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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Asian Mafia Gangs in Bolton Hire Hitman to Commit Murder Against Rivals Trial

By Horwich Nationalists,

In the lastest Crimes involving Asian Mafia style Gangs in the Bolton area, a hitman was hired to commit murder in a Mafia style Hit against a Alledged rival the full story can be read in the Bolton Evening News it
That now make the streets of Bolton more like the Chicago of the 1920's and 30's.
Away from the above incident the question needs to be asked what is behind these Asian gang wars, could it be that the vast majority of the herion trade is brought into the UK and controlled by Asian gangs. most likely and our cowardly PC riddled politicians and Police are to afraid to takle the problem, by the fear of some haddled marxist screaming wacist at them. 
Also it must be added that these gangs as a sideline to their drugs business are targeting you white British Girls for prostitution, a fact that Nick Griffin MEP was taken to court for raisng the issue by the Liberal Marxist political elites, only to be aquitted by a jury of his peers as the evidence was overwhelming evidence that he brought to the case, and has again come to light by the Conviction of Derby Based Gang  that even the state controlled BBC has to now report to a limited extent.
So the facts appear to be that due to the Multi cultural society our streets are now being terroised not only on a cultural level through Jihadism, but also by Drug wars of these foriegners in our midst and their insastable sexual desire for our daughters. 
 Do not be mistaken, the Liberal elite that now pervades our political hierachy will do nothing through their fear of political correctness or hair brained do gooder shouting Waacissttt at them. The only solution to the present state of our society is that when or if you are still allowed to selct a political party that offers a real solution to this PC mess, it must be for the British national Party, the only party that is swirn to protect our people and especialy our women folk from all of the above.

All fish caught should be landed, " Past EU fishing rules have been appalling failures" Says Nick Griffin MEP

All fish caught should be landed

 NOVEMBER 2010: 
Nick Griffin spoke during a debate in the European Parliament on fisheries in the Bay of Biscay, the Baltic and the Atlantic.

 This is what the MEP for the North West of England told fellow MEPs.
"It is good that the European Union is trying to preserve endangered fish stocks. But before there is too much self-congratulation on these proposals, we must remember that many past EU fishing rules have been appalling failures.
Britain´s home waters have been fished to near extinction under European Fisheries policies. The reality is the protection of fish stocks is best left to local fishermen and national government marine scientists, not EU bureaucrats.
The advice from the men working in the broken remnants of Britain´s fishing fleets is simple: Scrap quota systems that lead to discards and highgrading (right), and replace them with weight-based catch limits so that all fish caught are landed for human consumption or for processing into animal and fish feed.
We need to replace the system of openly tradable quotas, and so stop financiers, supermarkets and the super rich from speculating in fishermen´s livelihoods.
Quotas of all kinds, and in whichever seas, should be owned by fishermen from ports with traditional connections to those waters, and be tradeable only between fishermen likewise entitled to fish by personal, family and community connections."

Ireland’s Debt Crisis: But What About the UK’s Hard Pressed Taxpayer?


Ireland’s Debt Crisis: But What About Britain’s?

Much current media attention is focused on the £7 billion extra which British taxpayers will have to stump up to bail out Ireland — but no-one has taken the time to look at Britain’s sovereign debt levels which are nearly identical to that of Ireland.
The debt crisis — caused largely by state bailouts of national banks which foolishly invested in the subprime housing market in America — has seen Ireland’s government deficit rise to 14.3 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Next on the list of countries to be hit, according to media, will be Spain (which has a deficit of 11.2 percent of GDP) and Portugal (which has a deficit of 9.4 percent of GDP).
The British government is magnanimously offering to help bail out Ireland, and under an already signed agreement, Britain can be required to offer guarantees to other EU countries until 2013.
This means that the British taxpayer could be called upon to pay up for the inevitable “crisis” in Portugal and Spain.
However, what the controlled media is till now ignoring is Britain’s deficit to GDP ratio, which is 12.6 percent — higher than both Spain and Portugal.
Britain’s national debt situation is even worse. The UK’s national debt is the total amount of money the British government owes to the private sector and other purchasers of UK gilts.
From figures published in October this year, UK public sector net debt was £952.8 billion, or 64.6 percent of GDP (Source: Office National Statistics).
The ONS says that “excluding financial sector intervention,” (i.e. the bank bailouts) public sector debt is £842.9 billion or 57.2 percent of GDP.
Furthermore, the ONS said, annual government borrowing for 2010/11 is forecast to be £149 billion or 12.6 percent of GDP.
These figures show that Britain's public finances are in fact worse than those of Greece, never mind Ireland. Greece’s deficit to GDP ratio was 12.7 percent when it was bailed out.
Yet still, by some twisted logic, the British taxpayer is still being made to subsidise Eurozone member nations, even when Britain is itself staggering on the brink of disaster and is not even a Eurozone member.
In fact, the only reason why Britain’s economy has not yet gone to the wall is because British debt is much longer term in nature, which makes “continual refinancing easier” — in other words, they can postpone the inevitable longer in Britain.
The British National Party views with sympathy all European nations who have been sucked into the EU swindle, our own folk included, and also those ordinary people who are now going to be punished to baling out the banksters and who must pay for the incompetence of their political rulers.
There is only one solution to the present problem: the voters of Britain, and all other European nations, must turn to nationalist parties in their countries to provide strong, independence-minded leadership and break the curse of globalisation which lies behind most of the crises we face.

