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Wednesday 17 August 2011

UK Sticky Plaster Politics

Sticky Plaster Politics

By South West Nationalists.

What a week. The night skies over our cities are red from the flames of rioters torching everything in sight. Stock markets, bright red too as the value of shares plummet.

At first glance they may appear to have little to do with each-other, but both could be said to be symptomatic of something which is seriously wrong with our country today.

I like to call it Sticky Plaster Politics.

Everyone knew the markets, banks, and even many EU nations, were in a mess a long time back.

Instead of any fundamental reform, what did our politicians do? Apply a sticky plaster. Bail out some failing banks and countries, talk a few tough words, and leave it all as it was before. Nothing changed, it just got a sticky plaster – a rather expensive one for the taxpayer as profits stayed private and losses got socialised – but a sticky plaster none the less.

And all the while the politicians kept on telling us that all was well.

For years people have been warning that riots like the ones we see now are an inevitable result of the flawed and disastrous multicultural dream which has seen parts of our nation become more like the third world than areas in a first world country.

You can take people out of the third world, but you can’t take the third world out of people. Of course that would be called racist, but we’re seeing the reality of it around us now.

What have the politicians done? Thrown a sticky plaster on it. Community workers, money thrown at ‘deprived’ minorities, Operation Trident, and turning a blind eye to many things in the name of so called sensitivity – aka surrender. It was the only way to hide the problems for as long as possible, until it was too late.

Yet again, you know it yourself, all the while they kept on telling us that all was well, how lucky and enriched we all were.

The result in both cases is the same. At great expense politicians bought a little quiet, and managed to hide a few problems, but when the explosion comes – and come it always does – it is far worse than ever.

The plunging stock markets and an economy in tatters, and streets ablaze and thronging with feral rioters, can both be traced back to very much the same kind of thinking.

Capitalism is great, the markets will take care of themselves, who needs a manufacturing industry when we can be a world leader in shuffling figures around the financial markets. Anything goes wrong, it’s just a scratch, we’ll apply a sticky plaster.

Multiculturalism is great, if we import millions of people they will suddenly become British, and their mere presence will enrich us all. They’ll integrate, and we’ll all be one big, happy family of an enriched nation. Anything goes wrong? Sticky plaster at the ready, the ideal is so great that it just needs a little patching up now and again.

The political bigwigs running this country think only of today, of applying a sticky plaster, and maintaining the status quo. None of those in charge have the courage to do more, they just try and cover the wound until it can explode on someone else’s watch.

It’s all of us in Britain paying the price for the politicians armed with their bundles of sticky plasters, not one of the sorry bunch in charge offer anything more than a quick fix which will come back to haunt us all in days to come.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Somalian Asylum Seekers £8000 a Month Mansion Your Taxes Pay For

Somalian Asylum Seekers £8000 a Month Mansion You Pay For

Meet the Khaliifs, Saeed and Sayida, Somalian asylum seekers - who, thanks to the insanity of a Britain which throws taxpayer money at every asylum seeker and foreign chancer who knocks on the window of the DSS and asks for money, are now living in an £8,000 a month house.

Yes, you're paying for it, did you ever doubt that?

Good old Saeed, 49, is unemployed and has not worked since coming to Britain 3 years ago and claiming asylum. How many kids he and his wife have seems to be unknown, but some sources are suggesting 8.

Yes, yet again you are right, odds are that you are paying for those kids as well.

Take a look at the photos in the Daily Mail story!

How many hard working Brits could afford anything like that? Hell, how many take home £1,000 from a months work, let alone could afford to pay out £8,000 a month in rent?

The council and benefits agencies would laugh you or I out of the office if we turned up, slapped that tenancy agreement on their desk, and asked them to pay for it.

But no, if you're an asylum seeker who has contributed nothing, taken much, and who seems to have little to offer Britain other than the ability to breed quickly, here are the keys to the mansion, tell us if it is not satisfactory and we'll find you better.

Britain, the mug of the world, where the streets really are paved with gold for anyone who can yell the word asylum.

Mail Story

The barking Mad Police Inspector Mulla of Lancashire

The barking Mad Mulla of Lancashire PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

lancI often wondered where the term Mad Mulla came from, now I know after reading a most vicious attack on the True British People by some jumped up, immigrant moslem Police Inspector named Bilal Mulla.

This insane moslem is behind a racist scheme in Lancashire for people to report on friends, neighbours and children in case they show signs of objecting to the colonisation of their Country.

The filth says that the organisation Channel is not a tool for spying or criminalising people but identifying people with right wing views that are in his opinion akin to child sexual abuse. As a moslem he would certainly know about child abuse.

And what would this unwanted piece of vermin do with these people who object to their young daughters being pimped, their sons being hunted for sport and seeing their cities burn down around them as they flee for the suburbs? Why, he would have them referred to mental health practitioners where they would probably then be certified as insane and locked away. This is what the unwanted creature has to say:

"It is making people understand there may be vulnerable people who are targeted by those with radical views who had a different agenda.

“It is not about criminalising people, it is early intervention before radicalisation.

“Think about what happened in Norway. Do we really want that sort of thing to happen in Lancashire?”

Insp Mulla said he wanted to encourage people to refer any ‘signposts’ of right-wing or other types of extremism to his team.

“It is not much different to child sexual exploitation.

"It can happen online and people are ‘groomed’ into a certain belief and ideology.

“We are constantly seeking more referrals and we want people to understand what we do and what Channel is for.

"It is about us building trust and confidence and making sure the right messages get out.

“We put interventions in place, not investigations.

"If someone is not suited for the Channel project, we pass them on to other authorities such as Youth Offending, mental health practitioners, probation for example.

