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Sunday 13 May 2012

Britain and the Future under Islam

unionjackisours 120 x 183So what will the multicultural, multiracial Britain of the future be like – if the native people of the country don’t wake up to what’s happening to them?
There are those who think that race / ethnicity doesn’t matter in this country any more.  They think this, one supposes, because they imagine that race doesn’t matter to them and impute their own apparent feelings to others, seeing what they want to see.  But although the native British get along with other races to a remarkable degree, their deeper feelings are manifest in where and with whom they want to live.
Here is the truth of the matter:-
Whole Areas are becoming dominated by different Ethnicities
Whole towns and cities are becoming dominated by certain ethnicities.  Leicester is now a majority Asian / Moslem city (51% Asian and growing).  About 20% of the population of the Bradford area is muslim and there are significant and rapidly expanding Asian and other ethnic populations in towns and cities across the country.
Ethnic Populations are becoming so large that they are increasingly self-contained
To an increasing extent, these populations are self-contained.  The Bury Park area of Luton for example has a mosque (one of 10 or more in the town) which is a social focus as well as a religious centre.  Many businesses in the area are run by and for Asians.  Asian children attend Asian – majority state schools (Some schools are 95% Asian) and religious schools where little is taught but the Qur’an.  Asians have their own radio and TV channels, newspapers and film shows.  This pattern is repeated elsewhere.  In Manchester for example, a recent report found that schools were largely split on racial lines.  More than 8 in 10 Pakistani or Bangladeshi pupils attend school where fewer than 20 per cent of children are white.
Britain is heading for Balkanisation
This self-containing process, encouraged in the first instance by the doctrine of multiculturalism, is proceeding under its own steam and consolidating as these communities grow. David Levin, the apparently Jewish Head Master of the Prestigious City of London School said in a speech at the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference recently that Britain was becoming a ‘silo society’ as many young people never leave their own housing estate or mix with children from different racial or religious backgrounds.  Levin went on that he grew up in South Africa ‘where apartheid was imposed and people had to live in different areas.  Increasingly I am alarmed at the way London is divided into ghettos….I think London is sleepwalking towards Johannesburg, the ghettoisation of the community.’
As Ethnics arrive, Whites leave
It isn’t of course just the growth of ethnic populations in an area.  It’s also the flight of the original white population.  As their areas are transformed overnight into somewhere from the West Indies, Africa or the East, can you blame them?  One woman in Luton said of the call to prayer from the mosque, ‘I’d like to pull the plug on that caterwauling.  I go to work, and I have two small children.  It’s just not fair on non-moslem families around here.’  The local shopping area, Dunstable Road, is full of Asian food shops, Halal butchers, clothing stores specialising in Saris and so forth.  Few ordinary native Britons would want to live in such an area if they could avoid it.
Your writer acts as a voluntary driver for the local hospice on the edge of London.  Almost every passenger – usually terminally ill – will talk about how he or she moved out of a now-immigrant area in more central London which is now unrecognisable from when they were brought up in it.  Sometimes they will say how glad they are that they will soon be dead and will not see the complete destruction of the country they loved.  Only this week, a passenger mentioned how she refused to allow her grandchildren to attend a school in Forest Gate where they would be in a tiny minority of whites and is struggling to get the family moved nearer to her home.
And the natural inclination of whites to live amongst their own kind – the same impulse which creates areas like Bury Park and Forest Gate - is sometimes encouraged not just by the increasingly alien nature of their neighbourhoods but by the overt hostility of their neighbours.  In the period Nov 2007 - Feb 2008 there were 18 attacks on 5 non-Muslim properties in the Bury Park area.
Trevor Phillips agrees.
At a conference in 2006 organised by the Commission for Racial Equality, its Chairman, Trevor Phillips, spoke of a crisis as white minorities bolt from ethnic areas, and warned of the emergence of separate and isolated communities.
It’s not just working class Whites who want to flee ethnic Areas
Those self-congratulatory middle-class liberals who imagine that it is only untermensch working class whites who don’t want to live in areas dominated by other ethnicities should reflect on the attitude of the writer George Steiner, an Extraordinary Fellow of Cambridge University.  Steiner, a Jew born in Paris, was reported in the Daily Telegraph of 1st September 2008 as saying that he would not be able to tolerate living next door to Jamaican neighbours ‘playing reggae all day.’  Steiner said he believed racism was inherent in everyone and that racial tolerance was merely skin deep.
English People are happiest in mostly white and English Areas.  So why wouldn’t whites in the unhappiest places want to move there if they could?
A study by the property website Rightmove ( revealed that the happiest places in Britain are the also the whitest.
Top 10 happiest places:
1. Carlisle
2. York
3. Huddersfield
4. Harrogate
5. Chester
6. Llandudno
7. Norwich
8. Derby
9. Dorchester
10. Exeter
The unhappiest places are the blackest and brownest
Top 10 unhappiest places:
1. East London
2. Ilford
3. South east London
4. Luton
5. Romford
6. Oldham
7. Enfield
8. North London
9. West London
10. Harrow
What do the Trends foretell?
We have seen the trends.  So what do they foretell about our country?  It seems very clear that Britain is being carved up along ethnic lines.  There also seems to be no good reason why this process should not continue. Furthermore it is likely to gather momentum as the numbers of moslems and other ethnicities rapidly grow.  According to Jim Dowson, their projected numbers at the current rate of increase are:-
·    2013 - 3 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2018 - 4 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2021 - 5 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2024 - 6 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2026 - 7 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2029 - 8 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2031 - 9 million Muslims in the UK.
·    2032 - 10 million Muslims in the UK
·    2039 - The Muslim population will be increasing by 1 million per annum at this point.
Will the present rate of increase slacken off in the next twenty years?  Perhaps, but if it does it will be slowly.  The drives are still there; arranged marriages with relatives back home in the sub-continent and a continuing high birthrate.  It is very probable therefore that the above projection up to the key period around 2035 which will see a moslem population of around 11millions,  or some 15.4% of a population estimated at 71.5 millions, is likely to be more or less correct.
By the 2035 point, even if the rate of increase has slowed down somewhat, the average age of the moslem population will be much less than that of the native population and their breeding potential will be that much greater.  After this date, the replacement of the native population by the immigrant-descended will proceed apace. Although any projected figures are likely to be a good deal less reliable it is probable that our grandchildren will find themselves a diminishing  racial and religious minority in their own country.
So we have three dynamics:-
Against a background of a diminishing white population
1)  The increasing division of the country into areas dominated by one or other of the ethnicities.
2)  The huge expansion of the immigrant-descended population.
3)  The increasing self-contained character of ethnic areas.
The Native British squeezed into ever smaller Enclaves
The net result would seem to be a scenario where large numbers of the native British effectively abandon swathes of their homeland and find themselves progressively squeezed into ever smaller areas.  The areas largely abandoned will include their capital, London (already 30% non-white, vastly more in inner areas), and other major cities and their environs.  The whole of the West Midlands may become Asian, moslem territory to the extent that a white travelling through it will feel that he or she is in a foreign country right down to there being different languages spoken throughout.  Whites may find themselves living mostly in smaller towns and villages while places such as the South West, North Wales and East Anglia may become known as white areas.
The Political Arrangements
What will the political arrangements of this divided country be?  Only a fool would imagine that they will be unaltered from what they are now.  For example, will a majority moslem population want to put up with a white Monarch with all the trappings of Christianity that go with the Monarchy?  Hardly.  Will they want to run things to suit themselves when they have the power?  In the areas where at first they dominate and then the country, certainly, regardless of the state of play of the EU.  Will the native population object to this?  Probably.
All this being the case, various scenarios, all of them meaning the complete obliteration of the country as we have known it present themselves.  The first is that the country will eventually divide itself into self-governing ethnic areas like the Balkans.  Another is that it will continue to group together in some kind of federation of self-governing ethnic areas, like Switzerland.  A worst case scenario is that it will be another Lebanon or Northern Ireland – united but with a fragile sharing of power; one ethnic group forever trying to assert itself against the others, sometimes bloodily.
Islam will assert itself more and more
Whatever the future holds, it will not be the homogenised, peaceable Britain  imagined by the leftist social engineers or their fellow –travellers, the libertarian right.  As the moslem population grows in numbers so it will grow in assertiveness.
Already, Muslim attitudes and lifestyles are inflicting themselves on the way the British do things - Halal meat in the shops and restaurants, being just one example.
But there are many others.  In Dewsbury, Imams petitioned Mid Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust to request nurses to turn the beds of sick muslims to face Mecca five times a day.  In Reading, a Muslim shop assistant refused to touch a book of childrens’ Bible stories because it was ‘unclean’.  In hospitals, female Muslim surgeons have refused to follow hygiene guidelines which require the scrubbing up of bare arms.  In Oxford, the imam of the new central mosque requested amplified calls to prayer, prompting clergy to predict white flight from a city of many minarets.  When and where islam is in control, all of these measures and many more like them will be taken for granted.
Let us never forget that there is nothing Politically Correct about Islam or moslems.  Political Correctness is a perverted development through Marxism of Christianity and Protestantism in particular.
Islam does not have the strains of doctrine that have led to PC.  And while most moslems may want only a quiet, islamic life, it is the radicals who set the agenda.  One has only to reflect on developments in Britain with the onset of political correctness to realise that.
The outlook for the native population of Britain is grim indeed.  Is it time to think about emigrating?

