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Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Continuing Persecution of Christians in Egypt

Persecution of Christians in Egypt

NOVEMBER 2010: AS an MEP, Nick Griffin gets sent numerous texts of speeches that are being made in Britain. The speeches cover a multitude of topics and while some are of interest to nationalists, such as protecting the environment and defending a country's culture and traditions, the majority promote an internationalist agenda, seeking to expand the influence of the European Union and the global economy.

 Yesterday, Nick received notification of a lecture being given by Dr Ahsraf Ramelah at the Community College in Northampton on the Persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
In his introduction Dr Ramelah provides a brief history of the Coptic Christians in Egypt and the persecution they have faced from Muslims. There then follows an interesting analysis of the Western Mindset with regard to Islamic aggression, Sharia Law and Jihad.
This is what he had to say:
"Many Westerners, including Americans, for some reason hesitate to hear the truths related to Islam and its history or see the sad reality of current events around the world, especially  the oppression and discrimination within Egyptian society today.
While in the Western civil societies there is a clear separation of religion and state, in Arab-Muslim countries the two are inseparable. Islam is a juridic religion which governs every single part of an individual's life and by definition must extend to state government. Therefore, the policy in Egypt which forces the dhimmi (submissive second citizens) status upon those of minority religions is linked to the religion of Islam. In fact, the Sharia, laws based upon Muslim religious texts, is written into Egypt's state constitution as an amendment and is the official guide to all rulings.
The United States constitution is the basis for our laws and regulations but does not interfere with individual citizens and their beliefs, while in Arab Muslim countries the Sharia is the source and basis of law and dictates an individual citizen's behavior and attitude.  
What is Sharia? And what does it mean to us as Westerners?
Sharia is an Arabic word which indicates the source of law in general. According to Islamic doctrine this law was delivered directly by Allah as a Divine revelation set fourth in the Qur'an and the Sunnah text which contains examples of behavior set forth by the Islamic prophet during his lifetime.
In analyzing the above, one can easily see how non-Muslims in Islamic majority countries are subject to the Sharia.
Muslims claim that Sharia is applied only to the Muslim people as part of their religion, however history and current practice indicates the opposite. The Sharia was introduced in Egypt by President Anwar Sadat in 1981, indicating Egypt to be a Muslim country with Sharia as its law. Sadat did not abrogate or nullify the Egyptian constitution, but instead he wrote a simple amendment and placed it as the second article within the Egyptian constitution.
Here are a few examples of Sharia compliance happening in Egypt today:
* Today as the past, the legal courts of Egypt do not ever rule against a Muslim when he has committed a crime against a non-Muslim and this practice follows Islamic Sharia doctrine.
* Today as in the past, Egypt Copts are struggling to build new churches and repair existing ones based upon two decrees, Omrani and Hamayoni, which regulate the relationship between believers (Muslims) and unbelievers (Jews, Christians, etc.). The submission of non-Muslim to Muslim is based on Sharia. This is likewise happening in other Islamic countries; for example, in Afghanistan a few years ago the Taliban destroyed a huge, ancient statue of Buddha!
* Today as in the past, Christian women and girls are kidnapped, raped and converted to Islam. Rape is part of Sharia. This is also in accordance to Mohammad's message to the countries his armies were to invade that all should embrace Islam to keep from being killed (Islam, Teslam).
* Today as in the past, in the public schools, Islam is taught to all students as part of Sharia.
Jihad is part of sharia and means holy war. Muslims teach that jihad is a fight in self-defense to protect their faith. The reality is the opposite; in fact, jihad is one of the pillars of Islam and is offensive and aggressive. Let me borrow a few verses of the Qur'an to prove this important matter.
The following are two verses. The first is from Surah Al Anfal (8) verse 60 below: Arabic Qu'ran, English Qu'ran.
60. And prepare for them, you Muslims, all the strength that you can recruit? armed forces and mounted troops? to strike terror into the hearts of Allâh's enemy, who is your enemy, and into the hearts of others whom you do not know but who Allâh knows. And remember that whatever you spend in the way of Allâh, you will be reimbursed for it and you will never be unjustly wronged.
Islam promoted Jihad in the past, promotes it now, and will promote it forever for the sole reason that Islam intends to conquer the whole world.
Here are the verses that state it, Al Bakara (Cow) 2:154 below: Arabic Qu'ran, English Qu'ran.
154. Do not consider the martyrs in Allâh's cause to be dead. They have acquired the glorious privilege of martyrdom. Do not say they are dead, for they are alive in the Lord's providence, but you do not perceive this fact.
Al Twaba 9:20:
20. Indeed, those who believed in Allâh's oneness and migrated to where they could best serve Him and strove for His cause with their wealth and their lives, are privileged by Allâh with distinction in the scale and rank, and these are the triumphant who are bound to His care.
Al Twaba 9:41:
41. O you who believe, march out, each in his capacity, lightly armed and heavily armed. Every hand must be open to contribute something to the common purpose, and strive in the cause of Allâh with your wealth and your lives. Such a campaign is charitable for you if only you knew (it helps you prevail and confirm Allâh's faith and worship)."

UK PM Cameron let's cat out of The Bag On Economics

cameroncommieThose red Communist flags, side by side with our Union Flag simply couldn't have been more appropriate.  Cameron, the so-called ''Conservative'' half of the Coalition government, told news crews that: Globalisation will go into reverse unless China corrects it's trade imbalance.

Written by BC1959   
Here in Britain, we were under the illusion that the Coalition government
was paid for by our taxes, to actually look after our interests and future prospects.
Meanwhile, to gauge what other countries think about all this, here's  
UKRAINIAN GLOBALIST, a rather garbled and unprofessional news source.

David Cameron became the new leader of a great country
David Cameron, as a successor to departed Brown, 
will not be repeating his mistakes, and take a course on
strengthening the economy of Britain, and the development of social programs.