"Just because Channel doesn’t take them on, doesn’t mean there are not other interventions available.”

The vile slug even tries to drag the isolated Norway incident into the equation, when anyone with half a brain knows that the cancer of Islam is the most sickest, violent cult on the surface of the Earth.

Look forward to your outspoken comments on this piece of garbage that has washed up on British Soil.

On a slightly ironic finish. This mad mullah is also mentioned in this news story where he tells moslems not to give to beggars outside the many mosques in his area as they are not moslems.

Hat tip to Whylink - for providing the link to story.

Monday 15 August 2011

Liberation in Education Courtesy of the Marxist NUS

Liberation in Education Courtesy of the NUS

Taking a break from campaigning against student fees, the National Union of Students have found time to publish a paper on liberation within the education system. How….liberating.

It all boils down to the same. More minorities should be included in course literature, etc etc and so on ad nauseum. Minorities would learn better if an obscure Arabian mathematician or a bleary eyed beat poet were made the cornerstone of lessons.

The long and short of it is that liberation comes from diversity and inclusiveness.

We’re sorry that Shakespeare wasn’t a one legged lesbian refugee from Uganda who had sought to escape persecution in her homeland and had come to enrich Britain.

We apologise for the fact that neither Sir Isaac Newton nor Sir Alexander Fleming were black transexuals.

Our hearts bleed with sorrow that Coleridge or Tolkien weren’t homosexual Muslims who penned their masterpieces in between prayers to Mecca and bouts of the love that dare not speak its name.

Get over it!

It does not aid education one iota to have people elevated to the level of reference works, icons of learning, or eminents in their field with official recognition simply because they happen to tick the right boxes on a diversity survey.

Conforming with an education systems own ideological bias and obsession with all things diverse is no substitute for attainment or educational value.

Equality and inclusiveness, if such things are even possible, and most definitely when enforced by the insane criteria of the PC zealots, destroy the educational system by replacing merit with identity.

Relevance now comes not because of someone’s achievements, but because of who they are and their ability to tick as many of the minority boxes as possible.

Still, what else is the NUS other than a product of that – the new generation of those schooled in diversity, carrying on the tradition of putting ideology before education and determined to ensure that the next generation have been spoon fed on all that is diverse.

Sunday 14 August 2011

The Liberal Pseudo intellectuals should hang their heads in shame!

Liberals should hang their heads in shame! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mark Haynes

shame_120_x_120The shocking and disgusting scenes of rioting, looting, violence, lawlessness and criminality of the past few nights we have all witnessed in British Cities has one root cause. That root cause is the warped Liberal Establishment, Cultural Marxism and the liberal society they have created.

I turned on the television set this morning only to see several liberal politicians, such as the Labour leader Ed Milliband, and laughingly the expenses crook, former Labour minister Hazel Blears, and of course the Prime Minister, just call me Dave hug a hoodie Cameron himself, all sermonising about the disgusting behaviour of the criminals responsible for the riots and looting, and promising tough action, belatedly against the offenders.

It then struck me the hypocrisy and damn right cheek of these expenses cheats and cheerleaders of the ’Liberal society’, who were all part of a liberal, Marxist establishment responsible for the creation of such an underclass of feral, out of control youth in the first place. Gobsmacked is how I felt!

You see these young and certainly in the first instances, mainly black rioters are composed mainly of aggressive, nihilistic, low intellect, zombies, and are highly representative of the term ’Broken Britain’. They are products of a diseased culture where a poisonous cocktail of contributory factors such as multinational corporations, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry brainwashing them to aspire to lifestyles they can never have.

The dumbing down of education, obsessive promotion by the media of celebrity culture, and decades of sustained Marxist attacks on established moral values of right and wrong, family, community, respect for one self, other people and, authority, coupled with the use of the Frankfurt school’s critical theory which has been used to constantly attack western institutions, undermining our christian civilization, and then disastrously imposing unfettered Mass Immigration and enforced multiculturalism onto our country, has shattered our once peaceful, cohesive society. This is the dream of the cultural Marxists coming to fruition, the breakdown of our society, all part of their plan for a New World Order out of chaos!

The Marxist doctrine of Political Correctness enforced on us to stifle our free-speech, was responsible for the decidedly weak, and muted response of the police to the original Tottenham riot, where they treated gangs of marauding black youths, burning, rioting and looting with kid gloves. At first standing back, hesitant and seemingly more worried about accusations of racism, heavy-handedness or Human Rights abuses than dealing forcefully and aggressively with the feral, rioting vermin.

The nettle has never been grasped of the problem of gangs, especially black gangs in inner city areas, such as in London where they commit much gun crime, knife crime and muggings. This has never been dealt with properly by the police or the authorities.

Thugs and violent criminals in general receive pathetic short sentences, cushy prisons to serve them in, and are soon back on the streets to commit more mayhem. The Justice secretary Ken Clarke recently wanted to reduce sentencing even further by 50% for many crimes including rape before being forced into an embarrassing u-turn, which ably demonstrates the sick mentality of the diseased liberal mind!

The ordinary copper one feels sorry for, because their career could be on the line if they make the wrong move, with watching Diversity & Equality commissars looking over their shoulder all the time, which must be hard if you have a mortgage and family to provide for, but the Liberal politicians and media, Race/Equality industry apparatchiks, and their fellow travellers the morons of the Far-Left one can only have utter contempt for!

The development of vigilante gangs - Sikhs guarding their Temple, Muslims guarding their so-called areas, Turks guarding their businesses, and English whites guarding their streets from marauding gangs of mainly black rioters could be a worrying sign of things to come, various ethnic/religious tribes vying for supremacy.

