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Wednesday 6 July 2016

Brexit Victory: the war between Identity and Globalism the first globalist domino has fallen

Brexit Victory: In the war between Identity and Globalism the first globalist domino has just fallen

Freedom loving peoples everywhere hailed the Brexit referendum victory for it gave them hope, inspiration and courage.  It encouraged them to also rise up and throw off the shackles of the shekels.  The Enemy seeks a one world slave state, and uses brainwashing, blackmail, bullying and bribery to achieve this aim.  The Enemy is aided by dupes, cowards and well paid treacherous criminal puppets.

The Enemy has immense financial power, the Enemy has money, limitless supplies of it, but we have something stronger… we have Identity.  And Identity will triumph over Globalism.  Truth will triumph over lies.  Bravery over cowardice.  Loyalty over treachery.  Honesty over usury.  All people who value something higher than money can rejoice that the first domino has fallen - the first Globalist domino in the war between Identity and Globalism has fallen. In the realm of ideas we won long ago.  It is now time for our ideas to triumph in the realm of reality.  And triumph we will.  Indeed it is all over bar the fighting.  And there will be lots of fighting.  This is the start.  We won and we better get used to winning.  It is going to be fun.

Brexit Exposed the Hysterical Subjective Nature of Modern Young People

By Thomas Sheridan

Life has a certain delicious vitality associated with risk. Remaining as you were, is stagnation and entropy. A leap into the unknown is better than the security of comfortable, conditioning over the long run. Risk is the engine of possibilities. It unleashes creative ideas and solutions.

What did we see as the response by young people who were told about the democratic passing of the Brexit vote? Sheer, hysterical, conservative terror, and closed-minded bigotry against the working classes and older voters. A generation raised within Richard Dawkin's safe spaces of 'reason' and who have turned out to be more terrified of change and the unknown than the older generations they desire to exterminate for voting the 'wrong way'...bad, bad older people!!! You have made Tarquin the media studies, third year student from Hampshire cry and stamp his progressive designer boots in horror and vitriol. "Keep the world the same!!!" That's the young people of today, all waiting for Simon Cowell or Louis Walsh to allow them a chance to grow as individuals, or worse still, waiting for the unelected bureaucrats of the European Union, Trotskyite Professors, and the Fabian Society/London School of Economics spooks who infest the likes of the BBC and the Guardian newspaper to do something to take the votes away from people who voted for Brexit.

Brexit will be looked upon as one of the defining moments of Western civilisation. On par with the French Revolution and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The last dice that academic Marxism - in tandem with their corporatist, globalisation,benefactors - had to play with, and, which crapped out. The reaction of the leftist intellectual elite holding hands with the likes of Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sach/World Bank in attempting to incite a Bernays-like coup upon the consciousness finally demonstrated - to all who can still think for themselves - what working class hating fascists they all are. The real agenda of globalism was there for all to see.

It also brought about a closure which began with the London School of Economics/BBC graduates in the late 1980s of reengineer the British working classes. Treating them like lab rats using the Pavlovian conditioning of Eastenders, Little Britain and Tellytubbies. Destroying the family structure, altering their thought processes, and with Little Britain, making them despise their own existence. Gaslighting them into oblivion, and then promising them their neo-liberal globalisation rewards which was to tolerate things no sane person should ever have to tolerate. It is indeed ironic looking back now to a time when the BBC used the otherwise wonderful Fred Dibnah to demolish the landscape of working class Britain, that the Marxist intellectual elite were demolishing the psychology of the communities around the falling smoke stacks. Proclaiming that something vague called 'diversity', and destroying your own identity, was proof of you being fit (in reality, 'worthy enough') to live in their New Statesman dreamworld of the globalist future.  READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Tuesday 5 July 2016


Published on 5 Jul 2016
Nigel Farage has now departed from his position as UKIP's leader.
The man has done far more good than people might imagine.
And BREXIT has had far more impact at far more levels than people might imagine.
My websites:

Under Common Law I believe we are out the EU.

