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Friday 30 September 2011

Margaret Hodge ,Immigration Lies, Deceit and Hypocrisy

Margaret Hodge (née Oppenheimer): Lies, Deceit and Hypocrisy

Within 24 hours, we have seen the Leader of the Labour Party and the Shadow Home Secretary criticizing the Labour government for its stance on immigration and now… we see none other than multibillionaire Margaret Hodge coming out with guns blazing criticizing Labour’s stance on immigration and taking the clothes of the British National Party. I don’t assume that Margaret Hodge could have said what she is saying now when she campaigned in Barking and Dagenham.

She says now “I think Labour should stop talking numbers. We should set up a system that allows a fairer allocation of limited resources because we have to have some form of rationing. There needs to be a system that gives some recognition to the length of time that someone has lived in the community when it comes to resources such as housing.”

Well, Margaret Hodge, welcome to the British National Party Manifesto. Should we remind Margaret Hodge who were the people that lived in Barking and Dagenham for the longer length of time before her political party opened the floodgates of immigration?

She then somehow contradicts herself and says ‘immigrant numbers are simply a result of globalisation and people will come here, one way or another’. Bitte, Frau Oppenheimer. Das ist nicht richtig! Wir sagen “it is up to the British people to decide who lives in Britain and who doesn’t. Don’t use Globalisation as an excuse to implement your policies of colonisation. It is up to the British people to decide who comes here and who doesn’t.

Has Margaret Hodge also forgotten how she managed to win the 2010 Barking and Dagenham Election? There is a BBC recording where we heard her saying something like ‘if they win, they will carry you on airplanes and throw you into the sea’. I don’t remember any of the so called free media or any member of the so called mainstream political parties or of the so called politically correct society criticizing what she said that in my view is nothing less than gross incitement to violence.

She goes even further and says ‘the amount of support I received from people in my constituency was extraordinary. The amount of open support I received from Westminster was zilch’. Well, what kind of support she was talking about? Did she need any support?

In terms of financial support, I don’t think Margaret Hodge needs any more money than the money she already has. In terms of political support, she had several para-political organizations, including the BBC, working for her. In terms of constituent numbers the woman that said that she didn’t need any white working class had more than enough non-white working class to help her, facilitated by flood immigration that started as soon as the Labour party became government in 1997.

Phoney candidate Margaret Hodge now criticizes both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party saying that they had a phoney war about numbers. She only mentioned housing and she conveniently forgot to mention the Welfare State that is the main attraction for Globalised mass migration.

As Baroness Shreela Flather denounced just a few days ago, immigration is a business for unscrupulous Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and others that use Polygamy as an excuse to milk the welfare state by having several wives claiming benefits and housing as single mothers. We should find out about Barking and Dagenham and about many of Margaret Hodge’s constituents.

I wouldn’t call ethnic cleansing ‘a result fo Globalisation’. I would call it a result of organized crime committed by a Labour government that used the Welfare State for its own political ends. Those who have lived in Britain for longer have been persecuted and called ‘racists, nazis, fascists and bigots’ simply because they have tried to stand up for their own rights.

Labour brought in the so called ‘Positive Discrimination’ and as a consequence of ‘Positive Discrimination’ entire communities have been decimated and more than 80 per cent of all jobs created in Britain in recent years have ended up in foreign hands. So, what? Has Frau Oppenheimer suddenly seen the light?

Stemcor, her family company, was the world’s largest privately owned steel-trading corporation with an annual turnover of £6.28 billion in 2008. When the Labour Party was in the red, she could have lifted the Labour Party out of debt single-handedly and it would have been pocket money for her. Did she? No, she didn’t. She pursued her own interests in ‘business dealings’ in Barking and Dagenham and elsewhere. Eine grosse Scheiße diese Frau ist!

Carlos Cortiglia

The politics of youth

The politics of youth PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Pilgrim

spoiltchild_120_x_225One of many good things about The Bible is the fact that it does not pander to the whims of young people. It is true that The Bible recognises youth as a time of life associated with energy and enthusiasm, but it also recognises a link between youth and immaturity.

You can probably guess where this is leading. One of the big news stories right now is the fact that a schoolboy called Rory Weal has made a speech at the Labour Party conference. His speech was contemptuous of the Conservative-led government, and nationalists can allow themselves the rare indulgence of agreeing with Melanie Phillips.

