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Sunday 4 December 2016

UK media are currently going into WWIII frenzy mode

 UK media are currently going into WWIII frenzy mode

By Neil Shepard
I've said everything I've needed to over the past few years and anyone taking any notice at all should already know my views on this - I tire of repeating myself...
So here's a little rant to keep you all reminded (y)

UK media are currently going into WWIII frenzy mode after Putin re-called his global officials, and their families, back to Russia.
Remember, when you watch/read your news, that is was Russia that the legitimate Syrian leader Assad asked to take care of the security in Syria.

USA, UK, France, Israel, Turkey etc… they are all there illegally. Syrian leader Assad has asked them to leave many times and to take their terrorist proxy army ISIS with them. Instead they persisted and continued blowing up hospitals, schools and entire neighbourhoods full of innocent citizens both from the air and ground, both through military operations and by proxy (ISIS).
Seeing as they haven't left and refuse to do so, Putin has created a permanent military base in Syria (Only the second such bases world wide compared the hundreds the USA have) and stated that any foreign military air vehicle will be destroyed, and initiated his own no-fly zone threatening to destroy all foreign aggressive planes over Syrian airspace.
The response from western governments is one of lacklustre.
People. We are not on the correct side of this coming war…
Do not support our governments sending troops to Syria when they've asked (and now demanded) us to leave.

UK are sending in RAF pilots to add to the American ones already there. How fucking stupid is that? Well they don't care what WE think or what WE say. They are determined to have full control over the middle east no matter how much we scream and shout our protest against it.
They think they own this world and they think they own us too!
'They' do not.

Hilary Clinton herself has stated support for war, if she gets into office. (I say 'if' quite loosely...) And going by Hilary's recently leaked emails, it seems obvious that she has been in on this plan from the start to destroy any remaining pockets of anti-Zionism and non-petro-dollar compliant countries throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
I wonder if there is still anyone left that believes the 'official' story of 9/11 ??
Considering it's where the concept of ISIS was first put to use in initiating this war on non-compliance it should now be blatantly obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that WE, are the enemy!
Us, with our mortgages and loans and credit cards and our determination to BUY new things everyday and our seemingly addicted passion for consuming FAKE food that only require us to rely 100% on pharmaceutical drugs to maintain life expectancy levels - illegal when grown naturally (opiates, THC etc) but perfectly fine out of a lab?
Vaccinated mindless drones that will obey our TV sets without question. That is us.
Hate that statement all you like, but you cannot refute it no matter how hard you try.

I've been a firm advocate of this message for several years now.
These past few months, my FB newsfeed has been inundated with the politics of fear-mongering and posturing from western media outlets and it's down right disgraceful and embarrassing. Even more so that there are still a majority of UK citizens still buying into this bullshit - just as it was in both world wars previous...
Propaganda rules the day...

People are lazy to find truths for themselves and happy to rely on their government controlled media for information.
You know, the question is often asked as to how the Germans were fooled into going to war during WWII. But no one ever questions how the British were fooled into believing they were on the correct side…
Propaganda rules the day peeps.
If you do a little research, you'll learn that Germany pre-WWII was bullied and intimidated into war by 'the allied countries' - the VERY same way that Syria is today.

Just remember peeps, Putin is NOT the bad guy here and neither is Assad.
He is protecting Syrians from invasion. A USA invasion. Based on controlling the worlds global financial markets. It's really as simple as that...

All I can advise is the same thing I've always advised;
Be prepared.
Have long lasting food stores ready.
Have some form of precious metal ready for bartering.
Have a system of water collection ready for use.
Learn how to grow your own food.
Learn how to secure your home from outside forces wanting in.
And above all else, know that nuclear devastation is inescapable and if it happens it happens -don't be fearful of it as living in fear will only kill you off sooner...
Just be prepared and ignore ALL media. Don't even have the news be heard in your home or read any newspapers - how can you trust ANY thing they tell you?? How can you? So just don't even go there, period.

Well. That's my little rant over...
I'm not going to keep repeating myself and I'm not going to become a news service for everyone too lazy to find shit out themselves.
I'm far too busy trying to take my own advice and to be prepared.

Peace out peeps!
Keep it positive
Think good thoughts

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

BE WARNED! The Traitor at the Gate

BE WARNED! May will promise a hard Brexit after a General Election , use the Fear of Labour at the expense of UKIP to gain a large majority . Then BETRAY THE BRITISH PEOPLE AGAIN!

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared Cicero.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Introducing The Common Law Nations Alliance

The Common Law is at the root of all Common Law nations and their constitutions.

Common Law nations include the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand and many more (see here for a list of jurisdictions across the world).

But please note, that, whilst non Common Law might not be interwoven into the constitions of non-Common Law nations, it can be applied everywhere, so this website is relevant to all nations and all people.

Common Law is God's Law through the true Christ, implemented by man's common sense and reason. It is the only expression of the true Law we have in the wolrd today. And it is currently in the process of being set aside in favour of corporate international dictatorship, arbitrary man-made law and the law of false teachings.

The aim of The Common Law Nations Alliance is to unify the Common Law nations under the banner of the Common Law.

That means The Common Law Nations Alliance is about taking a major step towards asserting true government, with God through Christ as overall Sovereign.

The Common Law Nations Alliance also aims to unify all men and women who believe in, and follow, the true Jesus Christ.

We are therefore about preparing for what the New Testament calls The Eon, which is the 490 year period known as the 'kingdom of God'.

The kingdom of God can be defined as 'God's rulership through Christ from the heavens over the nations'.

The beginning of the kingdom of God is known as 'the Epiphaneia', which marks the end of the 'the Age of Evil'.

The fruits of 'the Age of Evil' are now all around us. We can see them in extensive corporate-run internationalism with usury at its core, the crushing of individual rights, government funding of international terrorism, multiculturalism, social engineering, genetic engineering, geo-engineering, relentless attacks on Christianity and much more

The Common Law Nations Alliance stands for... SEE HERE...

