How a Changed Population Leads to a Changed Culture
The news that Muslim children are being withdrawn from state school music classes on religious grounds has once again illustrated how a changing population changes the cultural norms of a society.
Muslims object to music in the same way they object to images, namely by quoting a section of the Koran.
The passage in the Muslim holy book categorises music along with fornication and the “wearing of silk” by men (presumably an indication of homosexuality).
A passage in the Ahadith reads as follows: "There will be people from my Ummah [nation] who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk [for men], wine drinking and the use of musical instruments."
According to the BBC documentary, many schools in immigrant-colonised areas are already seeing large numbers of pupils refusing to take part in music lessons of any sort.
Eileen Ross, head teacher of the Herbert Morrison Primary School in Lambeth, south London, told the BBC that “Some of the parents don't want children to play musical instruments and they don't have music in their homes.”
About 29 percent of children at the school come from Somali Muslim families.
Another academic quoted by the BBC, Dr Diana Harris, from the Open University, claimed that Ofsted inspectors have sometimes turned "a blind eye" to the issue.
Parents have no automatic right to withdraw their children from compulsory subjects such as music.
The changing cultural expression is the natural consequence of the changing population.
A culture is an expression of a people, not the other way round. A First World people will produce a First World culture, and a Third World people will produce a Third World culture.
This is why immigration matters.