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Friday 4 November 2011

World Turned Upside Down

The World Turned Upside Down

By Mark Pritchard. As the eurozone sinks ever deeper into chaos and collapse, Brussels has sent a top eurocrat to China to beg Beijing for a handout. Klaus Regling, Chief Executive of the unfortunately-named European Financial Stability Fund (the Euro Bailout Fund) has been despatched to see if the Chinese can spare the odd $100,000 million to prop up the Euro.

President of the European Central Bank (the Bank of the Euro) Jean-Claude Trichet, explicitly denied that Herr Regling was going “cap in hand” to China, which confirms that is in fact what he is doing.

M. Trichet has now executed a well-timed exit, handing his job in charge of the Euro’s bank over to some hapless Italian at the end of October. Like the Captain of the Titanic managing to jump ship at Cork.

Now the Greeks have actually decided to give their people a say in a referendum and democracy has infected the eurozone, the markets have panicked and the last act in what has become the Greek Tragedy of the EU’s common currency looks to have begun.

Unless Herr Regling can get the Chinese to throw a few coppers – well, actually several tons of coppers – into the cap he officially is not holding out in front of them.

Chinese President Hu Jintao is currently gracing the G20 world economic summit in Vienna with his august presence. Being flush with trillions of dollars and euros in US and sundry EU bonds and head of the World’s biggest creditor nation, he could easily afford to toss some dosh the Euro’s way.

But his Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao is playing hard to get, suggesting that bailing out the Euro is not a Chinese priority. Bailing out the US dollar, a trillion of which Uncle Sam owes Beijing, may be a more tempting exercise of largesse.

Although other leading Chinese officials have hinted that nonetheless they would not be averse to buying up a few European ports, railways and factories if the price was right.

A hundred years ago, Europe and the USA owned the whole World. China was a bankrupt, politically shambolic chaos, chunks of its territory occupied by racial aliens and possessing scarcely a scrap of sovereignty. Now the tables are turned and it’s the other way round.

Because we Europeans and Americans spent the intervening century fighting amongst ourselves and surrendering without a fight vast tracts of land won with generations of blood and sweat to Third World savages and despots, whilst opening our homelands to colonisation by tens of millions of their people. Whilst the Chinese…didn’t.

The results speak for themselves.


Thursday 3 November 2011

Government E-Petition started Review Political Correctness Legislation and Laws



The Two Faces of Europe! A Modern Janus

The Two Faces of Europe!

By Peter Mills of the Brent Group. The smiling and benign mask of the European Union has slipped. It was the Greeks who famously used two masks in their ancient open-air theatres to permit actors to express the bountiful smile of goodness or the twisted snarl of evil, and today it is the Greeks who have made the ruling dictatorship of Europe reveal the true corrupt snarling evil that lurks in disguise behind their smiling public face!

It was also the Greeks whose ancient language gave the civilizations of the whole world what is, quite possibly, their most valuable and important word – democracy. And now it is the Greeks who may, if allowed, hold a public vote, a referendum which allows the ordinary citizens of their country to decide for themselves whether they wish to accept the horrific punishment the European Union and many within their own parliament propose to inflict upon them now that the EU is stumbling.

The ordinary people of other countries should take note, especially Britain whose wretched sniveling government is of course absolutely terrified of allowing its citizens the democratic right of a referendum on membership of the EU. The Greek prime minister George Papandreou, however, has such a small majority in parliament that he felt quite rightly obliged to seek the backing of voters when the EU – principally Germany and its pet poodle France – sought to impose such heavy penalties upon the ordinary Greek citizen that it may well transform the recent spate of riots into a violent revolution. Indeed, Mr. Papandreou’s majority was further cut to just two yesterday when one of the MPs of his Pasok party resigned over the issue. Six other members of the party have so far called for his resignation.

Sinisterly, Germany and France have ignored any acknowledgement of the word “referendum” in their response to the crisis, issuing today an abrupt joint statement that “…France and Germany are determined to ensure the full implementation, in the quickest time frame, of the decisions adopted at the summit.”

So what are these measures which the European dictatorship is determined to impose on the Greek people, and which it is so determined to stop the threat of applied principles of democracy from derailing? What price does continued membership of the EU threaten to cost the ordinary Greek citizen? Why are the Greek people so upset about it? Can any measures be that bad? Judge for yourself.

The European dictators had agreed a few days ago to loan 100 billion euros (that is, £86 billion) to Greece, plus agree a 50% write-off of the nation’s debts, to enable the country to simply repay the installments on its incredible debt burden. Of course, this is much like you yourself having a mortgage of £50,000 and, because you cannot meet the monthly repayments, the building society says it will force you to borrow a further £50 thousand from which you can make the repayments – but of course, the amount of the repayments will double.

Would you consider yourself fortunate to be required to accept such a deal? The most obvious result would be that you would have to drastically cut your household expenditure. Instead of spending perhaps £60 or £70 a week at the supermarket to feed and clothe your family, you would have to cut the amount to £6 or £7 – and you would have to live like that for thirty or forty years until the mortgage was paid up!

The “deal” being offered to the Greek people is similar in nature, but on a national scale. Let’s have a look at the nitty-gritty details of this “compulsory European membership fee”, and then we can more readily understand why the Greek prime minister feels that he cannot dump it on his people without giving them a vote on the issue. In return for the European deal, the Greek people will face:-

Cutting £12.8 billion (14.32 billion euros) from public spending and raising some £12 billion (14.09 billion euros) over the next 5 years. All wage bargaining will be suspended making it much easier for firms to cut their payroll costs. The income tax starting threshold lowered from 8,000 euros to 5,000 (£6,873 to £4,296)

A further 30,000 public sector workers suspended on 60% pay and then being laid-off completely after 1 year. Pensions over 1,000 euros to be cut by 20% on everything over that threshold. 700,000 government sector workers forced to accept reduced pay and promotion. All public sector wages to be cut by 20%.

A new additional income tax levy of from 1% to 5% of income to be imposed on all households, which will be further increased at least twice in 2012. Higher property taxes. VAT to rise from the present 19% to 23% (lower rated items rising from 11% to 13% and 5.5% to 6.5%). Certain tax exemptions to be abolished. Duty on petrol and pump fuel, tobacco and alcohol to increase unbelievably by 33.33%.

Successful businesses making over a certain amount of profit must pay a special penalizing levy. So must owners of any property over a certain value, and anyone whose income is judged as “high” must also pay a special penalising levy in addition to all income tax. All other property taxes will increase across the board.

Workers for state-owned enterprises will have their wages cut by one-third. 1,976 schools will be closed, their staff fired. The health budget will be cut by 310 million euros by the end of this year alone, and by a further 1.81 billion euros by the end of 2015. Social security payments will be cut by 1.09 billion euros by the end of this year, by a further 1.28 billion euros next year, a further 1.03 billion euros in 2013, 1.01 billion in 2014, and 700 million in 2015. As millions more join the unemployed, benefits will be cut and means-testing greatly increased.

All pensions over 1,000 euros per month will be cut by 20%. Anyone under 55 who has already retired will forfeit almost half (40%) of their pension above a 1000 euro monthly ceiling. Retirement age is to be raised. A requirement of 40 years of work and corresponding pension contributions will be necessary to claim a full pension.

The Greek government will also be obliged to raise a further 50 billion euros by “selling the family silver” – that is, selling its stakes in large businesses including Hellenic Postbank and the Piraues and Thessaloniki commercial ports, 10% of Hellenic Telecom, Athens Water, Hellenic Petroleum, PPC Electricity, ATEbanks and other businesses wholly or partly owned by the state.

(Source of information: Greek Ministry of Finance Economic Policy Programme Newsletter.)

Understanding all this, it is also understandable that the introduction of such severe economic repression on a country’s entire population may even trigger a violent revolution: there have already been strikes and riots caused by lesser measures.