Friday 25 November 2016


 When you cosnider the EU from the perspective of our Common Law and our constitution, we have never been in the EU.
Here is the article -
We have never been in the eu!

Saturday 19 November 2016

Geert Wilders reaction to Leftists pro EU penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.

 Geert Wilders reaction to Leftists pro EU  penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.


Geert Wilders

I just heard the penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.

Speaking about one of the biggest problems of our country – the problem with Moroccans – is now punishable according to the elite. And, hence, we are slowly but surely losing our freedom of speech. Even asking a question is no longer allowed. Even though millions of people agree. And Moroccans have suddenly become a race. So if you say something about Moroccans, you are now a racist. Nobody understands that. It is utter madness. Only meant to shut you and me up.

While in other countries the people send the elite home, here they want to silence an opposition leader. The Netherlands is running the risk of becoming a dictatorship. It looks like turkey. The differences between The Netherlands and Turkey are getting smaller. The opposition is silenced.

I was elected by nearly a million people. That number will be even higher on March 15th next year. And it is my duty to talk about the problems, even when the politically-correct elite led by Prime Minister Rutte prefers not to mention them. Because looking away and remaining silent is not an option.

I have to say it like it is.
What is the use of political cowards who no longer dare to speak the truth? Who are silent about the problems in our country? Who pander to the government? Who cowardly look the other way?
Nothing at all! Putting one’s head in the sand is cowardness.
And if you must keep quiet about problems, because simply asking a question has become punishable, the problems will only grow bigger. Then, The Netherlands will become a dictatorship of fearful and cowardly politicians.

I will never accept that. I will continue to fight for a free and safe Netherlands. That is why Islamic terrorists have been trying to kill me for 12 years. Today, these terrorists rejoice. Wilders is going to be punished. The Public Prosecutor has made himself their ally today.

But I will not allow anyone to shut me up!
No terrorist will be able to silence me!
No prosecutor in a black gown or cowardly prime minister will get me on my knees!
I shall therefore not care about their penal demand at all. They can do whatever they want. It will only make me stronger. I will only get more motivated.

And you can support me with this.
By continuing to fight with me for the preservation of freedom of expression. For the maintenance of a safe and free Netherlands.
Our country.


Friday 11 November 2016

Nigel Farage to lead mass march on Supreme Court on day of Article 50 appeal

I trust you all will make the effort in standing up to the establishment.
Nigel Farage to lead mass march on Supreme Court on day of Article 50 appeal
It is set to begin in Trafalgar Square and culminate in Parliament Square, in front of the Supreme Court building.
A spokesman said the demonstration would be a "reminder about what we voted for, so there is no slippage on the single market".
The demonstration may increase fears in some quarters about political pressure on the judiciary after several leading Brexit campaigners hit out at the trio of High Court judges last week.
The judges were also the subject of critical front pages, with one paper describing them as "Enemies of the People".
Theresa May spoke out about the case last night, telling reporters: "I believe in and value the independence of our judiciary. I also value the freedom of our press. I think these both underpin our democracy and they are important."
The Daily Telegraph reports that Leave.EU is also crowdfunding £100,000 to pay for barristers to represent Brexit campaigners in the case.
Yesterday acting Ukip leader Mr Faragewarned that any attempt to "cheat" the British people over Brexit would result in an unprecedented backlash.
"We may have seen Bob Geldof and 40,000 people in Parliament Square moaning about Brexit," he told the Andrew Marr show.
"But believe you me, if people in this country think that they're going to be cheated, they're going to be betrayed, then we will see political anger the likes of which none of us in our lifetimes have ever witnessed in this country

