Thirteenth Stabbing Death in London Highlights Ongoing Black Violent Crime Wave
The thirteenth stabbing death of a black youth this year in London yesterday has highlighted the black crime wave crisis which is sweeping London and other major cities in Britain.
Olumegbon was a pupil at the school, which was set up for what the controlled media have politely called “some of London’s most troubled teenagers, who have been excluded from mainstream education.”
According to the media, the school has “bright, open classrooms arranged around a central garden” and is “deliberately designed to reduce aggression and behavioural problems.”
Apparently its 90 pupils “enjoy state-of-the-art sports facilities, have access to wireless internet and are encouraged to grow vegetables in the school grounds.”
All of this seems to have been to no avail, as “staff and neighbours told of a catalogue of fights and attacks in the school with youths from different gangs from across London brought together under one roof,” a report continued.
The latest killed is the product of an ongoing fight between two black gangs rejoicing in the names “Get Money Gangsters” from Norwood and the “Gas Gang Crew” from Brixton and Streatham.
The violent nature of these gangs is on public display on YouTube where gang members, possibly using the free internet services provided at their special school courtesy of the taxpayer, have uploaded several clips of their activities.
The videos usually show gang members talking in rap “language” with violent lyrics exalting criminal activity. They appear with subtitled names such as “shotz” and “stabber.”
Figures released in 2008 and published in the Daily Mail shows that of the 225 people aged under 18 proceeded against for knife crime in London between 1 April and 30 June that year, 124 were black, 18 were of mixed race, 14 were Asian, 6 were of some other group, 60 were white and 3 were not identified by race.
The problem of immigrant-origin crime in Britain will not be solved until the immigration question is honestly and openly addressed.
There is a clear incompatibility issue with large Third World immigrant populations and First World countries which must be addressed if Britain is to survive as a First World nation.
This reality is visually addressed in a YouTube video which compares ethnically homogenous British London of a few decades ago with the nightmare that immigration has turned it into today.