It is perfectly right for a prime minister to give the ordinary people a chance to freely vote on whether or not they wish to accept such a staggeringly oppressive period of hardship and misery as the price for belonging to the European Dictatorship. Naturally, the European dictators will do anything within their (considerable) power to squash this last vestige of democracy in Greece as quickly and ruthlessly as they can.

In Britain, we must consider ourselves warned. Our prime ministers will not even entertain the notion of permitting the population a democratic referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. This is proven fact.

When we look at the dire position which Greece has been placed into by the threats and today, we should borrow a phrase we used to see on film billboards:- “Coming soon to a country near you!” Perhaps very near you indeed. Perhaps our country. Perhaps we need to increase pressure on our pathetic government to allow us the long-promised referendum on Europe!


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Confession of a Pathological Liar

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Written by Albion
Monday, 31 October 2011 11:49


What have all these following organisations got in common?

  • UKIP
  • BNP
  • Britain First
  • CIB
  • Countryside Alliance
  • The Freedom Association
  • Libertarian Alliance
  • British Constitution Group
  • National Farmers federation
  • National Front
  • Fishing Industry
  • Bombardier
  • English Democrats
  • Motor Cycle action group
  • The New Party
  • Popular Alliance
  • Plus some which are mildly euro sceptic, The New Party, English Democrats and others.

To varying degrees all of the above are Euro-sceptic or have been adversely affected by edicts from Brussels. The single party system in this country does not give you a choice at the ballot box even assuming the election has not been rigged by brown and black representatives working for cultural or immigrant self interest groups. It is hard to select any foreign or national policy that is not tri-partisan to the system of government in the UK. So the ballot box achieves absolutely nothing.

One could believe we are living in a non-democratic authoritarian collective and you would be right. Very few people understand the far reaching, dreadful, nation destroying injustices being done to the people indigenous to these islands that is plaguing and reshaping our society.

I maintain the two biggest dangers to world peace are the European Union and the United Nations. Both are Globalist in structure but it is the United Nations that masquerades as a world wide arbitrator blessed with the judgement of Solomon.

They are not, they are just an integral part of the world wide New Order. It consists of powerful blocs who protect their spheres of influence zealously. ‘United’ Nations is an anathema. It is a tool of the illuminati.

It is the United Nations that funnels the presently evolving primitive black and brown societies into the nations of the civilized west; it is not the European Union. The United Nations veiled purpose is a vehicle to reshape the world, its politics and its peoples, its grubby fingerprints are all over the events taking place in the Middle East as I write.

It places the primitive third world peoples in a cocktail shaker along with European civilised societies, gives it a good shake and hopes that all hell does not break loose. The 7/11 bombings, Notting hill riots, the London riots and a host of others has proved otherwise with decades of angst still yet to come.

The European Union write our laws and govern our country. It has taken around 60 years for Europe to reach this stage of societal fragmentation. Disassembling it could take as long but it will be one step at a time. Forget democracy, no change real or otherwise will come via the ballot box. I see the ballot box as a magician’s prop, using sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, tricks and illusions performed to confuse the dulled peasants.

What strikes fear into the heart of any politician is ‘people power’. A huge display of dissatisfaction with the government would have far more impact than a charade of pretend democracy at the ballot box. This is the moment in time when the question of our enslavement by the EU was going be discussed in Westminster, I would say the result had already been decided before the treacherous members had taken a show of hands.

All these groups listed above should be approached to call on their members and supporters to join in their thousands to protest on the streets calling for UK OUT OF THE EU. No political banners should be flown; it is of paramount importance that no one political party or group should be seen to have any involvement in the organisation of the protest. It needs extremely dedicated and motivated people to organize this show of people power to awaken the people of Great Britain and the people of Europe out of their apathy and whose destiny lays with a Marxist cabal in Brussels.

Cameron might say foreign rule is what the people want, NO, it is what he and his masters in Brussels want, that is not democracy. Democracy? Well it means different things to different people, ask our Prime Minister.

Greeks Call for Referendum on Euro Bailout

Greeks Call Referendum on Euro Bailout—But Will It Actually be on the Euro and the EU?

The shock announcement by Greek prime minister Georgios Papandreou that his people will be asked to vote on the euro “rescue plan” before it is accepted, is little more than a referendum on the existence of the euro and even Greece’s further participation in the European Union experiment.

Pro-EU observers and politicians have been horrified at the announcement, and have roundly condemned Mr Papendreou. Some have even suggested that he is “ungrateful” for the aid package on offer. A spokesman for French president Nicolas Sarkozy dismissed the referendum as “irrational and dangerous,” a view echoed by most others involved in the eurozone experiment.

The announcement has put the entire bailout process on hold, said Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who pointed out that the “markets cannot wait three months to find out the result.”

“Unless the European Central Bank steps in very soon and on a massive scale to shore up Italy, the game is up. We will have a spectacular smash-up,” the Tory blogger added.

Another observer, writing in a German publication, said that Mr Papandreou’s decision “seems like an act of desperation. Regardless how the referendum’s question is eventually worded, the Greeks will be voting on whether their country will remain in the euro zone or leave the single currency.

“How can Papandreou do this? It’s asking the same people who riot against his policies! It is already clear what the outcome will be! Such were the instant reactions to the prime minister’s announcement,” the German observer wrote.

The reality is, however, that even reverting to the drachma or leaving the EU is unlikely to help Greece in the medium term. Its economy has been so damaged by a combination of stresses caused by the common currency and, it must be said, poor domestic management, that the debt mountain will remain a problem for some time to come.

At least, however, the Greeks are actually being given a chance to vote on EU policy, and possibly even membership—a luxury denied to the British people.

Mr Papendreou’s bold move contrasts vividly with the suppression of a vote on EU membership by the Tory-Liberal-Democrat-Labour alliance last week in Westminster, despite all opinion polls showing a majority of the British public being in favour of a chance to vote on the issue.

Europe — A Catastrophe in Progress

Europe — A Catastrophe in Progress

By Peter Mills.

Greece is in trouble, with justified strikes and riots by the ordinary citizens in protest against the eye-watering poverty decreed by the Greek government for generations to come as the nation’s price for joining the European Union.

Despite this attempt to virtually reduce the ordinary people of Greece to the status of slavery, the Eurozone financial Master Plan is not working. Not working? It is not even breathing!

It is extremely likely – indeed, 100% inevitable – that despite all the government-enforced cutbacks on services, pensions etc. etc. Greece will have to default on paying off its international debts and the interest these accrue.

This has caused utter panic amongst the European Leader’s Club, whose united brains have been monumentally unequal to the task of finding any workable solution to the plain and obvious fact that any economic patchwork of separate member states will not rise towards the level of the best-run and most affluent members, but will sink towards the level of the poorest and more badly run countries.

This fact, indeed, is why any country applying to join the Eurozone economy is required to first prove that it meets certain minimum economic conditions and requirements. What a shame that the European leaders failed to factor-in to their calculations the normal human tendency to lie, boast, falsify the account books and juggle figures in order to get a leg-up onto the sumptuous European banqueting table. As a result of this European naivety – or sheer incompetence if one does not wish to be kind – the poorer and more badly-managed countries of Europe have sat down to dine in a restaurant where they are unable to pay their share of the bill.

The result is that other diners at the same European table are obliged to pay more than their share of the bill in order to cover the cost of the banquet, which is turning out to be far less appetising than the beautifully illustrated invitation originally promised. Indeed, some of the diners are beginning to choke as they witness the ominous increases in their own share of the bill with the serving of each course, increases which make their own membership of the European diner’s club an increasingly unappetising proposition.

In October 2011, the European Leaders Club declared a substantial increase in the EFSF, the grandly-named European Financial and Stability Facility, or to give it a less fancy title, the emergency bail-out fund. The best way to understand the EFSF is to think of it as a plate placed on the table onto which diners with more money than those who have falsified their membership accounts are required to throw their loose
change and some IOUs in the hope that the amount raised will cover at least some of the unpaid portion of the bill.

