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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Equalities Quango vs BNP Court Case: An Overview from Nick Griffin MEP

Court Case: An Overview from Nick Griffin MEP

"No plan survives the battlefield" is an old Army saying. The tax-guzzling 'Equalities' Commission now have good cause to ponder that maxim, Nick Griffin MEP has said in his reaction to today’s court proceedings in the Equalities and Human Rights Commission case against the British National Party.
“They brought a contempt case against me, Simon Darby and Tanya Lumby. Their aim was to use public funds to bully and oppress both the named individuals and the entire British National Party,” Mr Griffin wrote.
They wanted to use this vexatious action to bankrupt and humiliate us and to jail me. To that end they falsely claimed that the BNP was deliberately flouting a Court Order.
Blow by blow the Equalities Quango gets a drubbing 
I was unable to be in Court to see the admissions forced from lawyers acting for the Equalities quango due to short-term medical problems. I've had blow-by-blow accounts of the truth emerging in two days of high drama though:-
Wham: The BNP is a law-abiding Party which sought to comply with the order
Kapow: The 'Equalities' Commission kept moving the goal-posts
and the killer blow: The CEHR bullies admitted under pressure that their dodgy order was unclear and ambiguous. That means it was never capable of being enforced. It’s over!
You make the difference
We wouldn't have won these crucial victories if we hadn't had a really effective, professional legal team. We wouldn't have had that team if you had not given the money to pay them to do the job for us. This great result is thanks to you and everyone like you giving us the means to continue to fight for our People against this corrupt, wicked Political Class.
The High Court will issue its judgement in a week or so. Today, I'm happy and confident and looking forward to seeing the Judges’ reasoning. We will need to send our lawyers again (for what will be the final time in this case).
We need them to make sure that all goes well and that our interests – especially when it comes to apportioning costs - are looked after by fully prepared professionals. So I'm asking all those who understand how vital this battle is for all our civil liberties to dig into their pockets and send a donation. We are nearly through this and we must not fall at the last hurdle.
It’s great to be so close to leaving the courts behind, so that we can get on with preparing for the political battles, especially next Spring’s winnable Assembly and Parliamentary elections in Wales, Ulster and Scotland. So I’m delighted to be asking for help with the one final push we need to throw CEHR’s attack on us into the litter bin of history.
or ring 0207 078 3269
Thanks and best wishes
Nick Griffin MEP
P.S. To all those who braved the wind and rain to stand outside the High Court and protest for freedom, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You ensured that people know that the British National Party contains people willing to make a stand and speak out for freedom and Justice. Thanks also to all those who sent Get Well cards and good wishes. Don’t worry, I’m fighting fit again!

Votes for prisoners provokes a storm of Protest

Votes for prisoners provokes a storm

 NOVEMBER 2010: THIS week, the news that has motivated the people of the North West of England to write to their Member of the European Parliament was David Cameron’s announcement that criminals in prison will be given the right to vote.

 There has been a big reaction to the Conservative Prime Minister's initiative and every single letter and email received has denounced the decision as 'madness'.
In a letter to all those who have written in to their MEP, Constituency Office manager Tina Wingfield wrote: 
"Mr Griffin has noted your comments and thanks you for taking the time to share them with him.
Please be assured that British National Party policy is very clear on this issue: those who have committed sufficient crimes to merit imprisonment have infringed society’s rules. They have, in consequence, forfeited their “right” to freedom and this includes the right to vote in elections.
Rights come with responsibility and it is the duty of all individuals to abide by the law of the land and to show respect for their fellow citizens. Mr Griffin rejects the liberal consensus which confuses the criminal for the victim; in his view it is the protection, best interests and rights of law-abiding citizens - not the perpetrators of crime - that must form the core focus of our criminal justice system. The ‘softy-softy’ approach to convicted criminals, imposed on Britain by EU human rights legislation, will serve only to embolden the criminally-inclined and undermine the deterrent effect of imprisonment.
This EU interference in our justice system is just one of countless reasons why Britain should withdraw immediately from the European Union."