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British National Party Surge in Interest & Inquiries since Poppy Burning Incident

British National Party Head Office Reports Upsurge in Inquiries since Poppy Burning Incident

There has been a “massive” upsurge in inquiries and interest in the British National Party since the outrageous ‘poppy burning’ incident last Remembrance Sunday, reports party office manager Jen Matthys.
Quoted in the latest appeal for funds sent out by the party, Ms Matthys said the “phones have not stopped ringing since last week.
“It has been one of the busiest times I can remember since the historic victory of our two MEPs. People are just so angry at the sight of Muslim extremists burning poppies and insulting our war dead,” Ms Matthys said.
The shocking events have provoked an outpouring of rage across the country, and the British National Party has proven to be the beneficiary as outraged members of the public turn to the party, understanding at last that is has been right all along.
“No doubt, like all right-thinking people you were outraged at press pictures of Muslim lunatics burning the poppy and interrupting the two minute silence to honour our war dead,” the latest BNP appeal letter, penned by party leader Nick Griffin, read.
“These people spit on the memory of all those who suffered in wars to maintain our freedom and independence. Those who endured the Blitz, who fought in foreign lands to keep our land safe, the victims of Nazi oppression, who we helped to save,” the letter continued.
“To the fanatics this counts for nothing. They are blinded by a hatred of our history and values. To us the poppy is a symbol of national unity. “When we look at it we remember and take pride in the sacrifice of our forebears, relatives, friends and loved ones who made sacrifices on our behalf.
“To our soldiers it is a time to remember fallen comrades fondly. Muslim fanatics are not like us. When they look at the poppy they see a symbol of their enemy, a symbol of the values they despise and reject.
“They destroyed a poppy, but really it is the values that it represents that they truly wish to trample on and destroy — our values.
“The British National Party understands their motivation and desires. We see clearly their purpose and have no illusions.
“The Political Class believe that these people can be appeased or absorbed but we realise that this will never happen. Muslim fanatics cannot be bargained with or bought off. They see this only as a sign of weakness, of decadence.
“There is only one political party that has the strength of will and purpose to defend against these wicked people with their twisted views.
“Only the British National Party can defend our culture, values and identity from Muslim aggression and establishment surrender.
“We are fighting for the very survival of our nation and our children’s future. Deep down ordinary folk, folk like you realise that we need champions to stand up for our rights and way of life.
“You realise that the Political Class has long ago abandoned any pretence that they care about us ordinary Britons. Hard working decent folk like you are at the very bottom of their list of priorities. The Political Class is as twisted as the Muslims fundamentalists they court and to which they pander,” Mr Griffin wrote.
“I value all those who are prepared to help me in the Crusade against those who reject and despise the country that has given them security, prosperity and refuge.
“They are the enemy within; a fifth column in our midst. People like you give me the faith to continue the struggle. You renew me and give me energy to fight the enemies of Britain.
“By my side stand ranks of good, committed patriots. People who love their country and will take action to defend it at all levels. Our MEPs, councillors, activists, trade unionists and community workers.
“All are part of an organisation with one goal — that of saving our land and people.
“You can be part of that even if you can’t join. Give them the weapons to wage this war. Send a donation — whatever you can afford:
– to help pay for leaflets to inform voters;
- to pay for travel to attend demonstrations and counter-demonstrations;
- to keep the infrastructure that runs our party machine going;
- to pay for us to visit those who need our help or advice.
“Remember the images of the Poppy burners, the hatred in the eyes of the fanatics and say ‘enough is enough.’ Anything you can send to help us will be appreciated,” Mr Griffin concluded.
or ring our new national inquiry line 0844 8094581

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

EHRC UK Govt Quango Has Spent £25 Million in Three Years on “Equalities” Swindles

EHRC Has Spent £25 Million in Three Years on “Equalities” Swindles

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has spent at least £25 million of its £210 million taxpayer-funded budget over the last three years on organisations promoting lesbian, homosexual, transgender, refugee, black, and ethnic interests – but nothing on heterosexual white British people.
A British National Party investigation into the EHRC’s budget has revealed that the astonishing outlays by the EHRC, which include huge sums to organisations that are blatantly only for nonwhites, come at a time when British people struggle to cope with rising unemployment, redundancies and cuts in critical public services.
Here are just a few examples of the projects funded by the EHRC over the past three years, and the amounts given:
Derbyshire Friend Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender LGBT £393,200
The Lesbian Gay Foundation LGF £264,789
The Runnymede Trust Promoting MultiEthnic Britain £235,000
Preston Western Lancashire Racial Equality Council £225,775
Barking and Dagenham Racial Equality Council £210,000
Preston W. Lancs Racial Equality Council £123,500
EACH Ethnic Alcohol Counselling in Hounslow £120,000
London Discrimination Unit £120,000
Ethnic Minorities Law Centre £90,000
Race Equality Action for Lewisham (REAL) £79,600
Ethnic Minorities Law Centre £78,000
Tameside Racial Equality Council Ltd.The Equality and Diversity Centre £78,000
Leeds Racial Equality Council £74,000
Bristol Lesbian Gay Bisexual Forum £70,000
Peterborough Race Equality Council £66,000
Hounslow Racial Equality Council £65,500
Haringey Racial Equality Council £57,000
Oldham Race Equality Partnership £45,000
Bolton Racial Equality Council £40,000
Ealing Racial Equality Council £40,000
Enfield Racial Equality Council £40,000
Hounslow Racial Equality Council £40,000
Kingston Racial Equality Council £40,000
Multi ethnic Aberdeen Limited £ £40,000
Northamptonshire Racial Equality Council £40,000
Oxfordshire Racial Equality Council £40,000
The Lesbian and Gay Foundation £39,818
Bexley Council for Racial Equality £38,000
Bedford Racial Equality Council £38,000
North West Kent Racial Equality Council £38,000
Slough Race Equality Council £37,600
Bury Metro Racial Equality Council £37,500
North of England Refugee Service £37,500
All Wales Ethnic Minority Association AWEMA £35,000
Bath North East Somerset Racial Equality Council £35,000
Black Minority Ethnic Carers Support Service £35,000
Black Training and Enterprise Group BTEG £35,000
Centre for Equality and Diversity £35,000
Consortium of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender voluntary and Community Organisations £35,000
Cultural CoOperation £35,000
East Staffordshire Racial Equality Council £35,000
Furness Multicultural Community Forum £35,000
Greenwich Council for Racial Equality £35,000
Hillingdon Race Equality Council LTD £35,000
Kirklees Racial Equality Council £35,000
Medway Racial Equality Council £35,000
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Racial Equality Council £35,000
Plymouth and District Racial Equality Council £35,000
Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance REMA £35,000
The Black and Minority Ethnic Young Peoples Project BMEYPP £35,000
Ipswich and Suffolk Council For Racial Equality £32,100
Essex Racial Equality Council £31,200
Rights and Equality West Midlands £30,000
SexYOUality £30,000
Harrow Council For Racial Equality £29,300
MOSAIC Black Mixed Parentage Family Group £28,126
DHIVERSE £28,056
Haringey Racial Equality Council £27,835
Hammersmith Fulham Black Minority £26,245
Ethnic Network HF BMEN £26,245
Black Community Development Project £25,000
Pakistan Community Association and Multicultural Advice Centre £20,060
North Yorkshire Black and Minority Ethnic Strategy Board £17,800
Meanwhile, white British people have to bear the brunt of massive cuts to their frontline services, and crucial public services such as the police and National Health Service have been seriously affected.
The Greater Manchester Police Authority (GMPA) have been told to cut £134 million from its budget and are preparing to cut 3,000 jobs as a result.
An estimated 1,387 officers 1,557 civilian posts will be axed due to the cuts leaving Greater Manchester without a major frontline policing operation.
The ConDems regime is also planning to axe 27,000 nurses from the NHS, which will result in increased waiting lists putting vulnerable people at risk, many of whom are still waiting for operations.
The BNP is appalled that as the British people struggle through the recession, suffer rising unemployment, forced redundancies, and cuts in public services, the EHRC can consume £210 million of taxpayer's money in the three years since 2007.
Earlier this year, it was revealed that the EHRC gave severance pay amounting to £629,276 to seven staff members — and then immediately rehired them at a cost of £338,708.
The BNP reiterates its pledge to abolish groups like the EHRC and stop the criminal waste of taxpayer's money on politically correct projects. 
David Hannam's blog can be found here.
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The British National Party Represented at Major Political Rally in France