Rory Weal is a young lad who cannot afford to go to school, although it seems that he can afford to travel to Liverpool for the conference, and that’s no mean journey given that he lives in Kent.

Like many teenage politicians, he obsesses about issues revolving around young people. That is only to be expected, and I was pretty much the same when I first took an interest in politics. However in my own defence I can honestly say that I did occasionally look beyond my own blinkered horizons and consider other people.

He bleats on about the abolition of the Educational Maintenance Allowance. My question to him is that if the EMA is to be brought back, then how should it be funded? Higher taxes are not the answer, as they tend to cause resentment among the people upon whom the higher taxes fall. Bringing the troops home from Afghanistan would save a few billion each year – easily enough to resurrect the EMA – but of course bringing the troops home is not Labour Party policy.

If I were Prime Minister, then I would not hesitate to bring the troops, home, but I would hesitate to spend any of the money saved on handouts to teenagers. That would be way down my list of priorities. Does Rory Weal really believe that his subsidised year twelve is more important than lifting elderly people out of fuel poverty?

I expect a lot of visitors to this site will sympathise with Rory Weal in his desire to improve himself through study, but I cannot bring myself to be enthusiastic. If he is short of money, then has he considered a part time job? When I was a teenager it was common for sixth formers to have Saturday jobs, and that was in a time of high unemployment.

Britain needs talent if it is to succeed in the future, but I wonder to what extent that talent will be nurtured by masses of teenagers studying subjects such as English literature, geography, politics and history – the subjects Weal is taking at AS Level. What career options do these subjects open up for him? Apart from being a researcher for the Labour Party I mean. Okay, geography could lead into a career in town planning, but not every year twelve pupil is going to grow up to become a town planner.

The talent that Britain needs is often not academic. Is A Level politics a good induction to working in a factory? Some of you may be thinking that apprenticeships are a good alternative, and in theory they are. I feel bound to observe, however, that I recently met a young lad who had taken two apprenticeships (in road maintenance and carpentry) but had not sought a career in either of those fields because he said they were boring. I cannot help but wonder if apprenticeships are not wasted on the young. Might it not make more sense to reserve apprenticeships for older people who already have some employment history behind them?

Young people mature and change as they get older, and in many cases this involves them changing their political views. In ten years from now, Rory Weal might be a rising star at Labour Party HQ, or he might be cringing at the recollection of his teenage conference speech. I believe that politicians should seek to reach out to the youth vote, but without pandering to the whims of the more outspoken among them. There are many sixteen year olds in Britain who are not in further education, and who are either in full time work or else looking for full time work. For some reason they tend to receive far less attention from politicians than the likes of Rory Weal. I would be grateful if anyone could explain this.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Labour’s Immigration Idiocy to be Laid Bare

Labour’s Immigration Idiocy to be Laid Bare

By Southwest Nationalist.

A previously-hidden collection of five studies on immigration, commissioned by the Labour Party, are finally to see the light of day which will reveal the truth about Britain’s colonisation and the myth of “economic benefits.”

The reports, already leaked to the Telegraph, the snippets which they have published are already a savage indictment of let ‘em all in Labours abject failings on immigration, and raise many questions about why they chose to conceal the truth from us.

Among revelations in the documents aired by the Telegraph, we find the conclusion that immigrants to Britain are more likely to be out of work than the native population, and far less likely to engage in any form of “civic participation”.

Also, more than one third of London’s population has been born outside of the UK. One third of those living in our capital! And the politicians have the gall to tell us that we are not being colonised?

Migrants from Bulgaria and Romania are shown to be more likely to have four or more children – colonisation by the cradle again, placing huge strain on education, NHS, and the welfare state.

As with recent figures which have shown Poland’s population decline whilst the number of Poles in Britain increase, the reports show that the population of both Bulgaria and Romania also declined between 2004 to 2010. Need we tell you that at the same time the number of Bulgarians and Romanians in the UK increased astronomically?

Unsurprisingly, the obvious also happened – unemployment levels in Bulgaria and Romania fell, whereas in the UK they increased. Who could have guessed that is what will happen when you have too many people chasing too few jobs?