Kai Murros "pan-European nationalist" Bio

Kai Murros Print E-mail
Written by Finlandia    At the VBR Patriotic Site

kai_120_x_120Unlike most famous Finns, the philosopher and writer Kai Murros is better known abroad than he is in Finland – which probably explains why I discovered him only after returning to Britain from a five-year stay in that country.
Murros is a self-proclaimed "pan-European nationalist" whose writings burn in passionate defence of the rights and destiny of native Europeans. He is in equal measure inspiring, infuriating, exhilarating and alarming – but never dull.
Surprisingly, considering that he is still young, Murros lives a rather quiet life in the suburbs of Helsinki, preferring reading and gardening to direct political action (although he has travelled extensively in Europe to speak at nationalist gatherings). Therefore, instead of writing a potted biography, which had been my original intention, I have selected some of his best quotations, and provided weblinks for those wanting more.
Kai Murros is an odd mixture – but he is a true original, as you will see.

Murros on liberals:
"As long as the liberal elite is running the show things will only go from bad to worse. The liberals are totally unable to change their basic paradigm and therefore they will keep wrecking our civilization and coincidentally also undermining their own position. Year after year there will be more and more desperate, poor masses trying to get into Europe to get their share of the pie and liberals will still be dreaming that integration is possible if only we are willing to be submissive and apologetic – if only we are willing to die out".
 "Curiously enough both the liberals and the ultra radical left deviation of the socialist movement are actually very similar. Both want to suppress the traditional, ethnic identity of the people. The liberals want to turn people into mechanical machines of consumption. Products must be sold across the planet at a maximum speed and efficiency. This requires that people will be alike, planet wide. McDonalds people will share the same McDonalds culture and whether they be Eskimos or aborigines they will buy McDonalds products...".
"When the sun is shining and everything is nice and dandy the liberals are strong, but when the struggle begins over the basic necessities of life the liberals shrink. When everything collapses – as it is going to happen very soon – it becomes so painfully clear what a daydream liberalism really is…".
On immigration:
"A wreckage of humanity set adrift by the tidal waves of international capitalism has washed up on our shores… the new Europeans? And we are supposed to die out to make room for these… new Europeans…".
"The audacity... they openly declare that they want to bring over a hundred million immigrants to Europe in one generation... to change the whole population of Europe... in one generation... and they think they can get away with it too... what madness".
"The greatest propaganda work for us is done by the youth gangs from the third world running amock in our streets. They will drive people to us and all we have to do is to open our arms... I almost hope there were more of them".

"...The elite has openly declared death sentence to the European Nation and it also has sworn to completely and irreversibly change the make up of the population in Europe. We will in return declare death sentence to the elite and its lackeys".

"Gangs of uprooted criminals invading our streets, looting our stores, robbing our people abusing our welfare system and liberals wailing and blaming racism for everything – things just couldn't be better".

"We are the children of the Great Northern Light, a race that has existed for over 40,000 years. How can anyone think that we would vanish from the face of the earth overnight? How dare anyone ask us to relinquish this sacred soil to strangers and accept being cast into oblivion ? How dare anyone expect us to embrace our own downfall so that our achievements and those of our forefathers would be spoils of war for usurpers and thieves".

On globalisation:

"Much of the current industrial activity in the developing economies is largely the result of outsourcing of western industrial base to countries with substandard wages and working conditions and no environmental laws. For decades the economists have been explaining to us that this erosion of Europe's industrial base only benefits us and the entire world in the long run – by now it should be clear to everybody that this is not the case.

"The outsourcing of Europe's industrial base brings us two serious problems:
1. Mass unemployment in Europe
2. Loss of tax revenues.

"The massive loss of industrial jobs during the last few decades hasn't been balanced by an equal number of reasonably paid service jobs – as was the original liberal economic theory. The opposite has happened instead – the ample supply of new low-skilled workers from the Third World has often reduced service jobs to modern slavery with less than minimum wages and substandard working conditions. As a result large numbers of Europeans suffer now from perpetual poverty.

"Outsourcing of industry has turned large sections of Europe into a decaying wasteland and people living there into a rotting underclass predetermined to a life of poverty and misery. This plague of post-industrialism is only spreading as the global liberal economy deems most ethnic Europeans redundant and useless".

On big corporations:

"We have allowed transnational corporations to grow more powerful than nation states, we have allowed them to extort us, to bleed us and to abuse us. We have allowed the transnational conglomerate complex to become more powerful than European civilization itself. We have been led to believe that the prosperity of transnational corporations is our prosperity as well – once we realize that this is not the case, we will deem transnational corporations redundant".

On myths:

"Our task is to turn myths into concrete reality. Myths will guide us, myths are the very stuff the national philosophy is made of. We need a myth, a powerful story, the greatest story ever told through which we will shape the mind of the masses.

"The people have an intuitive understanding for the importance of myths. The people sense their powerful immaterial forces and how they bind individuals together as a nation. No wonder intellectuals who despise the people also look down upon myths.