BNP Represented at Major Political Rally in France

The British National Party’s South East of England press officer, Tim Rait, represented the party at last weekend’s major rally by supporters of Bruno Gollnisch of France’s Front National, reports our French correspondent.
Mr Rait spoke on behalf of the British National Party’s chairman, who had been invited but was unable to attend because of prior commitments.
The rally was held at the estate of Villepreux in the countryside near Versailles, about 25 miles from Paris.
The event, which was called La Grande Fete Patriotique, was held at a superb and beautiful historic property which provided a large hall suitable for a grand assembly of supporters of M Gollnisch ahead of the forthcoming voting within the Front National for the presidency and leadership of the party.
This has become necessary as that party’s workhorse leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, 82, prepares to retire. M Le Pen founded the FN and has been its leader since 1972.
Mr Rait, who spoke in perfect French, delivered a message of support for M Gollnisch, who is a Member of the European Parliament and is currently the deputy leader of the Front National.
Also speaking at the event were MEPs from Austria and Hungary, and representatives from political parties in Italy and Portugal, all of whom expressed their support.
“M Gollnisch explained his intentions for the party in an entirely positive manner and refrained from any actual criticism of Ms Marine Le Pen, who is the other candidate in the forthcoming leadership contest,” Mr Rait said.
“The event was attended by about 1,500 people during the afternoon, to whom I presented my speech. This was then followed by a dinner for over 500 guests in the evening.
“A press conference also took place with the national press there, at which M Gollnisch spoke of his future plans and policies for the party.”
Afterwards, Mr Rait was interviewed by a journalist from one of the French national papers and was invited to explain his reasons for supporting M Gollnisch.
“We have known Bruno for several years,” Mr Rait told the newspaper.
“He has a strong record of working for the patriotic cause, is extremely competent and highly qualified, in both law and languages, and works well in the European parliament with us and other patriots from various countries.”

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The British Foreign Aid Budget Will Total £50.8 Billion by 2014

Foreign Aid Budget Will Total £50.8 Billion by 2014

British taxpayers will be forced to hand over £50.8 billion in foreign aid handouts to the Third World by 2014, which translates to 61 percent of the total “spending review” cuts announced by the Government this year.
The shocking figure, which comes at a time when British people face massive front line service cuts at home which will plunge millions into unemployment and poverty, was contained in a press release cunningly issued by the Department for International Development (DFID) on Saturday, so as to miss most of the media’s attention.
The press release announced that the total foreign aid budget would reach the targeted 0.7 percent of Gross National Income (GNI) by 2013.
This would mean a yearly spend of £12.6 billion, the DFID said. Earlier, the British National Party had predicted that the total spend would be of the order of £13 billion, based on GNI figures from 2007.
According to the DFID, the increased spending is “in line with the UK's international commitments to help those living in extreme poverty in our world.  Over the course of the Spending Review period, the Department for International Development will increase resource spending by 35 percent in real terms, and increase capital spending by 20 percent in real terms.”
This means that the foreign aid budget will be £8.4 billion in 2010, £8.7 billion in 2011, £9.1 billion in 2012, £12.0 billion in 2013, and £12.6 billion in 2014.
Added together, this means that the British taxpayer will hand over £50.8 billion by the year 2014.
Furthermore, the DFID said, aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan would be increased from 22 percent to 30 percent of the total aid spend by 2014, “in line with the Strategic Defence and Security Review” to subsidise “conflict-affected states.”
Both of those nations are “conflict-affected” because of the insane and criminal war which the previous Labour regime, supported by the Tories, launched in Pakistan.
The massive £50 billion represents over 61 percent of what has been cut off the UK’s internal front line services budget to “bring down the deficit” as clear a case of the British people being put last as any.
* The Tory minister in charge of handing out British tax money, Andrew Mitchell, told a briefing in London last week that the British government (i.e. the taxpayer) would part fund two “new public-private partnership funds to promote generation of renewable energy in Africa and Asia.”
According to Mr Mitchell, the fund will “target low-carbon energy and related investments in Asia” which might, or might not, refer to giving even more money to China to try and bring its rampant pollution under control.
According to the DFID, “early modelling of the Asian fund suggests that it could bring 9 pounds of private sector investment for every pound committed by the government.”
The DFID has refused to say how much the new scheme is going to cost British people, but in its spending review in October, the ConDem regime said it would provide £2.9 billion pounds of international climate finance to 2015.