Social Programmes?  It just oozes internationalist connections, and brings to mind what can only be described as ''a global conspiracy'' to outlaw national interests and indigenous people.
Considering the massive damage done through international treaties and other ''cash generating'' con tricks by all post war governments, one would have thought Cameron, could have at least honoured enough election pledges to seemingly give a damn about British interests, and it's long suffering, tax robbed people. Over in Turkey, the ''Sofia Echo'' ( had this to brag about:
British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to fight for Turkey's stalled bid to join the European Union. Mr. Cameron made the remarks during his first visit to Turkey as Britain's prime minister. Cameron says he is angry that Turkey has not been allowed to join the European Union.
Our nation starves, it's people are murdered, raped and mugged, robbed of their inheritance as a free country, and he's angry?
This writer, and millions of worried Britons are more inclined to think: Turkey is for Christmas, not for life.  Now that Cameron and come to think of it, Clegg, have reneged on a plethora of promises and pledges before entering the money laundering club known as Parliament, we should look at what is happening to our country... that's right, OUR COUNTRY.
In January this year, two elderly people in their late seventies were left to die, unwanted, and ignored... and they were only two out of the 30,000 plus each year, in Cameron's new global society, his BIG SOCIETY.
Social services had ignored requests to help the frail pensioners, Jean and Derek Randall, and just a month later, both of them were found dead.
Millions of people face hunger and loss of home and business, as cuts and compound debt take hold.  No, we are not discussing Zimbabwe or some despotic Asian Communist country, this is Britain.
Amongst the millions of crimes committed each year, many of them by immigrants, one that sticks out as the rule, rather than the exception, was an illegal immigrant who was classed as a one-man crime wave.
Back in April, he was threatened with deportation for a fourth time after returning to Britain again, and attacking a police officer. Bag-snatcher Hakim Benmakhlouf aged 28, was back in a British jail once more, after being given a six-month sentence for kicking the PC who tried to arrest him at Heathrow. Thanks Blair/Brown/Cameron/Clegg, so this is the ''skilled labour'' Britain needs is it, because white folk are too lazy?

With the police now acting as two bookends, one as a military outfit to attack and hammer protesters senseless and the other to act as uniformed Social Workers, the media and Coalition government must ''talk up'' the economy, and tell us also that serious crime is down.
Many people forget that any globalist agenda, whereby we rightly worry about these issues, also means that our once stable, well priced, and much loved national assets are under threat.
This includes our rural economy, and those who are reliant upon work related to it. Andrew Brons MEP, and one of the most respected and erudite Nationalists, brings up the subject on his blog at just the right moment for an article such as this.
Whilst my Party has a United Kingdom rather than an EU perspective on farming, there are many problems that farmers and consumers face throughout the Union, said Mr. Brons.
His particular point of view recently, is exactly the same for many of us who value our natural resources, as Mr Brons outlined his and by association, our view that, GM infected foods should not reach the food chain for mass consumption here.
Also, we I am sure would all agree that, third world countries and food exports from those nations, are not inclusive of the high standards we enjoy, and expect.
Our rural landscape is being damaged by imports, immigrant labour, and the ugly trend, brought into play by a globalist agenda, to ''host international companies on former Green Belt land, because of potential investment and jobs''.
Readers are reminded that over the last two or three years, the term Green Belt has been replaced in some quarters, by the crafty use of the term.. ''Green Land''.
We know what's coming to a village near us, don't we? I am sure there are hundreds of business men and women in this country, whom, if endowed with the same ''grants and investment'' opportunities, would employ the same, if not more unemployed people here, and also, would benefit greatly from the export income we are seriously lacking through over exposure to inward products and services.

Lastly, over at ''One World'', a source for political globalism, there is much to be gleaned, as we now face cuts and debt induced slavery here in Britain.
British foreign aid is to be increased, even though Students here, are to be further clubbed by the hammer of debt.  Also, no commitment has been made to ensure indigenous British Students gain access to the home market.
The budget for aid now stands at £9 Billion, with an estimated increase to £13 Billion soon.  With Britain the fifth largest donor on the world's ''top ten'' list, Claire Melamed, head of the ''growth and equity programme'' at the Overseas Development Institute, tells us that we should ignore concerns about aid being ''lavished on fat cats and corrupt governments''... let's inform those white farmers in Zimbabwe then shall we?
Yes, David Cameron and Nick Clegg, both sons of bankers, are certainly making their mark on the world stage. Sadly, the only mark they are making on the British stage, is a stain of some considerable amount and stench. One we cannot possibly mention in polite company of course, but presumably you get the picture?

Monday, 15 November 2010

Tory Boy Comes Reality: Iain Duncan Smith Blames British People for Not Being Employed

Tory Boy Comes to Life: Iain Duncan Smith Blames British People for Not Being Employed

Harry Enfield’s “Tory Boy” comedy character, who used to tell unemployed people that their predicament was “their fault,” has come to life in the shape of ConDem Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith.
Mr Duncan Smith said this week that lazy or incapable Britons are to blame for nearly three million jobs being taken by immigrants since 1997.
Making the announcement while stealing a part of British National Party policy (the workfare-not-welfare section), Mr Duncan Smith said it was a “sin” that 70 per cent of the four million jobs created since 1997 had gone to immigrants because British people were not “capable or able” to do them.
The BNP was the first to come up with the idea of making long term unemployment benefits claimants provide some sort of work.
In its 2010 election manifesto, the BNP said that “ultimately there must be only one category of welfare recipient: those who genuinely deserve or have earned it. The scrounger entitlement mentality must be discarded. Those who can work but refuse to do so, must face the consequences of their actions on their own.”
However, what Mr Duncan Smith has so typically and arrogantly ignored is the reality that the vast majority of British people currently unemployed are not “lazy” or “incapable,” but simply unable to compete with the masses of foreign workers which decades of Tory and Labour rule have allowed into this country.
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect a British bricklayer, who has a mortgage, kids to feed, utility bills to pay etc., to compete with ten Polish lads all working as bricklayers and who share a house?
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect a British IT graduate, who is saddled with tens of thousands of pounds of debt before he or she even begins, to compete with an Indian IT worker whose comparative salary is a third of UK standards?
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect a British steel worker to find work at the age of 45 after almost all UK-based steel mills have been sold and exported to China or India?
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect a trained British call centre operator to find work when almost all large companies have outsourced their call centres to the Far East?
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect British fisherman to find work when the EU has slapped unfair quotas on the UK’s fishing allowances and allowed foreign vessels free access to our fishing waters?
How does Mr Duncan Smith expect British construction workers to find work when building projects — such as the Olympic village — are flooded out with “cheaper” foreign labour?
The list is literally endless.
Mr Duncan Smith’s “blame the Brits” attitude is callous, spiteful and downright wicked.
It is his party’s ideology and support of globalisation which is the primary cause of the mass unemployment now facing Britain.
Only once the internal economics of Britain have been straightened up, can anyone dare talk of identifying those who refuse to work.