Dear Liberals Go Away - You Are NOT My Countrymen

Tuesday 8 November 2016




.. the reality behind mass immigration

Immigration, race and national identity are currently at the forefront of all of our lives, and emotions are almost explosive.
This is no surprise, considering that definition and structure of all kinds have been under a long sustained attack, for example by the Kalergi Plan .
The aim of this internationalist assault on all that is natural is to break down mankind, rendering men and women and their families and nations weak and easily controllable and ultimately easy to destroy. Consider just one of these internationalist plans - UN Agenda 21 'sustainable development' . It is about delivering us to an anti-God world with a population diminished to up to 98% by the end of this century.
The first recorded internationalist was Cain. For murdering his brother he was to be a 'fugitive and a wanderer on the earth' (Genesis 4:12), and since the 'earth' would 'no longer yield its strength' to him' (Genesis 4:12) he would have no choice but to be a parasite on the world.
Cain was the son of Satan - he was 'out of the Evil One' (1 John 3:12). This is also emphasised by his absence in 1 Chronicles 1, which includes a list of Adam's descendants. This list consists of fathers, which is why Abel is absent, and we know Cain was a father (Genesis 4:17).
Other children of demonic entities include the Nephilim, who were the children of fallen angels (sons of God) and men (Genesis 6:4).
This breeding between man and these entities has continued since the times of the Nephilim - hence '... and after that...' in Genesis 6:4.
All of these offspring are clearly of Satan, or what separates us from God through Christ. That means they are of rebellion, which means they are against God's order and the natural structure of things and against all teachings in the Bible. They are also parasites and, if we consent to their often charming and persuasive influence (vampires can only be invited in), they gain great destructive power in the world.
I believe we have evidence of these offspring amongst the 'internationalist Zionist elite', who jealously protect their bloodlines (see Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati ). They also have no true home nation and they strongly encourage through, for example, their media and political outlets, anything from feminism to homosexuality to sexual perversions to usury to borderless nations to deliberately engineered mass immigration (consider the Kalergi Plan and the concocted wars in the Middle East) to the breakdown of true law (delivered for example via Common Law) to multi-culturalism to the aggressive attacks on racial definition (Kalergi Plan) to war to terrorism to the debasement of man and much more that we find associated with the current terrible state of the world. It is their aim, whether they know it or not, first to overwhelm the world and then to destroy it. Hence Satan is the ruler of death.
It is perfectly natural for a man to defend his position when it is attacked or undermined in any way, which includes attacks on his race, or ethnic background, or nation, or sex, or, even, his age group. Please note that I emphasise 'attacked', because this is what is happening via the Kallergi Plan, via the social and genetic engineering, via the mass immigration that is being forced on us all, and such like.
However, one of the many problems with defending ourselves from this multi-pronged sustained attack is that it can provoke a rigid response. For example, people can become intolerant of immigrants and people can become intolerant of other races and dangerous emotions can boil and explode.
It is also important to note that unreasonable and aggressive knee-jerk responses can come from ordinary people, who have absorbed the internationalist programming, when they hear someone quite naturally express wishes to protect their nation or ethnicity or anything else.
If the world were not currently being deliberately massaged into being something it should not be, into something that is against all natural law, and, indeed against God's Law, there would of course be a small natural migration of people from nation to nation from time to time. There would also be a natural amount of racial or ethnic intermingling - remember, Joseph married Asenath, an Egyptian.
So, those from foreign lands and/or with different ethnic backgrounds should be treated just like everyone else, according to the law; and racial intermingling between believers is not against God's Law; as it states in Galatians 3:29, 'And if you are Christ's, then you are a seed of Abraham,' meaning that whatever ethnic background you are, if you believe in Christ, then you are the seed of Abraham, you are of the same 'race'.
The Bible and the Common Law are very clear that all men should be treated in exactly the same way under the law. Hence it states in Numbers 9:14 and 15:15-16 that '…you shall have one statute for both the resident alien and the native.' It also states clearly in Acts 17:26 that 'every nation of men' are 'of one blood'. But it is also clear in that same verse that the definition of nations or the 'boundaries of their residence' is also important. And notice the distinction, which is actually recognised in Common Law, between 'native' and 'alien'.
I believe that our natural responses to protect the status quo and thereby resist having the natural order and God's Law undermined are partly due to our instinctive, and not generally conscious, understanding that if we remove all boundaries, all structure, we shall be even more vulnerable to the attack from what aims to take us over and destroy us. If, within reason, we protect our position then we are less likely to be open to such anti-God interference, and we shall more likely live happily, peacefully and safely.
It is important to note that racial intermingling in the Bible was prohibited in order to protect those who were of God, which is why belief was so important when those of one race mixed with another: it was important not to sully the Israelite blood with that of those who worshipped false gods, not least because those who did that were very possibly infected with demonic blood, or 'genes' from demons and fallen angels, as Cain was, or as the Nephilim were.
A good example of the importance of belief in such instances of racial or national intermingling is when Jesus was asked by the Canaanite to help her daughter (Matthew 15:21-28). He initially refused telling her that he was only for authorized to the 'lost sheep of the house of Israel'. However, he was soon persuaded by her belief, and her daughter was healed. This event demonstrates just part of the great good and unity that comes from, and will increasingly come from, belief in Jesus Christ: a unity of all people of all ethnic and national backgrounds.
But, for all to exist, it must have definition. If definition is removed, then existence is removed, which is why we must be careful to hold firmly to our position and to protect the form of all that is natural and good and lawful.
Davids Home site 


Why did Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump go their separate political ways?
I have a look at this question with the help of their progressed charts.

Here, by the way, is the article, For The Peaceful Unity Of All Nations And Races, that I refer to in the video -

My websites:

Monday 7 November 2016

Sunday 6 November 2016


What's really going on behind this brexit thing with the 'foreign born',
'democracy' loving, 'glamorous' Gina Miller, 'sexy' Theresa May' and
the Three Judges?
It's seeting a precedent to set government over the law, to end the rule of law to attack the Common Law.
My websites:

Saturday 5 November 2016

Absolutely Brilliant one of the best e-mails in ages! from Nigel Farage UKIP

Absolutely Brilliant one of the best e-mails in ages! Nigel Farage UKIP
This is what he said:
"I am the Tory Party's Worst Nightmare. I am a White, Tax-Paying, God fearing English man. I am a hard working Brit and I work long hours to earn a living.
I believe in God and the freedom of religion, But I don't push it on others.
I believe in British products And buy them whenever I can.
I believe the money I make belongs to me And not to some governmental functionary, To share with others who don't work!
I think owning a home doesn't make you a capitalist; It makes you a smart Brit.
I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized,
And does not entitle you to anything. Get over it. Join in with the majority!
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, You should do it in English. I believe there should be no other language option.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God When and where they want to.
My heroes are fellow Brits like Freddy Flintoff And Winston Churchill And I know I've missed a few thousand!!!!!
I don't hate the rich. What I hate is the way they always manage to avoid paying proper taxes. I don't pity the poor, I just hate the way they are always moaning that they are hard done by!!
I know wrestling is fake And I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it.
I believe if you don't like the way things are here, Go back to where you came from And change your own country!
This is ENGLAND .....
We like it the way it is and even more so the way it was So stop trying to change it to look like some other socialist country!
If you were born or legally migrated here And don't like it... You are free to move To any Socialist country that will have you. I believe it is time to really clean house, Starting with the House of Commons, The seat of our biggest problems.
I want to know where the "Do Gooders" get their money from, And why are they always part of the problem and not the solution? Can I get an AMEN on that one?
I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, Regardless of what race, colour or creed you are. And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my driving licence. I think it's good....
I dislike those people trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause. Get a job and support yourself and your family!
I believe 'illegal' is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!
I believe the Union Jack flag should be allowed to be flown Anywhere in the United Kingdom !
If this makes me a BAD Brit, Then yes, I'm a BAD Brit. If you are a BAD Brit too, Please forward this to everyone you know....
We want our country back! My Country.....
I hope this offends all illegal aliens.
My great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Boer War. My grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in World Wars 1&2. I watched as my friends died in Sierra Leone Bosnia , & Desert Storm. Our sons and daughters watched & bled as their friends Died in Afghanistan and Iraq . None of them died for the Afghanistan and Iraq Flag. Every Briton died for the British flag.
At one high school, Foreign students raised a Middle East flag on a school flag pole. British students took it down. Guess who was expelled. The students who took it down .
West London high school students were sent home, Because they wore T-shirts with the Union Jack flag printed on them.
What is going on?? What idiots do we have in authority?? Enough is enough.
This message needs to be viewed by every Brit; And every Briton needs to stand up for Britain . We've bent over to appease the Brit-haters long enough. I'm taking a stand.
I'm standing up because of the millions Who died fighting in wars for this country,
And for the British flag.
And shame on anyone who tries to Make this a racist message. IT IS NOT ! Britons, stop giving away Your RIGHTS !
This statement DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration !
YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, Welcome to come legally:
1. Get a sponsor !
2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past!
3. Live by OUR rules ! Dress as we Britons Do
4. Get a job !
5. Pay YOUR Taxes !
6. No Social Security until you have earned it and paid for it !
7. Find a place to lay your head !