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BNP Leader Nick Griffin Attacks Twinings Tea’s “Mad Insult” against British Workers

BNP Leader Attacks Twinings Tea’s “Mad Insult” against British Workers

Twinings Tea have committed a “mad insult” against its British workers by telling them to train up their Polish replacements ahead of an EU-funded move of their factory to Poland, British National Party leader Nick Griffin has said.
Writing in a letter directed to existing BNP members asking them to renew their membership, Mr Griffin asked if he was the “only one who thinks this is madness, an insult?
“Tea is said to be our national drink. Twinings even supplies tea to the Queen. Founded in London in 1706 it has a long and proud British heritage,” Mr Griffin wrote.
“But Twinings are using taxpayers’ money to move British jobs to Poland. The tea company was given a £10 million European grant — partly funded by the British purse — for a new factory in Eastern Europe.
“The firm’s North Tyneside headquarters will close with the loss of 286 jobs. I have demanded that the £10 million grant be withdrawn from the firm,” he continued.
“Twinings has broken European Commission rules that ban any EU money being used to move jobs across the continent. I am frankly disgusted with firms like Twinings and Cadburys.
“They trade on their British roots but care little about our people. These greedy swine cannot wait to move our jobs to cheap labour countries to get more profit,” Mr Griffin said, adding that the move showed the urgent need for economic nationalism.
“We need to protect our industries and services so that our youngsters have a future with decent jobs. Only the British National Party says this.”
Mr Griffin said that workers at the Twinings plant, in North Shields, were even asked to train their Polish replacements before they leave their posts.
“Am I the only one who thinks this is madness, an insult?” he said.
The letter went on to point out that only the British National Party “speaks out for our workers and people. Labour has long ago betrayed the ordinary British worker and has become part of the Political Class they once despised,” Mr Griffin wrote.
“If we aren’t around to speak out and campaign against the export of our jobs, who else will — the Tories, the Lib Dems? Like Labour they are in the pockets of Big Business.”
The BNP leader pointed out that the party does not get huge handouts from big business as a reward for “towing their line.
“We rely simply on the generosity of ordinary people who like what we have to say and what we are trying to achieve. We are financed mainly by membership subscriptions and donations,” Mr Griffin said.
“Folk like you who join us so that we can speak out and fight for what they want. Please rejoin the British National Party today. We need you. Your country needs you,” the letter concluded.

Hard-leftist George Galloway attacks Tommy Robinson of the EDL

George Galloway attacks Tommy Robinsonof the EDL
Written by Finlandia   
  November 2010 
The other evening (Friday 19th November) on Talksport radio, former MP George Galloway interviewed the leader of the English Defence League, the young man who goes by the name of Tommy Robinson.

Mr Galloway, you may recall, is the self-promoting, Scottish hard-leftist and alleged supporter of Hamas, who first achieved notoriety following a 1994 visit to Baghdad, when he addressed murderous dictator Saddam Hussein:
"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability." Expelled from the Labour Party in 2003, "the member for Baghdad North" went on to set up the Respect Party, which has been roundly snubbed by voters, who know a charlatan when they see one.

The Talksport interview was a masterclass in loud-mouthed arrogance, as Galloway repeatedly interrupted and shouted over Robinson, telling him to "shut up" at least half a dozen times. I (like many other listeners, I'm sure) was curious to hear what Mr Robinson might have to say, but he just wasn't given a chance.

If Galloway showed little Respect to his guest, he did betray an ignorance – shared by many established politicians – of the significance of the phenomenal rise of the EDL since its formation in early 2009. Anyone who still doubts that significance need only look at the faces in the videos of the marches and rallies that have taken place around the country since the League was formed less than two years ago. What is utterly compelling about those faces is not that they are mostly white (they are), nor that they belong mainly to young, working class men (they do), but that they are glowing with pride and self-belief. When was the last time we saw such a thing in England?

For longer than I can recall, the political establishment – whilst applying every trick of social engineering, every financial incentive and crooked educational preference to boost the success and self-esteem of "oppressed" minorities – has simultaneously cursed and kicked the "dole-scrounging", "racist", "knuckle-dragging" working class into a corner, like a mangy, unwanted dog. ("Knuckle-dragger" was just one of the charmless epithets that Galloway spat at Robinson.)

What a delight it is to see that maligned British bulldog finally emerging from the shadows to piss on the feet of his disdainful and controlling masters, and to defiantly bare his teeth at those who would threaten his very survival!

The English Defence League's overriding purpose was succinctly stated by Tommy Robinson in September last year, during the (now legendary) Nazi-flag-burning press conference:

"We're doing it to stand up against Islamic extremists, who have been unchallenged in our country for ten to fifteen years. They're recruiting on our streets, in our universities and our colleges, and the government are doing nothing about it. And to be honest, we don't feel the Islamic community are doing anything about it.... We will stand up against Islamic extremists in the country – that's the message we're sending out.... We will peacefully protest, but we will not be scared into silence."

The point about government inaction was a telling one, for the EDL probably owes its existence to the appeasement policies of successive British governments, which have allowed extremists to spread hate-filled anti-Western bigotry with impunity, and have allowed (by abandonment of immigration controls) the establishment here of intransigent ethnic enclaves and unknown numbers of jihadi terror cells. I believe that most EDL members have a better understanding of the true danger of militant Islam than most elected politicians.

Even if we don't like their methods (and I don't, particularly), we must concede that the EDL is a genuine grass-roots movement (unlike Galloway's Respect Party). And it is bringing forth a new generation of working class leaders of the kind that Labour and the unions used to produce years ago, before they were hijacked by public school Trotskyites. These young men may be raw and inexperienced, but they are learning, and some of them, I have no doubt, will occupy centre stage in years to come.