"The ordinary man of the street is guided through his life above all else by the myths embedded in the collective consciousness. Take away the myths and he has nothing, he is lost without a direction. A sterile, theoretical and speculative philosophy cooked up by shady intellectuals has nothing to offer to the people".

On European survival:

"The ultra radical left deviationists have openly declared that they will always and unconditionally take side with foreign hordes that are spreading into our streets and towns. This means that the ultra radical left deviation has in effect declared war on the European Nation and aims at hurting our people whenever it is possible."

"This war will be the decisive push of the Europeans to reclaim their place in the world. We are fed up with being the scapegoats of the world, we are tired of being blamed for our achievements and we are sick and tired of yielding to every possible demand by non-Europeans simply because we are supposed to carry the collective white man's guilt AD INFINITUM.

"For over a thousand generations our people have lived of this land, over a thousand generations of people have grown out of this land, physically come into being by the riches of this hallowed ground. For over a thousand generations this sacred soil has nurtured and provided our people. We are one with this soil, for every ounce of our flesh and blood comes from this soil, there is nothing in us that is alien or hostile to it…

"Our enemies do not know what kind of powers they are dealing with and that is why they are about to unleash beasts whose existence the world so dearly would like to forget.

"You have to see our revolution in a biological context. We are basically a pack of wolves defending its territory and cubs… a pack of wolves fighting for its survival, defending its right to exist".

"Young men, defenders of the race! When the darkness sets in, run into the forests, run with the wolves, learn to know that same beast in you, let it break free, cut all ties, forsake civilization, be free in order to rule… Denounce the false conventions that have castrated your spirit…".

On hate:

"Accept the fury, let the hatred guide you, find the beast in you. Break your shackles and burn the bridges behind you. Nothing good will ever come out of you before you know who you truly are".

On art:

"Art is the stuff the future is made of, art moves people in mysterious ways, art is the soul of our race. Art gives the first wakeup call that things are about to change. This is why if we wish to seize the future we must seize art and the aesthetics. More than anything else I would like to be involved in making political art/propaganda. Just like the masses respond to visions rather than to theories".

On selling nationalism to "the masses":

"Our cause is noble but our means must be practical and effective. We have to transform progressive pan-European nationalism into a brand and sell it to the masses, we must customize it to suit the needs of different segments of potential supporters. Propagating nationalism is basically no different than selling Coca Cola – propaganda is about selling ideas. When good marketing and the needs of the masses coincide, the result may well be a massive breakthrough.

"The New European Nationalism will be sexy, sassy, outrageous and glamorous. It will be the most alluring form of rebellion and our young people will love it. The New European Nationalism will be violent, brutal, fanatic and macabre and our young people will love it even more! When fat, impotent liberalism has reached its final stage of paralysis and soiled its own bed the only way to challenge this moral corruption is through discipline and organization. In this world of filth it will be an intoxicating power trip for young people to experience the Esprit de Corps of the nationalist storm troops.

"The worst mistake we could make is to endlessly re-live the past, use outdated aesthetics and images and try to revive nostalgia as an answer to modern problems. The European civilization and the entire planet is about to face unprecedented challenges and dangers in the coming decades and if the nationalist movement in this situation gives the impression of being an anachronism we will lose all our chances for success".

On Europeans and the environment:

"The European race, which by its nature is a Faustian race, is the prodigal son of Gaia – and now it is time for the prodigal son to return home. The European race will become the guardian race of Mother Earth. Our supremacy over other civilizations will be based on this manifest destiny. European civilization which is the most advanced civilization on earth will also spearhead the ecological revolution just as it initiated both the scientific and industrial revolution".

On 1960s leftism:

"Philosophically the left states that man is simply a product of the society and therefore we should always blame the society for everything and not to expect the individual to control his behaviour in any way. – In the eyes of the modern left self-discipline equals fascism.

"This attitude makes sense when we remember that already the 'heroic' revolutionary struggle of the young radical leftists in the 60's was only a childish tantrum of the most pampered and spoiled generation this planet had so far seen. "It was easy to play revolution here in the affluent west, to challenge and defy the 'system' which was a democratic, well meaning, welfare society, to demand freedom when you already were free. – And still for decades we have been forced to listen to the self-praise of the 1968 generation for their heroic achievements – especially how they liberated us from the stuffy reactionary values of the past.
"The message of the infantile revolution of the 60's nevertheless is that bad behaviour is revolutionary activism. It has become painfully obvious that modern leftism is simply a form of regression to a childlike state of irresponsibility and low impulse control.