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Friday 11 May 2012

The Legal Fiction - How They Control Us

The Legal Fiction - How They Control Us

Throughout the ages mankind’s ingenuity has allowed one group of people to control others. The creation of the ‘legal fiction’ is a superb example – it is the very foundation of how we are controlled today and yet the knowledge of its existence eludes all but a tiny few of us.
Judges know how the ‘legal fiction’ applies to each of us, but barristers, solicitors, Magistrates and politicians mostly do not – it is a closely guarded secret. Our courts impose their will on us using the ‘legal fiction’ and it is through this imposition that governments are able to control every facet of our lives. Without the ‘legal fiction’ governments and an array of authorities have no power over us whatsoever and with this in mind it is perfectly clear that understanding the ‘legal fiction’ is a prerequisite to understanding how the world around us really works as distinct from how we think it does. Knowledge and understanding of the legal fiction is the first step on the road of freedom.

So What Is The Legal Fiction & How Does It Impact On Our Lives?

If you tried to explain the concept of the ‘legal fiction’ to the average individual in the context of how it applies to them, there is a high degree of probability that they would stare back at you as though you were quite mad... explanation rarely attracts a demand to know more, which it should, generally people find comprehension beyond their scope of understanding and they prefer therefore to dismiss it as an absurdity. The creators of the legal fiction knew this and have used our own ignorance to further their aims to control and dominate us, their ultimate weapon being ‘plausible deniability.’ But suddenly we are waking up to what is really going on and as we do the shackles of control are starting to loosen.
Imagine having a conversation in the 10th century in which you were describing a mobile telephone to an audience... they would to a man and woman think you were a complete lunatic... despite being able to explain the science behind it, and so it is with trying to explain the ‘legal fiction’ today.  Fortunately, thanks to people like John Harris, Winston Shrout, Robert Arthur Menard and others, the secret of the ‘legal fiction’ also known as the ‘strawman’ has been laid bare and as a consequence those of us who are prepared to learn are now able to take advantage of this very important knowledge.
But bear in mind this... the ‘powers-that-be’ have a vested interest in us not knowing how they effect their control over us... and this translates into them being adamant that you must not know of the existence of the legal fiction, never mind understand it.  So if you are thinking about writing to the government and asking them to confirm the existence of the legal fiction, may I suggest that your time would be better spent writing to the mafia and asking them to confirm in writing that they are indeed engaged in organised crime. Please let us know if you get a reply.
The legal fiction is described briefly as ‘a means by which something can be done in law, which, without the legal fiction, would not be possible.’ Look it up in a law dictionary. There are many applications of the legal fiction concept and only through study will you get to grips with the extent of its functions. It is not complicated, just confusing and understanding it requires that you resist the urge to dismiss it as a nonsense. Because we have limited understanding of the origins of the universe, that does not mean that it does not exist - and so it is with the legal fiction.