UK Workers Put Last Again in EU/India Free Trade Agreement

British Workers Put Last Again in EU/India Free Trade Agreement

A leaked European Commission document has revealed that in terms of the secret EU/India Free Trade Agreement, Britain is to take 20,000 Indian IT workers every year, even though there is a 17 percent unemployment rate amongst British IT graduates.
The shocking betrayal of British workers only came to light after think tank Migrationwatch released the secret papers on their website.
Up to now, the ConDem regime has deliberately suppressed all news of this treachery, even though British National Party MEP Nick Griffin raised the matter in the European Parliament in July this year.
The leaked documents show that the UK’s immigration quota for Indian workers is 40 percent of the entire EU commitment, nearly three times that of Germany and seven times that of France.
According to Migrationwatch, the EU/India Free Trade Agreement negotiations, which have been conducted in secret, will see 20,000 Indian workers exported to Britain every year, over and above any nonsense “migration cap.”
Migrationwatch chairman, Sir Andrew Green, showing his increasing disenchantment with the Conservative Party once again, called on the government to “end its secrecy and come clean.”
In an official statement, Sir Andrew said that this “looks suspiciously like a side door to Britain for 15,000 to 20,000 Indian IT workers every year.
“It is even more astonishing coming at a time when British IT workers are finding it increasingly difficult to find employment and there is a 17 per cent unemployment rate amongst computer science graduates who left university last year.
“It is time to end the secrecy and for the government to come clean with what is going on and what, if any, safeguards are being put in place,” Sir Andrew said.
The breakdown between member states has been based on the share of the working population of each member state in the relevant sectors and on the share of member states in the total number work permits granted to Indian migrants in the past by EU members, taken together.
The effect of this is that Britain's quota is 40 percent of the total while the UK population is only 12 percent of the EU. Britain would be committed to up to 20,000, Germany 7,000, France 3,000 and Italy 2,600.
* A footnote to the document reveals that some countries have insisted on a cap to Indian workers — ironically, most of them are new East European members.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Cllr Cliff Roper: Labour Hoist By Their Own Petard

Cllr Cliff Roper: Labour Hoist By Their Own Petard: "I was struck today by the sheer audacity of the local Labour Party. Last year, one of their fiction writers, in a web posting exposed leftie..."

“Bitter Far Leftists” Attempt to Start Trouble over BNP MEP’s Address to Doncaster Sea Cadets

“Bitter Far Leftists” Attempt to Stir up Trouble over BNP MEP’s Address to Doncaster Sea Cadets

“Bitter” politicians who were too lazy to take up an offer to attend the recent Doncaster Sea Cadets awards evening, are behind a “storm in a leftist” teacup after British National Party MEP Andrew Brons attended the non-political event in their stead, reports local activist Ian Kitchen junior.
Reacting to the news that the Marine Society & Sea Cadets (MSSC) head office’s announcement that it had launched an official inquiry into how it was possible that Mr Brons got invited to the function in the first place, Mr Kitchen said in a letter to a local newspaper that he wanted it placed on record that he “was responsible for coming up with the suggestion to invite Andrew Brons MEP to do the awards presentation at the recent Doncaster Sea Cadets evening.”
Mr Kitchen added that he had already received a letter from the MSSC head office in London, informing him that his volunteer status with the Sea Cadets had been suspended while they conducted their investigation.
“I am a Sea Cadets volunteer of considerable standing, as are both my parents. None of our political affiliations are any secret, and this has never been a problem before,” Mr Kitchen wrote.
“Our professionalism and dedication to the Sea Cadets has never been questioned and the new attack on myself and Mr Brons is an artificially created storm in a far leftist teacup, generated by a bunch of bitter politicians who were too lazy to do the job themselves.
“Mr Brons was asked to attend after several invitations to MPs, the Mayor, and other figures went ignored and unanswered. Mr Brons was the only high profile community figure to respond to a request to attend, and his political affiliation had nothing else to do with it,” he continued.
“It is, however, simply untrue to allege that no-one knew of his political allegiance. Mr Brons is probably one of the most high profile politicians in the entire Yorkshire and Humberside region after winning just on 10 percent of the vote in the European Parliament elections last year.
“As a result, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the local Labour MP, who, it is worth repeating, refused to attend after initially being invited, is now bitter because Mr Brons took up the invitation.
“There is no justification for an inquiry into this matter, as the MSSC head office has announced. Mr Brons was not there as a representative of his party, nor did he make any political references at all.
“Furthermore, it is highly subjective of the MSSC to pass political judgement on the BNP’s policy. That is a subject way beyond the remit of a national charity which relies on public support and they have severely overstepped their bounds.
“We look forward to exposing the lies and hypocrisy which are currently being spread about this issue, when the time comes,” Mr Kitchen said.
Mr Brons was quoted in a local newspaper as saying that he did not attend the awards as a representative of the British National Party and no mention of the BNP was made to staff, cadets or parents.
"I gave a short talk at the end of the awards ceremony in which I referred to the great service that Sea Cadets can provide and the valuable experience that they can gain from their membership.
"Needless to say there were no political messages, party political or otherwise, included in the speech. I understand that the local MP and the Mayor of Doncaster were both asked to make the awards and both declined the invitation.
"I find the quotation attributed to the organisation's headquarters 'we do not support the views of the BNP' to be rather superfluous. As a charitable organisation they are not there to support or decry the views of any political party.
"I shall be happy to attend any other non-political events anywhere in my constituency in the future and I will behave as professionally and non-politically as I did on this occasion. I only hope that other elected office holders who are invited to such events can follow my example,” Mr Brons was quoted as saying.

Why haven't the politicians condemned the islamic poppy Burners

Why haven't the politicians condemned the moslems?

from the Bolton patriot
So have any of those MPs, councilors , dignitaries, Police and Union reps and so on, condemned the recent burning of a large representation of a poppy in public by Muslim extremists, whilst screaming 'British soldiers burn in hell’ during the 2 minutes silence on Thursday 11th of November?

Knowing that the principal reason for attending the Remembrance Day ceremony is to honour the war dead who went to war to prevent an invasion by a foreign force and to so maintain freedom, dignity and a better future for the British people in their own land.

If no one in government stood up and publicly denounced this disgusting violent hate filled attack on one of the important symbols, this incitement to hate, one has to ask why?

So, the very government that attends these ceremonies to honour the war dead are the very ones that have not only allowed, but encouraged these people to invade and colonise Britain, and moreover to be given every kind of freedom to defame, abuse and spew hate on our streets whilst all the time seeking to dominate the country. Now, why then, are they honouring our war dead who died to protect this land and its people from invasion, and tyranny? When this is exactly what consequent governments have increasingly subjected Britain and the British people to, and where they object are demonised and called ‘racists’?