Tommy Robinson claims that, for his efforts, he and his family have been subjected to a Stasi-style campaign of police intimidation and harassment. Nevertheless the League continues to grow and to improve its organisation, and has recently begun to develop international connections, for example with the American Tea Party movement.

But its weakness as a political organisation (if that's what it is, or wants to be) is its single-issue focus, its lack of broader political objectives, and its lack of a positive philosophy or ideology. Whilst the camaraderie of the crowd and the adrenaline rush of street confrontation with UAF activists may be potent attractions for some disaffected young people, they don't constitute a base for the establishment of an effective political force.

(I'm not sure what to make of the League's vaunted commitment to multi-culturalism, as exemplified by its establishment of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Division, reputed to be more than one hundred strong. This could be a genuine commitment to diversity and equality, or perhaps a fear of being called "bigots", or maybe just a desire to secure the broadest possible base of support.)

If the rise of the organisation (and its counterparts, the Scottish Defence League and Cymru Defence League) is historically important, as I believe it is, and if the organisation taps into a huge well of righteous energy, as I think it does, then mainstream political parties ought to consider carefully their own relation to it. To dismiss the EDL as a collection of football hooligans would be a mistake, because they are more than that.

Between the Defence Leagues and the British National Party there appears to be much common ground. Whilst the Leagues have been able to mobilise hitherto passive sectors of the population (and are showing encouraging signs of being able to contain violent or lawbreaking tendencies), the BNP has acquired political expertise and maturity over many years, and a level of mainstream appeal (including a more inclusive membership policy) that will be necessary precursors to a major electoral breakthrough.

For these reasons, I hope that the organisations are talking to each other.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Nick Griffin's MEP Climate Change speech flagged up on award winning website

Climate Change speech flagged up on award winning website

NOVEMBER 2010: ONE of America's foremost Climate Change sceptics regularly views Nick Griffin's MEP website to see what he is saying in the European Parliament on the subject.

 Anthony Watts (right), a former television meteorologist who spent 25 years on the air and who also operates a weather technology and content business, has a skeptical view of CO2-driven global warming.
His website Watts Up With That has been described as the "world's most viewed climate website" and in 2008 it won the internet voting-based "Best Science Blog" Wizbang Weblog Award.
Back in June, Anthony Watts flagged up on his website one of Nick's speeches in the European Parliament on Climate Change. It was when the MEP for the North West of England warned that Climate Change scepticism could soon be a criminal offence within the EU.
"I wonder if we will see some of our nemesis bloggers denounced this? I certainly do," he announced, carrying a link to Nick's speech.
This exchange of ideas upset fanatics in the Climate Change lobby who denounced Anthony Watts as promoting the British National Party.
"While I have a skeptical view of certain climate issues, I consider myself 'green' and promote the idea of energy savings and alternate energy generation," Mr Watts responded on his website.
"Unlike many who just talk about it, I’ve put a 10KW solar array on my home, retrofitted it with CFL’s and better insulation, as well as installing timer switches on many of our most commonly used lights. I also drive an electric car for my daily around town routine."

March of the Euro Police - The Mail Newspapers finally catches up with the BNP

March of the Euro Police - The Mail finally catches up with the BNP Print
Written by Green Arrow   
  November 2010
egf_logo_120_x_120First I read the report on a Mail on Sunday investigation on what they term an "alarming array of new EU controls over justice" that none in Our Country has ever voted for.  I then thought, "wow these boys are really on the ball" and clicking to their next online headline, I fully expected them to be breaking the news about the Relief of Mafeking, so up to date are the lazy mail on reporting what is happening in the world.
In the article, they finally report, as well as writing about the shameful European Arrest Warrants - which means that Britons  who have been been tried and convicted in their absence by a foreign court can be extradited for "offences" that are not even a crime in Our Country - they also report on the setting up the European Gendarmerie Force that is made up of non British Citizens, who will be allowed to operate in what was the UK with Diplomatic Protection, which means they can effectively break our laws and jaws with impunity.
  • Europol’s officers have diplomatic immunity in UK and cannot be touched by our judges
  • An 800-strong paramilitary force has been trained and armed for ‘expeditionary’ missions
  • British citizens can be seized in UK and sent to foreign jails without appeal
So how far behind is the Mail in reporting on this news and just how "exclusive" is it? Well this sites first home, warned about what would happen if the Queen committed treason by signing the European Constitution back in June 2007 when I wrote.
Even now, the Eurabian Gestapo called the E.G.F. are training in Vicenza, Italy and when the new powers that are in the process of being passed are signed, detachments of this elite, armed force can and will be stationed in Our Country. An army of occupation.
Of course the Queen ratified the treaty, which must have made the first Queen Elizabeth spin in her grave, that a Queen of England could betray her people. But back to the story.

I again wrote about the mandate of the untouchable EGF in September 2007:
  • performing security and public order missions;
  • monitoring of and advice for local police in their day-to-day work, including criminal investigation work;
  • conducting public surveillance, border policing and general intelligence;
  • performing criminal investigation work, covering detection of offences, tracing of offenders and their transfer to the appropriate judicial authorities;
  • protecting people and property and keeping order in the event of public disturbances;
  • training of police officers as regards international standards;
  • training of instructors, particularly through co-operation programmes.
As you will see, if you follow the above link the EGF are desperate to "blood" themselves and their European Masters are looking for an opportunity to deploy them - probably the UK.
In February 2008, I am again forced to return to the story when I learn that Bob Spink MP, in a Commons debate (Hansard, col 188) prior to the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon asked Miliband for an assurance that the Eurogendarmerie will never be allowed into the UK.  Read the link, especially the bit about Turkey, I then went on to write (boy do I write a lot).
Indeed the Portuguese EU Presidency’s website, announcing the signing of this Treaty, stated that Turkey had already shown interest. So when the EGF does come over to Britain, we could find ourselves being policed by Turks in EU uniform. Even if they are excluded from being full members of the EU because their human rights record is not good enough, and torture in Turkish police stations is reported to be commonplace, the Turks are evidently considered good enough to be recruited as policemen to police us.