A Company Is A Legal Fiction

If we assume that your name is Roger Hayes... you could create a legal fiction called ‘ROGER HAYES LIMITED’ which you could own lock, stock and barrel. You could lend the company money and it in turn could buy and own plant, machinery and stock and build up an array of assets and wealth through trade - all of which would then belong to the company... but not you. Yes you would own the company, but the company would own the assets. If on behalf of the company you sold some stock, you would be required to put the proceeds into the company’s bank account and not your own private account. The company would be obliged to pay back the money that you lent it, but apart from that the only way that you could take any benefit from the company would be if it paid you a wage as a manager or a dividend as a shareholder and if the company went bust with net liabilities, you would not be liable for its debts.
It is easy to see then how despite you being the only owner and thus the controller of the legal fiction ‘ROGER HAYES LIMITED’ that it remains an entirely separate entity to you.  You could sell the company and somebody else would then control it, despite it keeping your name. Now to deliberately confuse you... this entity was also given the generic name ’person’  and yes, it is meant to confuse you. In legalese (the language of law) the word ‘person’ means company or corporation; it does not mean man or woman. In an ordinary dictionary ‘person’ is described as an individual human being. In a law dictionary ‘human being’ is described as a monster. Do you think they were trying to bring clarity to the meaning of words or do you think they were trying to create confusion? Obviously it was the latter and it was both deliberate and calculated.
When you were born (still assuming that your name is Roger Hayes) and your parents registered your birth, the government set up a company which they called ROGER HAYES. If you look at all your official documents you will see that they are all represented with capital letters as a means of distinction. It is important to remember, that as it was the government that created this company, it is they that own and control it – despite it having your name. The deceit was in the fact that they did not tell you, nor did they want you to know, that they would use this company (person) as a tool to attach liabilities to the real you.
Thus, ROGER HAYES the company was created and existed alongside Roger Hayes the flesh and blood boy created and named by your parents. But in the absence of the knowledge of the existence of the former everybody was led to believe that everything applied to the latter – as devious a plan surely as selling land on the sun to the unsuspecting.
When officialdom then asks the question ‘Are you Roger Hayes?’ What they are really asking is ‘Do you accept the liabilities for ROGER HAYES the company (i.e. the person)?’ and when you say YES – you are unwittingly accepting the liabilities placed upon the ‘person’ (company) that they own and through which they establish their authority over you . How very clever and devious is that?
Roger Hayes is a flesh and blood man. ROGER HAYES is a person (company) – and they are separate entities. You control you, they control the person, if you accept the liability of the person – then they control you.
All Acts of Parliament are applied to the ‘person’ (the company), and not the man or the woman. This is self-evident in that the words man or women are never used in Acts of Parliament. So Acts do not therefore apply to the flesh and blood man or woman, if they did, they would say so. Acts of Parliament extend to you the man or woman only if and when (through your ignorance) you accept the responsibility and liability of the ‘person.’ When a policeman or a judge asks you for your name – they are tricking you into accepting their authority over you, because you have unwittingly assumed responsibility for the legal fiction (despite them also being ignorant of this fact) and the fact is that they must get you to acknowledge ‘the name’ i.e. ‘the person’ i.e. the ‘legal fiction’  ‘ROGER HAYES’ before they can assume their authority over you.  When you say YES my name is ROGER HAYES, you are submitting/consenting to their authority, and conversely if you deny the liability of the corporate entity then you deny them the control that they need to enforce their penalty charge notices upon you. Denial of consent is denial of authority which means no penalties. It is as simple as that.
So now you know - government secures its authority over you by simply asking your name, or by getting you to fill in one of their forms. If you understand this then you can start to adjust the way in which you respond to their demands. Learn how to respond to this deceitful tyranny and your life will change; you will become freer in mind, in spirit and in reality. And the more of us pushing them back the faster we will take back control of our nation.
By denying the control that the legal fiction creates, you will be making an enormous stride in securing your freedom.
The fact remains that the Government and its institutions, i.e. the police, the courts, the taxman have authority over you by virtue of you unwittingly giving them your consent. But, whilst statutes (Acts of Parliament) apply only to the legal fiction – common law most definitely applies to YOU - the flesh and blood man or women. Be very careful to understand the difference. Common law which the police monitor as peace officers (constables) protects our natural rights, common law are the rules that govern how we behave towards our fellow men in order that we can all to live in peace and harmony with others without the threat of harm or loss.
So speeding, parking, council tax, VAT, PAYE etc all apply to the ‘legal fiction’ which you have an absolute right to reject if you so choose, but if standing up for your rights is too much trouble, you can chose to continue to remain compliant and obedient. Take your choice.
I have no objection to paying my fair share towards running a system of which we are all beneficiaries, but I will not be dictated to. If refusing to pay my council tax, speeding and parking fines is the way to bring about change that will benefit us all, then that is what I am going to do. Hopefully many more people will start thinking and acting like free men and women, the sooner we do then the sooner we will close down the tyranny and the sooner our lives will start to improve.
BUT...   and there’s always a but, the ‘legal fiction’ has benefits as well as liabilities. The NHS, schooling, child benefits, land and home ownership, bank accounts etc, all come to you courtesy of the ‘legal fiction.’ If you want to dump the liabilities, you are potentially going to have to dump all the benefits as well. So you have to have a clear understanding on what it is you are letting yourself in for before you start messing with the system.
Dear reader, our controllers are not stupid... they have been working their scheme for a long time. They have devised a system that gives as well as it takes and it has been a careful balance of both of these that has allowed them to maintain their control. So if there are benefits as well as liabilities and we do not want to throw the baby out with the bath water, where do we go from here?
The answer to that dilemma is simple. The system can be used for our overall benefit. The bad guys have taken control of it and they are quite deliberately using it for their benefit at our expense. They are using it to fine us excessively and needlessly to feed their greed, to tax and persecute us; keeping us on a tread mill of servitude and making our lives a misery in the process. We have a right to take the benefits and reject the liabilities when the balance has been distorted to our detriment – which clearly it is.
The writer has been in court (on numerous occasions) denying the liabilities of the legal fiction – to date 100% successfully. There have been some feisty moments - it has been an interesting journey during which compliant servants of the system have watched in bewilderment (and ignorance) as we (many friends and activists) have turned up at court and said NO... we do not accept your authority. The shock to authority is palpable; they respond by shouting, barking orders for us to obey, they use threats, intimidation and occasionally they call their security guards and the police to try and force us into submission – all to no avail. We have stood our ground and witnessed the weakening of their resolve and have watched as they have instead slowly started to submit to our authority. In court now, we ask the questions and they do the responding. They become particularly more compliant when we remind them that the courts belong to the people... not them.
The flesh and blood man is considerably more powerful than their legal fiction controls; it is just a matter of discovering how it is that we can demonstrate our authority over them. It has been and will continue to be a bumpy ride, made smoother with the support of those who attend courts as witnesses. The British Constitution Group is pushing the tide of tyranny back slowly but surely, we do it with the knowledge that we are right and they are wrong as evidenced by their gradual submission to our demands.  But we still have a long way to go. The more of us that join the fight, the faster we will take back control. We do not need elections or referendums or any other controlled mechanism to free ourselves from corrupt government be it in the UK or in Brussels, we just need the spirit, determination and courage to stand up and say NO.
We, the British people have right to govern ourselves, we have a natural instinct to want to preserve our sovereignty and our independence... but we have been lulled into thinking that we need the permission of a powerful elite to secure it... we do not.
We have become confused about our identity and our nationhood -  we no longer understand the purpose of our constitution and the rule-of-law. Some of us have been fooled into thinking of ourselves as European, a universal description with as much meaning as calling ourselves earthlings. We are British – English, Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish. We have amongst us people from every country on earth, here to share in what is unique to these islands and the British people  – a nation of tolerance, compassion, fortitude, fair play and justice. We have taken these values to the world – and it seems that the time has come to do so again.
Our future will not be determined by a political party, it will not be determined by puppets like Clegg, Cameron or Brown (remember him?)... our future will be forged by those amongst us who find the courage to stand up for our rights and declare them to the world.
The tyranny that has been build up around us will crumble when we stand up and defend ourselves. This is a game of numbers... when there are more of us than there are of them... the job will be done.

About the Author

A final glimmer of Britain

A final glimmer of Britain 

By Sarah Maid of Albion

I began writing this article a few weeks back shortly after the local government elections on May the 5th . As everyone in Britain knows, those were elections which saw significant success for the Tories and some success for Labour too, except in Scotland, where a Scottish party, calling themselves “Nationalist”, but which welcomes multiculturalism to the point where it will surely destroy all dreams of a true Scotland, scored a massive and unexpected triumph. 

All other parties suffered varying degrees of defeat. 
In the wake of that further affirmation of what seemed like a national death wish, I sat down and wrote the following:

When was it I wonder the English stopped loving their children? when did we become one of the very first people in history, who do not care a damn what future our offspring will face? 

There are many, I am sure, who would claim to take offence at what I have just written, and who would angrily insist they are entirely devoted to their children.  But how can I believe them in the face of overwhelming evidence that they must be lying?

As the mother of son's I quake at the thought of what they will face when they become part of an ethnic minority in their homeland, an event likely to occur much sooner than we once thought. Recent figures suggest the tipping point, when non-whites become a majority in Britain, could be as soon 2043, thirty two years from now, not 2060 as previously thought. 

Ethnic minorities do not fare well in third world countries, but that's the future my sons will face when they are still young men.  Other mothers' sons and daughters face the same fate, but, unlike me, it seems those mothers, and those fathers simply do not care.

How can they love that which they would so lightly sacrifice to such a hell?  

The British people embraced their death again on May the 5th, how many more chances will they have before it is too late, assuming it has not already past that point?

Seemingly without a care they meander forward towards a dark place which will be terrible to see, complicit in their own destruction,they are the stained handed murderers of their children's dreams. 

Most suicidal of all were those of the white working class, who voted for Labour, a party  which despises them and has for at least four decades been conspiring for their destruction.  A party which has already engineered the ethnic cleansing of  working class communities from Bradford to Bristol and from Leeds to Lancashire, and which has transformed our ancient capital into a majority non-white city, driving, amongst others, London’s Cockneys into Essex and into history.

We all mocked those American teenagers a few weeks back when then tweeted onto Twitter “who is Bin Laden and why’s it good he’s dead?”, but are they really dumber than those who still believe the old lie that “Labour is for the Common Man”. Not if that common man is white they’re not, at least they haven't been since the 1950’s.

Like livestock voting for the horrors of halal, working class Britons went in their millions to put their crosses next the poison rose which spells their doom. Should I really pity such stupidity?

Even less deserving of pity are Liberal Democrat supporters, whether they voted for the party or, horrified by the realities of power voted  Labour, they are equally suicidal. However, given it is now quite clear Liberal Democrats are not grown up, they deserve little more than our contempt.

In some ways, of course, those who voted Tory are the most shameful, in their hearts the average Tory voter knows the truth but they dare not face it and would sacrifice their children before they do.

I look upon them and I wonder, do they deserve what is coming to them, these stupid. immature and cowardly people who flocked to sign their death warrants in polling booths across the land, do they want to be saved and are they in fact beyond saving?

Other races have died before and other civilisations have fallen, is it our turn to follow the Aztecs, the Minoans, Incas and the Babylonians into the echoing void of history?  Is our great civilisation, surely the greatest the world has ever seen, set to follow Rome and Ancient Egypt into defeat, destruction and decay, our crumbling monuments, magnificent ruins, the only evidence of what went before?

Do our people know their death awaits, surely they too can see what is plain to me, and if they do, can it be they really do not care? Is there nothing left of the Britain that we were? Has our blood run cold?         

Within one hundred years the descendants of those immensely brave Britons who celebrated VE day in 1945 on the streets of London will have been driven from that city.  They are already a minority there.