What would the millions of the war dead say about the country they laid their life down for? Where the country as been given over to a foreign power, the EU without consent of the British people and indeed illegally. Where the very same people are now second class citizens , where the ‘minorities’ rule, and the majority are soon to be minority people in their own land? Where foreign criminals roam the land raping, murdering, robbing, as well as grooming young white girls, and moreover a land where criminals get the vote and where a MP say things like ‘The English are a race not worth saving’

If they the glorious dead would appear to day and objected to the state of this land would the same government who stand their today at memorials across the country , would they the same establishment scream ‘racist’ at them? Nazis? Fascists? Would they call them ‘less than human’?

The elite who stand there today with several illegal, unnecessary wars already undergone and more deaths of British people, they say for ‘freedom and democracy’ for a foreign land that doesn’t want it, whilst they destroy democracy in Britain and sovereignty of the British people right for self determination.

Westminster, the establishment betraying and dishonouring the War Dead and the people of Britain, whose future they condemn.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

The Islamic Fifth Column in Britain or Secret Army ?

The Islamic Fifth Column in Britain

Numerous incidents of anti-British outbursts across the country — including the refusal of a Muslim taxi driver to carry a RAF man in uniform — have given lie to the claim that the poppy-burning incident in London yesterday was the work of an “unrepresentative group of Muslims.”
The poppy-burning outrage — which is an obvious breach of section 154 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 — was committed by a group of Muslim colonisers known as “Muslims Against Crusades” which is, of course, headquartered in London.
However, the justifiable outrage over the incident, which was clearly designed to insult all British people honouring the dead in all wars, has hidden a host of other incidents which clearly show that anti-British sentiment runs very high across the entire Islamic community in Britain.
For example, one of the more recent incidents involved a young Royal Air Force man in Sheffield who attempted to take a taxi home after attending a family wedding in the town.
According to a report in a local newspaper, the “Asian” taxi driver refused to carry the RAF serviceman after objecting to his uniform.
“The 24-year-old serviceman who had been at a family wedding ceremony in his RAF ‘blues’ was turned away from the black cab by the driver who apparently became aggressive,” the local newspaper report continued.
The paper went on to quote a Vince McDonagh of the local joint ex-servicemen's association as saying that “Everybody is astounded that a British taxi can turn away someone in uniform at this time of year.” (Mr McDonagh’s mistake is of course to think that this is a “British” taxi).
The incident occurred last Saturday after the RAF man’s sister was married at the Sheffield Register Office. The RAF man’s father recounted the incident in the local  newspaper as follows: “My wife and my son went to get a taxi near the town hall after the ceremony to go on to the reception. When the cab pulled up they were about to get in when the driver said he wasn't letting my son in because he was in uniform.
"My wife asked him for a reason and the driver became quite aggressive in turning them down. He made it quite clear it was because my son was in the forces.”
The incident only made the local news, of course. Observers pointed out that a British cabbie who refused to carry Muslims in garb would have made national headline news as an example of “evil white racism.”
The cabbie incident is but one of many such outrages which have occurred up and down Britain.
In 2008, it was reported that British soldiers returning from overseas to Birmingham airport were ordered to change out of their uniforms into civilian clothes on the runway before being allowed to enter the airport building.
The outrageous order was made to avoid offending Muslims either working or visiting the airport.
Also in 2008, RAF command ordered its personnel not to wear their uniforms off base for “fear of being abused by hate mobs.” It was later admitted that these “hate mobs” were all local Muslims.
There have also been numerous incidents of wounded British soldiers being accosted and threatened by Muslims at Birmingham’s Sell Oak Hospital.
The cause of the problem is clear: mass immigration which has allowed a fifth column of Muslim colonisers to build up inside Britain.
Those who would claim that these incidents are the work of a “minority” would do well to look at the facts again.
In reality, they are representative of mainstream Islamic thought, and serve as yet another reason why Britain has to halt and reverse the Islamic colonisation of our land.

Boltons? Multicultural Comfort Zone

Multicultural Comfort Zone. 

Bolton Patriot 

Figures, produced by the Department Of Communities And Local Government’s 2008-09 English Housing Survey (EHS), show that foreign nationals now occupy 8.4 percent of the social housing stock and that amongst occupants aged 16-40, that figure rises to 12.6 percent.

This is a particularly relevant survey for those British people on the housing lists in Bolton: despite Anthony Backhouse pursuit of the issue Bolton Council has said that it will not withdraw from its contract with the UK Boarders Agency, a contract which through the ‘Gateway Scheme’ attempts to relocate and house refugees.

In 2005 the council had a portfolio of 160 properties which were used only for asylum seeker and refugees. A number of large local authorities around the country have cancelled their contracts with the Boarders Agency but for Bolton’s political elite such a decision would appear a step to far outside their multicultural comfort zone.

UK Government Admits That it,s Actions to Stop Islamic Extremism “Has Not Worked”

Government Admits That Programme to Stop Islamic Extremism “Has Not Worked”

The Government has admitted that the £140 million a year taxpayer-funded programme to try and persuaded Muslims not to become extremists, has failed completely.
The announcement was made by the Tory Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality, Theresa May, who said the much-vaunted “Prevent” strategies are “not working as well as they could.”
That is somewhat of an understatement. The “Prevent” programme was set up after the 2005 London bombings as part of the Labour government’s counter-terrorism strategy.
It entailed spending significant amounts of money on what were called “key Prevent deliverables” which were supposed to be programmes which would “deal with what drives young Muslims into extremism.”
The projects for which British taxpayers stumped up to prevent “Islamic radicalisation” included £5,000 given to Barking Mosque received to set up rap “workshops” and lunches.
A project called “Bedford: Faith in Queens Park” was given £9,000 for its basketball club, while other Muslim organisations received £10,000 for its cricket club, £11,000 for “fusion youth singing,” and £1,350 for a talk on “prophetic medicine”.
Other projects which received cash were the Cherwell “Banbury Fair Trade Society” was paid by Prevent to deliver a “multicultural food festival,” while in other areas, money was given to boxing, karate, judo and five-a-side football clubs.
The 1st Bristol Muslim Scout Group (imagine a “1st Bristol Christian Scout Group”) received £3,180 of Prevent money for camping equipment.
The most outrageous spend was however to a number of Muslim organisations to simply teach Islam. A 2009 review of Prevent spending revealed that one mosque had been given £40,000 just to pay salaries for Islamic preachers.
Making the announcement that the policy will now be “reviewed,” Ms May inadvertently let slip that the new policy would look at “prisons” in particular.
This slip confirmed the high number of Muslim prisoners in British jails, estimated by some experts to be higher than 60 percent in many prisons.
Ms May did not announce that the Prevent strategy would be abandoned, just made “more effective."
In reality, the only “strategy” which will prevent radical Islamism from taking hold in Britain is one which will see that religion halted in its bid to seize Britain by flooding our nation with immigrants and then outbreeding us in our homeland.
The only policy which will save Britain — and all of Europe — is tough, and will require steel nerves to carry out, but is obvious: either the immigration invasion is halted and reversed, or our Europe will die.