On which note, also shown by the reports, is the fact that Bulgarians and Romanians were more likely to claim unemployment benefits than either native Brits or other migrants groups in Britain.

And, what is the best that Labour can manage to say on the issue? Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper admits that Labour “got things wrong” on immigration.

Admitting you “got things wrong” is all fine and dandy, even though it is a huge understatement and does absolutely nothing to repair the damage which has been done to Britain.

Saying you should have done it differently, great help to us.

What are the Labour party going to do in order to undo and reverse the nightmare of mass immigration and overpopulation, along with the burdens that places on all of our critical services and national infrastructure?

Nothing, that’s what. You got it wrong, and we’re expected to live with it for ever more.

Many believe that Labour didn’t get it wrong by accident, there was design there. Whatever the truth, the Labour legacy is an overcrowded nation flooded with immigrants, and it is a legacy which – despite Cameron’s tough talking – ConDem has carried on.

Getting it wrong just doesn’t cut it one bit, politicians seem to get it wrong all too often, and it is always us and Britain left paying the price.

Instead of just holding up hands with a weak “we got it wrong” and not even the decency to offer a true apology, how about admitting to the full extent of just how you got it wrong, the damage which that has caused, and then actually doing something that will put it right for once?

No, of course not, your wrongs are something the rest of us will be paying the price of for a long time, and you’ll just expect us to lump it and accept a half hearted semi apology in the way of penitence.

Our society has been changed forever as a result of your getting it wrong, and the process of change is ongoing – and it isn’t change for the better.

Labour was, and is, a disaster for Britain – and sadly, as we are finding out currently, Tory and Liberal are no better.

Not only have all of them got it wrong, they all continue to get it wrong. We can see with our own eyes that Britain and Britain’s future is not safe in any of their hands.

Whichever of them is in power Britain will continues its journey towards overpopulated and colonised land, and by way of an excuse we’ll get no more than a “we got things wrong” from the lot of them.

Many times we don’t even get that feeble excuse though, normally it’s point at one of the other parties and tell us that “they got it wrong”.

As they make excuses and trade blame, and do nothing in the way of fixing things, the colonisation of our Britain continues.

Monday 26 September 2011

British Taxpayers Give £1.4 Billion in Foreign Aid to Pakistan—While Americans Warn of Terror Threat

British Taxpayers Give £1.4 Billion in Foreign Aid to Pakistan—While Americans Warn of Terror Threat

British taxpayers will give £1.392 billion in foreign aid to Pakistan, a nation accused today of “exporting violence” to Afghanistan by a top US military officer.

The foreign aid spend, announced in a sheet issued by the Department for International Development (DFID) and obtainable from its website here, includes £147,500,000 for “wealth creation,” £202,000,000 for “governance and security,” £645,000,000 for “education”, £200,500,00 for “reproductive, maternal and newborn health,” “£108,500,000 for “pervert, hunger and vulnerability,” and a further £88,000,00 for “humanitarian” aid.

The £1.4 billion total, to be paid over before the end of 2015, is the same amount that Pakistan has put aside to buy a new fleet of Chinese made submarines. It will also allow Pakistan to proceed with its purchase of two squadrons of Chinese J-10 fighters for $1.4 billion (£900,000,000).

The US military’s Admiral Mike Mullen told a congressional subcommittee today that the Pakistani government actively supported the Islamist “Haqqani” network and other al Qaida-aligned groups.”

He said Pakistan’s government has chosen to “use violent extremism as an instrument of policy,” adding that “by exporting violence, they have eroded their internal security and their position in the region. They have undermined their international credibility and threatened their economic well-being”.

The UK foreign aid spend has risen by 50 per cent under the coalition government, and now costs every household in Britain £479 extra tax per year.

In 2008, then prime minister Gordon Brown revealed that three quarters of all terrorist plots investigated in the U.K. were linked to Pakistan-based Muslims, and gave offered £6 million to help Pakistan “tackle the causes of radicalisation.”

He also pledged help for Pakistan’s bomb-disposal teams, forensic investigators and airport security. “Three quarters of the most serious plots investigated by the British authorities have links to al-Qaeda in Pakistan,” he said.

* A report on the BBC website today said that a south London mosque is at the centre of allegations it helped promote of acts of terror and hate in Pakistan.