"Since we live in societies where leftist values are predominant the ultimate form of rebellion is SELF DISCIPLINE".

Kai Murros' website

Kai Murros – The Revolution on Skadi Forum Germanic Online Community

The Sunic Journal: Interview with Kai Murros, Voice of Reason, August 24, 2010

Tuesday 9 November 2010

UK Conservatives Drop All Pretence of Protecting British Workers

Tories Drop All Pretence of Protecting British Workers

The Government’s Chief Information Officer, John Suffolk, has urged Indian IT companies to “bid, bid, bid” for UK-based work in yet another stab in the back for British workers.
The move comes in the wake of David Cameron’s climb down on intra-company transfers which will now be excluded from the pathetic “immigration cap.”
Even opponents of that policy, such as Martyn Hart, chairman of the National Outsourcing Association, have pointed out the obvious, namely that Mr Cameron’s announcement was inevitable.
“Is it a coincidence that this news comes amidst new warnings that a forthcoming European trade treaty with India will circumnavigate the proposed cap in any case, by allowing multinational firms to transfer unlimited numbers of Indian employers to the UK?” Mr Hart wrote in a recent article.
Mr Suffolk, quoted in an interview with the online magazine, encouraged Indian suppliers to compete for IT work in the public sector, despite massive spending cuts announced in the Comprehensive Spending Review.
Mr Suffolk, who represents government thinking on the issue, said he had "no reservations whatsoever" on Asian firms “claiming a slice of the outsourcing pie services giants such as Fujitsu, Capgemini and IBM already enjoy.
"As far as we are concerned, the more suppliers bidding for government work, creates a positive, vibrant, innovative IT community and that is what we ought to promote," Mr Suffolk said.
“I spend a lot of time with our Indian colleagues, they are hugely talented and I encourage them to bid: it's their commercial decision whether do so and they will be treated like anybody else," he said, adding, significantly, that “In fact, we have to do that legally under the European Procurement rules. So yes please: bid, bid, bid."
A 2008 study by the Association of Technology Staffing Companies (ATSCO) revealed that the pay and prospects of junior IT support staff in the UK have “stagnated as services have been relocated to India.”
According to the ATSCO report, annual salaries at the lowest end of the industry have not risen in five years, which is directly attributable to the “offshoring" of low-skilled jobs to cheaper locations in Asia.
Furthermore, the report said, the depressed wages have deterred British people from even entering the industry, leaving a shortage of candidates for UK managerial positions.
"It is like removing the bottom rung of the ladder," Ann Swain, ATSCO's chief executive said in her reaction.
“The shortage now is of candidates with a few years experience looking for second and third jobs. But how do you get that experience if entry-level jobs are being sent offshore?"
Once again, the interests of British workers are put last by the Westminster parties.

The BNP Vrs EHCR Court Case - Day Two Updates to People Of Horwich and Bolton

The BNP Vrs EHCR - Day Two Updates PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow   
justicesmGood day patriots of the British National Party.  Welcome to Day Two of the persecution of the British People by The Establishment who seek to silence the Voice of Freedom that is represented by The British National Party.

This article will be used to bring you news from inside and outside the Royal Courts of Justice as soon as we receive it.


Outside, Mr Mark Walker is rallying our troops and making sure that the passing British Public are aware of just what is happening in Our Country today.
11:52 BNP barrister is tearing the opposition case to shreds point by point and going for a "No case to answer".  Judge has raised possibility of further hearing.
12:10 Nick Griffin MEP Pack of press hyenas looking glum. Bnp beating the bullies. Not the story they wanted.
13:30--The proceedings have concluded in the Equalities and Human Rights Commission court case against the British National Party. Judgement has been reserved and will be issued next week.
13:46 Simon Darby - Out of court now judgement will be announced in a week or so. Feeling very confident, our legal team were superb today.

