Cumbria BNP Signs up New Members and Assigns Candidates for Next Year’s Local Elections
The British National Party’s Copeland and Allerdale groups are already out of the starting blocks for next year’s local elections and at their regular meeting last night signed up another four members and selected candidates, reports organiser Paul Stafford.“Some people might think that at this time after the General Election, it would be a quiet time for politics,” Mr Stafford continued.
“It surprised us all to realise that in Cumbria we are now at an all time record in paid-up members. In addition, we have only just started our proactive recruitment drive.”
The meeting also saw a number of candidates choosing target wards for next year’s local elections.
“Canvass sheets are being printed this week for those candidates to start their campaigns,” Mr Stafford said.
“Our strongest wards have already been intensively canvassed, so it is literally a case of just filling in the gaps on the sheets and keeping in contact with our identified supporters.
“West Cumbria has a rock-solid membership and activist base and provides some of the most promising electoral potential for us in the region,” he said.
“And at a time when some people are more concerned with internal politics, it is just fantastic when you open the meeting up to any questions and your activists say ‘yes we have a serious complaint to make . . . we need more Voice of Freedoms and some new leaflets to put out,” he said.
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