“Leaflets circulating in Pakistan calling for the murder of members of the Ahmadi Muslim sect directed readers to a website naming Stockwell Mosque,” the BBC said.

“The website mentioned on the leaflets in turn advised people with queries to contact the mosque in Stockwell.”

Prominent Pakistani Supreme Court Lawyer Muji ur Rehman was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims are “carrying fundamentalist ideology from here (London) back to Pakistan, when instead we would expect them to come with their liberalism instead.”

Sunday 25 September 2011

EDL Coming down the road , Bolton Chapter

EDL Coming down the road PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

EDL-CMD_140_x_203There is a fairly new publishing company called VHC Publishing that promotes the work of new writers. Well Nationalist4UK thought (quite correctly) that we might be interested in their review of one of the new books they have added to their cataloque.

Below is a sample of the work of the author of EDL Coming down the road, Billy Blake who has charted the rise and progress of the EDL over the last two years.

UAF cheered wildly as the EDL seemingly retreated. Anti-fascists started chanting “No Pasaran!” They had defeated the Nazis! They were jubilant, celebrating victory and started singing “We shall not be moved!”

However, their joy proved somewhat premature, chants of “Muslim bombers off our streets!” could suddenly be heard getting gradually louder. The EDL in the square had merely gone to meet a snaking mass of their comrades who, with a police escort, slowly making their way there. They had been led slowly through the streets of Bolton towards the protest site, a line of stewards and riot police checking their advance.
The column stalled briefly before being allowed to enter the square and the chant of “E, E, EDL!” filled the air.

Finally released by police, the EDL roared like a triumphant army as they entered the arena. The anti-fascists were dumbstruck, as an immense, noisy, flag waving, swarming mass of patriots flooded towards them.

These were the forgotten people, the sons and daughters of old England, here to reclaim their birthright. A mass of coloured flags filled the square, as it was reclaimed in the name of the English people. Here were the descendants of people who built the modern world, their battle flag rich with exotic names from far flung shores. Now more familiar sounding names were being added, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, London and now Bolton. There were well over 1500 of them, all chanting in unison and drowning out the chants of the anti-fascists. It was pure, crude and brutal Anglo-Saxon defiance. They had a simple message for their opponents, two fingers. We will not submit.

The entrance alone was a victory in itself, the surprise of anti-fascists was palpable. They had severely misjudged the EDL’s level of support. As they confronted the anti-fascists the EDL mocked them with chants of “who are ya, who are ya?” Bolton’s war memorial stood proudly between the two groups, bearing the legend ‘Tell ye your children’.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Hero of Christianity and Nationalism

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Hero of Christianity and Nationalism
Written by Tim Heydon
September 2011

Only once has your writer got a lump in the throat when reading a tribute to the dead in the Daily Mail.

That was Stephen Glover’s article on Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian writer and author of ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch’, ‘Cancer Ward’ ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ and many other famous books about life under left-fascist totalitarianism, on the occasion of the latter’s death.

‘A literary giant whose courage put today's pygmy authors to shame’

...Under the heading, ‘A literary giant whose courage put today's pygmy authors to shame’ Glover recounted the life of a man who, strengthened by the Christian faith he had once abandoned in favour of Marxism, had lived a life of unimaginable hardship and had struggled against the evil of Lenin and Stalin with inspirational courage. As Glover remarked,

‘Most of us, if forced to spend eight years doing hard labour, would curl up, and very possibly die. We certainly wouldn't write a novel on scraps of paper and memorise them. Once released, we would probably crawl away into the obscurity of a quiet life rather than defy the Soviet authorities.

That Solzhenitsyn did not do this owed a great deal to his character, as well as to his high abilities as an artist. But his imperative to write also sprang from a powerful belief - not only in himself, though that was important, but also in the values of human dignity in which he had been educated as a child; Christian values which were in danger of being extirpated by Soviet communism, and which he wished to defend, despite being, as it must then have seemed to him, almost alone’.

Glover ended with these words:-

‘Of course, he did not overthrow Soviet communism, but he kept alive the hopes of many of his fellow countrymen, and he illuminated in the West the true horrors of Stalin and Lenin when they were still being celebrated by those whom Stalin himself had described derisively as 'useful idiots’.