Please note - these are not soldiers, they are European riot-control policemen. They are actually members of the Spanish Guardia Civil as you can see from the flashes on their left shoulders, and it is written on the flak jacket of the man standing on the left of the picture, but if you look at their right upper arms you will just glimpse the royal-blue armband of the European Gendarmerie Force - which has as its emblem a circle of little yellow stars, and in the middle a "sword and a flaming grenade, symbolising the common military root of European police" (this logo and the armband are fully explained on their website).
And again, in June 2008, the Green Arrow is publishing another article in after copying a really informative and frightening comment discovered in the Sunday Express entitled This is only The Beginning - which I urge you to read.

So it is a pity that the Mail had not published their "news exclusive" back in 2007 when the BNP and this site were trying to wake up the people before the European Treason Treaty was ratified.  But I suppose better late than never.  Remember if you want to learn the truth as it happens, then check out the patriotic sites that support the British National Party.

Whilst here I might as well plug our donations link.  You want the truth to keep coming, then help keep this site going and expand.  Please donate what you can.

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The EU or EUSSR The Game Plan

The Game Plan
Written by Albion   
  November 2010
As the rampant spread of a bacterial infection is a direct result of an undressed wound, a simile would be the effect of social upheaval within the EU’s federated states sphere of influence caused by the huge movement of people from the very poor EU countries to richer countries this is further exacerbated by the interference in the internal affairs of European sovereign states by the United Nations.
The long term evil aspirations of the European Union of Socialist States and Regions (EUSSR) and the United Nations born of the League of Nations, are identical, in that it has less to do with democracy, human rights, close economic co-operation and financial ties but more to do with the eventual creation of a one Europe. The EU by default because of open European borders funnel the poor of Europe into the richer EU satellites countries and the UN funnel all the third world flotsam into the first world.

Their Marxist theory is that nation states create national tensions, destroy Nationalism and the wars that have plagued Europe for centuries will cease, that is the reason that any political party that is opposed to the wanton destruction of nation states will be confronted head on by the leaders of the Socialist States Presidium situated in Brussels, The Hague, Geneva and Amsterdam, the gloves are off and true democracy ceases to exist. It is in its full momentum, nothing will be allowed to stop it now, and it’s been too long in the planning.The Marxist game plan for Europe is that Nationalism will never again be allowed to flourish.
I have lifted a few passages from the CIB booklet. The CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) is a non political pressure group and calls for open democratic debate on Great Britain’s future within Europe and for a referendum as is our lawful right when there are changes to our constitution.
The seriousness of the situation is not so much the changes to our constitution that have taken place but rather the replacement of our constitution by the EU constitution or Lisbon Treaty as it is more commonly known, without a democratic referendum by the people. I want to show the skulduggery that has taken place to achieve this situation in this country and in Europe.
The CIB might appear to take a one issue stance but they must realise, without falling into the political trap of siding with anything that remotely smacks of Nationalism, that with self government all issues detrimental to this counties future will not be decided by 27 mostly poor countries in Europe.
With self government we call the tune, we decide who enters this country and who we can deport, and the CIB have no need to touch on rampant immigration that is slowly destroying the social cohesiveness in this country as once we have self government that enormous problem will self-heal once we remove ourselves from this dictatorship. The comments that follow have been mouthed by Marxist EU leaders in the past; they show the Marxist/Socialist true aims concerning the reformation of Europe by stealth that have been taking place since the war.
I particularly like this one mouthed by a Ruiz Jarabo Colomer, Advocate of the EU Court of Justice (who you might ask?) giving his opinion on the 19th October 2000.
“Criticism of the EU is akin to blasphemy and can be restricted without affecting freedom of speech”
Note he was not talking about religious blasphemy referring to the non-belief in God or Allah but the blasphemy of criticising the EU.
Marxism is to atheism as Nationalism is to loyalty to ones country. Marxists do not recognise any religions or religious beliefs, so blasphemy to a Marxist does not relate to any deity. If religion and Marxism are to be spoken in one breath it is the destruction of nation states that is the Holy Grail of Marxism. You may remember Salmon Rushdie was accused of blasphemy for the true criticism of Islam, not of Allah.
Read this gem by Peter Thornycroft later chancellor of the exchequer of the CONservative party:
“No government dependent on a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrifice that any adequate plan must evolve. The British people must be led slowly and unconsciously into the abandonment of their traditional economic defences
This is just one British political leader giving judgment on the UK’s future.
This revelation came as a surprise from Dr Richard Aldridge BBC radio 4 Feb 2000 ‘Document.; a letter to the times,

"I was absolutely astonished to discover that the library of Georgetown University, Washington had the entire archive of a CIA front organization which documents from start to finish funnelling millions of dollars into Europe and Britain… The whole accounting structure of the European Movement was designed to hide the fact that CIA money was coming in’
I will finish with this admission of a subterfuge in an article in La Stampa in Feb 2000 in an interview with Barbara Speninelli headed,
Amato said "Europe does not need a Sovereign’ however daring a political project might be it must be hidden, camouflaged. One must act ‘as if’ in Europe, ‘as if’ nations wanted a very few things in order to obtain a great deal. ‘As if’ nations were to remain sovereign in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty. The Commission in Brussels, for example must act ‘as if’ it were a technical organ in order to operate like a government, that sovereignty lost on a national level does not pass to any new individual. It is entrusted to a faceless entity….eventually the EU. The EU is the vanguard of this changing world …The new entity is faceless and those in command can neither be identified nor elected. All we need are a few corrections here and there along with a great deal of cunning”
This is the nation wrecking treachery that the British national Party and Nationalists throughout Europe must face.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Nick Griffin in the Houses of Parliament Climate Change Group Meeting

Nick Griffin in the Houses of Parliament

NOVEMBER 2010: NICK Griffin MEP attended an All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group meeting in a Committee Room of the Houses of Parliament yesterday evening to discuss a new approach to Climate Change & Resource Depletion.