By N Carter modified by the Horwich Nationalists 

I believe we are out  the EU. 
Under Common Law The People are supreme over Parliament so the for us the EU is over...only the paperwork and mopping up.
Article 50 is an EU treaty provision. By Our referendum by the People have trumped all treaties and even parliament which draws it legitimate  powers from the People. On the formulation of acts and statutes. That are only applicable by by contract under common law. 
Therefore, Parliament MUST prioritise the People's clear common law decision over any treaty or those that the EU has used to bind us.
The Prime Minister is therefore required, not just able, to use the Royal Prerogative power to nullify the EU treaties...except any provisions he/she chooses to continue for the time being for practical reasons beneficial to us. So, to me, it is absolutely clear that the EU no longer exists for us, the British people.
Therefore, Article 50 does not, and cannot, apply to the British People.
  The EU must ask us if it wants to negotiate with us to offer mutually beneficial new arrangements.
Essentially it's the same outcome...but it will be OUR negotiation, controlled by us, NOT theirs controlled by them, a hostile foreign bullying Fascist  power having a petulant spat! We cannot allow EU to have the whip hand over us...for they will use it...and prevent our free and prosperous future...and then do to us what they did to Greece...kill our future with criminal debt loads and long-winded legal cases.

The  EU is a Toxic entity. Only a fool would trust the EU! Ask the Greeks! as the fell for another Socialist Greek bearing gifts of free stuff for all with out realising , they meant just free for all the Bankers .And you  could ask many other nations who are being plundered by this Fascist internationalist corporate entity.

A free country does NOT need to ask permission! We can begin our free future NOW!
We can benefit from that Freedom now, and whilst we speak to EU about better terms than the standard WTO terms available to any country in the world.
And if EU try political machinations ...we will not care because we will be free to trade and set our own international treaties with the rest of world, that would be in the interest of the British People and not corporations ...And dismiss the EU.with 'countervailing measures' that are permitted, indeed almost required under WTO rules.
Onwards and upwards!

Sunday 3 July 2016

EU-inspired fascists and Hypocrites just marched in London

Thirty thousand frothing, flag-waving, EU-inspired fascists just marched through downtown London under the flag of a foreign power. These people are openly instigating a Ukraine-type coup of the UK’s democratically-elected government. Yet nobody in power in the UK seems too bothered by it all. WTF!? The fascist horde presented itself as an “anti-Brexit” protest, but the mass flying of, and show of fealty to, a foreign flag — the blue and yellow EU Swastika — in a land in which the Union Jack reigns supreme tells its own story. Saturday’s terrifying display of fascistic EU nationalism in London is no different to Oswald Mosley’s malignant black-shirted rallies calling for the imposition of a brutal British nationalism on the people of the UK; its participants are cut from the same political cloth. Make no mistake, these marchers are extremist EU nationalists in every sense of the word, and they will seek to terrorize us and to burn our democratic house down to the ground, in order to replace it with their Technocratic “European Project”. These extremists advocate a politics that is anathema to the United Kingdom and its tradition of always fighting to increase — not diminish, as constantly equivocating Soros “progressives” seek to do — the individual rights of all who call ourselves British. Could it be that our government has been made so redundant, is so cowardly, so useless, so stupidly blind, and so negligent of its duty to protect those it governs — we, the people of the UK — that it doesn’t recognize the manifestation of the most urgent and malignant force seeking to destroy us since 1939? 
Read full article here  AT  

2nd of July 2016 a year on The Face of Modern Corporate Britain

This something all those Pro EU useful idiots need to look at , when corporations and corporate legislation run amok like in the EU . Ordinary people are wide open to Fraud and tyranny from these dead entities. Only under The Common Law and true National and personnel sovereignty can security of property and body be assured.Tom Crawford of Nottingham and his wife were evicted from there house with fraudulent documents ,DESPITE! having paid the morgate in full ! Welcome to the Modern Corporate Britain all the useful idiots who support remaining in the EU are arguing for.