‘And, in a country where tens of thousands of Christians were persecuted and murdered, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was yesterday laid to rest in Moscow's Donskoi cathedral, a wooden cross on his chest as he lay in his coffin. For a man who started his life as a Christian, and who endured the horrors of Stalin's Russia, this was surely the ultimate victory’.

Solzhenitsyn’s Struggle resonates with ours today

We are not at the stage when those dissenting from the approved marxist political stance – ie political correctness – can be sent by the authorities to labour camps of the Soviet type in the hope that either their harshness will finish either us off or will break our spirit. British attitudes still retain too much Christian heritage for that. Nevertheless, Christianity is persecuted here and political non-conformity is punished in all manner of ways.

In Secular Semi-Marxist Britain, as in the Soviet Union, ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ are whatever the Political Class say they are

There is every prospect that this persecution will worsen in time, as persecution tends to when, as in the atheistical Soviet Union, morality is not relativised as atheism logically demands but held to be an absolute when dictated by the state. In the USSR, so too in our country, the ‘right’ has become whatever the culturally marxist political class says it is and the ‘wrong’ has become whatever it disapproves of.

Solzhenitsyn : Christian and Ethnic Nationalist - Can’t have that!

Solzhenitsysn has faded somewhat from the public consciousness. Why is that? It is not because he wrote about a particular period in a ‘far away country’. As he showed so brilliantly, universal themes can be illuminated by the particular.

No, there is a more important reason than that. It is not just that the foundation of Solzhenitsyn’s antipathy to Marxism / Communism and the source of his courage in opposing it was his personal experience and the Christianity which it brought him back to, although there is that too, but that his view of Russia’s future was as part of a pan-slavic world founded on Orthodox Christianity. ‘Pan-slavic nonsense’ as Glover calls it in his otherwise admirable Daily Mail piece.

There has never been a culture of note that was not founded by a people on its religion.

There has never been a culture of note that was not founded by a people on its religion. This does not exclude Confucian China and the USA. Confucianism is the working out in moral terms of the implications of ancestor worship and the USA, regardless of the Declaration of Independence and its Constitution, was founded by Europeans and based from the first on Protestant Christianity. So why does Glover call Solzhenitsyn’s views ‘nonsense’? He doesn’t tell us, as if it were self-evident.

Solzhenitsyn and the Russian Orthodox Church

As it happens, Solzhenitysn’s opinions chime with those of the Russian Orthodox Church at least as far as it justifies ethnic preference. Here are ‘The Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church’ which at the least underline the importance and rightness of ethnicity in Christian patriotism. The statement rightly points out the dangers of extreme national feeling, but continues:-

‘II. 2. …‘the Church unites in herself the universal with the national’ (as did Jesus himself, whose teaching pointed to the universal, but who) ‘identified Himself with the people to whom He belonged by birth’.

II. 3. Christian patriotism may be expressed at the same time with regard to a nation as an ethnic community and as a community of its citizens. The Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood who live everywhere in the world’

Solzhenitsyn and Two Strands of Thought sneered at by Western Liberals

Thus Solzehnitsyn incorporated two strands sneered at and condemned by the western ‘liberal intelligentsia’ who have of course a stranglehold on the public expression of opinion in our ‘free society’: Christianity and ethnic patriotism. These people, who are half-way through the journey to a Soviet system but who seem to be unaware of the fact or actually to welcome it, have not of course experienced the full flavour of a world dedicated to equality as Solzhenitsyn had done. Nevertheless they seem to think they know more about it than he did.
(The tone of left-liberalism’s attitude to Solzhenitsyn is encapsulated in a piece of 4th August 2008 written by William Harrison for ‘The Guardian’.

Politically Incorrect Solzhenitsyn is being replaced as the Voice of Soviet Literature by Vasily Grossman who ticks more PC Boxes

Compare Solzhenitsin’s current reputation in the West with for example, the ecstatic reception given by Tim Martin in The Daily Telegraph Review section of 17th September 2011 to the Radio 4 production of ‘Life and Fate’, a ‘lost masterpiece’ as it was described there. Is it entirely a coincidence that this novel was written by a Soviet Jew, Vasily Grossman; that as well as the Soviets in WW11 and the Siege of Stalingrad it concerns the Holocaust and Soviet anti-semitism and that this production was commissioned by the Gramsci soldier and son of Polish Jewish immigrants, Mark Damazer when he was still at the BBC?

