The Third World Colonisation of Britain: at Least 60% of New Babies Now of Immigrant Origin
At least 60 percent of all new babies in Britain in 2009 were born to non-indigenous recent arrival immigrant mothers or to second or third generation immigrant parents, a BNP News analysis of birth rates and population statistics has shown.
The new ONS figures, released yesterday, showed that 24.7 percent of children born in Britain last year have mothers who were born abroad.
These figures have doubled since the late 1990s.
According to the ONS figures, around 10 percent of babies are “born to mothers from New Commonwealth countries,” in other words, the Third World, with Pakistan topping the list.
An August 2008 ONS population report stated that, on average, ‘foreign’ women have 2.5 children each, rising to 3.9 for those from Bangladesh and almost five for Pakistani women.
In London around half of babies have foreign-born mothers while in Newham and Brent, around three quarters of children have mothers who were born abroad.
As shocking as these figures are, they do not tell the whole story.
According to the ONS Population Review of 2004 and 2005: England and Wales, legal Third World immigrants made up 14.7 percent (7.5 million) of the population of England in 2004.
A December 2009 ONS report revealed that 10.9 percent (or 6.7 million) of the currently resident population of Britain was not born in this country.
A 2005 ONS report said that in the previous year, 36 percent of all births in England and Wales were not “white British.”
This 2005 birth rate figure does not include births to second and third generation immigrant mothers. Once it is added in, the non-indigenous birth rate climbs to just over 50 percent of all births in Britain — and this in 2005, data which is already five years old.
This figure, combined with yesterday’s ONS announcement, means that at least 60 percent and possibly more of all live births in Britain last year were of immigrant origin.
Britain is being utterly colonised with the active assistance of the Westminster parties. The British people only had a limited amount of time left over in which to halt and reverse this tidal wave, otherwise our culture, language, traditions and heritage are set to be ethnically cleansed off the face of the earth.
By Arthur Kemp. A shocking book detailing the full extent of the Third World immigration wave which is swamping the Western World.
Using the latest numbers and projections, it explains why Third World immigration will destroy the First World, with individual chapters on Britain, Europe, Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Shows that, if left unchecked, the entire First World will be overrun within the next 50 years. Finally, it discusses in frank terms what needs to be done to avoid this catastrophe.
Softcover, 140 pp.