Brexit Forget 'negotiation ! Is Article 50 is a trap

By Nigel Carter
A useful reminder...the EU is nasty, petulant and determined to stop matter how nicely they ask, plead, beg or grovel.
Forget 'negotiation'...we will not be in the room...Article 50 is a trap, a torture for the is to hold a country limbo, suspended animation...long enough until circumstances change and a re-run of a referendum, rigged this time, can force obedience.
eu cannot be talked with...negotiations are futile.
Immediate OUT...because all treaties fell when the supreme People voted...followed by immediate independent action on border control, points system (simply include EU citizens in the non EU system tomorrow...for now) and suspension of membership and VAT payments, diversion of cash to current recipients directly through UK Govt (same rates)...from Jan 1st, say, etc.
We voted OUT, now behave OUT.
For us the EU is over, alien.
Then negotiate, at our pace, under our rules...a better and free way forward...or 'no trade deal' status continues forever.
Any hostilities from EU becomes 'countervailing measures' allowed/required under World Trade Organisation rules.
Key points: Article 50 can only apply to members of the EU...countries governed by the EU....we, UK, are OUT...already Article 50, none of it, nothing applies.
UK People are supreme over UK Parliament and therefore EU has NO hold over us whatsoever.
Now we can chat to EU as equals, not supplicants...and if EU continues to be rude, insolent and high-handed...who cares? ...we can get on with our global future as friends to our friends in the world...and let the EU they will do to us if we succumb to the torture of Article 50...designed to punish and hold a country in...if it dares to defy the high and mighty, low-down EU.
Please! Get this point if no other...EU are not 'our partners'...EU is the overlord...EU countries are grabbing competitors for influence and/or cash...they're in it for what they can get...not to be British by 'doing the right thing'.
Be wise. Protect your back. Seal your pockets. Hide your wallet. Don't let them pick the battleground or they will win and rob us again.
Get out first just by taking our Freedom back that they should never have touched...and demand the best treatment for us if they want the best from us.
We put them on notice...nothing for nothing...meanwhile we are better off with no deal than any eu deal that's on offer or in prosperity today.
This way, no delay.
Wait, plead from within and EU will have us down its gullet, paying its bills of failure a gulp.
  EU is nasty, EU is toxic...for our children and grand children's wise...escape now!

  EU is a chasm you cannot jump in easy stages...bit by bit is not possible, you will fall in.
A chasm, in or out, must be jumped in one big leap...or fall down.
Don't dither mid-air...reach and fly to the other side...with confidence.
Remember, there going back now...nasty eu is spiteful and will never forgive us, or forget, unless we ignore it...and thereby humble it.
Beware. Be wise.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Usefull Idiots Protest in London in Favour of Slavery to Central Bankers

by Horwich Nationalists
This Morning 2nd July 2016,

 London witness the most shocking example of useful idiocy so far manifested since
the Brexit victory that the vast overwhelming majority of the British People voted for and want.

The useful idiots began gathering in Park Lane in the early hours this morning as they prepared for the #F**k Brexit rally which started at 11am. 
The mob to marched down Piccadilly, Pall Mall and Whitehall before ending at Parliament Square, where Bob Geldof and Tim Farron gave their anti-Brexit speeches, as a no doubted they owed there masters something in return for vast riches for such mediocre talent in my view. 

The Mob of useful idiots were waving EU flags and home-made placards, as well as using smoke bombs, and chanting “EU, we love you” “Hope not hate”, “Breverse” and “Parliament use your sovereignty to save the UK from this crisis” . 
It is quite obvious to me that these so called protests are nothing more than a paid for and orchestrated by the Globalists.  It is quite obvious that the mob with the lack of mental capacity that can see that the EU is nothing more than a Fascist empire of the Merger of a undemocratic  technocratic bureaucracy ridden government with Corporate powers , and the  central banks that control them both , are incapable of organising this kind of thing so quickly. And that the establishment MUST ! Be behind it with a dark agenda.  
Addressing the  the March for Europe protestors, mediocre musician and tragedy exploiter Bob Geldof said leader’s of the Leave campaign had "robbed the young of their future".  
But What future Bob ? A future of enslavement via debt in a country even more enslaved to the European Central Bank with a National debt that needs a massive Tax burden to service just the interest on the Currency created out of thin air by the bankers. A future were they have no say in any thing that affects there lives . A future where they will be told they have to live in a certain district ,eat certain GMO food , a future where the dictates say that once they reach a certain age they must be subject euthanasia for the Good , sorry profitability of society. A future where any sense of personal identity whether it be gender ,race , religion, nationality, is deemed a hate crime. 
These over indulged youngsters want to sit down and try to think matters through. it is a pity that so many of them have been so dumbed down by the atrocious but deliberate standard of state education. That to even consider anything that will not stimulate there physical senses or emotional state, has no chance what so ever of ever occurring. 
They are like sheep following the Judas goats . And marching straight into the spiritual and physical death  of the darkness that that hates and despises them and is completely malevolent. And will destroy them 1st if it succeeds.  
In a way I feel sorry for them for I know what I fight for and what I know to be objective truth both spiritually and temporally . But these wretches as Our Lord Jesus Christ said. "