This, of course, also serves to badly embarrass those countries at the banqueting table who might also happen to have “bent the truth” a little regarding the health of their finances, or to have got into difficulties since joining Europe. As the plate is passed round the table and countries like France, Germany and Britain pull out their wallets and drop cash into the collection (yes, although we are not in the Eurozone, we still have to pay money one way or another towards the settlement of the bill), there will be other diners who open their own wallets and nothing pops out except a few well-fed moths.

The best-fed moth at the moment is Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy. Under the devious and decidedly shady Berlusconi, a bosom buddy of Tony Blair (like attracts like!) Italy, mirroring its most famous modern statesman Benito Mussolini, arrived at the banqueting table with a pompous, overbearing, overstated and gaudily dazzling splendour, eager to play the part of the wealthy gourmet whose presence at the table would automatically raise the quality of the banquet. Unfortunately, when the bill was presented to the diners, the Italian wallet was found to have nothing left in it but cobwebs.

With her amazing insight into science-fiction, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has stated: “Italy has great economic strength,” adding by way of a reality check; “Italy does also have a very high level of debt…” If this remark by one of the European Union’s leading lights is analysed, it translates into ordinary human terms as; “Italy’s household income is trying to catch up with Italy’s household expenses!”

The total debt of the Italian government is one of the highest in Europe, standing currently at 118% of the country’s gross domestic product. Reduced again to simple human terms, this is equivalent to you earning £100 a week at work, but having to pay train fairs of £118 a week to commute to and from work. This is not what any normally sane person would classify as “…great economic strength”.

It is now looking increasingly likely that, as the plate for the collection is passed around the table and the chink of coin on china fills the air, when it reaches Italy the Italian government, instead of contributing, will need to pour the contents gathered on the plate into its own wallet just to metaphorically live another day! In Eurospeak, or possibly Merkelspeak, this means it is becoming increasingly acknowledged that the major recipient of the unimaginable one trillion extra Euros ordered by the European Leaders Club to be paid into the bailout fund will be fed into Italy like a black hole devouring solar systems. Any residue will go to Greece.

Far from displaying Angela Merkel’s appellation of “great economic strength”, the price Italy must now pay for borrowing has reached record levels, resulting in stock markets at the end of last week failing to rally at the good news that the European Union is adding in a single stroke one trillion Euros to its own aggregate debt. The 6.06% which Italy is now obliged to pay to borrow money over 10 years is the highest rate of any European country since the creation of the ill-fated Euro twelve years ago.

Unsurprisingly, last week the Italian government failed to meet its borrowing target, having hoped to sell up to 8.5 billion Euros worth of international bonds (government IOUs) and only managing to sell 7.9 billion, even at the new record interest rate. This reflects a growing apprehension amongst buyers that the Italian economy will not survive long enough to honour the full amount of its IOUs and will – like Greece – be compelled to default on its debt repayments. Once more reduced to normal human terms, this is equivalent to a house owner whose business is going bust being refused an additional mortgage by a building society that has examined his books, because the house is not worth as much as the money the man seeks to borrow.

In a very real sense, Italy’s financial problem is different from that of Greece, or indeed that of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and other countries. The big difference is that the debts of Italy are not the debts incurred by the Italian people, such as by exorbitant mortgages in ridiculously high housing prices or by extravagant benefits systems. The economic crisis in Italy can be laid squarely at the feet of its politicians, including its current prime minister.

Over the years and continuing today, the Italian government has permitted the rise of vested interests in business, weak investment in internal development, appallingly bad financial regulation and lethargic industrial growth to flourish. The annual economic growth rate of Italy since 1996 has averaged a very meagre 0.75%, a far lower rate than it has to pay on its debts. This means that the debts incurred by the Italian government are inevitably growing faster than their ability to repay them.

This has also meant that the ordinary people of Italy have been “short changed” by their government – the cost of public services and the benefits system is significantly less than the amount of money paid into government coffers by taxation. However, despite internally earning more from taxing the people than it spends in looking after them, because the economy is weak due to government incompetence, bad regulation and corruption, the government has needed to borrow copiously in a vicious spiral of inflation since at least 1992 and must now keep on borrowing even more just to pay the instalments on its debts.

It is obvious to everyone that a financial situation in which a country’s debt is growing like a snowball rolling downhill must, sooner or later, explode. Greece is already in the process of exploding. In Italy, the fuse is spluttering away.

The European Leaders Club is becoming anxious to force Italy to take the same drastic cuts in expenditure which have already sparked off nationwide strikes and riots in Greece. However, even if Europe forces Italy to do this, the experience with Greece is showing the ineptness of this plan. Such radical cuts in government spending are resulting in runaway unemployment in Greece (on September 6th the Greek finance minister announced that 150,000 public sector jobs alone were being cut).

Such explosions of unemployment serve only to increase the borrowing of the government instead of reducing it! In effect, the radical cuts of government spending in Greece show that this European-imposed policy is actually equivalent to pouring on petrol in order to douse a fire. Ireland, Spain and Portugal are next in the growing queue of European countries lining up for a shattering national bankruptcy.

It is unlikely that the European Union can survive its own self-inflicted financial implosion. Some writers (such as Dominic Sandbrook in the Daily Mail of Saturday October 29th) have even suggested that the final triumph of the European Union will be another great European war even worse than those of 1918 and 1939.

In Britain, we are still being told by our ruling politicians that our increasingly costly membership of the European state is highly beneficial and that to resign from Europe would be a national calamity, and that the collapse of country after country in Europe will be halted by the wisdom of the German Chancellor. And we still believe this? So did Neville Chamberlain!


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Euro-zone Will Have to Accept Reality of Economic Incompatibility

Euro-zone Will Have to Accept Reality of Economic Incompatibility

The planners of the Euro-zone will have to eventually accept and “capitulate” to the reality that a common currency throughout the EU is impossible to implement, Andrew Brons MEP has said.

Speaking after a debate in the European Parliament today on the resumption of a planned European Council meeting, Mr Brons said that in the end, “the whole zone must capitulate to the reality that a common external currency value and a common interest rate cannot suit the very different seventeen economies of the Euro-zone, still less the 27 economies of the EU.

“There is a view that decisions about the Euro-zone have nothing to do with the United Kingdom and still less to do with a British opponent of EU membership,” Mr Brons said.

“However, I am not indifferent to the fate of fellow members of an organisation, of which I do not want Britain to be part.

“Attempts to paper over the cracks in the Euro-zone will surely fail. The value of the Euro is much too high for the Southern and North Western Five.

“What is more, it is too low for some Northern members of the zone,” he said.

“My ideal solution would be the dissolution of the whole Euro-zone. That would safeguard the future of sterling. However, a division between the two groups, with a re-valued Northern Euro and a devalued Southern Euro, would be a step in the right direction.”

Meanwhile, Eurozone leaders have cancelled a meeting of the region’s finance ministers scheduled for tomorrow amid rising tensions as no solution for the sovereign debt crisis has been found.

According to reports, markets across the Continent interpreted the news as meaning that the Eurozone leaders were less likely to reach agreement on the crisis.

Instead, EU leaders will meet tomorrow to “finalise details of a plan to tackle the debt crisis, including proposals for steeper losses for owners of Greek bonds, and a recapitalisation of European banks.”

The latter means that European taxpayers will once again be called upon to bail out the banking system.

Lib-Lab-Con: Education in Bolton Put Behind Foreign Aid, War and EU Payments

Lib-Lab-Con: Education in Britain Put Behind Foreign Aid, War and EU Payments

Government spending on education will fall by more than 13 percent over the next four years, according to respected think tank Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). At the same time, billions extra will be spent on foreign aid, wars, and EU payments.

According to the IFS, the education budget cuts will be the biggest since the 1950s, with school and college building projects facing the brunt of the cutbacks. The IFS said that funding for educational building projects would drop by 50 percent during the next four years.

