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Defending Christianity and Our History |
Written by Tim Heydon |
January 2011 |
‘Madonna’ Her very name is a deliberate sneer at Christianity Pat Condell’s attack on religion written about by Pilgrim is of itself of no consequence. Condell is a nobody who (like that greedy, hard-faced tart ‘Madonna’ and others of her ilk) is trying to make himself into a somebody by ‘daringly’ mocking or denigrating religion. But he is important in the sense that he represents a fashion in some quarters which condemns ‘religion’ and Christianity in particular as the origin of hate and wars. These views, greatly aided it must be admitted by the fulminations of Islam and the ethnic struggle in Northern Ireland in which the protagonists carry the labels of religion, are for the most part mere froth whipped up on deep oceans of ignorance by the winds of bias. Those who Denigrate Christianity are Supporting the Marxist Social Engineers who Hate Britain They must be confronted however because in condemning Christianity, the people who hold them are vilifying not just beliefs which have inspired many of the greatest minds mankind has ever known but our history and our very selves. The history of the British, possibly the most successful of peoples ever, has been for the best part of two millennia the story of the influence of Christianity on the native peoples of these islands. Our culture was made by it; we have been made by it. Whether we realise it or not our language is replete with references to the Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible. Those who condemn Christianity are actually joining hands with the Marxist denigrators of our history and thus of ourselves and are giving support to those who think we can and should be engineered into something else. Marxists who Hate Christian Britain have Imported Islam to Help Destroy It Let us not forget that these secularising Marxists wish to destroy the Christian character of Britain so much that they have been so inexpressibly foolish as to import Islam as a tool for the purpose. (If they didn’t like a Christian Britain, just wait until they get a Moslem one as an unintended consequence of their stupidity!) Or the destroyers are equally stupid and ignorant neo-con followers of David Cameron who are engineering the same grim fate for our country in pursuit of a marxoid vision in which the lion will lie down with the lamb when a materialist utopia of plenty arrives. This utopia will be engineered through free –market economics including the free movement of millions of Moslem Turks (for a starter) to Britain). The Mystifying Belief that Secularism would bring Tolerance What is mystifying in the arguments of these people is the strange supposition that a truly secular society would of its nature be more tolerant and less prone to violence than any society shaped by any form of faith. That Christian values will survive de-Christianisation. Given that the modern age of secular governance has been the most savagely violent in human history by a factor (or body count) of incalculable magnitude, it is hard to identify the grounds for their confidence. (The suggestion that these forms of secular government were little more than ‘secular religions’ should be laughed off as the shabby evasion it obviously is). The Idea that People are ‘Naturally Good’ went up with smoke at Auschwitz It is also not clear in the least why these enthusiasts for secularism should imagine that a world devoid of faith would choose to be guided by moral principles remotely similar to their own. The idea that people are ‘naturally good’ and left to their own devices things will work out just fine surely disappeared down the shell craters of the Somme or up in smoke at Auschwitz. Perhaps these optimists don’t want to have such a morality, and think that ‘nature will provide.’ However, the only attempts at an ethics consistent with Darwinian science have been the socialist eugenics movements of the early twentieth century and the Nazi movement which sprang from it. Is this what they want? There are no Moral Principles to be found in Nature For most people though, this should surely be enough of an answer to those who think that a thorough-going materialism informed by Darwinian biology will actually help us to ‘rise above’ our ‘tribalism’ and ‘irrationality’ and that we will instead live in tolerant harmony with each other. The fact is that, understood purely as a base, material event, there are no moral principles at all to be found in nature and so it can provide none; all it can do is to provide its own example, which is not remotely gentle. The Delusions of Secularism In any case there is something delusional in the optimistic certainty of ‘liberal’ secularists of whatever stamp that human beings will wish to choose altruistic values without invoking transcendent principles. They may do so, but they may also wish to build death camps and may very well choose to do that instead. For every ethical theory developed apart from some account of transcendent truth – of, that is, the spiritual or metaphysical foundation of reality – is a fragile fiction credible only to those sufficiently obstinate in their willing suspension of disbelief. The Godless Disappear when Nitty Gritty Help is Needed Not that one needs an ethical theory to be a charitable person. But (drawing one admits on personal experience), outside the realm of mere civil obedience to dominant social values – in the hell-holes of our cities and towns where in the gutters (sometimes literally) there exist the most forsaken and forgotten among us, those who depend on the concrete, heroic charity of selfless souls - the ranks of the godless tend to thin out remarkably quickly and few are seen except the Salvation Army and the like. Outsourcing ‘Compassion’ to the State; the Shallowness of Liberal ‘Caring’ Secularists tend to want to outsource all that nitty grittiness to the state; to the tender mercies, or rather the lack of them, of ‘social services.’ It is worth noticing also that the quantity of charitable aid supplied and sustained by Christian churches continues to be unimaginably vast. A world from which the Gospel has been banished would surely be one in which millions more would go unfed, unnursed, unsheltered and uneducated. Religious People Can indeed be Nasty Still, it should be allowed that the both the religious and the irreligious are capable of varying degrees of tolerance or intolerance, benevolence or malice, depending on how they understand the moral implications of their beliefs. What we should never forget though is where our overarching notions of the moral good, to which even atheists feel an allegiance, actually come from. Compassion, pity and charity as we understand them are not found in nature like trees or butterflies, but are historically contingent conventions of belief and practice formed by cultural convictions that need never have arisen at all. Many Societies have risen and endured without the Christian Virtues Many societies have arisen and have endured quite well without them. They were hardly in evidence for example in the Roman amphitheatres whose cruel public torture of their victims went on for centuries, nor in the slave states of ancient Greece, nor among the Vikings, nor in the Yurts of Genghis Khan and his heirs, nor much in the history of Japan, nor in a thousand other times and places one could mention. Killing will Continue Regardless of Who or What Dominates It should go without saying that if the teachings of Jesus were genuinely to take root in human hearts – that if indeed we all believed that God is love and that we ought to love our neighbours as ourselves, (meaning we should treat them decently) – we should have no desire for war, we should hate injustice and we should find indifference to the sufferings of others impossible. But in fact human beings will continue to make war, will continue cheerfully to murder the innocent and the defenceless; they will continue to distract themselves by killing on a huge scale, glorying in their power to do so (one thinks of Blair’s ‘progressive’ wars in Yugoslavia, in Iraq and in Afghanistan). And human society will continue in various time and places to degenerate into a murderous horde, even when it remains so civilised as to depute the state to do its killing for it. All Christians can do is to keep the faith that turning to Jesus will transform the hard hearts of Men. The Ignorance of the Detractors of Christianity Many of the most vociferous critics of Christianity, who are themselves ignorantly living off the proceeds of two millennia of largely Christianity-inspired endeavour and achievement know little more of them than some childish images of bloodthirsty Crusaders and sadistic Inquisitors, a few damning facts and a lot more damning legends. Such people may very well know so little of human nature as to imagine that a society ‘liberated’ from Jesus would love justice, truth or beauty, or compassion or even life. Christianity’s Shrewd View of Human Nature Christianity makes no such mistake. It sees humanity as at once the image of a loving God and also as the wellspring of almost inexhaustible nastiness, greed and brutality. Christians are aware of these things because their Jesus, who takes the part of the oppressed, was himself murdered by the combined political, judicial and religious powers of society. Christianity is Hated by those who Demand Total Freedom to Behave as they Please The antipathy to Christianity we are seeing in our own society stems from a belief, not so much in nothing, although there is that, but in the freedom of the will which ultimate nothingness bestows. A stable human nature or a God beyond us would limit and channel our freedom to make choices and nothing must infringe our personal dignity in that way! Those who think like this do not realise that a human nature which is not stable can be moulded by leftists, and how much dignity is there in that? Or that without God we are indeed nothing and can ‘nothing’ have dignity? Ask Hitler or Stalin! |
Genocide by stealth - Part 1 |
Written by Sarah Albion |
December 2010 |
If one were to set out to destroy a race or ethnic group, history offers a selection of options as to how this can be achieved. You can starve them to death in their millions, as Stalin did, and as Lenin had before him. You can force them to march through the desert until they drop dead through hunger and exhaustion as was the Turks' preferred method of dispatching some one and a half million Armenians, whilst the world was distracted by the first World War. Alternatively if you wish to speed up the process you can shoot them, bomb them, gas them as Saddam Hussein did to the Kurds, or merely hack them to bits with machetes, by which means the Rwandans slaughtered 800,000 people in a mere 100 days during 1994. The problem with all those tried and tested means of eradicating large groups of people, is that it is almost impossible to hide what you have done from a world community, which, in the main, considers most forms of genocide to be morally unacceptable and a breach of international law. The exception, of course, is the ANC government in South Africa, who have, so far quite effectively, managed to portray the racially motivated slaughter of members of an ethnic minority as being merely “crime related”, painting repeated acts of genocide as an unending series of “botched burglaries” or multiple “car-jackings gone wrong” . However, their success in hiding their own brand of blood stained ethnic cleansing, has been dependant upon the very special set of circumstances relating to South Africa, and, crucially, upon an outside world not wishing to know the truth. As such the South African model is unlikely to translate as successfully beyond the dark continent's southern region, and the violent slaughter of a selected ethnic group in any other part of the world, particularly the West, would be less easy to conceal. However, although there is effectively only one