Tim Martin tells us, ‘The BBC adaption will no doubt build on Grossman’s growing fan base in the English-speaking world, where as Robert Chandler puts it. ‘we seem to have this need for there to be a one-and –only figure of Soviet Literature. It used to be Solzhenitsyn and now it seems to be becoming Grossman.’ Well, Grossman certainly ticks a lot of politically correct boxes and has powerful friends like Damazer, so ‘no surprise there, then’.

Going on about the Holocaust and Missing the Point

In this week’s Spectator magazine, Tanya Gold says, ‘A friend has asked me. ‘What is it about the Jews and the Holocaust? Why do you go on about it?’ She answered, ‘’For the dead you fool.’’

Gold has rather missed the point. It is not really that the Jews go on about their undoubtedly terrible sufferings in honour of their dead. It is that they mostly go on about it as if no one else had suffered, or as much. This is not a position likely to endear them to the Russians for example (20 millions war dead alone, excluding those many, many millions who died in the Gulags, as a result of forced starvations, deportations etc etc. (60 millions in total according to Solzhenitsyn). This apparent focus on their own sufferings to the exclusion of all else does unfortunately rather tend to reinforce anti-semitic opinions.

Are the Chattering Classes beginning to get fed up with Jewish Self-Obsession as well?

The never-ending flow of demonstrations of Jewish self-obsession and the acquiescent non-Jewish assumption that anything written by an oppressed Jew must necessarily be a superior piece does now though seem to be exasperating even people in the chattering classes. Here is Rupert Christiansen’s take on the play ’The ‘Passenger’ in the London’s West End,‘ (Daily Telegraph, 21st September 2011):

‘The press has recently been full of fascinating articles about a Polish-Jewish composer who suffered under Stalin and died virtually forgotten in 1996. But after hearing two of Mieczyslaw Weinberg;s operas ‘The Portrait’ and now his so-called masterpiece ‘The Passenger’, I have lost interest…. ‘

Solzhenitsyn’s experience of the West led him to reject it and to seek a ‘Third Way’

D G Rowling puts his finger on why Solzhenitsyn was confirmed in his pan- slavism through his exile in the West . He writes :-

It was Solzhenitsyn’s published writings after his expulsion to the West that dramatically drew Western attention to the revival of Russian national consciousness.

His surprising attack on Marxism as a Western ideology, his antipathy to the materialism, individualism and atheism that he saw at the heart of Western Civilisation and his call for a regeneration of traditional Russian values quickly earned Solzhenitsin the epithet ‘Russian nationalist’.

After having the leisure to inspect the state of decay of Western civilisation, during his exile in the USA, who can blame Solzhenitsin for seeking the salvation of Russia in its ethnic religious and cultural roots rather than in Western Liberalism?

And can there be much doubt that if Solzhenitsyn had in Britain expressed his view about the desirability of a Christian, ethnic state here with the same forcefulness and courage he exhibited all his life, sooner or later he would have run into trouble with the authorities here?

Saturday 24 September 2011

A Pecking Order of Equalities

A Pecking Order of Equalities

By Southwest Nationalist.

In the wake of several television presenters losing their jobs for making sexist remarks, the Mail recently ran a story entitled “So why is it all right for women to be sexist about MEN?”

The Mail’s story doesn’t really need rehashing here, the title says all that is currently needed, but it tells only a part of the story.

There’s a distinct pecking order in existence within the world of rights and equalities as a whole, which creates a society in which speech is most definitely not free or equal.

From the top of my head, and I bet if you watch a few hours TV, or read a few newspapers, you could see every single one in action.

- Women over Men;

- Gay/Lesbian/etc over Straight;

- Muslim over Christian;

- Non-white over White.

Countless court cases confirm the adherence to this slanted code of inequality, television screams it in our faces every day. Equality creates a pecking order in which equality does not exist because equality is judged differently for the various sections of society.

It’s also, of course, filled with complications. A white woman could say what she likes about straight white men, but her ‘rights’ will likely lose out should she make similar remarks about gay men or minority men, whereas a Muslim man can express views about gays that would see most people arrested.