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.".

They through either there pride , ignorance or complete loving of darkness are after creating a Hell on Earth for all. And a certainty of Hell for ever for themselves. We Must oppose them !"

Friday 1 July 2016

More Liberal Hypocrites



List of Conservative Party Elected MP’s
Nigel Adams
Selby and Ainsty
Adam Afriyie
Peter Aldous
Lucy Allan
Heidi Allen
South Cambridgeshire
David Amess
Southend West
Stuart Andrew
Caroline Ansell
Edward Argar
Victoria Atkins
Louth and Horncastle
Richard Bacon
South Norfolk
Steven Baker
Harriett Baldwin
West Worcestershire
Steve Barclay
North East Cambridgeshire
John Baron
Basildon and Billericay
Gavin Barwell
Croydon Central
Guto Bebb
Henry Bellingham
North West Norfolk
Richard Benyon
Sir Paul Beresford
Mole Valley
Jake Berry
Rossendale and Darwen
James Berry
Kingston and Surbiton
Andrew Bingham
High Peak
Bob Blackman
Harrow East
Nicola Blackwood
Oxford West and Abingdon
Crispin Blunt
Nick Boles
Grantham and Stamford
Peter Bone
Victoria Borwick
Peter Bottomley
Worthing West
Karen Bradley
Staffordshire Moorlands
Graham Brady
Altrincham and Sale West
Julian Brazier
Andrew Bridgen
North West Leicestershire
Steve Brine
James Brokenshire
Old Bexley and Sidcup
Fiona Bruce
Robert Buckland
South Swindon
Conor Burns
Bournemouth West
Simon Burns
David Burrowes
Enfield Southgate
Alistair Burt
North East Bedfordshire
Alun Cairns
Vale of Glamorgan
David Cameron
Neil Carmichael
James Cartlidge
South Suffolk
Bill Cash
Maria Caulfield
Alex Chalk
Rehman Chishti
Gillingham and Rainham
Christopher Chope
Jo Churchill
Bury St Edmunds
Greg Clark
Tunbridge Wells
Kenneth Clarke
James Cleverly
Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
The Cotswolds
Thérèse Coffey
Suffolk Coastal
Damian Collins
Folkestone and Hythe
Oliver Colvile
Plymouth Sutton and Devonport
Alberto Costa
South Leicestershire
Geoffrey Cox
Torridge and West Devon
Stephen Crabb
Preseli Pembrokeshire
Tracey Crouch
Chatham and Aylesford
Byron Davies
Chris Davies
Brecon and Radnorshire
David Davies
Glyn Davies
James Davies
Vale of Clwyd
Mims Davies
Philip Davies
David Davis
Haltemprice and Howden
Caroline Dinenage
Jonathan Djanogly
Michelle Donelan
Nadine Dorries
Mid Bedfordshire
Steve Double
St Austell and Newquay
Oliver Dowden
Jackie Doyle-Price
Richard Drax
South Dorset
Flick Drummond
Portsmouth South
James Duddridge
Rochford and Southend East
Alan Duncan
Rutland and Melton
Iain Duncan Smith
Chingford and Woodford Green
Philip Dunne
Michael Ellis
Northampton North
Jane Ellison
Tobias Ellwood
Bournemouth East
Charlie Elphicke
George Eustice
Camborne and Redruth
Graham Evans
Weaver Vale
Nigel Evans
Ribble Valley
David Evennett
Bexleyheath and Crayford
Michael Fabricant
Michael Fallon
Suella Fernandes
Mark Field
Cities of London and Westminster
Kevin Foster
Liam Fox
North Somerset
Mark Francois
Rayleigh and Wickford
Lucy Frazer
South East Cambridgeshire
George Freeman
Mid Norfolk
Mike Freer
Finchley and Golders Green