word for genocide, it can come in many forms. To commit genocide, it is not always necessary to perpetrate acts of violence, or indeed murder. There are many definitions of genocide, all equally effective, albeit not all as speedy as the ones chosen in Rwanda. If one was prepared to take time and if one was sufficiently ideologically committed to embark upon a genocidal enterprise, the conclusion of which one might personally not live to see, then it is entirely possible to achieve the gradual genocide by stealth of a vast target group without the perpetrators ever having to reveal their blood stained hands. One need only create the conditions in which the target group will cooperate with its own destruction, and, with any luck, not awake to what is happening until too late. Travel with me now gentle reader and I will explain to you why some believe that the greatest act of genocide in human history is currently being attempted, and how that act may already well on its way to being achieved. First we need to understand what genocide is. Amongst the United Nations definitions of Acts of Genocide you will find, along with the acts of war and violence, the following two definitions which also constitute genocide: Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the targeted group Deliberately inflicting on the targeted group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Bearing the points above in mind I invite you to consider where we, the native peoples of Europe have been brought to, in particular over the 65 years since the guns fell silent at the end of a war which our grandfathers were told they were fighting in order to save the future for their children. Far from saving the future for their children, I would suggest to you that, since World War II, conditions of life have been introduced by those who hold power over us which are calculated to bring about the destruction, at the very least in part, of those very children, the native people of Europe. Meanwhile measures have been introduced intended to significantly reduce the number of Native European births. Seen in isolation, much of what has happened appears quite harmless, in some instances even beneficial, however, when viewed all together a far darker picture begins to emerge: A victim will the more willingly drink his poison if its made to taste sweet, and what was sweeter than a sexual revolution without the inconvenience of pregnancy. Forms of contraception have existed with varying degrees of effectiveness for hundreds of years, but never before has it been so easy to avoid getting pregnant. Many will argue that the avoidance of an unwanted pregnancy is beneficial, they will point to the shame and social exclusion of unwed mothers in the past, to prematurely aged women brought to early graves by repeated child bearing, to the financial burden which large families can cause and of course they are correct in some degree, albeit certainly not in the numbers they inevitably claim. I will not deny that effective, and easily accessible, contraception has benefits for individuals, however, millions of indigenous European children, whom nature intended to be conceived, have not been conceived as a direct result of the contraceptive pill, and the benefits, if any, of that loss to us collectively as European people are less easy to quantify. As I type this I can already hear the shrill squawks of derision from the trolls and intellectual pygmies at the left wing forums who monitor this blog from time to time, and, no doubt, some more grown up readers will raise a sceptical eye-brow at the linkage of oral contraception to genocide. However, I would ask you to put your prejudice to one side and consider these things in context. This is but one aspect of many and, when so many coincidences lead in one direction it is hard to ignore a design. The contraceptive pill, initially available to married women as a means of family planning, is now celebrated as a weapon of female liberation and heavily promoted within white western nations. It is, of course, also a means of not having children in the numbers which any race needs in order to survive. Even when the pill fails, it is now, for the first time in history, easy and, in almost every western nation, legal to terminate unwanted pregnancies. As a result of laws passed at the same time that the contraceptive pill was being made widely available, across the West millions upon millions of unborn children have been killed, mainly, to a huge degree, for reasons of convenience rather than medical necessity (including what might be called the “dump the boyfriend, kill the kid” scenario) Again as with contraception, abortion is portrayed as both a right and a further means of liberating women, in fact it is implied that to be opposed to abortion is to to be anti-women. Indeed, popular culture regularly depicts those who are pro-life as being evil or unbalanced, meanwhile, people who are pro-choice/pro-death are portrayed as decent, rational and even rather heroic. As we all know when the media resort to propaganda, they have an agenda. Is it just coincidence that the two greatest social changes, effecting human reproduction, in the second half of the the 20th Century resulted in tens of millions of western children not being born? If so, then here is another coincidence. There are, of course, other, less obvious ways of preventing births than merely preventing conception or by killing foetuses, you need only create an environment which discourages the target group from reproducing. As a result of successive deliberate economic policies during exactly the same historical period during which the changes described above were taking place, the vast majority of women are now forced to work, rather than stay at home and raise families. They are, of course, told that being away from home anything up to twelve or more hours a day (and for most of us remote linking or bringing work home at night) is liberating, whereas, in fact, they have no option. What has changed? It