Did it take just sixty short years for our race to come to this?  We are not the same people our forefathers were.  We spring for the loins of greatness but have forgotten how to be great.

I stopped writing then, and put the article aside.  I wondered if what I had written was of any benefit, and if anything was to be gained from exposing one woman's despair at a nation wilfully engaged in writing its own epilogue.

It was then that I watched a TV programme called “Wooten Bassett the town which remembers”.  As the world now knows Wooten Bassett is the Wiltshire Market town which lies between RAF Lyneham, the Royal Air Force's principal transport hub, and Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital.  It is therefore the route which the hearses have to take when transporting fallen soldiers when they are brought home from Afghanistan.

The people of Wooton Bassett have taken to welcoming those brave young men home, standing along the roadside in silent tribute and comforting the families of the dead.  Over the months and years more and more have travelled to join them until the repatriations have become a sombre, but hugely well attended and symbolic event.  Those who come do not do it for the cameras, or or the bemused and patronising journalists who turn up to record what is to them a bizarre spectacle. Way out of sight of the cameras, along the roadside and in the lay-bys they stand silently and they salute, as the tragic cavalcade goes by, carrying those they have come to mourn.

The people of Wooton Bassett were interviewed and they were a rare sight, they are a type of people, although legion in our land, who are not usually welcome on our TV screens. They were not the dissembling creeps who claim to represent us in Parliament, the chattering classes who usually dominate the airways or the mockney accented public schoolboys who pose as entertainers. They were not the slimy treacherous judges or avaricious white hating lawyers who administer what passes for justice in this land, or the broadcasters who learnt to hate us on their Stalin praising fathers' knees. They were the reality of England, a people motivated and filled with love of their country who come to honour the brave and beautiful young men, sacrificed in illegal wars by the crooks and monsters who currently rule over us.                     

They were also anything but multicultural, certainly not in any way which would be permissible now in any staged media event.  As the cameras scanned the crowd anxiously attempting to light on an ethnic face amongst the mass homogeneous whiteness, they could have been the scene of any British city of forty years ago, or indeed the myriad British towns which they do still represent.

Then I thought of another event in recent weeks, the Royal Wedding, and the million strong crowd  thronging the streets, a crowd not ethnically mixed, as our dishonest media claimed they were, but massively, overwhelmingly, white.  The chattering commentators expressed their horror at the almost total whiteness of the congregation, but dared not admit that same whiteness extended to crowds outside.  Where would that leave, inclusive, integrated multicultural Britain?

However, multicultural Britain was no more on show on the streets surrounding Westminster abbey on the day of the Royal Wedding than it is on the streets of Wooton Bassett at each repatriation.

Whatever you may think of the current Royal family (and I personally an cautiously optimistic about the two princes) one could not help but marvel at the massive crowds of English men and women crowding the streets of our capital, as they have done for 1,000 years, their hearts swelling with an innate sense of their heritage and cheering for even the least impressive of our nation's monarchs.

As I considered those two events, I began to realise how wrong I was in what I wrote at the beginning of this article.  Britain is still out there, our people still exist, there are merely hidden from us by the gaudy pallet screen which the media places before us, and, of course, before them.

Although it may not seem that way from what we see on out TV screens and on many city streets, native Britons are still by far the majority in this country and they can still be saved.  The majority of native Britons never voted for multiculturalism and are deeply suspicious of it, they resent and oppose mass immigration and they are seriously concerned about the rise of Islam.  They also worry deeply about the sort of country their children will inherit.

They have not expressed those views because they have been taught to feel guilty about them  by a tiny minority with monopoly access to the communications media, and they have never yet voted in support of those views because they have never yet been offered a viable Nationalist alternative.

Those who say “they could have voted BNP” are fooling themselves.  The BNP have never yet found a means of disproving the media lies about them.  In fact, in many ways despite the herculean efforts of many activists, too many BNP members (and their leaders)  have done everything in their power to prove the liars right              

There are actually BNP members and supporters who appear to believe that, for instance, if they make “funny” Nazi salutes at cameras or are filmed giving their child a gollywog, the public will perceive these as ironically humorous gestures. 

The BNP has politicians who indulge in fisticuffs in front of the national media because an Asian spits at them (what do you think the spitting Asian wanted you to do when he spat?). It employs security guards who stick their fingers up the noses of unfriendly journalists when they forcibly eject them from meetings in front of a blaze of flash bulbs, whilst adopting facial expressions not unlike that of a particularly malevolent pit-bull.

Nationalists climb over each other so as to get into debates or write articles expressing moral and sexual attitudes which would sit more comfortably in down town, Islamabad than they would in a modern British household, and when doing so use language Jim Davidson might consider a tad off colour.  (If you want to go on a moral crusade, go on a moral crusade, but get out of our way, we are trying to save our race.)

Much has already been said about the quality of people appointed to positions of power.  However, if the party is seriously considering replacing one non-telegenic leader with a criminal record and a history of Holocaust denial with an equally non-photogenic (and older) leader with a criminal record and a history of Holocaust denial, they will need to work out:

a)  how they are going to sell him to modern Britain    
b)  how he might come across on Question Time

(Yes I know the convictions are establishment imposed war wounds, but such nuances matter more to history and to the party faithful than they do to the wider public)

Across Europe, Nationalism is in the ascendency, in Britain it seems to have stalled, and although many Nationalists have worked tirelessly, many others have to accept their responsibility for that.  Too many British Nationalists have spent the last 43 years since Enoch Powell warned us what was happening, squabbling amongst ourselves, sniping at other nationalists and indulging their own particular prejudices, issues and hang-ups rather than presenting the public with a party they feel comfortable in voting for.

It is true that Nationalist parties are subject to constant smears from the media, but in honesty, many Nationalists have made it very easy for them to smear us.

I am sure we all reach the point which I did when I started writing this article, and it is true that, in many ways the circumstances are dire.  However, there is nothing to be achieved in bemoaning a situation when we are part of the problem. 

We should be better placed, Our enemies have overplayed their hand, in particular the New Labour open door immigration policy was a spectacular own goal, which the country is starting to wake up to. The non-white population of Britain has grown by 40% in the last eight years, if that rate continues, and why wouldn't it?, at a conservative total of 9.1 million, not including another 1 million of mixed race, that total will grow to almost 35 million by 2043 (you do the maths).  If the Nationalist movement can not advance on the strength of that fact alone, we do not deserve to.

In many ways the situation is as dark as I described at the beginning of this article, but it is always darkest before the dawn, and everything is still to play for. If, after over four decades of self indulgence, squabbling, gaffes and pure stupidity, we can finally get out act together, there is a chance, faint but still viable, that we could save this country.

Our people are still out there, we only have to reach them.

Thursday 10 May 2012

States Which Have the Word “Democratic” in Their Names, Generally Are Not

“Proclamations about freedom of expression are a bit like the word ‘democratic’ in the title of a state. It appears most prominently in the titles of states in which it is suppressed most obviously,” Andrew Brons MEP said last week in the European Parliament.
Speaking during a debate on the EU’s Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, Mr Brons said that “both the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights provide that people have or should have freedom of expression.
“In several EU countries and signatories of the Convention, people can be, and are, gaoled for heretical opinions on academic subjects and for political opinions that are disapproved of by the Political Class.
“Perhaps the worst example is the country in which we are now, France,” he continued.
“France, only this year, passed a law prescribing a description of the killing of Armenians in 1915 backed up by criminal penalties.
“Furthermore, people have been prosecuted for the careless use of a word such as ‘debate’ to refer to an historical event,” Mr Brons added, referring to a leading French Front National figure, Bruno Gollnisch, who made that remark about the Holocaust.
“It really doesn’t matter whether or not one dishonest document is judged by the standards of another dishonest document,” Mr Brons continued, referring to the European Union with its document, the Charter of Fundamental Rights: and the Council of Europe with its document, the European Convention on Human Rights.
Speaking later, Mr Brons explained further: “The issue here is whether or not one organisation, the European Union, complies with its obligation under Article 6 of the Lisbon Treaty, and becomes a member of the second organisation, the Council of Europe, and thereby signs up to the Council of Europe’s document, the European Convention on Human Rights.
“When the European Union signs up to the Council of Europe and to its European Convention on Human Rights, there might be a succession of ‘compatibility’ court rulings.
“It might have to be decided whether the national law of a member country is consistent with EU law (if the national law is within an area of EU competence); or it might have to be decided (ultimately by the EU’s Court of Justice) whether the EU law is consistent with the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights.
“It might hen have to be decided whether the judgment of the EU’s Court of Justice and the (EU’s) Charter of Fundamental Rights are consistent with the Council of Europe’s European Convention on Human Rights,” Mr Brons said, pointing out that it was all very confusing.