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone, then YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !
We've gone so far the other way. bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
If you do not Pass this on, may your fingers cramp !
Nigel Farage UKIP
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
Do you believe in your country? then join UKIP today and help us to regain sovereignty, pride and self respect.

Friday 4 November 2016


This whole Gina Miller thing is a roundabout of unlawful, void, ironic distraction.
My websites:


Things are not is desperate as they might seem, but it does depend on where your ellegiances lie.
Do you stand with me or not?
My websites:

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Prime Ministers Weasel words on Louis Smith and Islamic Threats

"When people make fun of Christianity in this country, it rightly turns the other cheek. When a young gymnast, Louis Smith, makes fun of another religion [Islam]...he is hounded on Twitter by the media and suspended by his association." Conservative MP Charles Walker says he "no longer understands the rules" on freedom of speech and religion. But the weasel words of Zionist and Prime minister of the UK Plc  Theresa May shows you where her loyalties are, Her weasel words are sickening. When will the British People bring these Zionist traitors to trial , As
"The mistaken idea that tolerance is always a virtue and intolerance always a vice is corrupting the very heart of our society. In the name of tolerance every evil is exalted and proudly defended, while all those who resist and condemn evil are smeared and demonized as hate mongers and bigots. Yet what are such smear tactics other than intolerance and bigotry on the part of those who claim to be tolerant? Like all who are self-righteous, the dogmatic zealots of tolerance often reveal themselves to be extremely intolerant of anything they disapprove of, yet they refuse to see any fault in themselves. " from The sin of Tolerating evil. 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

On The Brink of World War III | Iben Thranholm and Stefan Molyneux

Published on 31 Oct 2016

relationship between Vladimir Putin's Russia and the United States has
been in the public spotlight throughout the U.S. Presidential election.
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has repeatedly blamed Russian
involvement for many of her campaign blusters and her support of a
Syrian no fly zone is a direct threat aimed at Vladimir Putin. Iben
Thranholm joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the nature of the United
States conflict with Russia and why we are on the brink of World War

Iben Thranholm is one of Denmark’s most widely read
columnists and is a former editor and radio host at the Danish
Broadcasting Corporation. Thranholm has traveled extensively in the
Middle East, Italy, the United States and Russia to carry out research
and interviews. She has been awarded for her investigative research into
Danish media coverage of religious issues.

For more from Iben Thranholm, please go to:

Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by
signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at:

Amazon Affiliate Links

Wednesday 26 October 2016

BREXIT ! You don't need to ask the jailer for permission to escape!

By N Carter 
You don't need to ask the jailer for permission to escape!
We do not trust the failing, stupid, bossy eu...that's why we voted to leave. So why would we trust them or their rules or their Article 50 !???
We must just walk away...say this:
The supreme power in any country, the People has decided on 23rd June then we are out of the eu.
To be polite we allow a transition until 6th April next. After that date our membership ends in all respects unless we agree separately otherwise. There will be no more pay and obey.
We impose a 10% tarrif on all trade after then unless a country has signed our standard UK Free Trade Arrangement one page form that allows mutual free trade on our current terms, or WTO terms, as we agree on-going in future.
This way is simple...and it is OUR agenda under OUR control...AND,
most importantly, allows us to benefit from our clean Brexit messing around, no eu spite or blackmail holding us up.
Our friends will leap forward to sign a form confirming our current arrangements tsday...and sweep away our 10% general tarrif.
Awkward people, like the eu, will suffer 10% tarrifs until they co-operate with us, like proper friends.
Best of all, WE are in control of our negotiations...and comfortable...for OUR future. Let the curmudgeonly suffer for their petulance. Leave them behind, wailing in their own we escape their clutches.
Our REAL friends will LOVE this ends uncertainty.

It amounts to a Universal Declaration of Independence (not unilateral: we're telling the world "for us, the eu is over").
We can get on then with our own money and our own future...and find out who our real friends are!

We can drive our own and friends' cars, eat our own friends' food and take holidays where we are welcome.
We like nice people.

And remove our enduring trade losses with the eu.

Sounds very good to me!

Tuesday 25 October 2016

UN council reveals the reality of Syrian conflict.

