Councils to Be Hit by Legal Action if They Sack Workers from Ethnic Minorities
By David Hannam
The trade union Unison has warned councils that they face legal action over public-sector job cuts, and that they should be careful when offering redundancy packages to workers from ethnic minorities.
According to a Freedom of Information request by Unison, 72 per cent of councils did not complete Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs), or, as sensible people understand them, useless, bureaucratic, politically correct nonsense assessments.
Under public-sector equality regulations, councils must give 'due regard' to equality when making decisions.
To ensure that councils adhere to the stringent equality regulations, equality assessments were introduced.
"Councils are duty bound to make sure job cuts do not have a disproportionate impact on women, on workers with disabilities or ethnic-minority staff," said Heather Wakefield, Unison head of local government.
This kind of preferential treatment for ethnic minorities when it comes to deciding who should face redundancy packages is an indication of a system that has lost its way, and a system that puts the interests of native Britons last.
Establishment trade unions have ceased to represent the interests of British workers.
They fail, or refuse, to recognise that credit-based economies, in conjunction with globalisation, are behind the economic hardships that British workers face.
These unions support globalisation and multi-culturalism, and thus they support the exportation of British jobs to third-world nations and the deprivation of the right to work for British workers.
The fact that council authorities are lectured by unions on the preferential treatment of ethnic minorities above white people is a clear example of the need to redress this imbalance.
The British National Party will abolish equality assessments and reintroduce a fair system that is based on the principle of the 'best man for the job'.
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The trade union Unison has warned councils that they face legal action over public-sector job cuts, and that they should be careful when offering redundancy packages to workers from ethnic minorities.
Under public-sector equality regulations, councils must give 'due regard' to equality when making decisions.
To ensure that councils adhere to the stringent equality regulations, equality assessments were introduced.
"Councils are duty bound to make sure job cuts do not have a disproportionate impact on women, on workers with disabilities or ethnic-minority staff," said Heather Wakefield, Unison head of local government.
This kind of preferential treatment for ethnic minorities when it comes to deciding who should face redundancy packages is an indication of a system that has lost its way, and a system that puts the interests of native Britons last.
Establishment trade unions have ceased to represent the interests of British workers.
They fail, or refuse, to recognise that credit-based economies, in conjunction with globalisation, are behind the economic hardships that British workers face.
These unions support globalisation and multi-culturalism, and thus they support the exportation of British jobs to third-world nations and the deprivation of the right to work for British workers.
The fact that council authorities are lectured by unions on the preferential treatment of ethnic minorities above white people is a clear example of the need to redress this imbalance.
The British National Party will abolish equality assessments and reintroduce a fair system that is based on the principle of the 'best man for the job'.
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Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.