has far less to do with social attitudes than it has with the new economic reality. As recently as the 1960's the average man's take home pay was sufficient to support his home and his family, which was, on average, larger than a modern western family. That is no longer possible for anyone under executive level and only then if the husband commutes for hours each day. This didn't happen by accident, it didn't happen due to natural progression, it was the result of deliberate political acts and government policy. For instance, one of the reasons why men's wages have not kept pace with the cost of maintaining a home and family is mass immigration, which has been cynically used to depress wages. A recent study in America estimated that by pushing down wages, immigration triggers a substantial redistribution of income from native-born workers to native-born owners of capital. It was calculated that this redistribution amounts to about 2 percent of GDP, or a whopping $250 billion annually at current levels. And it is the native elites who gain this sum at the expense of native workers, who's wages are kept artificially low. A similar figure will certainly apply to Europe, where mass immigration is also forcing down wages. Consequently, most men can no longer support their families single handedly. As a direct result most woman now work, and most working woman put off having children and have less children than previous generations. I repeat, it is a lie to say women now have the “choice” to work, they have no choice, they have no option but to work. That is not liberation. Whatever your views on contraceptives, abortion and working woman (I am certainly in favour of women being free to choose to work) it is impossible to deny that, as described above, whether deliberately or otherwise, measures, resulting from deliberate government policy, have been put in place in every Western Nation all of which have drastically reduced the birth rate amongst native Europeans. None of it occurred naturally, and none of it was unavoidable. That sounds very much like one of the UN's definitions of genocide to me. Meanwhile, Western governments pump billions of dollars each year into aid programmes designed to increase the birth rate non-European countries. The same ministers who promote abortion at home celebrate reductions in child mortality in third world countries, is this not a double standard? Whilst our population ages and our birth rate falls, the non-European population of the world is increasing to unsustainable levels At the time of the Live Aid appeal in 1984, the population of Ethiopia was 42 million, it is now almost 81 million and projected to reach 145 million by 2050, and that is all Ethiopians (there is not much immigration into Ethiopia). Zimbabwe apart, similar examples apply in almost every third world country. In 1950 the population of Pakistan, another recipient of significant European aid and a net exporter of immigrants, was 40 Million, it is now 169 million and expected to reach 295 million by 2050. Meanwhile the native population of Europe is plummeting and in both respects the cause of the demographic change can be traced to the deliberate acts of Western governments. Siren voices whisper moral blackmail into our Western ears “We must reduce our population further to save the planet” but this propaganda is only aimed at us, the white west, the only single group on the planet which desperately needs to increase its population in order to survive. Why? Is it not obvious to anyone with the ability still to think that, if our overlords are deliberately pursuing policies designed to reduce the population of Group A whilst massively increasing the population of Group B, they have an agenda? Our shrinking birth rate, which our governments have arguably conspired to create, is the excuse they then give for importing millions upon millions, upon million, upon millions of immigrants into our homelands in order to replace what we have not produced, that is to say, in order to replace us. And this brings us to the second of the two definitions of genocide the deliberate infliction on the targeted group of conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. It is that second act of genocide which I will address in part 2 of this essay _________________ Sarah: Maid of Albion |
New year, Old Problems |
Written by BC1959 |
Saturday, 01 January 2011 10:41 |
It's traditional, so let me say... A happy and prosperous new year to all our readers. Although it is genuinely meant, the worry is that the wish for a happy new year, and a prosperous one, is sadly reaching for the stars. This article is to essentially outline what we can expect from the coalition government regards to food and drink, and what has been done by previous governments to help this nation and it's people, share in the wealth created by hard working men and women. Also, the article intends to show that nothing short of treachery, incompetence, and greed have been the ingredients leading up to our current situation. read more at The Voice of the British Resistance |
VAT rise: Chancellor George Osborne
Middle class families were last night warned to brace themselves for one of the toughest years in recent memory which will see their incomes fall by thousands of pounds.
Cash-strapped couples will be bombarded with a barrage of financial blows, from the VAT increase to rising mortgage rates, higher National Insurance to frozen child benefit.
It is expected to add up to the biggest squeeze on families since 1982, the year of the Falklands War, because of the toxic combination of the rises and inflation, according to research by the accountants Deloitte.
To make matters worse, many of the tax changes – such as Tuesday’s VAT rise – are not temporary, but will continue to hurt for years to come.
The VAT rise will cost an average of £520 per household, with the increase adding around 3p on a litre of petrol, 6p on a pint of lager, £10 on a man’s suit and more than £300 on a new car.
The list of pain includes: