate using all major credit and debit cards, or by PayPal, by going here.
There will be an exclusive interview with Nick Griffin on World at 8 tonight from 8 p.m. Visit, and click "Listen Now" to tune in.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National Party website.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Operation Fightback – Help Us Fight the Anti-Democratic Regime in the UK

Operation Fightback – Help Us Fight the Anti-Democratic Regime

Three ways to help the British National Party fight back against the Labour Party's Stalinist approach to politics. 
The hotel set to host the British National Party’s Scottish manifesto launch has cancelled the Party’s booking after an anti-democratic hate campaign by a Labour MP.  
Eric Joyce, the Labour MP for Falkirk, posted instructions on his blog telling people to email the hotel’s general manager to request that he “refuse bookings from the British National Party”. 
One commenter on Mr Joyce’s blog wrote that he had spread his message around on social networking sites, and another boasted of sending a “threatening email” to the hotel. 
Eric Joyce, who was the first MP to claim more than £1 million in parliamentary expenses, commented on the decision to cancel the event as “awesome” and “brilliant”. He also told one commenter on Twitter who respectfully questioned whether his actions were a sign of “a healthy democracy” to “grow up”. 
British National Party Scotland Press Officer David Orr reported that Paul Bray, general manager of MacDonald Hotels’ Inchyra Grange hotel in Falkirk, where the manifesto was set to be launched, phoned him just after 5 p.m. yesterday to tell him that the event was cancelled and that the Party would no longer be welcome at the hotel. 
Mr Bray had received phone calls threatening him with loss of future business if the conference went ahead, Mr Orr said.  
Despite the fact that the conference was booked under the name “British National Party Scotland”, MacDonald Hotels posted on their Twitter page yesterday that “The hotel was not aware of the true nature of the meeting until today.” 
David Orr said it was a clear case of discrimination: “If this had been a Muslim event or any other gathering of religion or ethnic minorities, this would result in criminal charges being brought on a ‘hate crime’.”  
The British National Party would like to assure its supporters that this cowardly anti-democratic attack on our party has had the effect of motivating us all and focuses our drive and determination to new levels that these cowards could not even imagine.
They do not understand the mentality of the Patriot. When faced with this kind of cowardly gutter politics, we fight back!
You can help in three ways:   
Let’s show Eric Joyce and the Labour Party that the only result of their tyranny is more growth for the British National Party. Donate to our Regional Assemblies election campaign fund today, and imagine the look on his face when our donations barometer goes up because of his anti-democratic actions! 

Email the general manager of MacDonald Hotels, Paul Bray, and tell him that cancelling a legitimate political event and showing that MacDonald Hotels do not support democracy and do the bidding of the Labour Party over and above the freedom of the Scottish people will cost them more money in lost revenue that they will believe. We intend to spread the message of boycotting McDonald Hotels to millions of people who value political freedom in Scotland!
The man responsible – disgraced MP Eric Joyce
His achievements as an MP: he has set an extraordinary new record by claiming more than £200,000 expenses in a single year. Last year he billed the taxpayer for a staggering £200,986, despite having previously pledged to curb his expenses.
He is a convicted drink-driver.
Nicknamed “Air miles Eric”, he clocked up £45,411 in travel costs. The figure is equal to nearly £1,600 for every week Parliament sits.
His claim also included £19,176 for his second home, £10,018 for "communicating" with constituents, £24,337 for office costs and £102,044 for staff.
He prompted outrage last year by likening middle-class voters to paedophiles, drunks and liars, in a rant on a left-wing website.
Joyce’s record claim emerged as official figures revealed that MPs went on a £90-million taxpayer-funded spending spree in the run-up to the election last year. 
The payments are on top of MPs’ basic £65,000 salaries. The figures show that MPs brushed aside public fury over their expenses and carried on claiming right up until the election.
This man is an absolute disgrace. Please contact his constituency office, and politely but officially lodge your disgust about his anti-democratic actions:
Constituency office:  Tel:  01324 823200
Email him at: and 
Print your email, and send it to his constituency office: 
Eric Joyce, Disgraced MP, 37 Church Walk, Denny, FK6 6DF

Thank you for your help. Together we are strong,
Adam Walker
British National Party
National Organiser.
PS: The more people we have, the better we can “fight back”. Please send the email addresses of like-minded people to and we will add them to our operation fightback email list.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National Party  website.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.

