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Thursday 15 July 2010

Anti-Christian and anti-English agenda within our British schools

Anti-Christian and anti-English agenda within our schools

15TH JULY 2010: Nick Griffin has received a letter from a constituent in Preston about a specific agenda within the local schools.
The lady told her MEP:
"In March I rang the head teacher of my children's school to try and encourage a special St George's Day celebration. I was told that such an event might cause offence to those pupils not of the English culture.
"Two days later my son cam home with a letter for a school trip to the local mosque. I sent the slip back to the school NOT giving my consent as this offended my Christian beliefs, now the school want my son to do the home work on the mosque visit and Islam.
"Am I within my rights to notify the school that I do not wish my children to partake in classes where islam is being promoted, especially when they aren't allowed to celebrate their own Christian and English culture?" she asked.
Replying on behalf of Nick Griffin MEP, Constituency Office Manager Tina Wingfield, said:
"Religious Education (RE) is a compulsory subject in the state education system in the United Kingdom. Schools are required to teach a programme of religious studies according to local and national guidelines, which includes the study of different religions, religious leaders, and other religious and moral themes. However, the 1996 Education Act confirmed the right of parents to withdraw their children from religious education, either wholly or in part. Guidance regarding the right of withdrawal is outlined in DFES Circular 1/94, sections 46- 49 [RE] and 83-88 [collective worship], and relates to the 1988 and 1993 Education Acts. Parents are not obliged to state their reasons for seeking withdrawal and it is not a legal requirement to put requests for withdrawal in writing (although the Headteacher may advise you to do so).
All schools should include a right of withdrawal statement in their prospectus and it is considered good practice to have a policy outlining their provision for the right of withdrawal from RE and/or collective worship, so please refer to your son’s School Prospectus for this.
Authority guidelines for Headteachers point out that the withdrawal of any child from religious education is a cause for regret, and advise them to talk through the issues concerned with parents. It may be worthwhile, therefore, for you to contact the Headteacher so you can explain your reasons for withdrawal and perhaps negotiate a school programme which is more inclusive of English culture. To this end, it would be helpful to also contact the School’s governing body, which includes parent representatives, as part of their remit is to help the school be responsive to the needs of parents and the community.
Unfortunately, the neglect of our English culture and traditional way of life is becoming standard throughout the public sector. It seems these days that every culture and religion is catered for and ‘diversity’ universally celebrated, except for the culture, beliefs and preferences of the indigenous British majority.
With the help of a supportive school governing body, you may however be able to challenge this approach within your children’s school.
Mr Griffin wishes you every success in your endeavour to ensure that your son receives an education which reflects his cultural identity."
Included with the letter were:
*Details of local Parent-Governor groups and how to put someone forward as a parent-governor.
*Petition sheets for the BNP's campaign - Make St George’s Day a National Holiday.

footnote from Horwich Nationalists
Please visit Nick Griffins Blog he is your North west MEP and will be glad to help with any issue of concern    
Contact Nick using this Link