Higher education would lose about 40 percent of its spending as well but universities “would claw back some money due to the increased tuition fees introduced by the coalition government,” the IFS said.

“In schools, those with students from affluent backgrounds would see drastic funding cuts although schools with more deprived students would have their funding protected due to the introduction of the pupil premium,” the IFS ominously added.

In reality this means that the Third World immigrant-dominated inner city schools (which mysteriously, are always somehow “deprived”) will not have their funding cut, while schools in whiter and therefore “less deprived” areas will.

At the same time, the Coalition government has announced budget increases for International Aid (set to increase to well over £11 billion and payments to the EU of £8 billion.

The defence budget is currently set at £37 billion, but this does not include the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Libya, which are drawn out of the additional £125 billion “other” fund which the government uses to meet “unexpected” expenses.

At the same time, the annual government deficit increases by around £170 billion more each year.

Last year, the Coalition government announced university budget cuts in England of £449 million, which led to a reduction of 6,000 university places.

At the same time, the government cut teaching budgets by £215 million, froze research funding and reduced the buildings budget by 15 percent.


Monday 31 October 2011

EU chief Baroness Ashton's five star spa break... as Europe teeters on the brink of financial collapse

EU chief Baroness Ashton's five star spa break... as Europe teeters on the brink of financial collapse

Baroness Ashton has been staying at a five star hotel in Melbourne

Baroness Ashton has been staying at a five star hotel in Melbourne

Baroness Ashton, the vice-president of the European Union has come under fire after she headed off on a luxury break to a five star hotel in Australia.

As European leaders struggled to save the euro on Wednesday, Baroness Ashton flew to Perth where she attended a three-day Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, which started on Friday.

But once the opening day was finished she flew off to Melbourne on a private trip where she was due to stay at the exclusive Club Spa Suite at the Langham hotel which overlooks the Yarra river.

The three-night hotel stay is being paid for by Baroness Ashton but critics have said the entire trip to Australia is a waste of time and totally irrelevant to her job.

She has previously been criticised for her slow reaction to international crises and earlier this year the Foreign Office was embarrassed after it mistakenly published confidential documents which stated that she was not experienced enough to be Europe's foreign policy chief.

Written before her appointment, it says only a former foreign minister, prime minister or head of state would be suitably qualified to take up the role, which involves taking charge of the new EU External Action Service.

Details of her Australian trip, which have been seen by the Sunday Times, emerged in a memo detailing her itinerary.


This Islands Population Incompatibility

This Population Incompatibility

By Southwest Nationalist.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have predicted that the population of the UK will hit 70 million by 2027, driven in large part by immigration and immigrant birth rates.

At least two thirds of the population increase is attributed to either immigration, or immigrant cradles. It’s actually worth noting that the 70 million in 2027 figure is based on a medium level estimate, there is a higher variant which paints a much bleaker picture.

With Tory, Liberal and Labour all demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are incapable of controlling our borders, and with increasing turmoil in the world due to wars, the ‘Arab spring’, not to mention famine (again, exacerbated by over-population), one suspects the higher variant is likely to be closer to the truth.

We already see the figures revised upwards, it was just a little while ago we were not supposed to hit 70 million until 2029.

It’s all a strange contradiction.

On the one hand we’re told that there’s a need for austerity and money saving, on the other we continue to allow our population to increase at an unsustainable rate.

The two are utterly incompatible, and allowing population growth to continue is simply adding to all of the problems even those in power are being forced to admit exist.

We do not currently have enough housing, nor is enough being built. We let more people in, and they all need somewhere to live. Incompatible.

We’re supposedly trying to reduce benefit bills on the welfare state, yet we continue to allow our population to swell. Incompatible.

Our overburdened NHS struggles to keep up with demand in the face of budget cutbacks and mounting costs. Despite this, more and more people arrive to add to the demand. Incompatible.

Classrooms are overcrowded, and educational standards are slipping. Government promises to do something about it, but still more people keep arriving in Britain. Incompatible.

We’ve a huge amount of unemployed, all governments pledge to drive down unemployment, yet every day people arrive faster than jobs can be created, and in search of jobs which do not exist. Incompatible, as well as rendering moot any efforts to cut benefit bills.

We’re supposed to be greener, use less resources, create less pollution. It’s a simple truth that population growth undermines all these efforts. Incompatible.

An ever rising population is incompatible with so many of the things society is supposedly seeking to achieve, we could go on and on with this list all day.

Population growth at this phenomenal rate spells disaster, and behind so many issues is the immigration factor as a driving force.

At the border, and by the cradle, so many of Britain’s problems are made far worse.

Mass immigration, and resultant children, are a huge factor in ensuring that we will never tackle many of the problems facing our country. Any gain or saving we can make is utterly offset by the increased demand from a rapidly expanding population.

Nobody in Lib/Lab/Con will ever admit it – the closest they’ll get is we made a mistake, we must reduce immigration a little – but one day a government of any political creed will have to admit to what we are today vilified for saying.

Britain is full, immigration must end.

Sooner or later that point will be reached to such an extent even officialdom must acknowledge it, we have only so much room and resources. The establishment put that off and delay it, but they’re just delaying the inevitable. Like it or not, one day they’ll have to accept and implement it.

Population cannot grow forever. First we see declining standards of living as over-crowding and overuse of resources occurs, then we see disaster and collapse as the population totally outstrips any reasonable hope of sustaining it.

Today’s disaster of a collapsing society with resources being stretched thinner and thinner will be as nothing when, in years to come, the needs of a far higher population must be met.

An ever rising population expanding at an alarming rate is utterly incompatible with meeting the needs of our existing society. We can realise that now and take steps, or delay and know that for every day we wait we’re storing up an even bigger problem.


Sunday 30 October 2011

Wake up you stupid Horwich and Bolton Labour Voters

Wake up you stupid Labour Voters PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow
October 2011

blair-the-hague_120_x_150You know what makes me sick about those people who vote for the Lib/Lab/con trick parties. They whine and moan about the EU, they whine and moan about the foreign wars, they whine and moan about the evil banksters, they whine and moan about immigration and yet still they vote for getting their throats slit some time down the road.

The depraved despot, war criminal, and former Prime Minister for Murder, Tony Blair, has said that Britain needs more unwanted enrichers to pollute Our Country. He says we cannot succeed as a nation unless we have more black and "Asian" rapists, illiterate Somalians, thieving Romanians and lots more mad moslems to rape our children and blow us all to bits some time in the not too distant future.

He says that people like those on this site calling for greater curbs on unwanted foreigners entering Our Country are wrong and that we should have open borders. I say he should be damn well executed for treason and war crimes.

Remember you dull thick stupid Lib/Lab/conned voters, that it was Labour that brought in over 5.5 million unwanted invaders into our country to the detriment of the nations people that built this country.

Blair is a puppet of the New World Order and hopefully he will be hung for his crimes against humanity. Pity is, is that he can only be hung once.

Now sod what party your father and his father voted for - join Britain First and fight back. If nothing else, when the fighting starts you will die with a pair of balls between your legs and not like a neutered slave.

Saturday 29 October 2011


By the Horwich Nationalists

A refreshing change!
Has come to our attention at the Horwich Nationalists that in the USA many black Christian pastors and churchmen are taking on the forces of political correctness and Marxism directly and frankly! By challenging the pernicious black rap style culture of black people, and the Marxist agenda of the Liberal elites who worse than any member of the Klu Klux Klan have done more harm to the Negro race through political correctness by allowing the degeneration of black culture. By promoting a sense of victimhood in the black race and a sense of guilt in the white race over the slavery issue, despite the fact that black Barbary pirates were making slaves of white British people as late as the 18th century. In effect using the vile doctrine of political correctness they have closed down debate and criticism of the degeneration of black culture from it,s aspiration towards western culture as promoted by Dr martin Luther King and other civil rights campaigners. Which has allowed the mass destruction of any semblance of not only black culture worldwide but is now polluting the white youth of western Europe and the USA, from the well just watch the video below to see what this fine gentleman has to say,
And Just remember the howls of Marxist derision suffered by Professor David Starkey from the Liberals in the BBC and the apparatchiks when he tried to raise the issue on black culture after last summers riots.