And, heaven help the white, straight Christian who attacks Islam’s stance on homosexuality!

So long as you’ve got your foot squarely in one of the minority camps then at least you’re on top of another group, there’s someone that you can mock until your heart’s content.

But, woe betide the white, Christian, straight male, who is at the very bottom of the pecking order, with a voice that is expected to do nothing more than agree with every other group lest he be accused of some kind of ism/obia/hate.

Belonging to one of these protected groups – or more, preferably more, you want as many ticks in those boxes as you can get – could be seen as something that society rewards, a way of getting ahead. You win more rights and freedoms by joining the ranks of the oppressed minority after all.

The rotten truth about all these so called rights and equalities is that they are nothing of the sort, they are just a state imposed hierarchy which is plastered in the gaudy robes of equality. Injustice and inequality are celebrated, sanctioned, and given official endorsement.

Despite all the lofty rhetoric from the political correct devotees, equality is simply a political decision as to who will bear the inequality and who will be more equal.

Its crowning achievement is to create a system of legally sanctioned social and intellectual apartheid, where inequality and oppression are more rampant than ever.

Tommy Robinson's Video Diary Comments for September 2011


Monday 19 September 2011

It’s not racist when they say it

It’s not racist when they say it PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Pilgrim

racistsign_160_x_214The Bible condemns hypocrisy. In fact the words hypocrite and hypocrisy occur fourteen times in Matthew’s Gospel alone. Sadly though, the message does not always get through to our enemies.

Take the Stalinist trade unions for example. It has just been announced that Britain’s first free school for Muslims has been approved. Free schools are state-funded schools which are exempt from the national curriculum and also free from local authority interference. They are not permitted to be exclusive – except regarding gender - but may select up to fifty percent of pupils on such grounds as religious affiliation.

While there is doubtless a lot to be said for the idea of free schools, this particular free school has caused some controversy. Simon Jones, national executive member for the anti-British National Union of Teachers, has been quoted as saying: “It will further undermine much of the progress towards community cohesion. We are on our way to a completely segregated schooling system. It is going to develop potential social problems in the future.

A similar view has been expressed by Councillor David Foster, the leader of the Liberal Democrats in that borough and a Methodist local preacher: “In my view we shouldn't have any religious schools of any faith. One of the problems in Blackburn is the segregation of communities.

Of course these views are not racist, because they were not made by patriots. I am sure that readers of this site will appreciate that subtlety. While I am not opposed to Muslims being taught apart from British children, I would prefer it if they were taught in a non-Muslim school. There have been instances in recent years of British teenagers being bullied by Muslim teenagers in non-segregated schools, made worse in many cases by a failure of the school staff to take appropriate action.

Nevertheless, allowing Muslims to have their own school is not necessarily a step in the right direction. Such a school will be only as good as what is taught there. For example, will pupils be given lessons in how to avoid prosecution for homicide? Or perhaps they will be given lessons in how to avoid being prosecuted for rape? One thing I am confident about is that this school will become a Muslim ghetto. It will not be allowed to exclude non-Muslim boys, but can you see any non-Muslim families trying to get their sons into such a school? Would you?

A related news item is that the noted Jewish scientist Lord Winston has spoken out about the dangers posed by immigrants in the NHS. He claims that he is not racist for speaking out, and of course we all agree. As a supporter of the Labour Party, he cannot be a racist, can he? Of course if either Andrew Brons or Richard Barnbrook had dared to say the same thing (and they may have done) then it would either be not reported in the press, or else reported in a negative light.

While we can admire Lord Winston for highlighting the problem, we cannot commend his failure to address the root cause of the problem. He maintains that “the solution ultimately is to negotiate better with Europe”. He is wrong. The solution ultimately is to tell the EU to stuff itself, and then jail the traitorous politicians who surrendered our sovereignty.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Sunday 18th September - The Lawful Bank on VBR

Sunday 18th September - The Lawful Bank PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow


Right you have another chance to listen to the speech by Roger Hayes giving details of how the Lawful Bank will work, which will be played in the British Resistance Paltalk room this Sunday at 8 p.m.

You will also learn from people who have already signed up with the new bank just what you get in your Welcome Pack.

Last time the turn out to listen to this revolutionary concept was disappointing. Let us see how many of you turn up this time.