 On the agenda was the cyclic conversion of carbon emissions into threatened carbon-based resources in order to ensure our food, water and energy security. Proponents hope this could be the basis of a new global industry which restores, rather than depletes or pollutes, our environment and resource base.
Amongst the speakers at the meeting were John Harmer, the Met Office's Chief Adviser to the Government and Dr David Bellamy OBE.
The invitation to MEP said that its was an opportunity to meet and network with a diverse group of politicians, academics, industry leaders, oil companies, foreign agencies, environmental groups, grant-making trusts, charities, youth representatives, general public and the media.
Nick said that the proposals were interesting - and heartening. The told the organisers of the meeting:
"So far I've spent a year on the European Parliament's Environmental Committee, listening in near despair as people have waffled on with unscientfiic hysteria about how the world's greatest fertiliser, carbon dioxide, is drowning polar bears and killing forests, and how the problem will be cured by high-tech industrial fixes such as electric cars, wind farms and solar power generation systems which are all dependent on Rare Earth Minerals that are already running out.
"It's a breath of fresh air to read of solutions that involve resources that actually exist, being used in a sustainable way that would benefit local communities instead of multi-national corporations. Most of all, while carbon cycling would help with AGW (if it exists) the proposals would also help address other absolutely real problems, particularly desertification, hunger-driven migration and Peak Oil (an issue which my party and I have championed for some eight years now).
"So congratulations, and I look forward to learning more, and perhaps trying to get your ideas pushed in the European Parliament."

Ethnically Cleansed Britain: 40,000 BC — 2066 AD RIP the British People

Ethnically Cleansed Britain: 40,000 BC — 2066 AD RIP

Official population figures have confirmed that the British National Party is right: given current demographic trends, the British people are going to become a minority in their own country within the next 50 years.
The prediction, contained in an article in the latest issue of Prospect magazine, was made by Oxford demography Professor David Coleman.
He analysed figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to show that at current immigration levels, the proportion of the white British-born population will fall from 80 per cent to 59 per cent by 2051.
"On those assumptions the 'white British' population would decline to 45 million by 2051,” Professor Coleman wrote.
“Were the assumptions to hold, the 'white British' population of Britain would become the minority after about 2066.”
Importantly, he added that this was a “milestone that would be passed much earlier in younger age groups."
Professor Coleman also said that even if net immigration was reduced to 80,000 a year, white Britons would still be outnumbered by 2080.
This mirrors precisely what the British National Party has been saying all along: that mass Third World immigration, combined with dramatically higher immigrant birth rates, will see British people ethnically cleansed from the land that their forefathers have inhabited for the last 40,000 years.
That analysis, conducted on government statistics, showed that ethnic “minorities” accounted for 22 percent of pupils at primary school, an increase of 2 percent from the previous year.
The 2 percent per year increase in ethnic “minority” pupils was replicated at secondary level schools, which in 2006 rose to 17.7 percent. Discounting increased immigration and using a straight 2 percent growth rate per year, the 2006 figures mean that this year (2010) some 32 percent of all primary school pupils are of ethnic “minority” origin.
Using the same calculation of a 2 percent growth rate, the 2006 figures mean that the 2010 secondary school ethnic “minority” pupil rate is now 27 percent. Given this growth rate, white British children will become an absolute minority in British schools by the year 2021, when the “ethnic “minority” levels will reach over 50 percent.
The conclusions by Professor Coleman now give official establishment confirmation to the BNP predictions — and they also make a mockery of the “immigration cap” announcement by the government’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC).
In a report issued today, the MAC said that immigration levels needed to be cut by up to 25 percent if the government was to achieve its goal of “bringing immigration down to “tens of thousands” per year by 2015.
The immigration cap nonsense has been proven to be a hoax over and over again, with a House of Commons report showing that even if fully implemented, it would affect only 20 percent of overall gross immigration.
According to the MAC proposal, which is likely to become government policy, the number of visas for skilled workers with job offers and highly skilled workers should drop to between 37,400 and 43,700 for 2011/12.
This figure does not include the 40,000 Indian IT workers which the government has already agreed to take each year in terms of the secretly negotiated EU/India free trade deal.
These figures show that even if the MAC policy is implemented, it will make little difference to the end result: British people are still on track to be marginalised, out bred and finally ethnically cleansed in their own country.
The only way that this disaster can be avoided is for the British people to stand up before it is too late, and demand the right to be British in Britain.
This will entail halting and reversing the immigration invasion which stands poised to utterly and irrevocably wipe our nation from the map of history. The British National Party truly represents our nation’s last hope.
Will you play your part?
Proven correct recommended reading:
The Immigration Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World and What Must be Done to Stop It
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It shows that, if left unchecked, the First World will be overrun within the next 50 years.
Click here to order online or call 0871 0500 242 office hours.

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Saturday, 20 November 2010

France – Token Ethnic minority women sacked from cabinet as Sarkozy moves to right