A Call to Arms - Tonight in the British Resistance Paltalk Room

Tonight (Saturday 29 Oct) you have an opportunity to put your questions to Roger Hayes of the British Constitution Group in the British Resistance paltalk room.

The show will kick of at and follow the usual format to previous live interviews. Do try to be there - I have watched the videos of this guy in action and was most impressed and I think you will be to. Check this one out - good stuff I can assure you.


Wednesday 26 October 2011

Welcome to the EUSSR formerly known as Europe

Welcome to the EUSSR

FROM The Messianic Evangelicals

It was another noisy night here in Scandinavia with the traditional firecrackers being let off at midnight. Drunken revelry and carousing marks this Day of Janus, otherwise known as the secular New Year, when the world celebrates having escaped another year of sinning, as it supposes. But it wasn't just the ordinary people who were (for the most part, ignorantly) celebrating a pagan festival at midnight - for today marked the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire and the coronation of the Emperor of the Fourth Reich.

All of this was somewhat overshadowed - purposefully - by the United Nation's sponsored Copenhagen Climate Summit, along with the Lisbon Treaty signed on 1 December 2009 by the cronies of the New World Order marking the end of the sovereign states which once formed a European Community. Whether you care to believe it or not, Sweden, Great Britain and 25 other EU countries ceased being sovereign states, and lost a whole basket of freedoms, while the firecrackers were bursting overhead. Little did the citizens of this 'brave new world' realise in their inebriation that they had officially just become serfs in a resurrected Soviet Union - a 'blue' version that is - which many will come to view as the EUSSR - the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Holy Roman Empire and Soviet Union? Aren't these a little contradictory? Definitely. But then the EU is an altogether artificial entity, modelled on an artificial state known as Belgium with Sweden as its social guinea pig and the Soviet Union, Communist China and Nazi Germany as political models of control. It's not quite a 'Holy' Roman Empire yet but it will become one as the transition between a liberal humanist state towards and the long-planned satanic entity gets underway, an entity which will begin as a pot pourri of all religions but with Roman Catholicism and occultism playing pivotal rôles.

Its first 'Emperor', President Herman van Rompuy, may not look like some Machiavellian despot because he isn't - he is but the first of a line of 'moderate' Politbureau Chiefs as the decline and fall of the old Soviet Union is recapitulated in reverse, beginning with 'glasnost' and 'perestroika' and working its way to a new Stalinist reincarnation, only worse.

Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Croatia, Bosnia, Monte Negro, Albania and Serbia have so far escaped the EU net though they are already well integrated by various treaties. The USA is already well down the road towards the same globalist state as the EU is with 'King Obama' trampling down the last elements of the Constitution. There is no doubt that today is a day that is being celebrated by the industrialists, banksters, and globalist élite, including their well-paid class of bureaucratic administrators, many of whom (like in the EU) pay no regular income tax (they play a token flat rate of 10% while the rest of us pay from 30-60% to subsidise them and their masters). There are definitely financial incentives to be a part of the new order for those willing to sell their souls. Sadly environmentalists and socialists have fallen for the lies - they might think otherwise if they became aware of the nazi element in this NWO mix.

More and more people are waking up to what's really going on but they need to wake up faster because the lords of money are pushing their agenda as quickly as they possibly can. They're in rush not to be exposed which is why they are willing now to take so many risks. Copenhagen backfired on them, thanks to China, whom they have not yet subdued.

Many hearts are fainting and for sure much, much worse has yet to come. Yahweh is still in charge and He has already judged these evil combinations just as He did Jerusalem anciently:

    "Thus says Yahweh: "Behold, I am against you, and I will draw My sword out of its sheath and cut off both righteous and wicked from you. Because I will cut off both righteous and wicked from you, therefore My sword shall go out of its sheath against all flesh from south to north, that all flesh may know that I, Yahweh, have drawn My sword out of its sheath; it shall not return anymore. Sigh therefore, son of man, with a breaking heart, and sigh with bitterness before their eyes. And it shall be when they say to you, 'Why are you sighing?' that you shall answer, 'Because of the news; when it comes, every heart will melt, all hands will be feeble, every spirit will faint, and all knees will be weak as water. Behold, it is coming and shall be brought to pass,' says the Yahweh-Elohim" (Ezek.21:3-7, NKJV).

I know that some of you reading this report will continue to refuse to believe what I am saying but you will as this whole conspiracy unfolds before your eyes. What's important is that you neither refuse to do anthing nor simply choose to trust in your own cleverness to escape what's coming. This is not something you can avoid - indeed, though you may not know it, you have already made lots of little choices in agreeing with the lies that you have been told by the politicians. At some point you will have to make a radical choice that may cost you your soul. If you're unsure what's coming, then please see the documentary on communism on this website. Also see the prophetic warning I was given about the return of communism.

If you haven't received Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) as your Master and Deliverer (Lord and Saviour), and if you are not obeying the commandments, then now is the time to do so. There is a lot of preparation that you must make before the last seven years of total darkness on this earth. If you don't know how to receive Yah'shua or what it is Yahweh (God) requires of you, then please visit our Into All Truth website. I'll not wish you a 'Happy New Year' but I will pray Shalom over you!