The 300 Year Old New World Order

May 2012 origionaly posted at the BNP Site
Share this The compound debt of the western world, especially in light of the latest ''bailout'' of Greece, can be traced back to 1694. That year, the wrongly termed ''Bank of England'' was formed, not by ordinary people, nor government, but by private investors.
They immediately halted the old ''Tally Stick System''.
By John Salvage-They realised it was a fairer system, and thus, power and profit lay outside the power of the money changers.
Obviously, no one would expect the Tally Stick system to stay in its exact form, where sticks of highly hewed wood, with notches inlaid along one edges to signify the denominations would suffice until today. However, this system, and what could have followed, whereby proof of the holder and the crown, had a legal record through one piece each, worked for over 700 years. It actually became the most fair and equitable form of currency in history.
The British Empire, a trading empire essentially, was built through use of the Tally Stick system, now lost in a world without understanding of the system, and in debt to literally a few dozen elitist maniacs. Under King Henry 1, half was kept as proof against any illegal counterfeiting, and then the other spent in the markets, or as payment for goods and services, where it continued as regulated currency.
People thus had confidence in accepting these ''sticks'' as money. Such was the greed and insanity of those whom now control, or change nations at their will, the now familiar ''national debt'' reared its ugly and illegal head.
So much so that, by 1698, just four years after the bank's formation, the national debt rose from £1,250,000 per year, to £16,000,000 per year. The ordinary man in the street, and those hard working families, already pressed into hard labour just to keep a roof over their heads, then had to endure an increase in taxes, simply to supply the facilitation of profit to these alien greed mongers, and their treacherous stooges.
Sound familiar?
President James Madison (1809 - 1817) wrote:
''History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
With that in mind, and considering that even back then, a US president knew what was, and whom, were behind wars and poverty, it then presupposes that in the 21st century, the same clique of war mongers, should now be engineering yet more mass murder, poverty, and total control over the once free peoples of this nation, the western world, and other nations elsewhere. We are not seeing ''a new world order,'' just a three centuries old one, being played out before our very own eyes.
Greece, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Britain, France, and America, not to mention other nations with a centralised foreign banking elite, and a ''placebo government'', have been crushed, and have had their economies ruthlessly taken over by stealth, and every other avenue mentioned by James Madison in the above quote.
There is almost no nation on this planet, that can be said to be truly sovereign, as the military complex now under the banking cartel's control, are ensuring that there is little room for any real revolution as in days gone past. We, all of us, whether British, fellow Europeans, Americans, and all the other nations, have some serious thinking and planning to do... and that will mean solidarity without egos, and creating a system within a system.
Without the traitors, and those whom have ''something on them'' they would rather not share with others, none of this could have been achieved.
Speaking of treachery at a high level, we now hear that those controlling America, are to arm militia close to Al Qaeda, thus bringing another nation, Syria, to their alter of evil. Any member of the western Armed Forces reading this article, including many within the Special Forces, should keep a clear head, remembering that they are simply being used as cannon fodder. What a tragedy, what a stab in the back, especially when one thinks about all those Americans, British, and fellow service men and women, who will never see their loved ones again. Arming ones enemy is not new of course, but the whole pretext of the last twelve or so years of conflict, was supposedly to bring ''democracy'' to the nations of the Middle East, and to stop the supposed killing of civilians.
Oddly enough, more innocent people have been killed by the ''coalition forces'' than the numbers allegedly killed by dictators. Money, control over resources, and in part, a cultural and religious agenda, are really what drives the elites, especially the bankers.
Here, the Bank of England is a model, a blue print if you like, to show every nation how to operate the ''fractional reserve banking system''. Taxes are the preferred way to pay back the illegal debt, but anyone with an eye on the economy of both America, and the western world in general, will be uncertain as to how our broken and debt ridden businesses, private and public sectors, can ever get free... they can't, and that is the plan.
It's hard to believe, but it was not that long ago, probably just before the Second World War started, but the press and media were actually reporting things as they really were. The media had not at that time, been ''bought off'', and some articles and comment called the system "a great swindle, a vulture, a viper, and a cobra."
Those days are long gone, Newcomers to Nationalism, have always, without hesitation, one question they ask.. ‘‘How come the BNP never gets in the news?''. Or, ''you should be on Question Time, or this or that programme, otherwise you'll get nowhere.'' Well, read this, and other articles, then take a look at so-called ''live shows,'' where our Chairman and others have appeared, and you'll see why this never really works in general.
Such is the era we are in. Party media, and other patriotic formats, and literature is claiming scalps regularly, and with each new member, ten others will soon know what we are doing, and the message then becomes a tool, a way out of the controlled media grip.
What was once considered ''conspiracy,'' is now the talking point amongst the world's free thinkers, and that includes anyone coming to the British National Party. Essentially, knowledge is key. Outside of the political arena, there are many other things we can do. Culturally, and socio-economically, we can work together far more closely, we can create a system within a system, and that includes eating healthily, and trading and working with each other.
A sound mind can only come from a healthy diet, and even food is not off limits to the elite. Napoleon Bonaparte said:
''When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
Once gain has been accomplished, everything else, once thought of as free, cheap, or at least easily attainable, becomes just another commodity to the ruthless and greedy alien parasite. As Napoleon suggests, financiers are without patriotism, decency, or a motherland. Speaking of which, George Soros, the billionaire carpet-bagger, and in part, creator of Britain's ''Black Wednesday'', in September 1992, is now doing what his ilk has done for centuries.
George Soros is backing Gavilon Grain's purchases, to control food production and grain distribution in the United States. Gavilon, which has become the third largest grain company in that country, with Soros's investment, will result in a similar internationalist capitalist/Marxist strategy that saw energy markets and oil, totally controlled by a small group of already super-rich corporations. The price will then be engineered through their artificial control over its supply.
Food brokers consolidating into a few large companies, controlling the majority of any market, will culminate in prices set, not by ''supply and demand'', but by the manipulation of supply. If the price of food, for example in the United States is low, then grain can be shipped to other markets for sale, causing then an artificial supply problem in the very country that produced the grain in the first place. (Source:
This smacks of the great depression, whereby this sad, but deliberate scenario, saw people starve, and go broke in the 1920's and 30's. The so-called ''New Deal,'' then indebted the tax payer even more, through programmes that created the US welfare state. History repeating itself, only world wide.
Soros has strong ties to the Obama administration, influencing the economic and political outcomes that enable him to consolidate both the purchasing, and shipping of domestic agriculture around the world. If ever there was time for a ''Nationalist Spring'' revolution, this is it.
As mentioned previously, violent revolutions are generally staged, as we are seeing with those engineered by elements within the British, American, and Israeli governments and military, thus, anger must be directed politically, and socio-culturally.
Looking around the various controlled media outlets, many people are fooled by a one sided explosion of revolutionary acts of defiance. However, imagine what would become of our people, especially the white population, if the same principle was applied. Let's be honest, one only has to see the various and disparate groups involved here, and in Greece, Spain, and America, to see that no such combined organisational strategy is logistically or intellectually possible when demonstrating against our own or other Euro-Zone government policies.
The ''Western Spring'' discussed here, is only possible through a co-ordinated effort, whereby what this party used to describe as ''The Quiet Revolution'' becomes both quiet, and yet sees action through working together. All of the disparate groups currently protesting against what is going on in society, many of them controlled by our enemy politically and culturally, have members amongst them that would also independently be a part of such a move. There is no ''New World Order'', it already happened.
What is required now is a massive, singular dedicated move, no matter what traditional political or cultural side we support, where we, as Freemen and women of this nation, and all others valuing theirs, oppose the coming World Government. It can only be achieved through a new and independent socio-economic freedom, plus the willpower to work and trade with each other. The New World order is already 300 years old, it's now time to create our own system.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