Richard Fuller
Marcus Fysh
Sir Roger Gale
North Thanet
Sir Edward Garnier
Mark Garnier
Wyre Forest
David Gauke
South West Hertfordshire
Nusrat Ghani
Nick Gibb
Bognor Regis and Littlehampton
Cheryl Gillan
Chesham and Amersham
John Glen
Zac Goldsmith
Richmond Park
Robert Goodwill
Scarborough and Whitby
Michael Gove
Surrey Heath
Richard Graham
Helen Grant
Maidstone and The Weald
James Gray
North Wiltshire
Chris Grayling
Epsom and Ewell
Chris Green
Bolton West
Damian Green
Justine Greening
Dominic Grieve
Andrew Griffiths
Ben Gummer
Sam Gyimah
East Surrey
Robert Halfon
Luke Hall
Thornbury and Yate
Philip Hammond
Runnymede and Weybridge
Stephen Hammond
Matthew Hancock
West Suffolk
Greg Hands
Chelsea and Fulham
Mark Harper
Forest of Dean
Richard Harrington
Rebecca Harris
Castle Point
Simon Hart
Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire
Sir Alan Haselhurst
Saffron Walden
John Hayes
South Holland and The Deepings
Oliver Heald
North East Hertfordshire
James Heappey
Chris Heaton-Harris
Peter Heaton-Jones
North Devon
Gordon Henderson
Sittingbourne and Sheppey
Nick Herbert
Arundel and South Downs
Damian Hinds
East Hampshire
Simon Hoare
North Dorset
George Hollingbery
Meon Valley
Kevin Hollinrake
Thirsk and Malton
Philip Hollobone
Adam Holloway
Kris Hopkins
Sir Gerald Howarth
John Howell
Ben Howlett
Nigel Huddleston
Mid Worcestershire
Jeremy Hunt
South West Surrey
Nick Hurd
Ruislip Northwood and Pinner
Stewart Jackson
Margot James
Sajid Javid
Ranil Jayawardena
North East Hampshire
Bernard Jenkin
Harwich and North Essex
Andrea Jenkyns
Morley and Outwood
Robert Jenrick
Boris Johnson
Uxbridge and South Ruislip
Gareth Johnson
Jo Johnson
Andrew Jones
Harrogate and Knaresborough
David Jones
Clwyd West
Marcus Jones
Daniel Kawczynski
Shrewsbury and Atcham
Seema Kennedy
South Ribble
Simon Kirby
Brighton Kemptown
Sir Greg Knight
East Yorkshire
Julian Knight
Kwasi Kwarteng
Eleanor Laing
Epping Forest
Mark Lancaster
Milton Keynes North
Pauline Latham
Mid Derbyshire
Andrea Leadsom
South Northamptonshire
Phillip Lee
Jeremy Lefroy
Edward Leigh
Charlotte Leslie
Bristol North West
Oliver Letwin
West Dorset
Brandon Lewis
Great Yarmouth
Julian Lewis
New Forest East
Ian Liddell-Grainger
Bridgwater and West Somerset
David Lidington
Peter Lilley
Hitchin and Harpenden
Jack Lopresti
Filton and Bradley Stoke
Jonathan Lord
Tim Loughton
East Worthing and Shoreham
Karen Lumley
Craig Mackinlay
South Thanet
David Mackintosh
Northampton South
Anne Main
St Albans
Alan Mak
Kit Malthouse
North West Hampshire
Scott Mann
North Cornwall
Tania Mathias
Theresa May
Paul Maynard
Blackpool North and Cleveleys
Jason McCartney
Colne Valley
Karl McCartney
Patrick McLoughlin
Derbyshire Dales
Stephen McPartland
Mark Menzies
Johnny Mercer
Plymouth Moor View
Huw Merriman
Bexhill and Battle
Stephen Metcalfe
South Basildon and East Thurrock
Maria Miller
Amanda Milling
Cannock Chase
Nigel Mills
Amber Valley
Anne Milton
Andrew Mitchell
Sutton Coldfield
Penny Mordaunt
Portsmouth North