Failed Iraqi Asylum Seekers Get Right to Stay — The Legacy of the Illegal Iraq War

Failed Iraqi Asylum Seekers Get Right to Stay — The Legacy of the Illegal Invasion of Iraq

Britain has been forbidden from deporting failed “asylum seekers” from Iraq back to their homeland by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) — because the invasion of that country by the British and American governments has caused that nation to become “unsafe.”
The new ECHR ruling, which has effectively halted the UK Border Agency’s attempts to send back the increasing flood of Iraqis pouring into Britain, said that “forcible returns” to Baghdad must be immediately suspended because of a new upsurge in bombings, violence and attacks on the Christian minority in Iraq.
The coverage given to the ECHR ruling by the controlled media has ignored completely the reason why Iraq is now become “unstable” and why it was not so “violent” before the 2001 invasion by the Blair and Bush regimes.
The ECHR overrules all EU member states’ national laws, and its latest decision has already led to Holland halting all repatriation flights to Iraq, a move which is also now imminent in the UK.
Furthermore, deportation flights of failed Kurdish asylum seekers back to the Kurdish-controlled northern region of Iraq were halted in September this year because that regional government simply refused to allow any planes with forcibly deported Kurds on board to land.
The court ruling comes simultaneously with a call by a senior Iraqi Christian on all of that religion’s adherents to leave that country and seek asylum in Britain.
Archbishop Athanasios Dawood made this announcement at a service at the Syrian Orthodox Church in London after Muslims attacked the Catholic Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad in a suicide mission which left 46 people dead.
Christians were protected under Saddam Hussein’s regime, but since he was displaced from power by the 2001 invasion, they have “become isolated and the Baghdad government has proved unwilling or unable to protect them,” a BBC report said.
The evidence from all quarters is very clear: the invasion of Iraq in 2001 has sparked off a humanitarian crisis which has not only destabilised Iraq, but caused thousands of its citizens to flee to Europe and the UK.
Furthermore, the expulsion of the Hussein regime, as undemocratic as it was, has led to an upsurge in al-Qaeda activity (an organisation which Hussein opposed and suppressed), a rise in militant Kurdish nationalism (which has terrorist tentacles all over Europe), and violent attacks on Christian Iraqis.
All of this has provided the perfect excuse for a tidal wave of Iraqis to claim “asylum” in Europe and the UK, using the chaos created by the Bush and Blair invasion to justify their “refugee” status.
This then, is the other hidden legacy of the illegal invasion of Iraq: the flooding of Europe with untold thousands of Iraqi refugees.
It is yet another charge which needs to be added to the indictment against Tony Blair, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party leadership who supported and encouraged that invasion.

Monday 8 November 2010

Could The Latest Attacks On The BNP Be Too Late For The Liberal Establishment?

Could The Latest Attacks On The BNP Be Too Late For The Establishment? PDF
Written by BC1959   
 November 2010 
bnplogosmThe latest attacks on the British National Party seem to be openly aggressive. Comments made by the traitors in power, such as: ''Schools have the right to sack BNP teachers'' and: ''housing problems could be good for the Far Right'', seem to come from a concerted effort to shut Nationalists out from a far wider, Socio-Cultural normality.
Accepted rights will now be aggressively used against us, and now that Turkey has also identified a ''Concern of European Nationalist support'', the plan to introduce this Islamic nation into the ever dictatorial EU fold, is under threat. However, with everything they have thrown at the party in the last ten years, from attempting to Jail Mr Griffin and others, to trying to freeze the party's funds and assets, and outright voting fraud etc, the question we should be asking ourselves should be:

Could The Latest Attacks On The BNP Be Too Late For The Establishment?

Rising membership and support of not only this party, but Nationalist parties Europe wide, and a renaissance of genuine patriotism in America, could now mean that one last desperate attack is on the horizon. This not only means that the BNP is having a big impact, but that other countries are facing the same challenges from so-called ''smaller parties'', and that could mean serious challenges we all face.
The New World Order is apparently, facing deep divisions within, and commentators are suggesting that for example, the Bilderbergers shadowy 50 year hidden agenda, is splitting apart at the seams. David Cameron came into the spotlight, by saying he would battle the EU, de-regulate business, and tackle mass immigration. Every policy and suggested potential has been ignored, and he now continues to allow the EU to reign supreme over this land of ours.

Prisoners being given the right to vote, is an absolute disgrace, and ANY supposedly right minded, and pro-British Conservative would be up in arms about this, and the ''fake win'' over money given to the EU.
Where are the opposition? In the BNP, that's where, and they know it. Former Councillor and Activist Russ Green, suggests that the Bilderbergers and the rest of the NWO freaks, will try to foment serious racial and ethnic tensions in Britain and Europe, and makes the analogy that, mass immigration and it's obvious agenda, could be part of the plan to accomplish this.
Many would agree, and by the look of the economy, it could also be presumed that a good dose of ''Let Them Eat Cake'' will make these parasitical politicians, Journalists, and writers ''Eat Their Own Words''. Only time will tell, but it certainly looks as though the establishment seems to be getting rather arrogant and aggressive, in it's attacks on this party, and the people themselves.