If the police and establishment can’t maintain law & order, I see a lot of trouble ahead. The multicultural dystopia the liberal establishment and Far-left Marxists wanted is here.

Liberalism and Marxism are the enemy of the people, they have used their evil tools of political correctness, cultural Marxism, Mass Immigration, and Multiculturalism to try and divide and destroy our country, only the common-sense policies of Nationalism can save this country from the Abyss of destruction!

Who the on Earth are The Shomrim?

Who the bloody hell are The Shomrim? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

shorim1_120_x_90I really do not want to write this article and I warn the Jew Lovers/Jew Loathers to choose their words with care when commenting or they simply will not be published - but the question must be asked.

Who the bloody hell are The Shomrim? Well actually I do know - now - after a bit of digging. But before we go on about them, first of all a bit of background to this article and what prompted me to dig into The Shomrim.

In an online Jewish "Newspaper", they give the Jewish Reaction to London Riots and write the following:

In England, two organizations are involved in enhancing the security of the Jewish community. The Shomrim an organization similar to the one active in Jewish neighborhoods in New York, and the Community Security Trust, known as the CST are on alert. The CST as a large, professional security organization that works closely with police and the authorities. The group, which has volunteers in every city, also put its hotline into immediate action.

Now, I have written about the CST before and asked back in 2008 why are the Jews allowed to have their own uniformed private army for "defence", when British People are accused of being vigilantes or worse when they organise defence of their remaining areas in Our Cities?


The Jewish CST is a small army with Headquarters, offices and staffed by 55 trained people to support their private force of over 3,000 volunteers who are trained by the police to carry out the following.

Their "volunteers" Briefing Card carries the following information.
Your job:
Your job is ensuring the safety and security of those attending this location.
Check the location for unauthorised entry.
Observe/challenge all unknown persons approaching the location.

Now I am not sure why the police are helping to train a private army and whether they would be kind enough to train groups of White People, so they may also act in the defence of their own people and property should the need arise again - and it will - but I very much doubt it.

We have a close relationship with senior officers, constables and beat officers which includes joint patrols, training exercises and regular consultations on strategic issues in the fight against antisemitism. The CST is represented on numerous Police and liaison groups, including the Race and Violent Crime Task Force Unit at Scotland Yard and Police Consultative Groups throughout Britain.

Joint patrols, training exercises? What the hell is going on here?

Now on to a report about The Shomrim. The Shomrim ("watchers" or "guards") are another "volunteer" Jewish private army with their own uniforms and active units all over the world.

Their prime purpose they say is to prevent anti-Semitic attacks but they have been criticised for using excessive force against non-Jewish suspects as well as being criticised for holding back information on child molesters and Jewish criminals, as they believe that it would be wrong to inform on a fellow Jew to non-Jewish authorities.

The Shomrim
Now Shomrim Officer, Gary Ost told the Jewish Ynet; "We realized that people start riots when there is no police presence on the scene, and then it is hard to control them, so we wanted to stop it in the Jewish neighbourhoods before it gets started." and I cannot fault him there but what I found interesting in this article, apart from the bit about how, protected by kevlar vests they apprehended some looters - was the news that they also have been working with the police for many years although initially there were concerns by the police about their organisation!

So there you have the two para military Jewish Organisations being allowed to patrol "their areas" of Our Land whilst the True British People who attempt the same are treated like "cattle" and condemned as racists by the Ashkenazi False Jew, David Cameron.


Meanwhile, the Sikhs, tooled up to the teeth are also working with the police whilst running a military style operation. Amarjit Singh Klair from Hounslow said: ‘We are working along side the police, they’re doing what they can but they are stretched. ‘Why shouldn’t we defend our homes, businesses and places of worship? This is our area. There’s lots of talk about it kicking off here. But we’re ready for them.

Actually Amarjit, whilst I do not condemn you defending what you say is your area, I do dispute the ownership of the "area" but this is something we will no doubt resolve in a few years or so, so we shall drop it for now. Meanwhile keep it safe for the British People.


And what about whitey during all these troubles? What was he upto when not stripping off to hand his clothes over to some black robber?

Well those brave white souls who took to the streets were vilified as racists and vigilantes - and if they had been seen carrying the types of weapons that the Sikhs are seen brandishing in the image above, they would have been shot dead quicker than that black gangster the police shot last week.

As for the other whites - well a lot of them shamed the white race by waving broomsticks in the air and rushing off to clean up the muck left by those who so enrich our nation. Roll on payback time.

Cameron, Crime and the Dhimmi Hypocrisy

Cameron, Crime and Hypocrisy

By Clive Wakely.

The news that David “Dhimmi” Cameron is leading “the fight back” to punish anyone responsible for inflicted damage and destruction on Britain’s society should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Although Dhimmi Dave and the rest of the rotten political establishment claim to be shocked and surprised by the events of the last week, the public at large is not; no more than any rational person would be by the revelation that dropping a lighted match into a barrel of gunpowder is liable to result in a rather large explosion.

However what is truly shocking is the imbecilic and banal commentary offered up by Dhimmi Dave and his ilk in their attempt to “explain” away the disturbances and violence in our town and city centres.

Whilst Dhimmi Dave, assorted “Guardianistas” and Establishment stooges talk tough (always good for a few reactionary votes) and shower down condemnation from the ivory towers afforded them by television studios and the House of Commons, it is the long suffering British public that has to deal with the indigestion arising from attempting to digest the half-baked rubbish being fed to them by way of “explanation”.

Not to put too fine a point on it and to extend the analogy a little further, we are feeling increasingly nauseated by it all.

