Operation Fightback – Help Us Fight the Anti-Democratic Regime
Three ways to help the British National Party fight back against the Labour Party's Stalinist approach to politics.
The hotel set to host the British National Party’s Scottish manifesto launch has cancelled the Party’s booking after an anti-democratic hate campaign by a Labour MP.

Adam Walker
British National Party
National Organiser.
PS: The more people we have, the better we can “fight back”. Please send the email addresses of like-minded people to admin@bnp.org.uk and we will add them to our operation fightback email list.
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Eric Joyce, the Labour MP for Falkirk, posted instructions on his blog telling people to email the hotel’s general manager to request that he “refuse bookings from the British National Party”.
One commenter on Mr Joyce’s blog wrote that he had spread his message around on social networking sites, and another boasted of sending a “threatening email” to the hotel.
Eric Joyce, who was the first MP to claim more than £1 million in parliamentary expenses, commented on the decision to cancel the event as “awesome” and “brilliant”. He also told one commenter on Twitter who respectfully questioned whether his actions were a sign of “a healthy democracy” to “grow up”.
British National Party Scotland Press Officer David Orr reported that Paul Bray, general manager of MacDonald Hotels’ Inchyra Grange hotel in Falkirk, where the manifesto was set to be launched, phoned him just after 5 p.m. yesterday to tell him that the event was cancelled and that the Party would no longer be welcome at the hotel.
Mr Bray had received phone calls threatening him with loss of future business if the conference went ahead, Mr Orr said.
Despite the fact that the conference was booked under the name “British National Party Scotland”, MacDonald Hotels posted on their Twitter page yesterday that “The hotel was not aware of the true nature of the meeting until today.”
David Orr said it was a clear case of discrimination: “If this had been a Muslim event or any other gathering of religion or ethnic minorities, this would result in criminal charges being brought on a ‘hate crime’.”
The British National Party would like to assure its supporters that this cowardly anti-democratic attack on our party has had the effect of motivating us all and focuses our drive and determination to new levels that these cowards could not even imagine.
They do not understand the mentality of the Patriot. When faced with this kind of cowardly gutter politics, we fight back!
You can help in three ways:
Let’s show Eric Joyce and the Labour Party that the only result of their tyranny is more growth for the British National Party. Donate to our Regional Assemblies election campaign fund today, and imagine the look on his face when our donations barometer goes up because of his anti-democratic actions!
Email the general manager of MacDonald Hotels, Paul Bray, and tell him that cancelling a legitimate political event and showing that MacDonald Hotels do not support democracy and do the bidding of the Labour Party over and above the freedom of the Scottish people will cost them more money in lost revenue that they will believe. We intend to spread the message of boycotting McDonald Hotels to millions of people who value political freedom in Scotland!
Email Paul Bray: gm.inchyra@macdonald-hotels.co.uk
His achievements as an MP: he has set an extraordinary new record by claiming more than £200,000 expenses in a single year. Last year he billed the taxpayer for a staggering £200,986, despite having previously pledged to curb his expenses. He is a convicted drink-driver.
Nicknamed “Air miles Eric”, he clocked up £45,411 in travel costs. The figure is equal to nearly £1,600 for every week Parliament sits.
His claim also included £19,176 for his second home, £10,018 for "communicating" with constituents, £24,337 for office costs and £102,044 for staff.
He prompted outrage last year by likening middle-class voters to paedophiles, drunks and liars, in a rant on a left-wing website.
Joyce’s record claim emerged as official figures revealed that MPs went on a £90-million taxpayer-funded spending spree in the run-up to the election last year. Nicknamed “Air miles Eric”, he clocked up £45,411 in travel costs. The figure is equal to nearly £1,600 for every week Parliament sits.
His claim also included £19,176 for his second home, £10,018 for "communicating" with constituents, £24,337 for office costs and £102,044 for staff.
He prompted outrage last year by likening middle-class voters to paedophiles, drunks and liars, in a rant on a left-wing website.
The payments are on top of MPs’ basic £65,000 salaries. The figures show that MPs brushed aside public fury over their expenses and carried on claiming right up until the election.
This man is an absolute disgrace. Please contact his constituency office, and politely but officially lodge your disgust about his anti-democratic actions: Constituency office: Tel: 01324 823200
Email him at: eric@ericjoyce.co.uk and ericjoycemp@parliament.uk
Print your email, and send it to his constituency office:
Eric Joyce, Disgraced MP, 37 Church Walk, Denny, FK6 6DF
Thank you for your help. Together we are strong,Email him at: eric@ericjoyce.co.uk and ericjoycemp@parliament.uk
Print your email, and send it to his constituency office:
Eric Joyce, Disgraced MP, 37 Church Walk, Denny, FK6 6DF
Adam Walker
British National Party
National Organiser.
PS: The more people we have, the better we can “fight back”. Please send the email addresses of like-minded people to admin@bnp.org.uk and we will add them to our operation fightback email list.
Alternatively ring our donations hotline on 0844 809 4581. If operators are busy, please try again.