Here's what one international news source said:

The historic entry of a Swedish far-right party in parliament has tarnished the reputation of Sweden as a bastion of tolerance and raised questions over Prime Minister Fredik Reinfeld’s future political alliances.

So what do they expect him to do? How will the world establishment react? Let's try this one for example:

An alarming trend is sweeping Europe. Far-right-wing parties, using anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric, have made electoral gains in several European countries. In the June European parliament elections, these parties were able to garner votes in a way they haven't before. The British National Party (BNP), which has its roots in fascist parties of the past, got almost a million votes and its first two seats in the European parliament. Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) in Holland made significant gains as well.

It's now useless, and pointless, if Nationalists don't get to grips with the prospect that at some point in the near future, a combined effort to demolish democracy by the current world order, is ignored. For instance, this is what Time magazine produced:

Around Europe, a ragbag of extremist parties, as varied as the countries that produced them yet united by a vehement nationalism that singles out minority groups as a growing threat, scored in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia. Confronted with sliding economies and disappearing jobs, voters kicked the mainstream parties they held most responsible.

If the power brokers at the top of the financial tree, decide to act sooner, rather than later, serious complications could arise. This is why our own Chairman is a leading light in the unity of Nationalist parties, and is Deputy head in Europe, and also why all nationalists, regardless of percieved differences in opinions, should now take the threat seriously, and attack and defend our positions at all costs. Political battles can only ever be won, if every nation and it's peoples, come together... we must be ruthless, and maintain the ancient addage of:

Never again, no more brother wars, no more disunity, and NO SURRENDER to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

A Bit of A Culture Shock

Culture Shock 

One striking element of the recent conflict unfolding on the streets of Bangkok has been the reaction of the English middle classes to the death and bloodshed on the streets of the Thai capital. “How could this be happening in the land of smiles?” they cry “What has happened to the charming and delightful Thai people we met when were were there?”

They can't believe what they are seeing because these scenes bear no comparison to Thailand, the popular holiday destination, they thought they knew.

Of course they never knew the real Thailand, they may have visited it many times, thought they loved it, dreamed of living there and praised the 'wonderful culture' to their friends upon their return, but they never really saw Thailand.

These same smug and comfortable people who, safe in their leafy sanctuaries have applauded the arrival of the invading immigrant hoards, as the bringers of low cost domestic staff, easier access to authentic ethnic cuisine and “culture Darling, such wonderful enriching culture”, have not the faintest idea of the truth of the cultures over which they swoon.

Every year you see them returning from their three weeks of luxurious indulgence in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Gambia or Mombasa gushing about the wonderful culture and the delightful, friendly and happy people. We the miserable, bigoted English “could learn so much” from the “simple, contented and smiling world” they have just visited, or so they tell us. Each time you want to scream at them “Of course they smiled at you, you dumb bastard, you had just given them three months off season income in return for some beads and bits of coconut husk which their six year old was up half the night stringing together!".

The hatreds and tensions exploding now in Thailand have been simmering there for decades, but James and Chloe from Hoxton never saw them as they clapped their hands and tapped their feet to the local music in the way that embarrassing middle class English prats always do, grinning like morons as they imbibe the four or five star version of what they imagine is ethnic culture.

They see what the deeply dishonest glossy brochures tells them they will see, they see what they want to see, but what they don't see is the truth. They don't see the brutality, the violence and the hatreds which fill the lives of those living full time in the theme parks they jet in and out of every summer. Hidden from them is the corruption, the tiny battered corpses, the child abuse, the raped and battered women, the sweatshops and slavery (yes I mean slavery) not to mention the filth and decay which is the reality lurking behind the smiles.

Some even go back to the same place year after year, yet never really see it.

Some, of course, do see it, but they are the liars who, when they are raped, would rather deny they have been raped than admit the colour of their rapists. However, others, like the woman I know who recently returned from Cape Town and declared South African crime rates a myth because she has got through a two week visit without being car-jacked or murdered, believe the lies they are told, and only see a made up world.

Can we really blame the ageing Hippy mother of 15 year old Scarlet Keeling who's raped and battered body washed-up on an idyllic Goan beach in February 2008, for believing that it was perfectly safe to leave her teenage daughter in the care of a 25 year old ethnic boyfriend she had only just met?. This was Goa after all, the Utopia of the flower children, the paradise of the Lonely Planet guide generation, and only beautiful things happen in paradise.