Sorry Westminster, sorry controlled media – but we, the people, know better than to buy into your “it’s the fault of immorality, criminality, dysfunctional families, gang culture” lines of appeasement; we know exactly what is at the root of the problem – and what’s more so do you!

We also know that so long as the lying, deceiving, bought-and- paid for media and politicians hold sway in this country that things can only get worse – for us – the tax-paying, law-abiding, silent majority.

Yet, watching the politicians perform on television, apart from an ever-growing sense of loathing for such parasites, one is left with the inescapable conclusion that Dhimmi Dave and friends appear to find some forms of thuggery, theft and criminality more deserving of condemnation than others.

As reprehensible as it is, a brick thrown through a shop window, a furniture store torched or a bus burnt out on a London street hardly ranks highly against the criminal devastation wrought on Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya and condoned by the likes of Dhimmi Dave and associates.

Similarly in the greater scale of things, how does the theft of flat screen televisions, designer footwear and electronic gismos stack up against the misappropriation of Kosovo, Iraqi oil or the ongoing “ram-raiding” of Libya for its oil and gas fields; felonious activity which Dhimmi Dave and his handlers are apparently more than happy to condone?

Yet whilst Dhimmi Dave and his cronies loudly voice their opportunistic demands that rioters must be subjected to “the full weight of the law”, they are conspicuous by their silence and inactivity when the matter of bringing Tony Blair, widely considered a war criminal, to justice.

Similarly does anyone serious believe that Dhimmi Dave – the bankers’ friend, who says he wants to crack down hard on looters, has the slightest intention of having the mega “bankstas”, whose fraudulent activities have cost this country billions, brought before the courts to answer for their crimes?

Whereas the thieving activities of largely ethnic feral youth will inevitably result in insurance companies passing on their losses to the public through increased premiums, the incalculably more massive theft from the citizen through “quantitative easing”, the printing of paper money, which will eventually manifest itself in spiraling inflation and the theft of the value of the pound in everyone’s pocket, will go unpunished.

Let’s not even start on the bank bailouts, rigged credit ratings, fraudulent fractional banking and collateralized junk debt scams.

If Dhimmi Dave was remotely serious over wanting to eradicate the “culture of criminality” that pervades society then surely it would not only be unemployed (unemployable?) young thugs that would be progressing through the court system but also those of the pin-stripped, bowler-hated, variety; the very sort to be found in City of London boardrooms and, indeed, sitting alongside Dhimmi Dave on the benches in the House of Commons.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Pravda (Channel 4) and the UK Marxist Police state 2011

Pravda (Channel 4) and the UK Police state 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sarah Albion


When Asian and Turkish people gather to protect their shops and businesses against rioters, they are praised by the media for "protecting their community". Meanwhile, white hating liberal's like Christina Odone, a woman's who's one time editorship of the Catholic Herald reduced it to something mostly suitable for lining a parrot's cage, write articles like this, praising the immigrants for, as she puts it, “loving this country more than we do”.

Meanwhile when whites assemble to protect their communities, such as happened in Eltham, they are called “thugs” and “vigilantes”. Police arrive en-masse and deliberately, albeit relatively unsuccessfully, attempt to provoke violence, in order to cause a "white riot", whilst the lying scum from Channel 4, who had obviously been invited to the show, produce a dishonest and misleading report like this one.

On the TV news report, it was claimed that white residents "attacked the police" however, despite the presence of TV cameras, this was not shown, in fact apart from close up film of one broken bottle (who knows who threw it, or when), no evidence of violence was shown. It was also claimed that people were shouting "racist abuse" although this was also not shown.

There was no trouble in Eltham, the police attempted to provoke white residents into violence for propaganda purposes, however, apart from, maybe, on frustrated bottle thrower, they did not succeed. Meanwhile so called “journalists” attempted draw an equivalence between the predominantly black rioters, and the peaceful white residents of Eltham.

This is what passes for “truth”, "justice" and “news reporting” in England in 2011.

Related (and amusing) article on Simon Darby's site here.

Cameron the The Sick Man of Britain

The Sick Man of Britain

EDL header

British Prime Minister David Cameron was forced to return early from his holiday in sunny Tuscany in order to deal with the sudden descent of several major English cities into violence, looting, arson, and anarchy.

On Thursday, when he spoke to members of Parliament about the crisis, this is what he said about the members of the English Defence League who defended their communities:

“The hon. Gentleman speaks not only for his constituents, but, frankly, for the whole House in deprecating the English Defence League and all it stands for. On its attempt to say that it will somehow help to restore order, I have described some parts of our society as sick, and there is none sicker than the EDL.”

The EDL has understandably taken exception to the Prime Minister’s characterization of them. Below is a statement by Brian of London, as posted at the EDL website:

No Mr Cameron, It’s You Who Are Sick
by Brian of London

Yesterday, in Parliament, after MPs were hastily recalled from their exotic holidays for emergency “jaw jaw” following the worst rioting England has seen for decades. Over a thousand of the scummiest criminals around have been arrested, with hundreds more expected to follow. Rioters attacked police, burnt down businesses and homes (some with people still inside), violently mugged innocent people, stole tens of millions of pounds worth of goods and even killed people. Yet David Cameron, the supposed ultimate representative of the public, chose to lie and attack the EDL.

In a hate-filled speech full of inaccuracies, he stated,

“I think the honourable gentleman speaks not only for his constituents but quite frankly for the whole house in deprecating the EDL and all they stand for — and their attempt to somehow say that they’re going to help restore order is…. sick, and there’s none sicker than the EDL”

All we stand for? Have you read our Mission Statement lately? We suspect not. No sane person could say it is sick to oppose terrorism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, integration and equality. How are you feeling, Dave? Better check your private health insurance policy, you’re looking a bit peaky.

