The Need to Conform
- Written by Richard Newman
There are a number of issues here, not least the total lack of
media coverage regarding the attack, let alone the injuries to the
police and police horses. The hypocrisy is clear when you contrast the
blanket coverage of Steven, Trayvon and Breivik with the lack of
coverage given to the various rapes by Muslims or this attack. I say
hypocrisy because one of the most enduring images is that of a middle
aged man shielding his child from bricks and bottles thrown by the left.
The March for England organisers went to great lengths to point out
that they did not belong to any group, and having searched the
internet, I must admit that the march was billed as non-political! Here
therefore lies the second issue, in that MFE went to great efforts to
invite members of the black and Asian community as well as members of
the homosexual community, what a march that would have made, if you will
excuse the pun, what a gay day.
The disintegrating EDL, and the MFE amongst many others who have
declared themselves nationalists, or even laughingly patriots, have all
gone down this route in trying to become inclusive, and invite everyone
to take part in their party. They of course do not understand that the
gay/black/Asian/anyone left? Do not wish to belong to a patriotic
organisation. They belong to their own groups.
A Nationalist/Patriot has three choices, to remain true to his
beliefs, which means the left hate you. Betray your beliefs, which
means that you are hated by the left and the right, or leave politics
and do nothing, which means that the left hate you! As the EDL and the
MFE have found to their cost, you can bend over backwards to accommodate
the left and they will still attack you, so why accommodate them at
all. The same is true of all civic nationalist/plastic patriot
Finally, and on a much more serious note, the attack on the
Brighton march has confirmed beyond any doubt that the media, police,
government etc will ignore and even tacitly approve the persecution of
one hundred and fifty flag waving people, by seven hundred yobs.
Imagine the furore if several hundred skin heads had attacked a Gay
Pride march.
All nationalist organisations with maybe one or two exceptions need
to raise their game. I include the EDL and the Infidels in the groups
which are now hamstrung by a lack of ideological direction, and
disciplined organisation. So much so that students, homosexuals and
other freaks of the left can attack any public event with impunity. The
Muslims are even more divisive in their ridicule, after all, are they
going to be afraid of “Muslamic Ray Guns!”
It would be too much to hope that the EDL/MFE ditch their attempts
at inclusiveness, the right ditch the booze and indiscipline, they get
smart and learn the ideological strength of patriotic political action.
Because only then will they be able to put ten thousand political
soldiers into Brighton and wipe the left from the streets.