France – Ethnic minority women sacked from cabinet as Sarkozy moves to right

France – Ethnic minority women sacked from cabinet as Sarkozy moves to right

It seems to me that the useless marxists who write for The Guardian have spent so much time with Trevor Phillips and the EHRC that they have lost the plot.
They are quite happy to see the British National Party sued by the EHRC on the grounds that our constitution discriminates against non-whites, even though they know that there is not a long queue of ethnics wanting to join.
However their racist nonsense is now directed against France, they are complaining that the French government has become more white and more rightwing in a reshuffle that included the sacking of two ministers handpicked by Nicolas Sarkozy to bring ethnic diversity to the cabinet.
Senegalese-born Rama Yade, the sports minister, and Fadéla Amara, the minister for urban policies, lost their jobs in the shake-up which also signalled an end to the French president’s policy of “openness” to his political opponents and to racial minorities.
Less than two years ago, Sarkozy declared: “The diversity at the bottom of the country must be illustrated by diversity at the head of the country. This is not a choice, this is an obligation.”
That obligation went by the board in Sunday’s long expected reshuffle – it was announced almost five months ago. The prime minister, François Fillon, was reappointed, and the French administration moved further to the right.
Yade, 33, was one of the so-called Sarkozettes, seven women given ministerial posts after Sarkozy’s presidential victory in 2007. Their appointment was to fulfil his election vow to introduce “positive discrimination French-style” and to reflect the diversity of modern France.
Yade, while hugely popular with the public, fell out of favour with the president for not toeing the official line on several occasions, including the time she criticised Sarkozy’s decision to invite the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, to Paris on a state visit. She also refused his offer of a European parliament job.
Amara, 46, a once outspoken French feminist and former president of the organisation Ni Putes Ni Soumis (Neither Whores Nor Doormats), is a Muslim born to Algerian parents. She was appointed junior minister for urban policies in 2007. Her main job was to devise a “Marshall plan” for France’s troubled city suburbs, but she found herself rapidly sidelined.
The third symbolic appointment, Rachida Dati, who was made justice minister, the first Frenchwoman of Algerian and Moroccan roots to hold a top post in government, also fell out of favour with Sarkozy and was packed off to the European parliament in June last year.
In Sunday’s reshuffle French diversity was represented far down the political pecking order by Jeannette Bougrab, of Algerian parentage and a former president of the country’s anti-discrimination and equality authority, who is the newly appointed junior minister for youth, and by Nora Berra, 47, who has north African roots, and was appointed junior minister for sport.
Patrick Lozés, president of the Representative Council for Black Associations, wrote in his blog on the Nouvel Observateur site: “This is a sad day for diversity. I particularly regret the departure of Rama Yade from the government. Her leaving is a heavy symbol for all French from visible minorities.”
He said the appointment of Bougrab was a blow to his organisation. “It’s not a matter for celebration,” he wrote.
Female politicians fared slightly better: six of the 15 cabinet posts are now held by women, one fewer than in Sarkozy’s first government in 2007. The recruits include Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, 37, who is made minister for ecology, development, transport and housing.
So now the French government is institutionally racist?
Never mind that those ethnic minority women were not up to their job and attracted much criticism, clearly if they have been removed it’s because Mr Sarkozy is racist.
The Guardian’ problem is that they cannot accuse him of being nazi scum as he is Jewish, of Hungarian descent and they are worried that if Mr Sarkozy rejects diversity then the MSM would be caught between a rock and a hard place, it would be far more difficult to criticise us for trying to do the same thing.
Any day that is bad for those unwashed marxists is a very good day for nationalists and those who care about the future of this country.

Midwives: Yet Another Tory Election Pledge Ditched as Maternity Wards Overwhelmed by Immigrant Birth Rate

Midwives: Yet Another Tory Election Pledge Ditched as Immigration Invasion Overwhelms Maternity Wards

Yet another broken promise has been added to the growing list of abandoned Tory election pledges in the form of increased subsidies to the midwife profession, which has come under intense pressure due to the sustained immigrant invasion-driven rise in births.
In a speech to the annual conference of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) in Manchester, that organisation’s general secretary Cathy Warwick said that both the Conservative Party and the Lib Dems had “gone back on pre-election pledges to increase the number of midwives.”
According to Ms Warwick, Prime Minister David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg had both promised to create more midwifery posts.
However, it has transpired, Ms Warwick said, that discussions with Health Secretary Andrew Lansley have shown that the Government is "clearly not prepared" to fulfil that commitment, despite the service being close to "cracking point.
“I fear for the future of maternity services, that the quality of care will fall and that safety could be compromised. I fear that midwives who are toiling away doing their best will become even more disillusioned,” Ms Warwick said.
“Most of all I fear that women and their babies will be ill-served by maternity services. The government's lack of response about this seems at best bewildering, and at worst a clear refusal to do something about it.”
She said David Cameron and health secretary Andrew Lansley had gone back on a pledge made before the election to increase midwife numbers by 3,000.
Ms Warwick pointed out that in January this year, Mr Cameron said in public that ‘We are going to make our midwives' lives a lot easier. They are crucial to making a mum's experience of birth as good as it can possibly be, but today they are overworked and demoralised. So we will increase the number of midwives by 3,000.’
Since the coalition government came to power it has consistently refused to honour that pledge, Ms Warwick continued. “When the NHS business plan was published last week, it contained no mention of midwife numbers.
“I am very concerned that the needs of pregnant women are greater than ever before, the birthrate remains high yet we are still acutely short of midwives. The RCM is well aware of the pressures on public spending, but midwives are already doing more for less. It now looks like they will be asked to do even more with fewer resources and fewer staff.”
The intense pressure on the maternity wards is a direct result of the immigration invasion of Britain by the Third World, a policy which has, ironically, been actively encouraged and supported by all the Westminster parties.
An analysis of official figures conducted by BNP news revealed that at least 60 percent of all new babies in Britain in 2009 were born to non-indigenous recent arrival immigrant mothers or to second or third generation immigrant parents.
The shocking figures are based on a comparison between new Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures and existing data.
According to the latest ONS figures, released in July this year, 24.7 percent of children born in Britain last year have mothers who were born abroad. These figures have doubled since the late 1990s.
According to the ONS figures, around 10 percent of babies are “born to mothers from New Commonwealth countries,” in other words, the Third World, with Pakistan topping the list.
An August 2008 ONS population report stated that, on average, ‘foreign’ women have 2.5 children each, rising to 3.9 for those from Bangladesh and almost five for Pakistani women.
In London around half of babies have foreign-born mothers while in Newham and Brent, around three quarters of children have mothers who were born abroad.
As shocking as these figures are, they do not tell the whole story.
According to the ONS Population Review of 2004 and 2005: England and Wales, legal Third World immigrants made up 14.7 percent (7.5 million) of the population of England in 2004.
A 2005 ONS report said that in the previous year, 36 percent of all births in England and Wales were not “white British.”
This 2005 birth rate figure does not include births to second and third generation immigrant mothers. Once it is added in, the non-indigenous birth rate climbs to just over 50 percent of all births in Britain — and this in 2005, data which is already five years old.
This figure, combined with July’s ONS figures, means that at least 60 percent and possibly more of all live births in Britain last year were of immigrant origin

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