Nick Griffin Recommends Geert Wilders for Sakharov Prize
British National Party leader and MEP Nick Griffin announced this morning in the European Parliament that he wished to nominate brave Dutch MEP Geert Wilders for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.
Mr Griffin nominated Mr Wilders for “his tireless commitment to freedom of speech and his continuous struggle against islamisation, mass-immigration and the leftish attacks on Western Humanist Judeo-Christian values that destroy Europe from within.
“All of this notwithstanding the fact that the Dutch judiciary wants to prosecute him for his brave work,” Mr Griffin said.
Referring to the current attempts to prosecute Mr Wilders in his native Holland, Mr Griffin quoted another MEP who said it was a disgrace that in a European country, a man is being prosecuted for defending such a fundamental right as the freedom of speech.
“Geert Wilders, for many a symbol in the fight against those who want to constrain the freedom of speech, is now is being prosecuted by the Dutch judiciary.
“While our society is changing because of the Islamisation and mass-immigration the Dutch judiciary decided to go after a democratically elected representative for the use of his right of free speech,” Mr Griffin continued.
“The European Parliament should give a signal, by awarding Geert Wilders the Sakharov Prize 2010 that it will not tolerate such monstrous attacks on freedom of speech and the right for any citizen to defend the values that are the historical and undeniable cornerstones of the society they live in.
“Geert Wilders does not give up, even though he is continuously under attack by those who still believe in the multicultural dream and anyone who believes that the barbaric Islam is a contribution to Western society.
“His bravery to stand up and criticize Islam has resulted in him getting numerous dead threats and prosecution by the Dutch and the Jordan judiciary.
“Geert Wilders has been refused entrance to Indonesia as well as to the Turkish Parliament. He also has to live under protection twenty-four hours a day.
“If we will not stand up we will risk losing everything, our identity, our culture and our Democratic Constitutions. And after we have lost all of them, we will lose our freedom, a man who lost his freedom has lost everything,” Mr Griffin said.
Mr Wilders’s Freedom Party (PVV) won 24 seats in the Dutch parliament, only seven behind the conservatives.
His film Fitna has been viewed by more than 10 million people worldwide and points out the dangers of Islamisation of Western countries and the Netherlands in particular.