Also see Welcome to the United Soviet States of Europe

Tuesday 25 October 2011


OCT 25TH 2011


Conservatives who opposed the motion were: Nigel Adams (Selby & Ainsty), Peter Aldous (Waveney), James Arbuthnot (Hampshire North East), Richard Bacon (Norfolk South), Tony Baldry (Banbury), Harriett Baldwin (Worcestershire West), Stephen Barclay (Cambridgeshire North East), Greg Barker (Bexhill & Battle), Gavin Barwell (Croydon Central), Guto Bebb (Aberconwy), Henry Bellingham (Norfolk North West), Richard Benyon (Newbury), Sir Paul Beresford (Mole Valley), Jake Berry (Rossendale & Darwen), Nicola Blackwood (Oxford West & Abingdon), Crispin Blunt (Reigate), Nick Boles (Grantham & Stamford), Peter Bottomley (Worthing West), Karen Bradley (Staffordshire Moorlands), Angie Bray (Ealing Central & Acton), Julian Brazier (Canterbury), James Brokenshire (Old Bexley & Sidcup), Robert Buckland (Swindon South), Aidan Burley (Cannock Chase), Conor Burns (Bournemouth West), Simon Burns (Chelmsford), David Burrowes (Enfield Southgate), Alistair Burt (Bedfordshire North East), Alun Cairns (Vale of Glamorgan), David Cameron (Witney), Neil Carmichael (Stroud), Rehman Chishti (Gillingham & Rainham), Greg Clark (Tunbridge Wells), Kenneth Clarke (Rushcliffe), Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (Cotswolds, The), Therese Coffey (Suffolk Coastal), Damian Collins (Folkestone & Hythe), Oliver Colville (Plymouth Sutton & Devonport), Geoffrey Cox (Devon West & Torridge), Stephen Crabb (Preseli Pembrokeshire), Glyn Davies (Montgomeryshire), Jonathan Djanogly (Huntingdon), Stephen Dorrell (Charnwood), Jackie Doyle-Price (Thurrock), James Duddridge (Rochford & Southend East), Alan Duncan (Rutland & Melton), Iain Duncan Smith (Chingford & Woodford Green), Michael Ellis (Northampton North), Jane Ellison (Battersea), Tobias Ellwood (Bournemouth East), Charlie Elphicke (Dover), Graham Evans (Weaver Vale), Jonathan Evans (Cardiff North), David Evennett (Bexleyheath & Crayford), Michael Fabricant (Lichfield), Michael Fallon (Sevenoaks), Dr Liam Fox (Somerset North), Mark Francois (Rayleigh & Wickford), George Freeman (Norfolk Mid), Mike Freer (Finchley & Golders Green), Richard Fuller (Bedford), Edward Garnier (Harborough), Mark Garnier (Wyre Forest), David Gauke (Hertfordshire South West), Nick Gibb (Bognor Regis & Littlehampton), Cheryl Gillan (Chesham & Amersham), John Glen (Salisbury), Robert Goodwill (Scarborough & Whitby), Michael Gove (Surrey Heath), Richard Graham (Gloucester), Helen Grant (Maidstone & The Weald), Chris Grayling (Epsom & Ewell), Damian Green (Ashford), Justine Greening (Putney), Dominic Grieve (Beaconsfield), Andrew Griffiths (Burton), Ben Gummer (Ipswich), Sam Gyimah (Surrey East), Robert Halfon (Harlow), Philip Hammond (Runnymede & Weybridge), Stephen Hammond (Wimbledon), Matthew Hancock (Suffolk West), Mark Harper (Forest of Dean), Richard Harrington (Watford), Rebecca Harris (Castle Point), Simon Hart (Carmarthen West & Pembrokeshire South), Sir Alan Haselhurst (Saffron Walden), John Hayes (South Holland & The Deepings), Oliver Heald (Hertfordshire North East), Charles Hendry (Wealden), Nick Herbert (Arundel & South Downs), Damian Hinds (Hampshire East), Mark Hoban (Fareham), Kris Hopkins (Keighley), Gerald Howarth (Aldershot), John Howell (Henley), Jeremy Hunt (Surrey South West), Nick Hurd (Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner), Margot James (Stourbridge), Sajid Javid (Bromsgrove), Gareth Johnson (Dartford), Jo Johnson (Orpington), Andrew Jones (Harrogate & Knaresborough), David Jones (Clwyd West), Daniel Kawczynski (Shrewsbury & Atcham), Simon Kirby (Brighton Kemptown), Greg Knight (Yorkshire East), Eleanor Laing (Epping Forest), Mark Lancaster (Milton Keynes North), Andrew Lansley (Cambridgeshire South), Pauline Latham (Derbyshire Mid), Jessica Lee (Erewash), Phillip Lee (Bracknell), Charlotte Leslie (Bristol North West), Oliver Letwin (Dorset West), Brandon Lewis (Great Yarmouth), Ian Liddell-Grainger (Bridgwater & Somerset West), David Lidington (Aylesbury), Peter Lilley (Hitchin & Harpenden), Jack Lopresti (Filton & Bradley Stoke), Jonathan Lord (Woking), Tim Loughton (Worthing East & Shoreham), Peter Luff (Worcestershire Mid), Anne McIntosh (Thirsk & Malton), Mary Macleod (Brentford & Isleworth), Patrick McLoughlin (Derbyshire Dales), Esther McVey (Wirral West), Francis Maude (Horsham), Theresa May (Maidenhead), Paul Maynard (Blackpool North & Cleveleys), Mark Menzies (Fylde), Stephen Metcalfe (Basildon South & Thurrock East), Maria Miller (Basingstoke), Anne Milton (Guildford), Andrew Mitchell (Sutton Coldfield), Penny Mordaunt (Portsmouth North), Nicky Morgan (Loughborough), David Morris (Morecambe & Lunesdale), David Mowat (Warrington South), David Mundell (Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale), Dr Andrew Murrison (Wiltshire South West), Bob Neill (Bromley & Chislehurst), Brooks Newmark (Braintree), Jesse Norman (Hereford & Herefordshire South), Stephen O'Brien (Eddisbury), Eric Ollerenshaw (Lancaster & Fleetwood), Guy Opperman (Hexham), George Osborne (Tatton), Richard Ottaway (Croydon South), Jim Paice (Cambridgeshire South East), Owen Paterson (Shropshire North), Mark Pawsey (Rugby), John Penrose (Weston-Super-Mare), Claire Perry (Devizes), Stephen Phillips (Sleaford & North Hykeham), Eric Pickles (Brentwood & Ongar), Chris Pincher (Tamworth), Daniel Poulter (Suffolk Central & Ipswich North), Mark Prisk (Hertford & Stortford), John Randall (Uxbridge & Ruislip South), Andrew Robathan (Leicestershire South), Hugh Robertson (Faversham & Kent Mid), Amber Rudd (Hastings & Rye), David Ruffley (Bury St Edmunds), David Rutley (Macclesfield), Laura Sandys (Thanet South), Lee Scott (Ilford North), Andrew Selous (Bedfordshire South West), Grant Shapps (Welwyn Hatfield), Alok Sharma (Reading West), Alec Shelbrooke (Elmet & Rothwell), Mark Simmonds (Boston & Skegness), Keith Simpson (Broadland), Chris Skidmore (Kingswood), Chloe Smith (Norwich North), Julian Smith (Skipton & Ripon), Nicholas Soames (Sussex Mid), Anna Soubry (Broxtowe), Caroline Spelman (Meriden), Sir John Stanley (Tonbridge & Malling), Andrew Stephenson (Pendle), Rory Stewart (Penrith & The Border), Mel Stride (Devon Central), Graham Stuart (Beverley & Holderness), Desmond Swayne (New Forest West), Hugo Swire (Devon East), Robert Syms (Poole), Edward Timpson (Crewe & Nantwich), David Tredinnick (Bosworth), Elizabeth Truss (Norfolk South West), Andrew Tyrie (Chichester), Paul Uppal (Wolverhampton South West), Ed Vaizey (Wantage), Shailesh Vara (Cambridgeshire North West), Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet), Ben Wallace (Wyre & Preston North), Robert Walter (Dorset North), Angela Watkinson (Hornchurch & Upminster), James Wharton (Stockton South), Chris White (Warwick & Leamington), Bill Wiggin (Herefordshire North), David Willetts (Havant), Gavin Williamson (Staffordshire South), Rob Wilson (Reading East), Jeremy Wright (Kenilworth & Southam), Tim Yeo (Suffolk South), Sir George Young (Hampshire North West), Nadhim Zahawi (Stratford-on-Avon).