Monday 21 March 2011

BBC Blows Licence Tax Payers’ Money on “Diversity Census”

“Too White” BBC Blows Licence Payers’ Money on “Diversity Census”

By Stephen Palmer –at the British National Party Newsroom
Despite facing some of the biggest cutbacks in its history, the BBC has chosen to spend licence payers’ money on a “diversity census” of its staff instead of funding programming.
Much like the national census, the BBC’s questionnaire asks a series of personal questions about employees’ ethnicity, religion and disabilities, but it also questions them about their sexual orientation.
The intrusive survey, issued to the BBC’s 17,000-plus hapless staff, has been welcomed by homosexual groups, who called on other publicly funded organisations to do the same.
It is believed that the move is being undertaken because of the so-called Equality Act, which requires public-sector employers to monitor whether certain groups within its staff are at a “disadvantage”.
The news came at the same time as the producer of the ITV show Midsomer Murders was suspended for telling an interviewer that fictional Midsomer “wouldn’t be an English village” if it contained non-white characters.
Conversely, recent comments by former Radio 4 controller Mark Damazer, that shows such as the Today programme and The Archers are “too white”, were met with no such media hysteria.
We in the British National Party recognise the obvious fact that “diversity” is simply a euphemism for “fewer white people”, specifically fewer heterosexual white males. To spend the public’s money on such a racist, heterophobic and bigoted survey only reiterates the BBC’s position as an enemy of normalcy and the British people.
It is ironic that many of the same BBC staff who champion “diversity”, “enrichment” and “multiculturalism” will very likely lose their jobs because they don’t tick the “right” boxes.
After the way the corporation has treated the British National Party over the years, however, it is unlikely they will get much sympathy from our supporters.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National  Party website.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Horwich Nationalists Exclusive Nuclear power Explosion in Japan leads to unforeseen consequences on Japanese Wildlife

In an Horwich nationalist exclusive, amazing live pictures are being beamed right to our international monitoring station aboard Thunderbird  5, from our Japanese patriot sister site, run by our Japanese correspondent Hiro hito on'iceshowing the dire consequences of the failure of the Japanese govt efforts to protect local wildlife from the radiation leaking from their failed nuclear power stations,
more news to follow later

As British Nationalists, we say NOT IN OUR NAME !

Not in Our Name PDF Print E-mail
Written by BC1959   
coffin2_120_x_179As our ''Government'' and in fact, the whole of the British establishment, sign the death warrant of yet another foreign country, they also sign the death warrants of future civilian victims and armed forces members.
Many well read, and intelligent people, not just Nationalists, know this is insane, and deeply worrying. Why? The obvious reason is that if the plan to bomb Libyan forces controlled by Colonel Gaddafi, turns into a full thrown conflict, then imagine what another wave of immigrants, angry at ''the West'' will do.
The other reason is patently obvious also, and that is, the so-called ''international community'' and some other Arab states, are all embroiled in a war on EVERY independent nation, and the leaders of the international community, have no desire whatsoever, to relinquish their power and wealth.
It mattered not one jot what the Gaddafi regime was doing to its people not that long ago, and Britain even allowed the Lockerbie bomber to return.
Bahrain and Middle Eastern nations linked to this country's arms industry, are valuable to big business. Britain faces a dilemma in dealing with the current crisis in Bahrain and Libya, as Bahrain is as ''autocratic'' as Libya, but Libya is now a pretext to a further engineered schism, with a view to ridding those whose uses have been done and dusted. This country's links to dubious regimes, just as America's, is there for all to see in historical terms, but that won't stop the money elite from dumping on them when the time is right.
If Bahrain suddenly became unstable, one can only imagine the consequences of having no launch pad, for military activities of the US and UK security community. This would be a considerable disaster, and could then force the horse whispering ''allies'' of America and the UK, to pul strings, and once again use sheer greed, and military gain, to usher in a deadly attack on even that country.
In 2003, on the eve of the Iraqi war, Turkey vetoed an American led invasion from the north, through Turkish territory. If a similar thing were to happen in Bahrain, then Bahrain would become a victim to the ''democratic forces'' of America, Britain, and Israel. In fact, could that 2003 veto, be the VERY reason, so many government officials and MP's want Turkey to become a member of the EU?
Bahrain announced that MP's recently voted to ''jail for up to five years, any Bahraini who deals directly with Israel''. With the massive Israeli lobby in America, Britain, and much of the west having to doff the cap to influences and directives from powerful Jewish leaders and spokesmen, yet another creepy aspect rears it's ugly head. Bahrain pushed through a proposed new law, ''banning any form of relations with Israel or its people at all levels, government, business or private''. Penalties would also include fines of up to BD10,000 and business leaders or owners dealing with Israel, or selling or promoting its products, ''could lose their licences for up to 10 years''.
This picture then, paints a thousand words, as we all know that what Israel wants, Israel gets. So where will our armed forces personnel be in this whirlpool of tit-for-tat, open political and socio-economic warfare?
Probably in the firing line, along with thousands of others in the western hemisphere, used as pawns by their treacherous political leaders. In fact, how is an Islamic community going to take the simple fact that, one one hand, British MP's on all sides have ''friends of Israel,'' and promote Zionist influences and wishes at every turn, and on the other hand, invite millions of their brethren to come here, and like the Communist Ed Miliband, wish to offer them every available opportunity, and garner their mass votes from an increasing volume of immigrants from the Islamic community?
Both sides will eventually, clash, with poor old indigenous white folks slap in the middle of it all. We want nothing to do with either pro-Israeli duplicity, or pro-Islamic boot licking.
Not in our name the deaths on either side, and especially our brave soldiers already fighting for big business, and the bankers. Not in our name, the young lad from 2nd battalion, The Parachute Regiment, who is the latest brave Briton to die in this war of foreign interests and empire building. If this next conflict escalates, and it could, there will be thousands more like him.
Yet more of the cream of our nation(s), dying in their very prime will be only the tip of the iceberg. As indigenous Britons, we face both leaders from the Jewish community, and the Muslim community, getting together and crying wolf yet again, meeting as they are planning to do, to ''tell'' leaders not to encourage deals with so-called ''Far Right'' parties, or give them any oxygen of publicity.
If that is the case, then as Nationalists, we say NOT IN OUR NAME, the wars and conflict that will come to our shores and foreign ones also. Not in our name, the hate filled arrogance, used to foster in-fighting and treachery that splinters our communities and political will to fight enemies, embedded in our government and institutions.
And certainly, NOT IN OUR NAME, the destruction of other peoples countries, where innocent men, women, and children die for sheer greed and a land-grab of resources.
The whole of the political and elitist establishment, past and present, may well have to find new shores themselves, because within a short period of time, the country will be in the biggest mess it has ever been in. They can go where they want to, as long as it is not within a thousand miles of our shores.
And when the day of retribution does come, it will be a case of NOT IN OUR NAME, because all they have done, they have done knowingly, and all they will reap, they have reaped in their name, and for their own benefit, and by their own actions will they be known.