Maybe to some degree this sort of blindness is nothing new, to our grandmothers' generation Rangoon and Mandalay were where the flying fishes played and people went to drink cocktails on sun soaked verandas, not brutalised outposts of one of the most vicious dictatorships on the planet. In the 1960's the Lebanon was a playground for the rich and beautiful, nothing like the war weary and battle scarred land it has become.

However, the difference was, previous generations, much as they may have loved different and far away cultures, real or imagined, still loved their own culture, back at home at least as much. It had not yet become a fashionable display of class and style to laud another culture, or even what one imagines another culture to be, over one's own. To earlier generations the thought of replacing their home culture with a foreign one would have been anathema.

Earlier generations also seemed to understand the principles of import and export better than the current one, and did not imagine it was necessary to import a population in order to share the tastes and pleasures of other lands. “We so love the diversity of food!!” cackle the chattering classes in defence of mass migration, speaking as if the tea, which Britons drank for centuries without considering it necessary to grant citizenship to half of India, grew in the fields of Shropshire, or that the bananas, which had been widely on sale in Britain sixty years before the docking of the Windrush, thrived around the oast houses of Kent.

When you import a people you do not gain the Holiday hotel fantasy of their culture or the vision of a land which you can buy for 2,000 Thai baht a night in Phuket, The foreigners arriving in their droves are not the beaming natives who draped garlands round your necks and danced for you with beads around their ankles in exchange for British pounds. When people are imported with their products there is a lot more to diversity than foodstuff and fabrics. What is arriving at our shores is the reality of alien culture, the one appearing on the blood spattered streets of Bangkok, Nairobi, Mogadishu and Islamabad not the picture postcard pretence sold to you by Kuoni Tours.

The other madness which merges incongruously with the asinine belief that importing cultures where child slavery, child rape, acid attacks, homophobic murder, honour killing, gang rape, political corruption, electoral fraud, xenophobia, savage animal cruelty, female, and sometimes male, genital mutilation, muti killings, kidnapping, decapitations, male rape and torture together with any number of other horrors are every day events, and which are so cruel and dangerous we can not with humanity return terrorist suspects to them, enriches Britain, is the fantasy that when people from such cultures arrive here, they will automatically become part of British society and adopt British values.

That they will, in effect become "British".

When Newsreaders aggressively and incessantly fire the word “British” at us, as if from rapid reloading machine guns, when reporting stories Asian children being kidnapped and held for ransom in Pakistan, or, as with today's tragic news item, Asian families being murdered on account of some marriage dispute whilst in Asia, we are supposed to obediently accept that these are British people who have struck unlucky whilst holidaying over seas.

When men walking down North London streets have acid poured down their throats because they romanced someone else's wife, and when girls are beaten to death by their fathers (or maybe buried alive by them) for loving the wrong man, we would be denounced as racists if we do not insist that white people do these things too.

When official figures slip out revealing that 92% of gang rape suspects in London are non-white we are obliged to blame white British society rather than point to the facts that:

* in the lands where the 92% originate gang rape is endemic

* the white 8% were part of mixed race gangs, not gangs of white rapists

As falsehood piles upon lie, we are are told, and required to believe that our immigrant communities suffer continuing racial violence, yet it is we, the host community, and not they who fear to walk our streets.

Our country, indeed our continent, is in the worst economic state it has ever been in in peace time, yet we are expected to enthusiastically agree when liars tell us that the mass immigration they have forced upon us has brought great economic benefits.

Yet, despair as you may, there are those who still believe it.

Much like our cousins in America, where the myths of popular belief are in some ways even further removed from reality, we in Europe live in the age where truth is rejected in favour of fantasies and downright lies. Most of our people believe not in the world as it is but as they want it to be, and amongst the worst lies are the ones they tell themselves.

I fear for them, for one day they must wake, and when they do the culture shock may well kill them.

Unfair Trade Restrictions on the sale of electronic books

Restrictions on the sale of electronic books

 NOVEMBER 2010: A British citizen resident in France has written to Nick Griffin over trade restrictions on E-books.