215 Labour MPs voted against the motion: Diane Abbott (Hackney North & Stoke Newington), Debbie Abrahams (Oldham East & Saddleworth), Bob Ainsworth (Coventry North East), Douglas Alexander (Paisley & Renfrewshire South), Heidi Alexander (Lewisham East), Rushanara Ali (Bethnal Green & Bow), Dave Anderson (Blaydon), Mr Jon Ashworth (Leicester South), Adrian Bailey (West Bromwich West), Willie Bain (Glasgow North East), Ed Balls (Morley & Outwood), Gordon Banks (Ochil & Perthshire South), Kevin Barron (Rother Valley), Margaret Beckett (Derby South), Anne Begg (Aberdeen South), Sir Stuart Bell (Middlesbrough), Hilary Benn (Leeds Central), Joe Benton (Bootle), Luciana Berger (Liverpool Wavertree), Clive Betts (Sheffield South East), Roberta Blackman-Woods (Durham, City of), Hazel Blears (Salford & Eccles), Tom Blenkinsop (Middlesbrough South & Cleveland East), Paul Blomfield (Sheffield Central), David Blunkett (Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough), Ben Bradshaw (Exeter), Gordon Brown (Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath), Lyn Brown (West Ham), Nicholas Brown (Newcastle upon Tyne East), Russell Brown (Dumfries & Galloway), Chris Bryant (Rhondda), Karen Buck (Westminster North), Richard Burden (Birmingham Northfield), Andy Burnham (Leigh), Liam Byrne (Birmingham Hodge Hill), Alan Campbell (Tynemouth), Martin Caton (Gower), Jenny Chapman (Darlington), Tom Clarke (Coatbridge, Chryston & Bellshill), Ann Clwyd (Cynon Valley), Vernon Coaker (Gedling), Ann Coffey (Stockport), Michael Connarty (Linlithgow & Falkirk East), Yvette Cooper (Normanton, Pontefract & Castleford), David Crausby (Bolton North East), Mary Creagh (Wakefield), Stella Creasy (Walthamstow), Alex Cunningham (Stockton North), Jim Cunningham (Coventry South), Tony Cunningham (Workington), Margaret Curran (Glasgow East), Nic Dakin (Scunthorpe), Simon Danczuk (Rochdale), Alistair Darling (Edinburgh South West), Wayne David (Caerphilly), Geraint Davies (Swansea West), Gloria De Piero (Ashfield), John Denham (Southampton Itchen), Jim Dobbin (Heywood & Middleton), Frank Dobson (Holborn & St Pancras), Thomas Docherty (Dunfermline & Fife West), Brian Donohoe (Ayrshire Central), Frank Doran (Aberdeen North), Jim Dowd (Lewisham West & Penge), Gemma Doyle (Dunbartonshire West), Jack Dromey (Birmingham Erdington), Michael Dugher (Barnsley East), Angela Eagle (Wallasey), Maria Eagle (Garston & Halewood), Clive Efford (Eltham), Julie Elliott (Sunderland Central), Louise Ellman (Liverpool Riverside), Bill Esterson (Sefton Central), Chris Evans (Islwyn), Paul Farrelly (Newcastle-under-Lyme), Jim Fitzpatrick (Poplar & Limehouse), Robert Flello (Stoke-on-Trent South), Caroline Flint (Don Valley), Paul Flynn (Newport West), Yvonne Fovargue (Makerfield), Hywel Francis (Aberavon), Mike Gapes (Ilford South), Sheila Gilmore (Edinburgh East), Pat Glass (Durham North West), Mary Glindon (Tyneside North), Paul Goggins (Wythenshawe & Sale East), Helen Goodman (Bishop Auckland), Tom Greatrex (Rutherglen & Hamilton West), Kate Green (Stretford & Urmston), Lilian Greenwood (Nottingham South), Nia Griffith (Llanelli), Andrew Gwynne (Denton & Reddish), Peter Hain (Neath), David Hamilton (Midlothian), Fabian Hamilton (Leeds North East), David Hanson (Delyn), Harriet Harman (Camberwell & Peckham), Dai Havard (Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney), Mark Hendrick (Preston), Stephen Hepburn (Jarrow), David Heyes (Ashton Under Lyne), Meg Hillier (Hackney South & Shoreditch), Julie Hilling (Bolton West), Margaret Hodge (Barking), Sharon Hodgson (Washington & Sunderland West), Jim Hood (Lanark & Hamilton East), George Howarth (Knowsley), Tristram Hunt (Stoke-on-Trent Central), Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore), Glenda Jackson (Hampstead & Kilburn), Sian James (Swansea East), Cathy Jamieson (Kilmarnock & Loudoun), Major Dan Jarvis (Barnsley Central), Diana Johnson (Hull North), Graham Jones (Hyndburn), Kevan Jones (Durham North), Susan Elan Jones (Clwyd South), Tessa Jowell (Dulwich & West Norwood), Eric Joyce (Falkirk), Sir Gerald Kaufman (Manchester Gorton), Barbara Keeley (Worsley & Eccles South), Elizabeth Kendall (Leicester West), Sadiq Khan (Tooting), David Lammy (Tottenham), Ian Lavery (Wansbeck), Mark Lazarowicz (Edinburgh North & Leith), Christopher Leslie (Nottingham East), Ivan Lewis (Bury South), Tony Lloyd (Manchester Central), Andy Love (Edmonton), Ian Lucas (Wrexham), Michael McCann (East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow), Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East), Gregg McClymont (Cumbernauld, Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch East), Siobhain McDonagh (Mitcham & Morden), Pat McFadden (Wolverhampton South East), Alison McGovern (Wirral South), Jim McGovern (Dundee West), Anne McGuire (Stirling), Ann McKechin (Glasgow North), Iain McKenzie (Inverclyde), Catherine McKinnell (Newcastle upon Tyne North), Fiona Mactaggart (Slough), Khalid Mahmood (Birmingham Perry Barr), Shabana Mahmood (Birmingham Ladywood), John Mann (Bassetlaw), Gordon Marsden (Blackpool South), Michael Meacher (Oldham West & Royton), Alan Meale (Mansfield), Ian Mearns (Gateshead), Alun Michael (Cardiff South & Penarth), David Miliband (South Shields), Ed Miliband (Doncaster North), Andrew Miller (Ellesmere Port & Neston), Madeleine Moon (Bridgend), Jessica Morden (Newport East), Graeme Morrice (Livingston), Grahame Morris (Easington), George Mudie (Leeds East), Jim Murphy (Renfrewshire East), Paul Murphy (Torfaen), Ian Murray (Edinburgh South), Lisa Nandy (Wigan), Pamela Nash (Airdrie & Shotts), Fiona O'Donnell (East Lothian), Chi Onwurah (Newcastle upon Tyne Central), Sandra Osborne (Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock), Albert Owen (Ynys Mon), Teresa Pearce (Erith & Thamesmead), Toby Perkins (Chesterfield), Stephen Pound (Ealing North), Yasmin Qureshi (Bolton South East), Nick Raynsford (Greenwich & Woolwich), Jamie Reed (Copeland), Rachel Reeves (Leeds West), Emma Reynolds (Wolverhampton North East), Jonathan Reynolds (Stalybridge & Hyde), Geoffrey Robinson (Coventry North West), Steve Rotheram (Liverpool Walton), Frank Roy (Motherwell & Wishaw), Lindsay Roy (Glenrothes), Chris Ruane (Vale of Clwyd), Joan Ruddock (Lewisham Deptford), Anas Sarwar (Glasgow Central), Alison Seabeck (Plymouth Moor View), Virendra Sharma (Ealing Southall), Barry Sheerman (Huddersfield), Jim Sheridan (Paisley & Renfrewshire North), Gavin Shuker (Luton South), Andy Slaughter (Hammersmith), Angela Smith (Penistone & Stocksbridge), Nick Smith (Blaenau Gwent), Owen Smith (Pontypridd), Mark Tami (Alyn & Deeside), Gareth Thomas (Harrow West), Emily Thornberry (Islington South & Finsbury), Stephen Timms (East Ham), Jon Trickett (Hemsworth), Karl Turner (Hull East), Derek Twigg (Halton), Stephen Twigg (Liverpool West Derby), Chuka Umunna (Streatham), Valerie Vaz (Walsall South), Tom Watson (West Bromwich East), Dave Watts (St Helens North), Alan Whitehead (Southampton Test), Malcolm Wicks (Croydon North), Chris Williamson (Derby North), Phil Wilson (Sedgefield), David Winnick (Walsall North), Rosie Winterton (Doncaster Central), John Woodcock (Barrow & Furness), Shaun Woodward (St Helens South & Whiston), David Wright (Telford), Iain Wright (Hartlepool).