Friday 18 March 2011

Bring Our Boys Home Petition Handed In to Number 10 including Hundreds of Bolton Signatures

Bring Our Boys Home Petition Handed In to Number 10

British National Party activists have successfully handed in our Bring Our Boys Home petition to 10 Downing Street, reports Jennifer Matthys.
Nick Griffin, the Rev Robert West and five decorated ex-servicemen handed in the first wave of our Bring Our Boys Home petitions, carrying some 10,000 signatures, at 12.30 p.m. as scheduled. The handing in of the petition passed off without incident and was filmed by television news crews.
Prior to delivering the petition, activists and members of the Party’s British Veterans’ Group observed a two-minute silence and a Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall.
The Service was led by the Rev Robert West, moderator of the Christian Council of Great Britain, and Peter Molloy, head of the British National Party Veterans’ Association. Several London black cabs hooted their support as the veterans and activists unfurled one of our popular Bring Our Boys Home banners.
Later, passing members of the public joined British National Party members in applauding a short speech by Nick Griffin MEP at the entrance to Downing Street as he explained that the Party is providing a voice for the huge number of Britons who, like us, oppose any involvement in wars in Afghanistan or, in the future, the Middle East, that have nothing to do with Britain.
“The whole of the Middle East from Saudi Arabia through to Tunisia is not worth the bones or blood of one British soldier,” Mr Griffin told assembled reporters. “Keep Britain out of foreign wars that have nothing to do with us.”

included on the petition are Hundreds if not thousands of signatures from the people of Horwich Westhoughton and Bolton who signed the petition , as you can see on the video  people eagerly signing in the Bolton area.

Please tune in to  Radio RWB  to hear an exclusive interview with Nick Griffin about the events: Radio RWB.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Transferring Even More Power to Bureaucrats to the EU in Brussels

Transferring power to bureaucrats in Brussels

MARCH 2011: 
The unelected European Commission (right) is set to gain considerable power as new rules on decision-making in the 300-odd European Union committees dealing with the detailed implementation of EU laws – a procedure known as ‘comitology’ – came into force last week. 

 Under the new regulations it will be much harder for experts from the EU’s subject states to block Commission dictates in these committees. Also the experts’ right to refer controversial edicts of the unelected Commission to the Council of – elected – Ministers has been severely cut back.
An European Union official is quoted saying:
"The Commission is in control of the agenda and can push its own interests. It can now adopt its own proposals unless there is a qualified majority of member state experts against it."
So yet another step has been taken in the steady transfer of power from elected governments in countries across Europe to the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.