Firstly, the minor disturbances in Eltham last night were NOT the EDL, according to the police that were there, and as they communicated to BBC Radio 5. David Cameron is now actively ignoring the police force of this country, in an attempt to further demonise the predominantly white working class people of this country.

People are entitled to protect their homes and businesses from severe attacks. The police weren’t protecting the people of these areas, so local people went onto the streets to make sure they wouldn’t become the latest victims of such horrific attacks. Be they the Sikhs of Southall, the Muslims of Birmingham, or the English of Eltham.

When it comes down to it, the only thing we are all forced to rely on is the government for its protection from violence and crime: we’re actually prohibited from arming ourselves, so we’re helpless. If a government presides over civil war as we saw, it has failed totally in its most important duty.

What is clear to see from the media reports and reactions of journalists and politicians is that they simply do not care about the proud English folk of this land. Many communities came together on Tuesday night, regardless of colour, with Black and White from numerous backgrounds, uniting to force away the rioters:

One particular group on Tuesday did have some EDL in it, and patriotic songs were sung. The locals were delighted that they were now being protected after police failures and shortcomings [Guardian Video]. The media were quick to jump on this and heap praise on the group as the spirit of England was on show, but once it came to light that some EDL may have been involved, the story was turned to imply they were racist and violent. This despite the presence of black men in the group and despite the lack of any violence whatsoever.

The same journalists gave a different account of the Sikh and Muslim groups who bravely defended their areas. The Sikh groups were publicly brandishing swords and weapons, something that would have resulted in the immediate arrest of any EDL member, we’re sure. No, these groups were lauded with praise and branded as heroes. Where is the equality?

Don’t get us wrong, we do endorse the use of self defence, in particular when rioters intent on using all manner of violent acts (which will include the carrying of weapons and the intent to use them) have to be met “head on” in times of abject police and government failure. They have allowed Anarchy to rule our streets, something the militant left have been provoking for many years now. We must pay particular attention to the case in North London, whereby locals have had to endure more than five nights of continued violence on the streets. Is it any wonder the locals are turning to people who do stand up for the love of their country and their communities in times of civil unrest?

Wednesday night saw similar scenes across the country, with vigilante groups protecting their streets once again. Obviously, because these groups were peaceful, law abiding and predominantly white English, the police were now miraculously able to find officers to over-police the peacefulness and intimidate people. In Manchester and Birmingham, the police had the numbers and time to surround hundreds of unmasked, peaceful citizens and issue them all with section 6s and 27s (orders to disperse well known to many EDL members from football crowd policing). Why were the groups of rioters not dispersed at early opportunities, when they were masked and intent on violence?

In Eltham, some news stations were reporting 1000 riot police and 80 riot vans, not to stop the rioters, but to surround a small group of 100 locals. A bottle or two was thrown, a sign of the frustration that these police who were nowhere when wanton destruction and theft were occurring, were suddenly appearing in mass numbers to intimidate and provoke a groups of previously peaceful people. No damage was caused and the locals went back to their homes, safe in the knowledge that police were finally on their streets, even if it wasn’t to stop the mindless criminals. This didn’t stop media outlets from lying about events, with The Telegraph criticising the EDL in depth for the whole incident and ending with… Local police denied the group were comprised of EDL members.

A massive police over-reaction to deal with non-criminals, a scene we see far too often these days, with the white English population seemingly viewed as fair game and an easy target for the police. Anyone remember the horrific police brutality at Rochdale? Police officers assaulted young women and sent dogs into the crowd to attack people, who were peacefully standing on the grass as ordered by the police. At the same time allowing the Muslim group opposite to wreak havoc and attack them. Well, perhaps if the police were to use such brutal tactics on criminals, for a change, then the wanton destruction and theft might have ended days earlier, negating the need for vigilante groups and preventing the murder of the three young Muslims in Birmingham (our thoughts and prayers go out to the families).

There is no issue here, especially no issue with the EDL. The English Defence League are here to DEFEND England when no-one else is willing to. On this occasion the police weren’t willing to defend and protect the streets and residents of some parts of England. The public needed help, so they turned to the EDL, as we are increasingly seeing, naturally, EDL supporters took to the streets, peacefully supporting local residents and businesses.

There is nothing extremist, far-right, criminal or wrong about doing that. It shows the community spirit and big society that Mr Cameron keeps banging on about, expecting people of England to volunteer to help their communities. This is exactly what you saw Mr Cameron, your BIG society, and now you are attacking the volunteers? Why is that? These volunteers showed tremendous moral courage doing what they did, unlike the criminals.

How about showing some respect to ALL who deserve it, rather than slamming innocent people who were only standing up after your disastrous handling of the situation. A few more days in the sun, more important than the safety of Britain and its people? You are one disgusting creature, Mr Cameron — when will you wake up and realise that the government has repeatedly let down the British folk of this country, and that people are turning to us, rather than the authorities with their concerns because the authorities are too weak-willed to confront the causation of civil unrest. We listen to people’s concerns and give them a voice, rather than dismissing them and ignorantly shouting “racist”, when it’s nothing of the sort. Mr Cameron, you are out of touch with the British public, it’s about time you started listening to us rather than blaming us for YOUR failures.

Time to get a grip of the situation, we think!

Friday 12 August 2011

Surviving Enoch's Prophecy

Surviving Enoch's Prophecy PDF Print E-mail
Written by David Hamilton

enoch_photo_120_x_178People are too frightened to speak out about what is being done to them and their families or express their fears for the future. If they live near immigrants they blot anxiety out and pretend everything is alright. If someone gets mugged or raped nearby they are relieved because it did not happen to them.