50 Liberal Democrats opposed the motion: Danny Alexander (Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey), Norman Baker (Lewes), Sir Alan Beith (Berwick-upon-Tweed), Tom Brake (Carshalton & Wallington), Annette Brooke (Dorset Mid & Poole North), Jeremy Browne (Taunton Deane), Malcolm Bruce (Gordon), Paul Burstow (Sutton & Cheam), Lorely Burt (Solihull), Vincent Cable (Twickenham), Sir Menzies Campbell (Fife North East), Alistair Carmichael (Orkney & Shetland), Nick Clegg (Sheffield Hallam), Michael Crockart (Edinburgh West), Edward Davey (Kingston & Surbiton), Tim Farron (Westmorland & Lonsdale), Lynne Featherstone (Hornsey & Wood Green), Andrew George (St Ives), Stephen Gilbert (St Austell & Newquay), Duncan Hames (Chippenham), Nick Harvey (Devon North), David Heath (Somerton & Frome), John Hemming (Birmingham Yardley), Martin Horwood (Cheltenham), Simon Hughes (Bermondsey & Old Southwark), Chris Huhne (Eastleigh), Mark Hunter (Cheadle), Julian Huppert (Cambridge), Charles Kennedy (Ross, Skye & Lochaber), Norman Lamb (Norfolk North), David Laws (Yeovil), John Leech (Manchester Withington), Stephen Lloyd (Eastbourne), Tessa Munt (Wells), Alan Reid (Argyll & Bute), Dan Rogerson (Cornwall North), Bob Russell (Colchester), Sir Robert Smith (Aberdeenshire West & Kincardine), Andrew Stunell (Hazel Grove), Ian Swales (Redcar), Jo Swinson (Dunbartonshire East), Sarah Teather (Brent Central), John Thurso (Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross), David Ward (Bradford East), Steve Webb (Thornbury & Yate), Mark Williams (Ceredigion), Roger Williams (Brecon & Radnorshire), Stephen Williams (Bristol West), Jenny Willott (Cardiff Central), Simon Wright (Norwich South).

Three Plaid Cymru MPs opposed the motion: Jonathan Edwards (Carmarthen East & Dinefwr), Elfyn Llwyd (Dwyfor Meirionnydd), Hywel Williams (Arfon).

Three Social Democratic and Labour Party MPs opposed the motion: Mark Durkan (Foyle), Dr Alasdair McDonnell (Belfast South), Margaret Ritchie (Down South).

One Alliance MP opposed the motion: Naomi Long (Belfast East).

Sunday 23 October 2011

Why Shouldn’t We Whites Yell Racism Too?

Why Shouldn’t Whites Yell Racism Too?

By Southwest Nationalist.

News that 6 white police officers are to sue Scotland Yard over alleged racial discrimination against them is not a huge shock.

We’ve all known for years that white (and if you throw male, and heterosexual into the mix then you’re very bottom of the pile) is the most discriminated against group in our society, the group it seems fashionable to persecute and exclude at every opportunity.

“It was a black officer making an allegation against six white officers. If it had been a white officer making that allegation, then the matter would have been dealt with in-house there and then. That would have been the end of it” said retired Sergeant William Wilson.

“If there is any allegation by any black or ethnic minority person against white police officers, they have gone in completely the opposite direction to the point where it is actually the white officers getting discriminated against”

Of course. Whites are racist due to hatred, it’s ingrained in all of us, the only way to prove you are not racist is to savagely persecute other whites in glorious showtrials.

Minorities cannot be racist, it is racist to think they could be, we’ll hush it up. Racism is a crime which is only ever committed by whites against minorities.

The fact that there’s a Black Police Association but not a White Police Association, and any officer forming a White association would probably be kicked out for racism, certainly suggests that discrimination is at play.

Ditto with job advertisements where minorities are given a head start, a chance to be fast tracked, and the white male is told that they are not welcome.

What particularly interests me with this story though is that the whites are fighting back, suing, and alleging racial discrimination in return.

What a predicament for a race obsessed society where racism is seen everywhere, where it is the most heinous crime and guilt is usually assumed whether there is evidence or not.

If they do not investigate claims of racism against whites vigorously then they admit the system is, in itself, utterly discriminatory.

They have no choice but to investigate and take action, failure to do so would prove to the entire nation that racism, and other hate offences, created supposedly to end discrimination, are in fact founded on discrimination and applied in a discriminatory way.

That failure to act by the authorities, with accompanying publicity and media reports, would be a victory for all those who believe this politically correct system is a poisonous nightmare.

Or, they do act. It costs them money, and the system is already creaking. Some cases may well be won, legal admission that discrimination and institutional racism exists against white people. Again, a victory.

Instead of staying silent and allowing ourselves to be victims of this insane bureaucracy of discrimination, we should use it, use the enemies weapons against them, expose the whole rotten structure for what it is.

Why should we shy away from yelling ‘racism’ every time we feel discriminated against, why should we just shrug and bear it? Yelling racism at every opportunity seems to have worked very well for minorities.

We know nobody cares about us, the system is not meant to further us but rather to slap us down, but our complaining, and complaining often, leaves the system between a rock and a hard place.

It is win every time for us, even if it does no more than cost them a little time and money pretending to investigate and then telling us tough.

That’s how the whole racism system works – yell loud and yell often and people listen. Why shouldn’t we do the same?

Get complaining to the EHRC over everything we see around us that discriminates against whites, every time we feel the colour of our skin led to an unfavourable outcome for us then complain. Give Trevor and his race Gestapo a lot of extra work to do.

Sure beats sitting back and letting the race Gestapo hound us out of British life without us making so much as a whimper just in case it’s perceived as racist.


Saturday 22 October 2011

The BNP and the Death of Muhammad

The BNP and the Death of Muhammad PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow
October 2011

Gabriel_120_x_90So what have the British National Party to do with the dead paedophile and cult leader Muhammad? Well you will have to wait for for few paragraphs and I will tell you. Actually, it is more to do with some BNP supporters but we will get there.

Now it seems that Muhammad who communicated with God via the angel Gabriel had said that God would not allow him to be poisoned or harmed and yet his death was at the hands of a young Jewess who poisoned his and another's evening meal of leg of lamb (although some say it was actually goat meat), after Muhammad had slaughtered all her kin at a nearby Jewish village.

Now given he had said that God would warn him about poison attempts on his life, Muhammad clearly did not receive a sign from God and along with a guy named Bishr Ibn al Bara, started to eat the poisoned meat.

Muhammad it is said, put some of the meat into his mouth, chewed and then spat it out, saying something like; "This meat tastes like s***", although somewhere along the line that sentence was changed to read "Halt! Verily, its leg tells me that it is poisoned." - and he was right although why the leg of lamb waited until after Muhammad had eaten some of it before telling the prophet of God that it was poisoned is beyond me.

From Ibn Sa'd page 249:
The apostle of Allah and his companions ate from it. It (goat) said: "I am poisoned." He [Muhammad] said to his Companions, "Hold you hands! because it has informed me that it is poisoned!" They withdrew their hands, but Bishr Ibn al-Bara expired. The apostle of Allah sent for her (Jewess) and asked her, "What induced you to do what you have done?" She replied, "I wanted to know if you are a prophet, in that case it will not harm you and if you are a king, I shall relieve the people of you". He gave orders and she was put to death.

Now whilst Bishr died fairly rapidly (perhaps he was a fast eater), the paedophile prophet lingered on in pain for another three years before succumbing to the poison - so perhaps there is a God and he wanted the creature to suffer but who knows.

Well Muhmmad was not going to go and meet his God easily - perhaps he knew the stories he had been spinning to his cult followers were a pile of old crock.

He tried all sorts of cures, always ensuring that those giving him medicine swallowed it as well and also got his friendly angel Gabriel to pray for his cure with no success - God it seems was done with the old paedophile and Muhammad expired leaving a whole lot of trouble behind for us in the future.

So what happened when he popped his clogs? Well his followers were unsure what to do. They said, "no way is the prophet of God dead - he has just gone up to visit God and will be back to reoccupy his body after God has given him his instructions for the day" and so they settled down to wait.

Now here is where it gets interesting, or at least I thought so. Muhammad had been going around telling his cult followers that the bodies of True Prophets did not decompose but would stay radiant for ever and so you can imagine the shock of his followers when the body did start to rot and they were finally forced to bury the putrid mess, although some of his followers still insisted that he would be back if only they were to wait a bit longer.

And that my friends, is what got me to thinking about some of the BNP supporters who comment on this site and who are still clinging to the body of the British National Party long after it has been seen to be dead and rotting - they still ignore the stench of the party corruption and wait for something that is not coming. Bury it now and move on.