Nicky Morgan
Anne Marie Morris
Newton Abbot
David Morris
Morecambe and Lunesdale
James Morris
Halesowen and Rowley Regis
Wendy Morton
David Mowat
Warrington South
David Mundell
Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale
Sheryll Murray
South East Cornwall
Andrew Murrison
South West Wiltshire
Bob Neill
Bromley and Chislehurst
Sarah Newton
Truro and Falmouth
Caroline Nokes
Romsey and Southampton North
Jesse Norman
Hereford and South Herefordshire
David Nuttall
Bury North
Matthew Offord
Guy Opperman
George Osborne
Neil Parish
Tiverton and Honiton
Priti Patel
Owen Paterson
North Shropshire
Mark Pawsey
Mike Penning
Hemel Hempstead
John Penrose
Andrew Percy
Brigg and Goole
Claire Perry
Stephen Phillips
Sleaford and North Hykeham
Chris Philp
Croydon South
Eric Pickles
Brentwood and Ongar
Christopher Pincher
Daniel Poulter
Central Suffolk and North Ipswich
Rebecca Pow
Taunton Deane
Victoria Prentis
Mark Prisk
Hertford and Stortford
Mark Pritchard
The Wrekin
Tom Pursglove
Jeremy Quin
Will Quince
Dominic Raab
Esher and Walton
John Redwood
Jacob Rees-Mogg
North East Somerset
Laurence Robertson
Mary Robinson
Andrew Rosindell
Amber Rudd
Hastings and Rye
David Rutley
Antionette Sandbach
Paul Scully
Sutton and Cheam
Andrew Selous
South West Bedfordshire
Grant Shapps
Welwyn Hatfield
Alok Sharma
Reading West
Alec Shelbrooke
Elmet and Rothwell
Keith Simpson
Chris Skidmore
Chloe Smith
Norwich North
Henry Smith
Julian Smith
Skipton and Ripon
Royston Smith
Southampton Itchen
Sir Nicholas Soames
Mid Sussex
Amanda Solloway
Derby North
Anna Soubry
Caroline Spelman
Mark Spencer
Andrew Stephenson
John Stevenson
Bob Stewart
Iain Stewart
Milton Keynes South
Rory Stewart
Penrith and The Border
Gary Streeter
South West Devon
Mel Stride
Central Devon
Graham Stuart
Beverley and Holderness
Julian Sturdy
York Outer
Rishi Sunak
Desmond Swayne
New Forest West
Hugo Swire
East Devon
Robert Syms
Derek Thomas
St Ives
Maggie Throup
Edward Timpson
Crewe and Nantwich
Kelly Tolhurst
Rochester and Strood
Justin Tomlinson
North Swindon
Michael Tomlinson
Mid Dorset and North Poole
Craig Tracey
North Warwickshire
David Tredinnick
Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Elizabeth Truss
South West Norfolk
Thomas Tugendhat
Tonbridge and Malling
Andrew Turner
Isle of Wight
Andrew Tyrie
Ed Vaizey
Shailesh Vara
North West Cambridgeshire
Martin Vickers
Theresa Villiers
Chipping Barnet
Charles Walker
Robin Walker
Ben Wallace
Wyre and Preston North
David Warburton
Somerton and Frome
Matt Warman
Boston and Skegness
Dame Angela Watkinson
Hornchurch and Upminster
James Wharton
Stockton South
Helen Whately
Faversham and Mid Kent
Heather Wheeler
South Derbyshire
Chris White
Warwick and Leamington
Craig Whittaker
Calder Valley
John Whittingdale
Bill Wiggin
North Herefordshire
Craig Williams
Cardiff North
Gavin Williamson
South Staffordshire
Rob Wilson
Reading East
Sarah Wollaston
Mike Wood
Dudley South
William Wragg
Hazel Grove
Jeremy Wright
Kenilworth and Southam
Nadhim Zahawi