A lady in UN council reveals the reality of Syrian conflict. And the Zionist involvement

Bill Etheridge, UKIP MEP for the West Midlands backs Paul Nuttall

Bill Etheridge, UKIP MEP for the West Midlands, has made the following statement following the decision of Paul Nuttall to stand for the leadership of UKIP.
“Nigel Farage was a wonderful leader of UKIP. Without his inspired leadership, particularly during the 2014 European election campaign, the party would not be in the strong position we are in today and I certainly wouldn't be an MEP.
“When Nigel stood down I felt it was my duty to stand to preserve his legacy against those I felt wanted to hijack the party and change it into something different to its original founding principles. I believe that UKIP must remain a patriotic, libertarian party standing for the individual against the over powerful state and not be tempted into cultural nationalism and the so called centre ground on economic policy.
“It was my honour to stand for those principles in the first leadership election. Despite coming third some distance behind the eventual winner I am very proud of the campaign my team ran. We did not lower ourselves to the dirty tricks and dishonourable behaviour that was unfortunately a feature of the campaign and we remained professional and positive all the way.
“We were gearing up for round two and the new leadership campaign with great confidence and a belief that this time we had strong support from the membership behind us. However things have changed and circumstances are now different.
“I always said that if a candidate better suited to take this party forward emerged I would back down and support them. That candidate has emerged. Paul Nuttall is not only a personal friend and an honourable man but I believe he is the only person who can effectively unite our party after the recent well publicised problems we have suffered.
“I will be supporting Paul and giving him my one hundred percent backing. I call on all other potential candidates to follow my example and withdraw from the race to allow Paul to go forward from here and unite our party.
“I wish to personally thank everyone who has worked with me on my campaign and all of the wonderful UKIP members who have trusted me with their votes, support and best wishes. I particularly want to thank my friend Mike Hookem MEP for his commitment and support at every stage of the campaign.
“The referendum was not the end for UKIP or even the beginning of the end, but it may well be the end of the beginning. Our party and our country have a great future. It is now our duty to unite and work together to achieve the very best we can for the British people.”

US Election, Usury And The Impact Of Christ's Love

Published on 25 Oct 2016

Christ's love is an extraordinary thing, and takes the entire writings of the
Bible to another one of many levels, which includes, government, the
heavens, history, the law, the common law, the constitutions of nations.

Also, in the context of that I make my position as clear as possible re Clinton and Trump.
Here's the article I refer to about capitalism -

My websites:

Friday 21 October 2016

Trump and Clinton and true government via COMMON LAW

Published on 21 Oct 2016
Our governments are corporations, which are acting against our interests.

it is time that the likes of Trump and Clinton began to alert us to
true government and its benefits rather than beguile us with the
corporate ine.

Here I look at true government, through the lens
of the Law and the Common Law, while referring to a very important
document that you should all read.

Here is that document; it's entitled, 'Is it not written in your law?'

It is from the website -

My websites:

Wednesday 19 October 2016

We have been lied to on this over and over.

 By Baska

We have been lied to on this over and over.

In the ballot box on 23rd June all that we wanted and voted for was this poxy government giving serious attention in pertaining to the uncontrolled and excessive Migration crisis.

We have been lied to on this over and over. Propaganda, promises, threats and this scaremongering will be ignored by the people. We are intelligent enough to know fact from fiction!

The ever-increasing numbers show that in a few years, UK, as we knew it, will cease to exist. Overcrowding, poverty, shortages and crime will be the order of the day. We know the EU have no plans to change their strategy! Merkel will not change her migrant policies; indeed, they are preparing to set up a whole new state on the basis of the whole new world order they are looking to create.

It is our despicable Government who are telling us that everything will be alright, they treat us like fools! We grabbed the EU leave opportunity as an expectation of having any chance of this country enduring a sustainable future.

The government keep talking about NET immigration, which is the figure after the deduction of all the white people who move abroad each year to escape this madness. The true figures of mass immigration into the UK exceed 1/2 million every year since at least 6 or 7 million since that time. Nearly 2/3rds of these immigrants are black/brown from Northern Africa (Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan), Asia Pakistan and the Middle East.

The vast majority of the 7 million go straight on Welfare benefits and became emergency priority cases for Council Housing, very few have found employment. This is the reason the welfare and housing benefits bill has trebled over the same period since 2004.

Even Ian Duncan Smith tried his best to encourage reducing control of the country's population - but his efforts also included everyone having to accept austerity cuts and reduced benefits– as net migration to Britain reached the second highest level on record.

Is it not marvellous the way in which Con/LabLib with proven records of sheer bloody incompetents in office are being trotted out to spout utter garbage about the reasons for having a second undemocratic vote in parliament for certain parts of article 50's policies remaining in the EU, thus giving the EU and Merkel a key and way to dominating Europe

Vote UKIP in the hope we can stop the rot or Pensions and Benefits will be a thing of the past as the Government and Economy crumbles amid Civil War.

The new Immigration Act will go one step further, tackling illegals working and making it harder than ever for illegal migrants to stay under the radar.

However, as we all know, most of them aren't "under the radar". They brazenly jump out the back of lorries, or come in on goods trains or simply stroll through the tunnel, and all are simply welcomed to England by a handcuffed old bill and then waved on their way by the immigration authorities who spend the next 10 years processing their asylum claims.

Until the day dawns when the police are authorised to arrest them on the spot and deport them on the next boat, the government doesn't have a leg to stand on and they should stop lying to us because the people have stopped believing anything that slithers out of
Mrs May's and the minority of the impertinent conservative minion’s mouth's.

Do these remainers think it is right to question the way any of us think saying we are stupid uneducated and we had no idea of what we were voting for by saying we voted wrong therefore, “We in parliament should undemocratically vote again”.

Can't these arrogant numpties see the more migrants we have arriving here the less jobs there are for our people and young. Like you I presume they have no consideration of this as their only interest is staying in the single market. (And they say we are the stupid uneducated ones with no idea of what we are doing – need reminding we are not paid £80.000 per annum to be stupid.)

Can't they calculate why we cannot afford to keep and feed so many, the NHS near bankruptcy and unable to cope, the lack of school places, Roads unable to cope with traffic, transport in sufficient and finely last but not least not having enough free land for the number of houses needed to house even our own never mind the migrants.

So, if you want to have any say on how our country is run, after making such a strong vote to leave the corrupt EU, isn’t it time the people of Britain stood up and requested changes of the way our country is controlled.

The Conservatives are desperately trying their best to run the country with obviously no interest in what we the Brits are saying. They are inadvertently blind or just totally ignorant or have just no idea of how serious things are from not listening to us the public.

So, my fellow friends, let us show them what we think of their incongruous unawareness, of deliberately ignoring us, at the next General Elections by showing them how to get our country back in order by voting UKIP.