They avoid subways and many other hides for muggers that the planners built into their stupid housing schemes. You only have to go a couple of miles from affected areas and people are oblivious to what is happening because the elites are browbeating them into thinking things are fine. If they have had experience of the reality when they go to unaffected areas they won't speak about it for fear of condemnation.

They are frightened to look into the future and what natural care they have for their children has to be repressed.

As Enoch put it:"Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as 'controversial, 'extremist', 'explosive', 'disgraceful', and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see."

There are characteristic features of invasion: immigrants and their descendants are taking over our communities and our religious symbols are being replaced mainly by Muslim symbols: churches converted to mosques and Christians forbidden to wear crucifixes at work!

Contemporary elites must know what Sharia Law is and are aware of the widespread child-rape of young British girls by Muslim communities yet they are delivering our women into servitude under Sharia Law.

Many evil Judges campaign for it. In December 2008 the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, told the London Muslim Council he was willing to have Sharia law in this country, so long as it did not conflict with the laws of England and Wales , or lead to the imposition of severe physical punishments.

In the same month evil Lady Butler-Sloss, England 's first female Appeal Court judge, called for ministers to change the law for Muslims, so that a decree absolute could not be issued by a civil court until evidence had been obtained of a Sharia divorce. Delivering women to Sharia Law is a cruel wicked act. This is encouraged by dishonourable Christian leaders like the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Enoch warned of The Enemy Within and that our internal enemies could not believe their luck with mass immigration. It gave them the forces of revolution. It is not outside forces that threatened us but traitors who pretend to act in our interests while they surrender us to Islam. This process can be researched under under "Eurabia". The Revolutionary Vanguard is not poised to strike but in power!

What was to come was predicted by Enoch who saw similar symptoms in Northern Ireland: “Yet even though that picture is dark and darkening, there is one factor which has not yet been injected... That factor is firearms and explosives. With communities which are so divided nothing can prevent the injection of explosives which we know perfectly well from experience in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world. At first there will be horrified astonishment, and inquiry as to what we have done wrong that such things should be happening. Then there will be feverish endeavour to find methods to allay the supposed grievances which lie behind the violence. Then follows exploitation by those who use violence of the ascendancy they have thus gained over the majority and over authority. The thing goes forward, acting and reacting, until a position is reached in which—I shall dare say it—compared with those areas, Belfast today will seem an enviable place.

The open war begun on July 2005 when Young Muslims blew up London buses. There are hundreds of investigations being undertaken into Muslim "terrorists" but the elites are still importing them at half a million a year!

Enoch warned: “Then there are the 'no-go' areas ... areas in the United Kingdom where the Queen's writ does not run ... If these areas were described as what they are—namely, pockets of territory occupied by the enemy, as surely as if they had been captured and held by parachute troops—then perhaps it would be realised how preposterous is the situation. In fact the policy of refraining from the re-establishment of civil government in these areas is as wise as it would be to leave enemy posts undisturbed behind one's lines.” This situation has been brought mainland Britain by the elites.

The same corrupt elites have passed race laws and established a totalitarian bureaucracy under the doublespeak title of Equalities and Human Rights Commission to suppress the rebellion of indigenous people and to allow immigrants to replace us. Even during the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq the elites were encouraging them to immigrate. What would people have thought during the last war if 1500 Germans a week were being allowed into the country?

To prevent the masses realising what is happening the elites invent misleading terms for terrorists like “ Un-Islamic activity” when it is a war carried out against us from within.

The EU is importing hostile Muslim youth to Europe – prepare for the racial-civil wars of Europe. Nothing happens in politics by accident, and this is the greatest treason in history.

Roughly 80% of the population are opposed to immigration and always have been and for over thirty years this has been shown in opinion polls!.

Recently Gordon Brown admitted there is a consensus among mainstream parties in favour of immigration. The dominant political elites are at war with the native population. Immigration has no legitimacy and we have both a moral and legal duty to reverse it.

Its complicated by each different group hating each other - Somalians hating West Indians; Pakistanis hating Indians; West Indians and Somalians hating Asians; Indians hating West Indians; Poles hating Russians and Latvians.

There are historical examples of one group invading but our contemporary situation is several ethnic groups deliberately brought here and all waging war against us in different ways. Yet each way clearly shows the nature of the attacks which are masked by terms like “Black on White" crime but are actually race wars against Whites. The number of White woman assaulted, raped and murdered by Blacks is so high it can only be described as a Race War. The widespread gang-rapes of White girls often as young as 12 by older Muslims is an act of War by different means – guerrilla war.

There has been much censorship to impose the dispossession on native people. Like China our elites use official censorship to prevent rebellion through the internet! An Internet censorship bill passed the House of Commons allows government to restrict and filter any website that is deemed to be undesirable for public consumption. This is not through the Lords yet but as they are placemen it will probably go through.

The Sunday Times ( London ) June 11, 2006 reported that Rear Admiral Chris Parry, a senior military strategist has warned that “Europe, including Britain , could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance to their host countries—a “reverse colonisation” as Parry described it.

These groups would stay connected to their homelands by the internet and cheap flight. The warnings by Parry of what could threaten Britain over the next 30 years were delivered to senior officers and industry experts at a conference ... “Globalisation makes assimilation seem redundant and old-fashioned … the process acts as a sort of reverse colonisation, where groups of people are self-contained, going back and forth between their countries, exploiting sophisticated networks and using instant communication on phones and the internet. Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, welcomed Parry’s analysis. “Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead,” he said. “The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the government.” How have the decadent, emasculate authorities responded?

