Anti-Terrorism Funding Cut as Muslim Population Rises Tens Times Faster than Everyone Else
Millions of pounds are to be cut off the police’s anti-terrorism budget as the Muslim population in Britain rises ten times faster than anyone else, exposing the rest of the country to even more danger.
According to Mr Yates, Britain will be “left vulnerable” to terrorist attacks after it transpired that the ConDem government plans to cut funding for counter-terrorism police by £150 million.
He said that proposed spending cuts of 25 percent “could not be achieved without weakening defences against al-Qaeda.”
According to reports, it is claimed that “entire counter-terrorism units” will have to close.
Earlier studies revealed that 92 percent of all terrorists arrested in Britain over the past few years have been Muslim, and that the Muslim population in this country is rising ten times faster than the rest of society.
Mr Yates’s warnings were dismissed by Tory Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude as "shroud-waving" and "alarmism."
The ConDem regime has announced that all government departments (with the notable exception of the foreign aid handouts) will be forced to cut back on their expenditure to help bring the nightmarish budget deficit under control.
Bizarrely, the ConDem regime seeks to prolong and even escalate the war in Afghanistan and is an active participant in efforts to provoke a war with Iran.
These two insane foreign policy initiatives serve as a further reason to incitement of the Muslim population in Britain.
At the same time, the immigration policies pursued by decades of Tory and labour regimes has actively encouraged immigration from Muslim nations.
In addition, the slavish adherence to the European Union’s directives has created that outrageous “asylum” racket which imports even more Muslims who have fled the Middle Eastern wars which the Tory-Labour axis generated in the first place.
In other words, the Tory-Labour-Lib Dem policies of mass immigration and anti-British interest foreign policies are the direct cause of terrorism in Britain.
And now, in a final act of treachery and betrayal to the British people, the same gaggle of political traitors is going to cut spending on anti-terrorism measures at home.
The blood of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan is already on the hands of the members of the House of Treason in Westminster.
Soon, it seems, the blood of British people, victims of Islamist terrorism at home, will be added to the long list of crimes for which those politicians must one day be called to account.