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Sunday 13 March 2011

British Traditional beliefs under attack When will Christians get respect?

Traditional beliefs under attack
When will Christians get respect?

 Fellow Patriot,

Anciently held Christian beliefs are under fire once again!
An elderly Christian couple had £3600 taken from them by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) for only renting double rooms to married couples. This was held to discriminate against a gay couple. The Christians argued they were just trying to live according to their beliefs.
Now the EHRC are backing the same militant gay couple who won their original claim in fresh claims for money from the Christians Mr and Mrs Bull.
Mr and Mrs Bull now face paying this militant couple thousands of pounds more in further compensation. They have applied to the Appeal Court to overturn the original damages awarded against the Bulls and order much higher compensation. Their case is being presented by EHRC lawyers, according to new court documents.
Despite Mr Bull being seriously ill, having undergone a triple heart by-pass in January, the PC bigots at the EHRC are chasing the Bulls for more money. The EHRC are using taxpayers’ money to drive Christian beliefs to the sidelines.
In the original ruling against the Bulls in January, Judge Rutherford said: “It is not so very long ago that these beliefs of the defendants would have been those accepted as normal by society at large. Now it is the other way around.”
Make no mistake, this is a very deliberate act by the Political Class. They are actively seeking to ensure that the Christian faith is dirtied, denigrated and made unattractive to the general public.

“We simply want to live and work in line with our beliefs about marriage. Can’t we just agree to disagree?”
- Mrs Bull

For too long Trevor Phillips and others like him have lorded over our country, turning it from a proud Christian country, into one where, in more and more of our towns and cities, Christian beliefs come second or third behind both PC agendas and Islam. It’s a case of us and them, and they think our views and feelings don't count!
Contrast the case of the Bulls with the case of the Muslim poppy burner. He desecrated a national war symbol on Armistice Day and only received a £50 fine. It shows you that the establishment is not on the side of the ordinary British folk.

I am calling all decent Christians to show the establishment that we will no longer remain silent or be oppressed.
Our views count, and we want our religion and values given their due respect.
Can you afford to sacrifice £500 to help in our fight for Britain? If not, is a gift of £100 or £50 within your grasp? Every pound counts, and we will make every pound work harder for us than ever before. Please donate whatever you can today in order to ensure that we are there to speak out in defence of our traditional values.
We are treated as second-class citizens in our own country, but your generous support will help even more people realise that the British National Party can make a real difference.

Please accept my sincere thanks,
Nick Griffin
Nick Griffin
Member of the European Parliament

P.S. This is not about being 'anti-Gay', because we're not. It's about defending the right of Christian people to live according to their religious beliefs without Government interference. We must not stand by and let ordinary Christian folk be persecuted for their beliefs. It's about real tolerance and respect. Give whatever you can afford today online or by ringing 0844 809 4581 and show you care.

Saturday 12 March 2011

UK Television Programming Used to Politicise the Public

TV Programming Used to Politicise the Public 

The Black Country Blogspot  

A popular TV programme, normally interested in finding people whom have no knowledge of relatives who may have left some form of estate, has proven once again, the depths to which the entertainment industry will go, in politicising its output. ''The Heir Hunters'', shown on various channels and repeated numerous times, showed on the 5th of January 2011, a Jewish immigrant family, having moved from Lithuania in the late 1920's, once again using various identities to enter South Africa, and Britain, then stabbing the very people in the back who gave them every opportunity for a better life.

Recently, this site showed aspects of one particular group, coming from the wider Jewish community, who seemed to enjoy attacking white western society at every opportunity through various means, mediums and financial control. The duplicity of immigrants from many backgrounds who would have otherwise been abused, or killed in their place of birth, is a very sore subject indeed. The ''Heir Hunters'' programmes are very interesting indeed, but having a large part of one programme, given over to ''Anti-Apartheid'', and using race when it suits them, is sickening at worse, and at best, proving once again that, the British, and all western culture, is alone in it's battle for our future survival. From the likes of Kieth Vaz, born in the Yemen, to Peter Hain, born in South Africa, and many others we have allowed inside our once safe, relatively happy, and industrious nation, people determined to, in Vaz's own words, ''transform Britain'' are traitors.

Whether or not these people are here, or elsewhere, and whether or not they are Asian, Jewish, or Muslim/black etc, the fact is that we have not much more than ten years to turn this hatred around, and expel them, taking back our beloved institutions regardless of the obvious sanctions that will accompany this act of repossession. A so-called ''celebrity'' recently stated that she loves nothing more that curling up on the sofa, with a ''South African red''... Peter Hain is a South African red, but I'm sure she meant a nice bottle of wine.