I Remember The Sacrifice This Sunday

By Horwich Nationalists

Tomorrow, as on Thursday I remember the sacrifice my Great
Grandfather made at Ypres in 1917, My Grandmother told me that on his last
leave all he would say was " I don't want to go back to kill some mothers
son" as I feel he had done, but he returned to do his duty for his Nation
and paid the sacrifice. A sacrifice that t...he Political Liberal elite has
betrayed , as shown by the Poppy burners on thurs,
But I swear grandfather that I will not forget and will not betray your
sacrifices by continuing to campaign for the British National Party, as a
candidate as a leafleter or in any other way. In remembrance of Pte
Thomas Yates 291494, 2nd/7th Bn., Lancashire Fusiliers who died on 06 April 1917.                                         

                                Remembered with honour
                           BETHUNE TOWN CEMETERY


The Persecution of the British National Party UK Has Become A Soft Totalitarian Police State

“Britain Has Become A Soft Totalitarian Police State” Says Libertarian Alliance Director

The continued state-funded persecution of the British National Party has revealed exactly how far Britain has gone down the road to becoming a soft totalitarian police state, Libertarian Alliance Director Sean Gabb has said.
Writing in a new article titled “A Nail in the Fuse Box: The Persecution of the British National Party,” Dr Gabb, who is no supporter of the BNP, said that the “suppression of political parties is becoming an interesting feature of life in the managerial superstate known as the European Union.
“It happened six years ago in Belgium, to the anti-immigration Vlaams Blok. And in London, High Court hearings have just (November 8th and 9th) that will determine the fate of the British National Party,” Dr Gabb wrote.
“Since judgment was reserved, we do not yet know whether BNP assets will be seized and whether party leader Nick Griffin, who is an elected Member of the European Parliament, will be sent to prison,” he continued.
“We do know what has become of England: it is now a soft totalitarian police state.
“For those who may be unaware of it, the British National Party is what its name says it is. It opposes immigration and the associated political correctness and attacks on freedom of speech and association.
“It also opposes British membership of the European Union and British involvement in wars of military aggression that do nothing to secure the peace and prosperity of the British people.
“And it is contemptuous of the claims about man-made climate change that are an excuse for the massive enrichment of ruling classes everywhere.
“Not surprisingly, the BNP is not popular with the British ruling class.
“This has been hard at work for at least two generations on destroying a constitution that, since the High Middle Ages, had been uniquely effective at restraining power.
“This is a ruling class that rejoices in having put common law protections through a shredding machine; and in alienating sovereignty to a mass of foreign and even unknown organisations, to the point where democracy has become a joke; and in sponsoring the mass immigration needed to reduce working class living standards and to justify totalitarian ‘anti-racist’ witch-hunts.
“Yes, not surprisingly, the BNP is a witch that must be hunted. It is described as a “racist” party, and its members as violent and even psychopathic criminals.
“Its leader, Nick Griffin, is remarkable for his ability to assemble softly-spoken persons of quality into something like a baying mob.
“To describe all the ways in which Mr. Griffin and his party are persecuted would take an essay which would also be a dissertation on the growth of the British police state.
“I have not the space to write such an essay. Therefore, I will look at the two chief current persecutions.
“The first was announced on Tuesday the 2nd November 2010: Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, told The Guardian newspaper that he would allow headmasters of state schools to dismiss any teachers known to be members of the BNP.
“The ostensible reason for this is that members of the BNP cannot be trusted not to preach ‘hatred’ in the classroom. Mr. Gove said: ‘I don’t believe that membership of the BNP is compatible with being a teacher. One of the things I plan to do is to allow headteachers and governing bodies the powers and confidence to be able to dismiss teachers engaging in extremist activity.’
“Gove did add that this permission to dismiss would also cover members of other “extremist” organisations. However, it is to be doubted if radical Moslems and members of Trotskyite groups will be at risk of losing their jobs. There are too many of them in teaching, and they are too well-organised and too well-connected.
“The permission might eventually be extended to religious Jews and Christians who refuse to celebrate the rich diversity of sexual orientations that is part of our established faith in England. Or it might not. But the permission will certainly be used ruthlessly to seek out and remove all schoolteachers who are, or who might have been, members of the BNP.
“The second persecution has been under way for a couple of years: the concerted effort by the managerial state to suppress the BNP.
“There is in England a taxpayer-funded body called the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This was set up under the Equality Act 2006, and it ostensibly exists to ensure that people are treated fairly and have their rights respected. One of its main actual functions has been to sue the BNP to the verge of bankruptcy in the name of ‘human rights.’
“In August 2009, the Commission began proceedings against the BNP under sections 24 and 25(5) of the Equality Act, on the grounds that BNP membership was confined to natives of the British Isles and white foreigners.
“Apparently, it was a violation of the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended) that non-whites were not allowed to join a party committed to keeping Britain predominantly white.
“Since then, the Commission has been lavishing the taxpayers’ money on an action that is supposed to vindicate the right of non-whites to join the BNP—a questionable cause of action, bearing in mind that few non-whites can really be aching to join an organisation like the BNP, and bearing in mind that the British State overall has been running the biggest budget deficit in the civilised world.
“But vindicating abstract rights has not been the purpose of the action. Its real purpose has been to shut down the BNP. The legal proceedings could achieve this in three ways:
“First, the BNP might lose and be compelled to admit large numbers of non-white members. These could then exploit its internal structures or take further legal action until there was no more BNP.
“Second, the BNP might lose and then be sued again for breach of the final order. This could result in forfeiture of all party assets and the jailing of Mr. Griffin.
“Third, win or lose, the BNP might be forced into bankruptcy by the costs of defending an action that had unlimited funding.
“This real purpose became absolutely clear in the March of 2010, when the BNP did change its rules to admit non-whites, and the Commission immediately moved to the second option in its strategy for destruction.
“The BNP imposed two conditions on new members to prevent flooding attempts. First, prospective members should be visited at home, to see if they were suitable for membership.
“Second, all members should declare support for the “continued creation, fostering, maintenance and existence” of an indigenous British race, and should support action towards "stemming and reversing" immigration.
“The Commission argued that these conditions amounted to ‘indirect racial discrimination.’ The Commission won that round. On the 12th March 2010, a Judge outlawed the requirement for home visits, saying that this might lead to intimidation—though admitting that there was no evidence it ever had.
“He also outlawed the requirement to declare support for party principle and policy. He said: ‘I hold that the BNP are likely to commit unlawful acts of discrimination within section 1b Race Relations Act 1976 in the terms on which they are prepared to admit persons to membership under the 12th addition of their constitution.’
“The reason for this, the Judge went on, was that no non-white person could support these policies without compromising his ‘personal sense of self-worth and dignity as a member of their racial group.’
“And so the BNP changed its membership rules again—it would now accept members regardless of whether they agreed with its policies.
“However, these conditions for membership were only suspended by the BNP, not removed. And so the Commission went to court again, this time arguing that the BNP was in contempt for not complying in full with the earlier judgment.
“As I reported earlier, judgement has been reserved. We can, however, be sure that, if the Commission turns out to have lost, it will find some other grounds of continuing its taxpayer-funded vendetta against the BNP.
“How much more of this the BNP can take before it goes bankrupt is hard to say.
“As of August 2010, the BNP was said to be £500,000 in debt. This is about a quarter of its annual income. Much of this debt appears to have been run up in legal costs,” Dr Gabb wrote
He then went on to point out no matter what the BNP’s policies were, there was no justification for the sort of treatment it had received at the hands of the state.
“It is unfair to treat people in this manner. What has been done, and is being done, to the BNP is oppressive. It is not the sort of thing that happens in a functioning liberal democracy.
“In a liberal democracy, people have an unquestioned right to say whatever they please on public issues—and they do not suffer even official discrimination, let alone legal harassment.
“In a liberal democracy, they have an unquestioned right to associate or not with whomever they please—and are not subject to administrative and legal bullying about ‘inclusiveness’ and the unacceptability of ‘hate.’
“The fact that BNP members and the party itself are victims of state harassment—and, as said, there is much more than the two instances just given—indicates just how much England has moved towards totalitarianism.
“They are persecuted for their opinions on race and immigration. But they are persecuted still more because of all else they oppose or stand for.
“For all it did badly in the elections of May 2010 (in terms of seats—as two left wing blogs perceptively noted here and here, it did strikingly well in terms of votes) the BNP remains the one possible voice for working class dissent from the established order of things.
“And though unfair in itself, what is being done to the BNP should make any reasonable man worried about the future of England.
“Anyone who looks at the various manifestos and pronouncements of the BNP will see a party that claims to believe—and possibly does believe—in freedom of speech and association, in trial by jury, and generally in constitutional government as this has always been understood in England.
“It does not even advocate compulsory repatriation of those non-whites who are legally here.
“Whatever it may or may not believe in private, the BNP leadership is very distant in what it says from the Hitler-loving caricatures shown in the MainStream Media.
“But destroy the BNP, and the result will not be a vacuum. Other movements will emerge. These will be less interested in organising to win elections and debates than in arguing their case on the streets.
“Already, there is an English Defence League that has no apparent interest in electoral politics. This is almost certainly less thuggish than the ruling class and the MSM claim it to be.
“Equally, though, it is less constitutional in its aims and methods than the BNP. And the English Defence League may be only the beginning of the next stage in working class dissent from the established order of things.
“Until modern trip switches (circuit breakers) became the norm, household wiring in England was protected from overheating by wired fuses.
“Each ceramic fuse contained about an inch and a half of wire to a stated ampage. This connected power as it came into a property to one ring circuit. Any power surge or appliance failure would result in immediate burning out of the fuse.
“The fuses were deliberately the weakest point in the whole wiring system. One reason they have now been replaced with trip switches is because many people were in the habit of replacing fuse wires with nails. This meant that fuses never blew—instead, houses burned down.
“What the British State is doing to the BNP is the political equivalent of sticking a nail in the fuse box. The destruction of the BNP will buy a few more years of life for the politically correct fantasy of England as a country of enlightenment and universal love.
“What may follow is well enough known to any student of history,” Dr Gabb concluded.
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Friday, 12 November 2010