 The gentleman concerned, who is an OBE and formerly from Mollington near Chester, wrote to his MEP:
"As my native language is English I prefer to read books in English. I purchase books electronically from English retailers. These books are downloaded to be read on an electronic reader.
Recently, two retailers (Waterstones and W H Smith) have announced that because of "...geographical restrictions imposed by publishers we can no longer sell electronic/digital books outside the UK....".
This appears to have come into effect in October 2010. Not all UK retailers I trade with have imposed this restriction.
This restriction impinges on my rights as a citizen of the European Community and is, I believe, in breach of the free passage of goods within the Community.
 Could you please tell me if you will act to have this restriction removed?"
Responding on behalf of Nick Griffin, Constituency Office Manager Tina Wingfield, wrote:
"If you believe that the restrictions placed on the sales of electronic books by British retailers, Waterstones and W H Smith, breach your rights as a citizen of the European Community, you can raise the matter with the European Consumer Centre (ECC).
New EU legislation gives you more rights when you purchase services abroad, including the right to buy from a service provider in another EU country without having the seller refuse to sell to you simply because you live in a different EU country. If an online shop refuses to sell you an item simply because you live in a different EU country then your rights may well be being breached.
You can get assistance in confirming your consumer rights, and if appropriate, to defend your rights in such a situation, from the European Consumer Centre. This is an EU funded information and support service for consumers shopping across the European Union.
The ECC advises that in the event of a complaint, the first contact with the trader should be made by the consumer - preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If the consumer is dissatisfied with the outcome or response from the trader, the Consumer Centre may be able to help. They can offer detailed advice on points of law and consumer entitlements, as well as guidance on the next step to take in the complaints process.
Letters and emails should be addressed to the UK European Consumer Centre. Email : Postal address: The UK European Consumer Centre. Hosted by the Trading Standards Institute, 1 Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way, Southfields Business Park, Basildon, Essex. SS15 6TH. Telephone: Phone : 08456 04 05 03.
The European Consumer Centre also provides its own cross-border complaint form, which is available in all European languages. [In order to fill in and submit this complaint form, you must have at least the Adobe reader version 8.1.2 or higher - otherwise you will not be able to use the form.] I attach this Complaint Form, for your convenience.
When you consider the £billions of British taxpayers’ money that is wasted on funding our membership of the European Union and facilitating the establishment of the supposed seamless European Single Market, it seems reasonable for consumers such as yourself to expect to be able to purchase an electronic book without hindrance.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Griffin again if you require any further assistance."

Sunday 7 November 2010

The Iniquity and Foreign Rights Commission Better Known as the EHRC

The Iniquity and Foreign Rights Commission

The attempt by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to crush the British National Party is an assault on freedom of association which will negatively impact on all Christians, regardless of their political beliefs, the Reverend Robert West has said.
Speaking in his regular Sunday sermon broadcast on Radio Red, White and Blue, Reverend West said the real objective of the EHRC’s attack on the BNP was “a political one of oppression of a political party and the dispossession of a people.
“What is crucial for Christians to understand is that this is also done in the context of a media, legal and government campaign against Christians and their views and values,” he said.
“There is a unifying thread in all this: the moral law which is under attack by equality/iniquity legislation, in the case of Christians and homosexuality, is also to be the victim of state bodies which now seek to promote the anti-Biblical religion of Islam and to attack the Biblical and Judeao-Christian teaching of nations and nationalism; the preparation for this being the equating, with little justification, of nationalism — especially British nationalism — with racism.
“This word, racism, is being used as a bullying and brainwashing term to stop British people defending their right to a national home in their own country in the face of what is an ongoing scandal: the invasion and colonisation of their country by mass and unwanted levels of foreign immigration,” Revd West continued.
“In like manner the word, Islamohphobia, has been invented to beat down rational thought and cogent analysis of the violent and anti-democratic nature of core Islamic texts and their mainstream sharia.  
“It is in trying to becloud the issues which are at stake that the Iniquity and Inhuman Rights Commission is seeking to do its evil work on Britain and our British democracy and way of life. We all stand to lose if it gains its wicked way.”
He went on to point out that the EHRC’s attempt to prescribe to the BNP who its members could be and what it believes in, “would mean the end of the ability of that viewpoint to express itself, and to organise itself, against the prevailing or dominant viewpoint.”
This logic, applied to Christian churches, would “destroy the Christian view before it could get off of the ground. 
“That would be the end of diversity and democracy; and it is that which is at stake in the current attacks by the coalition Government, and its New Labour forebears, on the rights of the BNP to have a view and to organise peacefully in accordance with that view. 
“We have here from the Iniquity and Foreign Rights Commission an attack on the freedoms and liberties essential for the civic space of all non-state bodies, including churches, within our society, and of the independence of civic society itself from state diktat,” Revd West concluded.
The entire sermon can be heard on Radio RWB by clicking here.