Chief of the Armed forces, General Sir David Richards, launched an organisation for Muslims in the armed forces - The Armed Forces Muslim Association. How many al-Qaeda supporters are in the British military? There are at least 8 in the police and the police refuse to remove them!

The violent ethnic cleansing of Whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa is beginning here. Because the media keep the truth from the public we only find it on the fringes: I got this revealing information from Jack Black’s “I am an Englishman” blog.

It becomes obvious if you research the real figures that we Whites are victims of a vicious race war.

I had correspondence from a young man who was a firm supporter of multi-racialism until the EDL demonstration against the Dudley mosque and went to look. When he got within a quarter of a mile he was issued with a Dispersement Order by the police. Later as he made his way back he encountered roving gangs of young Muslim males tooled up with knives and Machetes hunting anyone white with a short haircut or union flag on their clothing. The elites have created open warfare throughout Europe but the media suppress that knowledge and mislead people into thinking things are working out.

The police attack the EDL with truncheons funnelling them into tight wedges as at Hillsborough. In Leeds they continued to attack them while they were falling over each other. Just in case anyone was in any doubt whatsoever about the double standards and discrimination afforded to the white, Christian population of this country two EDL supporters staged a rooftop protest against Dudley mosque being foisted on local people over the Bank Holiday Weekend. They were charged with offences including Burglary, intent to cause Criminal Damage and Incitement of Religious Hatred.

They appeared in court one with broken arm sustained during or after arrest, the other a black eye. Witnesses confirmed they made no attempt to resist arrest and the police were extremely 'heavy handed'. Yet when Muslims chased the tough-guy police calling them cowards and poofs they ran away.

Those who believe in civil disobedience be careful: In “Scared Yet,” on the “England Expects” blog, Libertarian Party leader Ian Parker-Joseph revealed that the M.O.D. were asking military personnel: “Will you open fire on UK citizens?… In a stunning conversation with a friend, who is a serving member of the Armed Forces, over the weekend, it was revealed that transfers to regiments and other units in the UK on home duties are being undertaken by the MOD based upon whether an individual was prepared to ‘open fire’ on UK citizens during civil disturbances.” This is corroborated by Dr. Richard North who revealed that the M.O.D. was buying up “unusually large quantities of tear gas and other riot equipment.

We are part of a wider genocide: In Britain members of the ruling elites have admitted it. Andrew Neather admitted it and Migration Watch had secret government documents released under the freedom of Information Act are bases for another Nuremberg trial! Imposed Multi-Racialism with the admitted intention of the physical destruction of Whites is an organized crime against humanity. The humiliation, dispossession and gradual destruction of Whites, from Canada to Sweden to Africa is : The largest campaign of ethnic cleansing in recorded history.

The lessons we derive from the foregoing are firstly, the need to move close together. In a sense we are pioneers in our own country and need to relocate and form new communities of self defence. In view of the tyrannical power over the internet our enemy government are going to take we need to develop lines of communication between our communities. If large roads become impassable use bicycles especially with carriers.

Muslim vigilantes drive around an area just outside the territory they are taking over and threatening dissolute types like alcoholics, drunks and prostitutes as they clean up the area for their people to move into. They are also claiming territory by opening mosques which, as well as cultural and community centres, are ideological training grounds for street soldiers.

The imposition all over the country of no-go areas is prohibiting Whites from entering their territory. Like us they need areas of their own where they can bring their children up within their own cultural womb so they make life difficult for resident Whites to drive them out and, as the police and council authorities are on their side against local Whites, the Whites move out. This is euphemistically called “White flight.”

Alternating governments are aspects of one elite and have been acting illegally under the UN Genocide Act which nullifies any obligation to maintain the multi-racial state. In 2000 The Guardian predicted a white minority Britain by 2100, thus tacitly accepting our replacement. Around 8 years ago The Birmingham Post quoted a former senior Central TV official as saying we must prepare people for Muslims to become the majority. Jans Orbeck former Swedish PM admitted Muslims would take over.

Now this will surprise many but the key to our survival is by co-operating with other endangered groups like the Jewish communities. In January 2009 Muslims marched through European cities chanting “Jews to the gas” but the media played it down thus allowing it to fester.

The difficulty at the moment is that Jewish people still think White Christians are their enemy but mass immigration of Muslims has changed everything. The historical difficulties between our two peoples is not so important while Muslims physically attack Jews in France and Malmo, Sweden and Norway and take our countries off us. As an expedient we have to co-operate for our common defence. The elites are made up of both White and Jewish people and both are destroying their people.

The Financial Times of 21 November 2003 reported that the EU's racism watchdog shelved a report on anti-Semitism because it found Muslims and pro-Palestinian groups were perpetrating most racist attacks. The report, "was judged inflammatory" and buried. "The decision not to publish was a political decision." The page from the paper is no longer available online! (7) This same EU has developed The European-Mediterranian Partnership to encourage mass Muslim immigration and replace European peoples and culture by mass immigration of Muslims and a policy of Islamification.

This partnership of the EU and Arab countries around the Mediterranean surrounds Israel with hostile countries, gives millions to Palestinian organisations as well as encouraging the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe and replacing indigenous Europeans as well as replacing our culture by an official programme of Islamification. Don't take my word for it research it for yourselves.

Recent figures from the Department of Education reveal that 43.1 percent of primary school pupils and 30.3 percent of secondary school pupils speak English as their second language.

These are mainly “eastern European immigrants and a rising birth rate among non-English-speaking Asian families.” They will be exaggerating eastern European immigration to hide the Third World aspect of the invasion.