Anger...The Hypocrite Media's Favourite Word When It Suits Them

Anger...The Media's Favourite Word When It Suits Them Print E-mail
Written by BC1959   
anger20X120Yes, anger... a righteous word that has excused all manner of violence and hatred over the years.  Anyone with a modicum of  interest in recent events, will have noticed the word used in the ''Anti Cuts Demonstration'' this week, as Anarchists and Leftist thugs... ooops, sorry, Union activists and Students, rallied against tuition fees and massive cut.
The streets of London were turned into a more realistic Third World scene, as news teams struggled to cope with the reality of extremism and Marxist destruction. The only word they could think of, was good old traditional ''Anger''.
Of course, when other angry and concerned groups gathered in towns and cities, and were confronted by ''Anti-Fascist'' and ''Anti-Racist'' protesters, many of them ethnic aliens, whipped up by the horse whisperers who engineer such protests, the word ANGER was no where to be heard. No violence or destruction of property is required or condoned, and the British National Party has many times, condemned the use of these actions by a minority of people, but alas, the indigenous Briton cannot escape the Media's ''condemnation'' of so-called thuggery and violence. We are not to be tolerated in this land of ''Tolerance'' and fair play you see, if you are ethnically British, you a a bad person, and all human rights are to be oppressed.
The so-called ''Right-Wing press'' in the guise of the Daily Mail, had this to say on one such protest last May:
Children were thrust into racial hostilities today as the English Defence League clashed with police and anti-fascist groups in Newcastle. Shops and pubs in the city closed as up to 3,000 EDL and Unite Against Fascism members took to the streets, chanting and waving banners. The two camps came face-to-face near the city train station before their planned marches, with UAF protesters chanting 'Off our streets, Nazi scum' in response to the EDL's chorus of 'You're not English anymore'. They were kept apart by hundreds of officers from five forces.
The headline to this story read: 
Children draped in English flags take part in fascist protest march through Newcastle.
Fascist? Children draped in their own country's national flag... Fascist? Now on the other hand, the demonstrators from the ultra-violent, claw hammer loving ''Unite Against Freedom'', or UAF, were called no such names you understand, no, not for them a campaign of hate and smears by the media. Even when the old lie about ''voter apathy brings results for far-Right'' is smashed as the voting in that Kent ward was above average at 31.3%, the word ''anger'' was no where on record. Anger by voters at the treachery, mass immigration, stealth taxes etc... no where to be seen or heard. Even hate-monger, and now former MP, John Cruddas was allowed to bleat:
The BNP threat in white working-class areas is a serious matter, with UKIP faltering, few local elections and the economy hurtling into recession, we will need everyone who opposes the BNP’s message of hate to play a part. A BNP victory will change the political landscape in Britain.’
He got that one right, and that is why the foreign owned and controlled media, and the hollowed out institutions that are infested by parasites of non-British descent, cannot ever, tell the truth. Because they are all in the same trough, and all pat each other on the back, as they fill their bellies, many homes, and faces, full of luxuries... at the cattle's expence. In another outburst of fake ''Anger'', one female MP in the north of England stated:
I am hitting out at the British National Party, for targeting parts of my constituency with a leaflet campaign.
And we thought this was a democracy, silly British people are we not?  There is one very odd thing about this particular case, as no address or phone number was seen on the ''BNP Leaflet''. The leaflets, seen by the local paper, Citizen, did not contain a contact telephone number or name, which the BNP knows is THE LAW. The only address is a Lancaster post office box number from where, it is claimed, people can receive a free information pack sent in an unmarked package. That's odd, as Lancaster UAF are very prominent there, and that town's so-called Anti-Fascist activists, have been the subject of ugly blog and internet based smears, and tactics that are completely alien to our hard won freedom of speech and the democratic process our ancestors fought and died for.
Now for a humorous look at the oddballs and lunacy we have, and will continue to face. But before that, let's remember also, this is an era whereby the EU can over ride national law, and have recently ''told'' this government it will have to allow prisoners voting rights, and that more money is needed for the Euro-Zone, and that immigrants have the ''European Human Rights Act'' to protect them from being sent back home... even if they rape and murder whilst here. OK, here it comes:
LANGUAGE campaigners yesterday denounced a bid by the BNP to appeal to Welsh speakers. ''Language Campaigners'', you see, they are angry at indigenous people, wishing to learn what is essentially, a part of the original ancient British tongue, and why? because they are members of the British National Party. This story is from 2004, and the ''Anger'' was because at that time, the teenage Daughter of the Chairman, now MEP, Mr. Nick Griffin, was to front the campaign in Wales. Our language must not be used by us, we must not remember, or even think of remembering our traditions, values, and heritage. We are white folk, and white folk must be ethnically cleansed at all costs. Anger is a natural felling, and one of the things that makes us human.
Now for the not so humorous aspect... where was the anger for all the white victims of race hate? Where was the media outburst over the vicious hammer attack on a member going about his business in the political arena? Where is the anger over Robert Mugabe's acts of mass white genocide?  No where, that is except in our own media and press outlets. It's time for another traditional saying to be revived... DON'T GET ANGRY, GET EVEN. Possibly, considering that all this was avoidable, and was and is aided and abetted by politicians, it should be:- DON'T GET ANGRY, GET EVEN... AND THEN SOME.  

Islamic Muslim extremists burn a giant Remembrance Day poppy

Horwich Nationalists,

JEERING Islamic Muslim extremists burn a giant Remembrance Day poppy yesterday - and defile the commemoration of Britain's dead heroes.

fanatics protested while millions of people across the nation honoured the men and women who died serving their country.
Two Muslim extremists were bailed this morning, following arrests yesterday. The men, aged 30 and 25, were held on suspicion of Section 5 public order offences after allegedly burning a poppy.

One flash point was the breaking of the two-minute silence at 11am. A bearded Muslim yelled: "British Soldiers burn in hell ."

Is it not the case that these Islamic 5th columnist have no interest in this country and the sacrifice that millions have paid in order to preserve it, except only when it comes to receiving state benefits or hiding behind the Human rights laws in order to further their aims of a Islamic UK. So why should we have to tolerate their intolerance and hatred for all things British any more. The only answer for the problem is for the British People to wake up from their slumber and support the only political party that will stop such things ever happening again and of course it is the British National Party,and not the traitorous Lib Lab Con liberal political coalition that has nurtured the multi cultural society  that has allowed such events to happen , 
see the awful traitorous act in the video below.

EU President: States “Homogenous Nation States are Dead” And prepares EU for 3rd World Immigrant Invasion

EU President: “Homogenous Nation States are Dead” as Way Prepared for Mass Third World Invasion of Europe

The president of the European Union has declared that “homogenous nation states are dead” just a week after the European Parliament legally cleared the way for the mass invasion of Europe by the Third World.
EU President Herman Van Rompuy openly declared war on those who opposed the EU superstate in comments made to mark the 21st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
“The time of the homogenous nation state is over,” Mr van Rompuy said, adding that in “every [EU] member state, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion — it is a lie.”
The EU president’s honesty about his organisation’s intentions come just one week after the EU Parliament agreed on asylum legislation which legally gave almost the entire world the right to move to Europe.
Only the British National Party’s Andrew Brons, MEP, dared point out the obvious to the EU Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
Speaking after that committee had approved wording for asylum regulations which stated that non-one could be deported in case they were in danger in their home country, Mr Brons said:
“It has been reaffirmed this morning that asylum will not be restricted to those who have been singled out for ill treatment but will extend to people who would be in danger if they were returned, simply because they come from dangerous countries.
“If it is unacceptable to send back to dangerous countries, people who have not been singled out for ill treatment, it must follow logically that we cannot tolerate the remaining populations of those countries to stay in them,” Mr Brons said.
“When are we going to bring the whole of the populations of China, Afghanistan and Pakistan to Europe?
“There are many other countries that I could add to the list but the entire populations of three countries being brought to Europe is enough for one morning."
In other words, the EU has not only declared “homogenous nation states” to be dead, but, by declaring that it is “unsafe” to deport any asylum seeker from China, Afghanistan or Pakistan, they have effectively invited mass illegal immigration from those nations.
There is little doubt that the EU now represents one of the most deadly, evil and calculating threats to the continued existence not only of Britain, but all European nations and the European people as a whole.
Unlike the fake “UKIP” party, which argues in terms of its cultural civic nationalism policy that anyone who settles in Britain can be “British,” the British National Party unashamedly demands the right of the native, indigenous people of Europe to be recognised as such and accorded their full rights.
Mr Van Rompuy would never dare tell India, China or Pakistan that the days of their “homogeneity” are over and that their reluctance to merge with their neighbours is a “lie.”
There is no reason who Europeans should put up any longer with this pompous, hate-filled, anti-white fanatic Van Rompuy and his overtly evil organisation.
The BNP declares its intention to the world: not only do we seek to withdraw from the European Union, but, along with other proud European nationalists, we seek its destruction.
The BNP loves Europe and seeks a “Europe of Nations,” not a united Europe.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