They came they saw they conquered (Mayor for Liverpool)

Child Sex Grooming Gangs: It IS About Race Whatever Police and Politicians Say


South West Nationalist

white victim 2"There is no excuse for this kind of criminality, whoever is involved in it, but I don’t think it is a particular group of people, I don’t think it’s a particular race or religion"
"It’s totally wrong to say that it is, because you open up a Pandora’s box as far as race relations is concerned and I don’t think that’s necessarily what we want"
That's Chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee and Labour MP Keith Vaz, commenting on the conviction of yet more Pakistani men for the sexual grooming and rape of white children.
It of course relates to todays conviction of 9 men for an horrendous catalogue of sexual abuse against young, white girls in the Rochdale area.
Convicted at Liverpool Crown Court for a string of offences including rape, trafficking, and sexual assault, are Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid, Adil Khan, Abdul Qayyum, Mohammed Amin, Hamid Safi and an un-named 59 year old.  They will be sentenced on Wednesday.
"It is not a racial issue.  This is about adults preying on vulnerable young children.  It just happens that in this particular area and time the demographics were that these were Asian men"
"However, in large parts of the country we are seeing on-street grooming, child sexual exploitation happening in each of our towns and it isn't about a race issue"
There's Greater Manchester Police Assistant Chief Constable Steve Heywood, whose force missed a chance to catch these perverts years ago after a victim complained in 2008.
So, it's not about a race or a religion.  One wonders if officialdom would say the same had there been numerous high profile cases of white gangs raping Pakistani/Muslim children.  You all know the answer.
Again, would Pakistanis/Muslims accept official assurances that it wasn't about race/religion if it were their children being raped by whites in case after case?   Once more, you all know the answer.
What the hell have demographics got to do with it as well?  Is what Steve Heywood is really trying to say is that if you get a lot of Pakistani men in an area then expect white children to get gang raped by them?
After all, if demographics was the only factor then - given a high Pakistani population - one would also expect a high number of Pakistani victims.  Only, all of the victims in this case (as in numerous others) are white - it's only the perpetrators who are Pakistani (and one from Afghanistan).
Police and politicians may insist that it's not about race/religion, or that we should ignore that angle because it opens "Pandora's box as far as race relations are concerned", but they are absolutely wrong.
It is entirely about race and religion.  There has been imported into Britain a vile element which considers white British girls to be nothing more than meat, there for the sexual gratification of pervert after pervert.
Even a Muslim community leader, Mohammed Shafiq of the Ramadhan Foundation admits it, saying that: "There is a significant problem for the British Pakistani community, there is an over-representation amongst recent convictions in the crime of on-street grooming, there should be no silence in addressing the issue of race as this is central to the actions of these criminals"
"They think that white teenage girls are worthless and can be abused without a second thought; it is this sort of behaviour that is bringing shame on our community"
Only, it's not truly a problem for the Pakistani community, nobody should care about their 'shame' - it's our children who are being raped and sexually abused, it is our children who should matter above all else.
Lying politicians and police schooled in the art of putting race relations ahead of crime may choose to tell us differently, but it is absolutely a problem of race, culture, and religion.  One has only to look at who makes up most members of gangs in recent grooming cases.
The police and politicians prefer to keep a lid on it though, they repeat over and over that it's not about race and hope that Britain will be dumb enough to believe it - whilst all the while more white, British girls are being sexually abused and raped.
Let's tell it exactly like it is - we have imported a foreign element who consider white children to be sexual playthings, scum, mere objects to be passed around for sexual gratificationNot all Pakistanis or Muslims are members of child sex grooming gangs, but most members of child sex grooming gangs are Pakistani or Muslim.  Most, nearly all, victims in a multitude of cases?  White girls.
Worse, we see only the tip of the iceberg.  Much goes unreported.  Much has been covered up in the name of race relations or community cohesion.  There are countless victims out there we will never hear a thing about.
It's time for police and politicians to drop the bullshit rhetoric, give up on the excuses, and tell us the truth - if they are capable of that.
The truth is simple, and it is that this is entirely a racial, cultural, and religious issue, and it is an issue which has been created by the importation of alien people into this land.  It is also an issue which officialdom has attempted to hide for years.
Young, white girls are the ones who are paying the price in childhood shattered and innocence lost, and officialdom seems to consider them a price worth paying in order to avoid admitting to the terrible truth of the nightmare which Britain's children are now being forced to endure.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Nine Asian Muslim men guilty of grooming white schoolgirls for sex after plying them with vodka and drugs

Nine Asian Muslim men were today found guilty of grooming and passing round vulnerable white schoolgirls aged between 13 and 15 for sex after plying them with alcohol and drugs.
Five girls were 'shared' by Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid, Adil Khan, Abdul Qayyum, Mohammed Amin, Hamid Safi and a 59-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons.
The ten-week trial was told that the men - who are all from Pakistan, some from the same village, apart from Safi who is from Afghanistan - groomed the teenage girls because they were vulnerable and from broken homes,
'They think that white teenage girls are worthless and can be abused without a second thought - it is this sort of behaviour that is bringing shame on our community.'The jury of three men and nine women heard that the defendants plied the girls, some as young as 13, with fast food, drink and drugs so they could 'pass them around' and use them for sex.
The victims were picked up from 'honeypot locations' where teenagers congregate, such as outside takeaway restaurants, and were then taken to 'chill houses' around the north of England for sex.
One 13-year-old victim became pregnant and had the child aborted.

The court heard that she sometimes had sex with one man while another raped a girl in the same room

The 59-year-old man was found guilty of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16, two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, one count of sexual assault and an allegation of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.
It took the jury of three men and nine women 21 hours and 22 minutes to reach all their verdicts.
Judge Gerald Clifton adjourned sentencing until tomorrow.

The offences happened in and around Rochdale in 2008 and 2009.

France Cheering into the Abyss

Cheering into the Abyss

Yesterday, the people of France took on a new credit card from a very dodgy lender. They did so although the interest rate, hidden in the small print was extortionate, and would soon make their situation even worse. However, like the overspending family in the final spiral of their debt they grasped at it as a means of still affording a few luxuries whilst keeping the creditors at bay until that long awaited miracle or lottery win solves all their problems.

It is hard to believe that so many could so wilfully delude themselves to the truth so as to vote for the bovine François Hollande in sufficient numbers to place that political dinosaur in the Élysée Palace for the next five years.  Hard to believe that is until one glance at his cheering supporters reveals the predominance of immigrants, hard bitten trades unionists and empty headed schoolgirls the only people naïve or self interested enough to still believe in the fantasies which have dragged Europe to the brink of her destruction.

Of course Sarkozy was really not much better, in the agonies of his political death he gasped some  half hearted words about immigration and identity in the hope of saving himself. But they were meaningless.  The wily Mme Le Pen saw through him, when she advised the 6.4 million who voted for her in the first round of the election to “cast a blank vote” in the second round rather than vote for Sarkozy. She knew his words were lies and would have been forgotten in an instant had he been re-elected.

Even if he had meant them, Sarkozy need only look to Hungary to see how the new world order punishes a government which puts people before ideology, and he is not brave enough to face that.

Le Pen plays a dangerous game though, who knows what pieces will still be left to pick up after Hollande has done with France.

Elsewhere in Europe other votes have taken place in the last week.

We should not be unduly misled by the fact that the so called “far right” made gains in Greece.  It is encouraging that Nationalism is on the rise throughout Europe, but it still has far to go.  What the Greek people were really voting for was to still be allowed to keep some of their sweets and longer holidays, even they have not yet grasped the reality facing them.