For example, Bradford, which is being colonised by Pakistanis has had over 1,200 new non-English-speaking school children arriving in the last 12 months. There are nearly a million schoolchildren in Britain who do not have English as their first language. This causes English-speaking parents to withdraw their children and move to “English” schools.

The ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims in Luton shows police complicity. The Muslims target people from all races and are trying to ethnically clear West Indians in Bury Park by throwing bricks through their windows. The police have been ignoring it, but TV showed a residents meeting with episcopalian Bishop Blake asking the police what they were going to do about it. The police have “Hate Crime officers” to harry and persecute any who try to oppose what Muslims are doing!

See - Bedfordshire on Sunday 13/01/2008 and Luton on Sunday 16/01/2008

As far back as 1954 Judge William Clothier called on the government to send immigrants back. He was presiding over a trial of a Black immigrant who tried to drive A White tenant out. Whites are the main sufferers in the whole immigration saga.

How are we to cope with this?

We begin by asking ourselves questions. Will our children get a better education away from immigrant schools? Will they be safer from the knife and gun crime perpetrated by immigrants? What influence could we exert from outside? Is it worth risking getting mugged or stabbed on the tube commuting to city jobs? Businesses are cheaper to run outside cities.

As a supplement to political activism we need to be part of and represent our communities. To provide help and advice to those affected by the anti-White policies of the elites, tap into the problems of local people and open advice surgeries. This will take time and money but we represent our community not the Established elites. Rather than trying to take the elites at their own game, fight on our own ground. Help those who get displaced by immigrants, those who the state discriminate against. Don't just tell their stories, represent them.

Promote the work on the main website and involve the loyal bloggers in countering the biased media representation, showing what it is to be part of a community-based movement. Concentrate energy on things we can change, for this is going to be a long haul. We are already being ethnically cleansed and must not passively submit and must take control by moving out and rallying ourselves and, like Jewish people do, boycott immigrant shops and use only our own. Get children educated in white schools or Home School so they don't get brainwashed, de-cultured or turned into sexual perverts by State education.

They are our children and our responsibility and we should be planning a decent future for them. One day the children will want children and there'll be nowhere safe to go. We have to get involved in every aspect of life - local organisations, folk societies, school governors and home schooling and start our own credit unions. We need to form committees like alternative councils with proper banking and verified officers and proper banking to counter having our communities taken off us.

To be practical we must consider the logistics we will need. The arteries of goods and supply are now housed in large warehouses near motorways and hence to outlying areas. This is something for us to do when the race war breaks into organised fighting. There are fields and allotments to buy in the country. It would be a bit like the “Dig for Britain” campaign in the Second War all available land was utilised for growing food.

We must stop squandering money on the shallow distractions the media and adverts encourage, like expensive and unnecessary cosmetics. Young White women are naturally beautiful and don’t need to slap this expensive rubbish over their faces nor do you have to squander your resources on clubbing, booze and dope. We are misled by politician, football, TV, and adverts for shallow re-assurances like –have your boobs expanded. They are constantly advertising marked-up cosmetics. Save the money and invest in your communities and future generations. Set out to be economically powerful and through communal credit unions open your own shops.

A related problem is the serious financial problems in the EU and our massive debt indicates we might go the way of Greece. This is a major major issue. Economics brings down systems faster than grievances about social policy. For they put up with anything if they have cash and this is how welfare entitlements are used to manage the population.

A breakdown in the single currency would unleash powerful political forces. The global market is to the detriment of workers in the advanced nations - global corporations use labour from the cheapest labour markets. Immigrants have been used as cheap labour since immigration started and that is why the NHS and London Transport brought them in. It saved them improving conditions and paying a reasonable wage.

We are in the position immigrants were when they first came. They worked hard and pooled resources to start buying houses, first, in run down areas like Upper Parliament Street in Liverpool and Chapletown in Leeds which had been fashionable large houses in the inner cities. The working classes had been moved onto large estates and the middle classes were in the suburbs. The immigrants began penetrating the centres of cities like London which are the most economically and culturally important.

They have been putting down roots and encourage their children to study for the professions and get into positions of influence and jobs that yield a pension because they believe in building for the future not escape from life. We have to think communally and build up the strength of our communities as mutual support structures like extended families.

The ownership of land gives power to these rival communities. When the authorities bend the rules to allow them to take things off us they are allowing new people to take over. The authorities over ride local communities to give power and influence to immigrants by preferential planning permission.

The new Planning Guidelines state that the interests of ‘Travellers’ should take precedence over our( settled) communities. They already have priority for getting their children into popular schools and treatment on the NHS. Now, they are to be enabled to build caravan sites on green belt land, and this dispossesses people remote from immigrant areas.

An idea was put forward in The Spectator of 17th December 2005 by Conservative philosopher Roger Scruton: “Neighbours should club together to buy small parcels of land from any desperate farming neighbour, thereafter renting it back to him at a peppercorn rent. This we have done in our neighbourhood, so saving ourselves both from travellers and agribusiness, by injecting needed capital into a family farm… If we wish to retain our countryside, it is up to us who live there to make the necessary sacrifices.” This applies to forming collectives to buy property in our towns and cities.

There is a positive, wholesome vision in this which offers a proper future for the children. It is one of rebuilding our communities and offering preference in housing and employment to our own people as a matter of priority because they share our ancestory.

We must start a fund like The Jewish National Fund to restore British neighbourhoods. We should invite our diaspora: Australians, Canadians to return. As they themselves are victims of Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide White Zimbabweans and South Africans should be asked to return to Britain for their sake as well as ours. The government won’t like it but as they are trying to destroy us we must ignore them. We need to found community defence forces to protect our people based on the Jewish community defence force the CST.