PM David Cameron’s Office Says that Troops Will Not Withdraw from Afghanistan by 2012

David Cameron’s Office Says that Troops Will Not Withdraw from Afghanistan by 2012

A spokesman for 10 Downing Street has admitted that David Cameron’s undertaking to withdraw all British troops from Afghanistan is untrue and that they will stay there “for as long as is necessary.”
The volte face came after the newly appointed Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir David Richards, emphatically ruled out reducing the 10,000 British soldiers in combat before 2012.
Sir David said that British troops would stay in the Afghanistan theatre of war for “as long as it takes.” Mr Cameron had earlier pledged to begin withdrawing British personnel out of Afghanistan by July next year.
When asked for comment, a spokesman for Mr Cameron’s office tried to make the best Sir David’s inadvertent exposure of the Prime Minister’s lies, and issued a lame comment which said that “We will continue to have a long-term relationship with Afghanistan that will include troops. They are of the same mind that it’s about the conditions on the ground.”
In his comments, Sir David said that Britain would “inevitably” be “shouldering the burden at least through next year.”
He also announced that British forces would stay on the front line even past the 2015 cut-off date, saying that it was “important that we establish in the minds of the Afghan people and of those in the region that Nato is not going to cut and run.”
The extent of the British peoples’ commitment to this illegal war has not only been paid in hundreds of our soldiers’ lives, but also in nearly a billion pounds worth of foreign aid.
Recently, the Government announced a 40 percent increase in the existing foreign aid allocation of £500 million.
When the increase was announced, the Government justified the spend by saying that Afghanistan needed to be “stabilised.”
What the Tories (and their Labour partners in this crime against humanity) failed to mention was that Afghanistan was now “unstable” precisely because of the war which those two parties had unleashed.
* This billion-pound aid budget is only the beginning.
Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, the former ambassador to Afghanistan and head of the Foreign Office unit dealing with Afghanistan and Pakistan, told a recent parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee that Britain will “have to provide aid to that nation for at least 50 years.”
British taxpayers can therefore look forward to paying up billions more in the decades to come — unless they vote in a British National Party government.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Equalities Quango vs BNP Court Case: An Overview from Nick Griffin MEP

Court Case: An Overview from Nick Griffin MEP

"No plan survives the battlefield" is an old Army saying. The tax-guzzling 'Equalities' Commission now have good cause to ponder that maxim, Nick Griffin MEP has said in his reaction to today’s court proceedings in the Equalities and Human Rights Commission case against the British National Party.
“They brought a contempt case against me, Simon Darby and Tanya Lumby. Their aim was to use public funds to bully and oppress both the named individuals and the entire British National Party,” Mr Griffin wrote.
They wanted to use this vexatious action to bankrupt and humiliate us and to jail me. To that end they falsely claimed that the BNP was deliberately flouting a Court Order.
Blow by blow the Equalities Quango gets a drubbing 
I was unable to be in Court to see the admissions forced from lawyers acting for the Equalities quango due to short-term medical problems. I've had blow-by-blow accounts of the truth emerging in two days of high drama though:-
Wham: The BNP is a law-abiding Party which sought to comply with the order
Kapow: The 'Equalities' Commission kept moving the goal-posts
and the killer blow: The CEHR bullies admitted under pressure that their dodgy order was unclear and ambiguous. That means it was never capable of being enforced. It’s over!
You make the difference
We wouldn't have won these crucial victories if we hadn't had a really effective, professional legal team. We wouldn't have had that team if you had not given the money to pay them to do the job for us. This great result is thanks to you and everyone like you giving us the means to continue to fight for our People against this corrupt, wicked Political Class.
The High Court will issue its judgement in a week or so. Today, I'm happy and confident and looking forward to seeing the Judges’ reasoning. We will need to send our lawyers again (for what will be the final time in this case).
We need them to make sure that all goes well and that our interests – especially when it comes to apportioning costs - are looked after by fully prepared professionals. So I'm asking all those who understand how vital this battle is for all our civil liberties to dig into their pockets and send a donation. We are nearly through this and we must not fall at the last hurdle.
It’s great to be so close to leaving the courts behind, so that we can get on with preparing for the political battles, especially next Spring’s winnable Assembly and Parliamentary elections in Wales, Ulster and Scotland. So I’m delighted to be asking for help with the one final push we need to throw CEHR’s attack on us into the litter bin of history.
or ring 0207 078 3269
Thanks and best wishes
Nick Griffin MEP
P.S. To all those who braved the wind and rain to stand outside the High Court and protest for freedom, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You ensured that people know that the British National Party contains people willing to make a stand and speak out for freedom and Justice. Thanks also to all those who sent Get Well cards and good wishes. Don’t worry, I’m fighting fit again!

Votes for prisoners provokes a storm of Protest

Votes for prisoners provokes a storm

 NOVEMBER 2010: THIS week, the news that has motivated the people of the North West of England to write to their Member of the European Parliament was David Cameron’s announcement that criminals in prison will be given the right to vote.

 There has been a big reaction to the Conservative Prime Minister's initiative and every single letter and email received has denounced the decision as 'madness'.
In a letter to all those who have written in to their MEP, Constituency Office manager Tina Wingfield wrote: 
"Mr Griffin has noted your comments and thanks you for taking the time to share them with him.
Please be assured that British National Party policy is very clear on this issue: those who have committed sufficient crimes to merit imprisonment have infringed society’s rules. They have, in consequence, forfeited their “right” to freedom and this includes the right to vote in elections.
Rights come with responsibility and it is the duty of all individuals to abide by the law of the land and to show respect for their fellow citizens. Mr Griffin rejects the liberal consensus which confuses the criminal for the victim; in his view it is the protection, best interests and rights of law-abiding citizens - not the perpetrators of crime - that must form the core focus of our criminal justice system. The ‘softy-softy’ approach to convicted criminals, imposed on Britain by EU human rights legislation, will serve only to embolden the criminally-inclined and undermine the deterrent effect of imprisonment.
This EU interference in our justice system is just one of countless reasons why Britain should withdraw immediately from the European Union."