And what of we in Britain?  How could the results we saw in the local government and mayoral elections last week have really happened?  How could so many white, native Britons have voted for Labour, a party which feels nothing but hatred and contempt for them,  a party which has done so much damage and which spent so many decades conspiring at out destruction.    

Like the French and the Greeks, the dumbed down, brainwashed, and still just comfortable, British don't get it yet, and I fear they may not get it until it is too late.

However, to be fair what alternative did we offer them? What consistent message? What hope did we give them? None that I could see.

The right is so divided in this country we make the Balkans appear united, that is why we can not win, and we never will until we find unity and common cause.

Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad, and we have gone mad.

Nationalism in Britain has fragmented into a proliferation of grumpy little groups all more intent on hating each other or of coddling their special interests than they are in saving our country.

We are effectively expecting electorate to select from what amounts to the British not Nick Griffin party, the British Not Nick Griffin or Eddie Butler Party, the British we hate poofs party, the British we hate Jews Party, the British we hate both Jews and poofs more that you party, and then we do not understand why nobody votes for us.  It is total folly and we, in our self indulgent arrogance brought it on ourselves.

We have no future until we set aside silly and trivial issues and stop calling “traitors” those who take a slightly different approach or are less ideologically pure than we would wish them to be,  then focus on the real enemy, and do it together.

Sadly, I am not sure if most nationalists are still capable of that.

It may well be too late, not just for Nationalism but for the West. It may be that we will have to witness the seemingly inevitable destruction of the great civilisation which our forefathers built for us before we come to our senses and drag some final remnants back from the Abyss. 

Perhaps we have reached the point where things must be broken before they can be mended.

In the short time still left to them, our people slumber on still refusing to awaken from their dream, even though it is fast becoming a nightmare.  However, the end is coming fast and they will awaken soon, screaming from their sleep.  And what then, will they find us waiting to save them, or will they find us still fighting with our own?

If it is the latter, then it will be the ultimate betrayal of that which we claim to love.
We must act soon for we do not have long.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Jury Retires in trial of 11 Muslim men accused of grooming young British girls for sex

Jury Retires in trial of 11 Muslim men accused of grooming young British girls for sex

Some of the victims in Rochdale were forced to have sex with several men in a day, several times a week, trial heard
Abdul Rauf, Kabeer Hassan and Liaquat Shah
Abdul Rauf, Kabeer Hassan and Liaquat Shah, three of the 11 men on trial.
A jury has retired to consider its verdicts in the trial of 11 men accused of being part of a child exploitation ring that allegedly groomed underage girls for sex by plying them with alcohol and drugs.
Liverpool crown court heard that five teenagers were "shared" by the defendants, with some forced to have sex with "several men in a day, several times a week".
The men allegedly gave the victims, who were as young as 13, junk food, alcohol and drugs so they could "pass them around" and use them for sex, the nine-week trial heard.
The alleged offences are said to have taken place in and around Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in 2008 and 2009 at times when the girls were so incapacitated by drugs or drink that they were incapable of having any control over whether or with whom they had sex.
One 13-year-old girl became pregnant by one of the defendants, Adil Khan, and had a termination, the court was told. Despite DNA proof that he was the father, he denied knowing the girl.
Another teenager recalled being raped by two men while she was "so drunk she was vomiting over the side of the bed".
The court heard that one defendant allegedly told a 15-year-old girl from whom he wanted sex: "It's part of the deal because I bought you vodka, you have to give me something."
At the opening of the trial, Rachel Smith, prosecuting, told the jury: "Some of you may find what you are about to hear distressing. The events and circumstances described by the girls are at best saddening and at worst shocking in places. No child should be exploited as these girls say they were."
Kabeer Hassan, 25, Abdul Aziz, 41, Abdul Rauf, 43, Mohammed Sajid, 35, Adil Khan, 42, Abdul Qayyum, 43, Mohammed Amin, 44, Qamar Shahzad, 29, Liaquat Shah, 41, Hamid Safi, 22, and a 59-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons all deny conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16.
The 59-year-old also denies two rapes, aiding and abetting a rape, sexual assault and trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation. The other defendants, excluding Qayyum, are variously accused of rape, trafficking, sexual assault and sexual activity with a child, and deny all charges. The men are all from the Rochdale and Oldham areas.
The girls would often spend their days "unsupervised by responsible adults", were not in school regularly and spent time around kebab shops late at night befriending staff who worked there, the court heard.
Two of the men worked in the takeaways Tasty Bites and Balti House, both in Heywood, which are now under new management. Four others were taxi drivers, one was a student and four were unemployed.

Bilderbergers and the New World Order

Bilderbergers and the New World Order

New World OrderWell I must confess to being well impressed with a recent article by James Delingpole over on the Telegraph and I would like to thank the many people who emailed me the link.  I would not liked to have missed this piece of James's work.
The article opens with a clever little image that I have taken the liberty of using, then James starts off his article by writing briefly about the Bilderbergers and the New World Order and asking whether the reader believes they are a force for good or evil.

First off, this years Bilderberg meeting was held in Spain, unreported and held in camera and if you visit this link you will discover just exactly how the self appointed "elite" get together to decided the direction of the world.
However, now that they have been dragged from under their stone and into the view of the world, they have started to announce their meetings and who attends them.  They do not go into the details of the "private" meetings that also take place after their conferences.
At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued. Since 1954, fifty-seven conferences have been held. The names of the participants are made available to the press. Participants are chosen for their experience, their knowledge, and their standing; all participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.
If I had time, I would just love to do research into every single British person, their organisations and companies who have attended Bilderberg Meetings.  Here is the attendees list for this year.

Of course these days, people now accept that the Bilderbergers and the New World Order exist but I remember back in 1976 when I first got involved with Nationalism being asked by my local Organiser whether I had ever heard of The Bilderbergers, New World Order and Arthur R. Butz?

"No", I replied, "I've just come out of the Navy" and then I started to discover the truth and what a long journey it has been. 

And what hard work it has also been for nationalists the world over, in trying to alert the general public about the evils of the Bilderbergers and the New World Order.  We were laughed at and ridiculed for even saying those organisations existed and accused of being conspiracy freaks.  You will learn that anyone who starts to get near the truth is usually called a "conspiracy freak" or attacked in other ways but bit by bit we are getting the truth out and more and more people are waking up to the evil that is the New World Order.

But this James Delingpole is good, very good.  Check out the following and see if you can spot what James spotted -  because I missed it on my first pass.
The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.
Ok, forget about asking questions about just who pays for the hugely expensive Bilderberg meetings and the massive security that surrounds these events.  Forget for now, how The European Union is involved with them and how Van Rompuy of Belgium was appointed as the first EU President after attending the 2009 Bilderberg meeting.  Forget those questions for now, let's just look at James's article and what it was he spotted in their "press release".

You did spot it? Well done.  Global Cooling.  Suddenly it is no longer Global Warming that the global power elite are concerned about but Global Cooling and they are wetting themselves with fear at the backlash from the public who have been exploited for financial gain after discovering that Global Warming was nothing more than one big Con trick, because as James writes:
Our fuel bills have risen inexorably; our countryside, our views and our property values have been ravaged by hideous wind farms; our holidays have been made more expensive; our cost of living has been driven up by green taxes; our freedoms have been curtailed in any number of pettily irritating ways from what kind of light bulbs we are permitted to use to how we dispose of our rubbish. And to what end? If man-made global warming was really happening and really a problem we might possibly have carried on putting up with all these constraints on our liberty and assaults on our  income. But if it turns out to have been a myth……
James, finishes his excellent article by saying that we need a "Global Warming" Nuremberg.  Well if I recollect, the usual sentence for those found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials was death and I for one would have no problem with that sentence being passed on any of the New World Order.