Written by Sarah Albion   
  March 2011
From the desk of the Commissariat of the Extermination of Homogenous Rights Commission (EHRC) this 15th day of March in the glorious year of RRA76 + 35
It has been drawn to our attention that a television series broadcast under the suspiciously Anglo-Saxon name of “Midsommer Murders” may have been operating a “whites only” casting policy, whereby only actors of still undiversified Caucasian ancestry are allowed to appear in what can only be described as subversive and socially unreconstructed programming.
Naturally all those associated with this outage have been rounded up and are currently being held in a restricted area together with the makers of Antiques Roadshow and the cast of Lark Rise to Candleford.
Shortly prior to their incarceration, pending Mandatory Attitude and Thought Re-education (MATR), the producers of this abomination attempted to justify their forbidden practices by claiming that the show was aimed at a specific audience whom they claim still cling to the archaic and ideologically abhorrent view that the show would lose its so called “quintessential Englishness” were state approved diverse quota rules to be applied to the casting of residents of the fantasy middle English Village of Midsommer.
The EHRC acknowledges that the producers have in other respects complied with our Reverse Reality Makes for a Compliant Communities guidelines (RRMCCG) by associating a location which would appear to have highest crime rate in Western Europe with exclusively white perpetrators.  However, by permitting their viewers to believe that a homogenous white community can still exist within MultiCultural Britain, this places the producers, cast and crew, who are all guilty of complicity, in breach of no less that 87 sections of the EHRC’s Rules and Guidance for Multi Cult Friendly Broadcasting (RGMCFB).
Zis vill nicht b…..ahem!  This will not be permitted.  Be under no illusion that any attempt to avoid compliance with the EHRC approved quota based Diverse community representation regulations will result in to severe penalties being imposed on any transgressor. Meanwhile material found to include the suggestion, indication or implication that Multicultural Britain has, had,, or will ever be permitted to have an indigenous native population, will be tracked down, rooted out and expunged.
Perpetrators will be fined a minimum of €20,000 and undergo Level 2 Mandatory Attitude and Rhought Re-education (Level 2 MATR).
Do not forget, we are the forces of multiracial purity and it is our mission to ensure there is no corner of Britain, real or imagined, which will remain quintessentially English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish and there will be no depiction of same thereof. Any resistance will stamped out with utmost severity.
With this aim in mind we have taken immediate action. Under the new Racially Representative Broadcasting Regulations 2011 (RRBR2011) agreed at this morning's disobedience eruption crisis meeting (on the back of an environmentally friendly herbal fag packet), we will ensure that future television production must include the requisite diversity, irrespective historical authenticity and, crucially, whether you racist peasants like it or not!
For instance, all dramas featuring a leafy village in England (or Diversity Zone E to give it the proposed new inclusive designation) may not be broadcast without including amongst the residents of said leafy Zone E village at least one Muslim character with tolerant liberal views and a gay son or daughter. In addition there must be a minimum of two other ethnic minority character taken from an approved list of popular ethnic figures, such as a West Indian brain surgeon, an African nuclear scientist, or an Afghan feminist outreach worker etc.
Meanwhile, should any comedy or drama feature two or more white females, at least one must have an ethnic minority boyfriend. (this requirement reinforces existing guidelines) Of course all future police dramas must, by law, feature at least one black or Asian (preferably Muslim) officer who, must at all times be brighter and more astute than his slow witted whiter counterparts (SWWC).
(Exemptions from these regulations will of course apply to educationally valuable dramas, such as those involving, black Egyptians, lady detectives from Botswana or anything with Bollywood themes)
Midsommer characters in ethnic guise Short term revised casting arrangements
There will however, be no more all white murders in Midsommer ….... except for the murderers, of course, they must remain exclusively white to prevent any undesirable racial stereotyping.
The EHRC has been obliged to take these measures, because the English public have consistently failed to embrace the joys of multiculturalism. This is why you were never permitted to vote on whether your ancient nation should be changed forever by mass immigration, you could not be trusted to give the right answer.
However, we have not finished with you, we will leave you nothing of your own, there will not be an acre of your land nor a fable or a legend which you will be able to view as exclusively white and English.  When we have taken it all from you, then you will learn to love multiculturalism, or else you will die in the process.
Do not resist us, we know what is best for you.
Willy Wadham
Deputy Chief Enforcer
Enforcement Bureau
Commissariat of the Extermination of Homogenous Rights Commission (EHRC)