A Intelligent dialogue with Dr Duke and Black Campaigner.

Sunday 16 October 2016

stave off WW3 contact your MP

Please will all members get in touch with there MP,s in order to help stave off WW3 . The insane Globalist Zionist bankers and there puppets in the US and here are about to begin a war with Russia and China. In order to save there fiat currency scam collapse. Remind the back benchers especially that they will burn with the rest of us. This is important. Do it now! And please share.


Wednesday 12 October 2016

The Trump Clinton Charade

U.S. Caught Repainting Fighter Jets to RUSSIAN COLOURS

U.S. Caught Repainting Fighter Jets to RUSSIAN COLOURS

The United States has been caught repainting several of their fighter jets in RUSSIAN Air Force Colors.  Training?  Or are they preparing to launch a horrific bombing inside Syria, then blaming it on the Russians as a precursor to US military action inside Syria?
Remember history: On April 15, 1961, a group of Cuban exiles took off from Nicaragua in a squadron of American B-26 bombers, painted to look like stolen Cuban planes, and conducted a strike against Cuban airfields. So we have known for decades that the US federal Government is full of snakes and vipers.  Don't put anything past these filth.
By repainting these fighter jets, they can send them out on bombing missions, make certain they fly low and slow around a target a few times so people on the ground whip out their cellphone cameras to video the attack, bomb the hell out of something and then sit back as all the civilian videos come out on social media showing a "Russian" plane committing the act!  The perfect set up.
Now that we're revealing this, look for someone to come out and claim it is for something like "training" but who needs to repaint planes for training?  We have all sorts of electronics to Identify Friend-Foe (IFF).  This enables us to fight at night, in bad weather . . . . zero visibility.  So why repaint a plane for "training?" 
Read full article here

U.S. Caught Repainting Fighter Jets to RUSSIAN COLOURS

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Why Jesus Is Greater Than Religion || Spoken Word


Christopher Michael Baksa
I think most people agree Steven Woolfe would be an excellent choice in being the next UKIP leader in making the Party more progressive.
However should the NEC prevent Steven being nominated, again, for leader of the party, I would like to know your feeling of us encouraging Nathan Gill to stand.
Nathan was sorn in England, his family moved to Wales in the early 1980s. Educated at Ysgol David Hughes and then Coleg Menai, on leaving the latter he joined a family-owned private company based in North East England.
In March 2004 Gill founded and managed Burgill Ltd, with his mother Elaine. Registered in Llangefni, Isle of Anglesey but operating solely in Kingston upon Hull, the company provided domiciliary and home care services mainly to Hull City Council. The company employed 180 staff, mainly from central Europe (mainly Poland) and the Philippines, to which they optionally provided chargeable "bunkhouse"-style accommodation. In a later interview with the Western Mail after his election, Gill commented.
“ UKIP has never said it wants to stop all immigration – it wants to limit the numbers. People from overseas were employed because caring companies could not find workers to do the jobs. Natan had a care home of his own, but mostly his workers were employed on home care contracts they had with Hull City Council and other organisations. The workers were paid more than the minimum wage, but not massively more. The amount they could afford to pay was determined by the amount of money they received from the council. He says Working in care is quite tough and apparently processes a big turnover of staff.
In July 2012, he came last in the election of councillor for the Llanbedrgoch electoral division.
In May 2013, he led the UKIP group of candidates in the Anglesey local elections, which included his wife, Jana Gill (standing for Canolbarth Môn), and his sister, Jayne Gill (for Aethwy). Nathan himself stood to be elected as councillor for the new electoral division of Seiriol, but he came in eighth place with 7% of the vote. The party did not win any seats on the island's council.
In August 2013, he came third behind Plaid Cymru's Rhun ap Iorwerth in the National Assembly for Wales by-election for Ynys Môn.
With John Bufton stepping down as MEP in 2014, Gill was selected as UKIP candidate number one for Wales in the European Parliament Election and held on to the seat for the party.
During the UK Independence Party Wales Conference on 6 December 2014, Nigel Farage, Leader of UK Independence Party, announced that Gill would be the Leader of the Party in Wales. During the 2015 general election campaign, Gill represented UKIP in the ITV Welsh TV Leaders debate. During the election campaign, Gill denied human involvement in climate change, comments which were strongly criticised by other leaders.
In the 2016 Assembly election Gill won a seat representing the North Wales region. He was beaten to the post of leader of the UKIP group in the National Assembly for Wales by former Conservative MP Neil Hamilton, in a move which Gill described as "bizarre". Nigel described the move as an "unjust act of deep ingratitude" resulting in Hamilton dismissing Farage as simply an "MEP for South East England who's opinions were "irrelevant".

Sunday 2 October 2016

Theresa May set a fixed date to invoke Article50.

BY Christopher Michael Baksa

Under a round of increasing pressure from Vote Leave UK and her own party jumping to our tune, today Theresa May set a fixed date to invoke #Article50.

But can anyone believe what the snakish PM has to say about anything, let alone triggering Art50? Theresa May is renowned for lying and has been caught out lying repeatedly about migration when she was Home Secretary.

The argument goes: ‘I’ll set a fixed date for Art50 and hopefully the stupid Brexiteers won’t notice my plan to keep Britain in the EU by transposing Brussels law into British law. They’re so desperate for Art50, they won’t be able to see me straight.’

Of course, her devious plan has succeeded to a certain extent but only with about 35% of Leavers. The vast majority have not swallowed it and they stay loyal to complete Brexit and the campaign led by Vote Leave  UK.

Tyrant Theresa thought she’d come up with a winner, designed to split the Brexit camp and appease her Remain puppet masters at the same time. But May is not fooling the majority with this treacherous plan to keep Britain in the EU.

Why would Britain stay in the EU even after Brexit-lite? Let’s be unequivocal on this point, May is only offering Brexit-lite not the real deal. The answer is simple inasmuch retaining EU law means we remain in the EU because our laws are identical, framed in Brussels by foreigners with no interest in freedom.