Friday 4 May 2012

Bradford: Newly-On-The-Street former Labour Leader blames "Youff" Vote For "Respect"

Bradford: Newly-On-The-Street former Labour Leader blames "Youff" Vote For "Respect"

shitheadloser 120 x 120In a development no-one was surprised about and few are likely to discuss openly and honestly, the leader of the Minority Labour administration was chucked onto the street by a margin of 17 votes.
UPDATE: I have just noticed in the local paper's "as it happens" blog (from which I noted at 22:40 an entry that said "The Press were to be excluded while the count proceeded" a far more worrying entry from 02:17 revealing that "Counting Had Now Started" (after a four hour delay, why so long ?) and that they were hearing '1,800 Postal Votes have just been "found" which might alter parties' predictions'
I think it's a safe bet we know whose candidate those 1800 votes were cast for.  Allah Be Praised.
The cult of the dead paedophile candidate secured 2,191 votes (that'll be two hundred blokes in the mosque filling in the postal votes for each of their wives and cousins by marriage then) which sent Labour's Ian Greenwood out on his ear having garnered what has to be the entire anglo-saxon vote, to judge by what google street view shows you on a virtual tour of the ward (I would not recommend doing a real one, unless you're delivering halal pizza).
Somehow, the Conservative candidate found 120 refugees from happier days (in the local soup kitchen maybe) and persuaded them to put an 'X' against the true blue candidate, and best news of the night was the revelation that once again, the Liberal Democrats came last, with a truly miserable ninety six votes, and then only by finding a candidate with a good islamic name to stand against George Galloway's islamist.
The Local Newspaper ominously reported a decision by the returning officer to deny members of the Press access to the building while the count was going on. 
Speaking after being given his P45, ex-council-leader Ian Greenwood, whose press pictures today are far from flattering, described the result as a trimph for Mr Galloway's party's tactic of engaging and mobilising the youth vote
Oh Mr Greenwood.  Such bare faced hyperbole does not become you. (Oh yes it does, he's a Labour Politician after all). The truth - and we all know it - is Mr Galloway's party's success stems from courting the islamist vote in what will soon be the new Sharia Enclave Of Yorkshire.
I see that in Greece today following the election of members of "Golden Dawn" it has become a regular occurrence for non-greeks to be dragged off buses and assaulted while police called to the scene stand and watch.
How long before the same starts in Bradford, I wonder, except that it will be the Anglo-Saxons that voted Tory being on the receiving end while sharia PSCO's look on from the sidelines, nodding their approval.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Horwich Should vote English Democrat on Polling Day 2012

It Is polling day in Horwich tomorrow May 3rd 2012 , And we would like to recommend the following English Democrat Candidate to you in the Horwich North East Ward, Mr Anthony Backhouse. I know the candidate at a personal level and know him to be a fine upstanding champion of Democracy , and the Freedom of thought and Speech. Something the rival Candidates Parties seem intent on destroying. 
Although the English Democrats are not my own personal choice of the Nationalist Parties in excistence. the candidate for me swings my vote to him.
And when you see the old three Anti British Anti English parties and even a Green candidate ( Vegetarian Marxists). You can see that the only alternative in Horwich is Mr Backhouse. And I wish all the best tomorrow, AND RECOMMEND HIM STRONGLY TO HORWICH VOTERS

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Bradford by-Election: The Real Meaning

The massive by-election victory for George Galloway and the “Respect” Party is a direct result of the ethnic cleansing of white British people from that constituency and not a “collapse in support for the Labour Party” as ill-informed media pundits claim.
Galloway, who campaigned on an anti-war platform, won by targeting the votes of the “large Asian community” was all that the main media sources have dared to admit.
Mr Galloway told Sky News he had won a “big victory” – winning at least 50% of the vote in “some” areas, but failing to mention exactly where and how this occurred.
The Bradford West constituency consists of six wards: City, Clayton and Fairweather Green, Heaton, Manningham, Thornton and Allerton, and Toller.
Nearly half of all “Asians” (that definition according to the official census) living in Yorkshire and the Humber live in Bradford, with the central wards of Bradford Moor, City, Little Horton, Manningham nad Toller having majority Asian populations, according to the official figures.
At the last weekend of campaigning, Galloway held a 1,000-strong rally at which he was endorsed by all the mosques in Bradford.
The Tories have at least openly admitted that the Third World coloniser-invader population is at the core of the issue—even if they have, in usual Conservative fashion, twisted it their own way, as witnessed by the comments made by the Daily Telegraph’s Ian Martin, “It should not be forgotten that Bradford West was on the list of Tory target-seats at the last general election.
“Conservative strategists say that winning over ethnic voters must be a big part of the party’s push between now and the next general election. It is said that the invisible Tory co-chairman, Baroness Warsi, has been beetling away on this work behind the scenes. On the evidence of Bradford West she has some way to go.”
Last year, Bradford was named today as one of 25 areas “most at risk from Islamic extremists” in an updated version of the Government’s “Prevent counter-extremist strategy.
In May 2011, Professor Steve Jones, from University College London, singled out Bradford as a case in point when he warned that inbreeding “among British Muslims is threatening the health of their children.”
“Bradford is very inbred. There is a huge amount of cousins marrying each other there,” Professor Jones was quoted as saying. Studies have shown that 55 per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins – and in Bradford, this rises to 75 per cent.
In 2010, it was announced that the Church of England Diocese of Bradford would be scrapped because “Muslim worshippers outnumber Anglican churchgoers by two to one.”
Religious statistician Peter Brierley said that as the Muslim population in Bradford was about 80,000, on a conservative estimate 20,000 are regular worshippers, more than double the number of their Anglican counterparts.
Canon Rod Anderson, of St Barnabas Church in Heaton, Bradford, said he was aware officials had been considering merging the diocese to make savings.
He said during his 16 years at the church, the congregation had diminished from more than 100 on Sundays to between 40 and 60.
He added: ‘I have seen a demographic shift with a large ethnic Asian influx, which has had a noticeable impact on congregation sizes and the knock-on of this is a downturn in financial fortunes.’
St Margaret’s Church in nearby Thornbury has a weekly congregation of 20 to 30 and is surviving on a turnover of £20,000 a year.
Bradford’s 80 mosques, meanwhile, enjoy a healthy turnover of cash provided by Muslim worshippers, with a number raising more than £60,000 a year.
A spokesman for Bradford’s Council For Mosques said: ‘On Friday, all the mosques are crammed full. In the bigger ones it is not uncommon to see 2,000 worshippers or more go through in a day.’
The by-election result in Bradford West is a only portend of what will happen across all of Britain unless the Third World invasion is halted and reversed.
What is happening is nothing less than the total extermination of the indigenous British people and their replacement by the Third World.

British Police Become Political Tools of the Establishment Liverpool 2012

Liverpool Mayoral Elections 2012 – Three days to go before election day, and politically motivated police raid British National Party candidate Cllr Mike Whitby’s family home following malicious allegations of electoral fraud by the political opposition to the BNP.
The video footage is damning. Political police refuse to allow Cllr Whitby to attend the police station of his own accord so that they can employ totalitarian tactics and send a clear message of terror to their political opposition.
Cllr Whitby was arrested and held in the police station for several hours before being released – without charge.
This shocking footage demonstrates just how rotten the British establishment of old political parties has become and stands as evidence that they view the BNP as the only genuine threat to their corrupt regime.

Sunday 29 April 2012


Today the violent extreme Marxist UAF  are spreading scurrilous leaflets through the letterboxes of Horwich voters. In these latest lies from this violent group who think that attacking ordinary members of the public celebrating St Georges Day. Are that patriots are Nazi,s instead of decent working people concerning at the ever increasing tide of immigration and spurious asylum cases.
I need say no more than this group funded by the Trade Unions and supported by the Labour Party are the most dangerous and violent element in British Politics today, Just look at the arrests of there members for violent conduct when the EDL just held a patriotic rally in Bolton, to voice concern over the epidemic of Muslim grooming of young British White Girls. 55 of there members were arrested for violent misconduct and they have the cheek to claim that BNP candidates are violent and say women like rape. THESE PEOPLE FROM THE UAF (UNITE AGAINST FASCISM) ARE DANGEROUS!!!! If still not convince just watch this supporting evidence !