EHRC Must Pay British National Party’s Court Costs in Full
Nick Griffin has welcomed the ruling that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) must pay the British National Party’s court costs in full as a “victory for freedom”.
“It is a massive victory for the British National Party and freedom and a crushing blow for the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Trevor Phillips' PC bullies,” he said.
Mr Griffin’s comments follow the High Court judgement ruling that the EHRC must pay all the costs incurred by him, Simon Darby and Tanya Lumby during their brave defence against the EHRC’s attempts to seize the Party's assets and throw the defendants into prison.
The ruling of Lord Justice Moore-Bick and Mr Justice Ramsey is a further crushing defeat for the Commission and a personal humiliation for Trevor Phillips and Simon Woolley, who at the start of proceedings boasted on TV that they were going to close the British National Party down.
"Thanks to the staunch generosity of so many of our members and supporters and the magnificent efforts of our legal team, their attack on democracy and freedom failed utterly," said Mr Griffin.
"The British National Party is still very much alive and kicking. We've built up a legal team which can go head to head with the most powerful opponents and beat them."
On being told that EHRC would be forced to pay its costs in full, Simon Darby said, "I told them they would never beat me or the British National Party, but they simply wouldn't listen. Now these people are going to pay the price for persecuting Nationalists. The question has to be asked as to whether this discredited quango will survive the next round of government cuts."
Exactly how much the EHRC will have to pay must now be assessed in a long and complicated procedure that will take some months. When we get our money back, it will make a healthy contribution to our war chest for next year's Assembly election in London, where the EHRC is/was based.
It will, however, come too late to help finance this May's PR-election breakthrough drives in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To fund these campaigns, we have to rely on the generosity of our supporters, so to celebrate our victory over Trevor Phillips and to continue to invest in the winning team, you can donate using all major credit and debit cards, or by PayPal, by going here.
There will be an exclusive interview with Nick Griffin on World at 8 tonight from 8 p.m. Visit, and click "Listen Now" to tune in.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National Party website.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.
Mr Griffin’s comments follow the High Court judgement ruling that the EHRC must pay all the costs incurred by him, Simon Darby and Tanya Lumby during their brave defence against the EHRC’s attempts to seize the Party's assets and throw the defendants into prison.
The ruling of Lord Justice Moore-Bick and Mr Justice Ramsey is a further crushing defeat for the Commission and a personal humiliation for Trevor Phillips and Simon Woolley, who at the start of proceedings boasted on TV that they were going to close the British National Party down.
"Thanks to the staunch generosity of so many of our members and supporters and the magnificent efforts of our legal team, their attack on democracy and freedom failed utterly," said Mr Griffin.
"The British National Party is still very much alive and kicking. We've built up a legal team which can go head to head with the most powerful opponents and beat them."
On being told that EHRC would be forced to pay its costs in full, Simon Darby said, "I told them they would never beat me or the British National Party, but they simply wouldn't listen. Now these people are going to pay the price for persecuting Nationalists. The question has to be asked as to whether this discredited quango will survive the next round of government cuts."
Exactly how much the EHRC will have to pay must now be assessed in a long and complicated procedure that will take some months. When we get our money back, it will make a healthy contribution to our war chest for next year's Assembly election in London, where the EHRC is/was based.
It will, however, come too late to help finance this May's PR-election breakthrough drives in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To fund these campaigns, we have to rely on the generosity of our supporters, so to celebrate our victory over Trevor Phillips and to continue to invest in the winning team, you can donate using all major credit and debit cards, or by PayPal, by going here.
There will be an exclusive interview with Nick Griffin on World at 8 tonight from 8 p.m. Visit, and click "Listen Now" to tune in.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National Party website.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.