At the referendum, the issue was to reject the EU completely or adopt it entirely by surrendering every last vestige of sovereignty. 52% voted to reject the EU completely, they did not vote for Brexit-lite and certainly not for transposition of EU law onto our statute book.

Deceitful May argues we can “pick and choose later which laws to repeal and those we keep.” This is nonsense because when she talks about repealing the ECA 1972, all EU law could and should be repealed at the same time.

It is infantile to claim not to know what is and is not EU-derived law. The regime knows exactly what is EU law – everything that came from Brussels after 1972 – and a “pick and choose” arrangement is not tenable.

Would another Tory regime led by a Remain fanatic want to repeal any EU law? Of course not and UKIP supporters that think their party is heading for power are just as deluded as Anna Soubry’s Open Britain mob.

There is of course another reason for transposition, not just to appease Remain but actually to keep all EU law because the last redoubt delusion of the Remainiacs is that one day – in Utopia – they will take Britain back into the EU and with the legal infrastructure still in place, their task will be easier, a seamless transposition.
Therefore, it is paramount to repeal all EU law – this is what 52% voted for – to ensure we are truly independent and to prevent the Remainiacs from ever taking us back into the EU.

In fact, we need a law that stipulates that it is treason to attempt to surrender our national sovereignty to a foreign power and that anyone arguing for such a move is subject to prosecution under The Treason Act. This would effectively bury the entire Remain movement overnight and that is our objective at VoteLeaveUK.

So are we heading for Brexit? Absolutely not, all the hard evidence proves we’re not even getting Brexit-lite but rather Brexit-bite which means a taste of Brexit and nothing more.

Mad May has said she will not send back the EU migrant surge – aka immigration invasion – and has indicated she wants to retain access to the single market and that means open borders. She claims that no more than 30,000 EU workers will be allowed to enter the country each year, which is 30,000 too many.

This is not Brexit, it is not what the 52% voted for and we are not accepting Brexit-lite and Brexit-bite quite frankly will lead to open civil war.

An Irish Eurosceptic told me recently: “The best thing about civil war is that it produces a definite answer.”

If Theresa May continues to behave like a tyrant, dictating to everyone, her own party included, then perhaps the Irish Eurosceptic solution is on the cards.

Theresa May lost the referendum, she was on the defeated side but she behaves like she won a Landslide at the EU ref and no one can question her.

At Vote Leave UK, we have now reached the end game with Theresa May and her Tory tyranny with a deep vein of treason running through its black heart, needs to be removed. Our objective is to compel an early General Election and May’s timetable for Art50 is now irrelevant.

Transposing EU law into British law means we are not leaving the EU. The only solution therefore is to force Theresa May to leave 10 Downing Street because she has no mandate from the people, no one elected her PM, she was hand-picked by Tory traitors.

Operation Beacon will be launched on 1 February at the latest, hopefully sooner to ensure we get what we voted for, we voted for complete-Brexit and we are going to get it by any means necessary.

VoteLeave UK.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Capitalism Is Jewish Usury And History

Capitalism Is Jewish Usury

Orifional Posting by on June 5, 2014 At  Real Currencies
William III, who made the migration of Jewish Finance from Amsterdam to London possible (Left: William III of Orange, who made the migration of Jewish Capitalism from Amsterdam to Britain possible.)
Capitalism is Usury. Its defining belief is ‘return on investment’. This is an extension of the ‘time value’ of money, which is the central tenet of modern economics. Capitalism is unthinkable without banking and banking is institutionalized Usury. 
Usury is Plutocracy. Compound interest makes it unavoidable that the very richest own everything in generations. 
And this is indeed what happened: Capitalism is one huge global monopoly. All the major banks own each other and most Transnationals plus a huge chunk of land. This juggernaut was built with the plunder of Usury.
We have all seen that Rothschild was worth 50 billion in 1850. At 5% per year, this fortune would now be a trillion, at 8% per year Rothschild would now be worth hundreds of trillions.
This is why it has been said that ‘compound interest is the strongest force in the Universe’.
This is Usurious Usurpation.
The Rise of Capitalism
Modern Capitalism was first clearly visible in the Dutch Republic, where Italian Banking, expelled Iberian Jews, the Reformation, naval power and the acquisition of huge trade fortunes came together in the Amsterdam Empire, which would outshine its much bigger Spanish, British and even French competitors until the mid seventeenth century.
Everything that defines modern Capitalism was either invented or came to fruition in Amsterdam. The first Stock Exchange, Multinationals (the East Indies Company, which would rule over Indonesia with unrestrained Corporatocracy for centuries), and most importantly, a Central Bank, the ‘Amsterdamsche Wisselbank’. And of course a huge pile of money, that would be the envy of Europe even long after its ‘glory’ had subsided.
Up to 2500 guilders (estates could be bought for that kind of money) were paid for a single Viceroy Tulip bulb at the peak . "A Satire of Tulip Mania' depicts speculators as brainless monkeys.
Up to 2500 guilders (estates could be bought for that kind of money) were paid for a single Viceroy Tulip bulb at the peak . “A Satire of Tulip Mania’ depicts speculators as brainless monkeys.
Amsterdam also saw the first bubble: the Tulip mania, 1637. This typical banker device, blowing bubbles with easy credit and then popping them by calling in loans, would haunt Western economies for centuries to come.
The Dutch Republic resulted from a Calvinist rebellion against Catholic Spain. Calvin is considered by many to have been Jewish. He openly defended Usury. This was in an era that the Medieval era of Usury prohibition was in terminal decline.
Calvinist thought was also infected by the typically Jewish notion that wealth is a sign of God’s favor.
Notwithstanding Usury prohibition, Jewish Usury had been a huge issue throughout the Middle Ages and it does not require a great leap of the imagination to see that Capitalism is in fact the modern equivalent of what was once known as Jewish Usury.
Jewish fortunes and their methods played a large part in Amsterdam. Their ships would also dominate the growing slave trade on America. They had come from Spain, after being expelled in 1492. Holland was known at the time for its ‘tolerance’.
Amsterdam was the first great star of high finance. Opulence acquired through trade became Capital, looking for returns. And here we see that Capitalism is about finance, not production or consumption. Finance rules over producers, workers, consumers, farmers, crafstmen and industrialists alike.
They lend to those they control or want to control and withhold credit to those for whom they have no purpose. Usury gives them their take of any venture. By keeping money scarce, they keep labor cheap. This is how money rules.
Moving on to Britain
Amsterdam peaked in 1648, when the peace of Westphalia ended both the 80 year war for independence with Spain and the 30 year war in Germany. But after the peak comes the decline and already in the fifties problems began to mount when Cromwell landed a blow on Dutch naval supremacy with the Acts of Navigation.
The Jews had been expelled from Britain in 1290. This was a few decades after the Magna Carta, which clearly points at Jewish Usury as a huge problem at the time.
Cromwell, who was a calvinist Puritan, negotiated extensively with Amsterdam Jews about resettlement. He probably was a tool of Jewish/Amsterdam finance to begin with.
Resettlement came with the promise of making London a better Amsterdam. And while British merchants (and many others too) were against the readmittance of the Jews, Cromwell went ahead anyway. The Puritans were optimistic and naive and thought they could ‘redeem’ the Jews. But while Jewish Capital indeed pushed Britain’s Empire to unprecedented heights, there was no redemption: by the end of the 19th century the British Aristocracy had been entirely Judaized.
While Cromwell, as a tool of Amsterdam Imperialism, ultimately failed, the Jews did not relent and they had a second shot at London with the Glorious Revolution, when William III of Orange, Stadtholder of Holland, became William III of Britain and the Dutch Republic and England were united in a personal union.
He repaid his financial backers by chartering the Bank of England in 1694 and this was the official entry of Capitalism in Britain. It came with the end of sovereign money and the ascent of Gold: until then the British economy had been financed with Talley Sticks, simple pieces of wood issued by the King. British partners in the Bank paid for their shares with them, but the first thing the Bank did was take them out of circulation. The Bank of England is only the eigth bank in history and is the second oldest to survive today.
The United States
The real history of the United States is not about the War of Independence and the Constitution. It’s about banking.
The United States did not revolt over ‘taxes without representation’. According to Benjamin Franklin the real reason for the War of Independence was that Whitehall forced scarce money through Britain’s Gold Standard on the Colonies, who had thrived with their own Colonial Scrip. A depression was the inevitable result.
Only a few years after nominal independence, Hamilton’s first Bank of the United States brought Capitalism to the United States. It was closed in 1800, but in 1816, in the aftermath of the war with Britain, a second Bank of the United States (a privately owned corporation) was opened with a 20 year charter.
The heroic President Andrew Jackson did not renew this charter and miraculously survived an attempt on his life. His last words, ‘I killed the Bank’ still ring triumphantly through the ages. Unfortunately, he failed to replace it with a decent monetary system and the country was plunged in a depression because of a tanking money supply.
This left the Whigs, Abraham Lincoln prominently among them, plenty of scope to campaign for a new ‘National’ Bank, which came in the aftermath of the Civil War.
In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was founded. This privately owned corporation is owned by primarily Jewish ‘member banks’. The presidents of the Federal Reserve are always Jewish and by far most of its board members are too. It’s no secret Wall Street is run by the  Jews and is now the global standard bearer of Jewish Usury with derivatives being the scam du jour.
Of course there are Americans in Wall Street too, just as there are Englishmen in the City or Germans in Deutsche Bank, but whereas these nationalities compete amongst each other, the Jews are strong in all nations and this gives them supremacy.
Equally true is that the Jewish many gain nothing from the banking prowess of their ‘elites’. They may have some privileges, but on the other hand they’re also easily duped into nasty affairs or sacrificed like the pawns we all are.
But considering the above history of Capitalism and Jewish Usury, it is very hard to avoid the conclusion that they are the same thing.
YHVH emphatically orders the Jews several times to conquer the world with Usury in Deutoronomy, for instance: “15:6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.”
Pivotal documents from the medieval era squarely point at Jewish Usury. We have already mentioned the Magna Carta, but there is also for instance the Quran: ‘That they (the Jews) took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men’s substance wrongfully;- we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.’ (sura 4.161)
Capitalism and its ‘return on investment’ is clearly the successor of medieval Jewish Usury. It arose during the destruction of medieval Usury prohibition. Its typical devices, Usury, Banking, the Stock Exchange, asset bubbles, Transnationals, all were already present in Amsterdam. It was this force that migrated to Britain and the US. It was in these three financial Empires that Captitalism showed its unrestrained imperialist designs.
Already the poor lose up to 50% of their income to Usury, mostly passed on by producers in prices. The middle classes are somewhat better off, but they are being decapitated everywhere. Usury only benefits the richest 10%, while most of the money ends up with the ‘fabulously’ wealthy.
The enslavement is total: most people work the first two and half days of the week to pay off the bank. Even if they have no debts.
And we face not only enslavement, but extinction. Mass immigration, combined with the demographic catastrophy caused by the trinity of feminism, the not-so-gay lobby, and sexual ‘liberation’, is now threatening to actually destroy the white race. Whites are expected to be a minority all over the West in 2050/2060 and irrelevant by the end of the century.
Capitalism is the core of the Jewish Question. All their other depravities, including Zionism and (Cultural) Marxism were built and financed from the Capitalist powerbase.
The Jewish Question can only be reasonably resolved by reforming money and ending its rule through Usury.
Is Anti Usury Activism Antisemitic?
Babylon = Usury! We want Interest-Free Money!
Demystifying the ‘Conspiracy’
Why Do People Have Difficulty Seeing The Jewish Question?
Rationalizing Usury: the Time Value Hoax