The promotion of Communism and leftist ideology on TV, is simply one part of the bigger plan to politicise the west, and keep the cattle snuggled up on the sofa, until slaughter is upon them. We are wiser, and we are the many, but it will sadly take more than writing articles and being actively involved in the British National Party to offer hope, and a way out of this hell. We will have to watch as millions suffer from job losses, pensions depletion, and large scale social disorder, before we can gather the political crop required to salvage and then restore our fortunes. There is evidence that some ethnic groups are sympathetic to our policies, and with enforced membership via the Communist Trevor Phillips, another immigrant parasite and traitor, we could see a small minority genuinely supporting the party openly.

Having said that, people must be aware of the obvious traps that Philips and the Tri-Partate dictatorship have in mind, and realise that ultimately, only the British National Party has been targeted, leaving alone other, smaller nationalist parties... until they potentially get as big or powerful. If that ever happens through so-called ''hard-liners'' jumping ship, and swelling membership to a valuable opposition, then the same will happen to that party. Our current leadership has come under attack by older, and supposedly wiser seasoned nationalists, and from those who have a personal or grubby selfish wish to control it, plus the obvious state agents and informers. To this end, we cannot have old battles and themes that broke the NF, and other groups, constantly re-enacted. We must stay with the leadership, and remember the heights we have got to, and the pressures we, and our leaders have faced.

British people have an inbuilt trait, one that engages enemies hard and fast when cornered, but until that time comes, we must remember also that, we are an island peoples, and have many times allowed it to become a base for alien immigrants, and those born and bred here, to liberalise and ''transform'' our nation. Liberals are not the problem, it is our own selfish, and rather ''snugly attitude'' that is killing us. We can blame immigrants both the high, and lowly, for many things, but the treachery of our own, and the lazy, ''I'm alright so sod off'' attitude prevalent since the social comfort blanket of the Welfare State, is THE serious threat. To round up what this article is really saying, we must do three broader things:

One - Stay with the British National Party through thick and thin, always remembering that we do not have to be in each others pockets all the time, but steadily build bridges and work like ants to maintain our presence as a single cultural and political entity. Two - write and produce as many articles, ideas, and thoughts as possible, and engineer them accordingly to each problem or activity required to reach the masses. Three - Remember that it is always ''personal circumstances'', mainly financial, to which the masses react. Our struggle is not a single one, it is a multi-level struggle, so as we face election disasters, and some of us get disillusioned, it is essential we encourage seasoned and newer members/supporters to forget the ''football manager'' mentality. This is a dangerous attitude, as a couple of bad games does not mean we should dump the manager. A lost game is a lost game, the season and the years ahead are only ours if the people and players are up to it.

Finally, regarding examples of alien hostility, mainly from those with parents or grandparents who came here supposedly poor and abused in some form, it must never become a ''no go area'' to tell the truth. We must always produce an article or thesis that is loaded with truths, and those upset or in disagreement have the right to say so. However, as indigenous people, with a history going back thousands of years previous to the ice age, we must stand proud, and offer every opportunity to activists and writers, to face up to difficult and purposefully complex discussions or topics. Without attacking the disease/germ, we can cover the sores with cream, and take as many pills as we like, but by not attacking the parasite that caused it, we simply go round in circles. Immigrants have no control over us whatsoever, it is all in the mind, and if we use our minds, and have the willpower, we can take this land of our back. History is full of winners and losers, let's ensure history shows we are the winners.

Friday 11 March 2011

UK Forced Marriages and 'Honour' Violence On The Rise: Bolton To?

Forced Marriages and 'Honour' Violence On The Rise

The brutalisation of children and a mechanism for further Third World immigration into Britain. That's the ugly reality of forced marriages in the Asian population in Britain. And it's getting worse.South Wales Police  admit that they are dealing with the largest amount of forced marriages and “honour”-based violence that they have ever seen.

Over the last twelve months the police in South Wales have dealt with 49 cases of forced marriage, with new cases every week. There have been a further two cases in North Wales in the last six months, while the Gwent force dealt with five cases of forced marriage last year.

Cases such as these in Wales are not isolated incidents, and yet they often go unchecked and unreported, despite senior members of the communities involved knowing that it is happening.

Bangladeshi children as young as fourteen are regularly being spirited back to Bangladesh to engage in forced marriages which then allow for further “family-based immigration”.

A government report named Tower Hamlets, which is now almost completely colonised by Muslims, as having the highest numbers of forced marriages in Britain.
The Department for Children, Schools and Families said that 2,000 children had gone missing from schools in fourteen areas where there were high levels of forced marriages, including the East End of London.

The government in England and Wales has the power to issue Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPOs). To date there have been little more than 100 orders, and horrifically almost half of these have been put in place to protect children under the age of eighteen. Indeed, according to the BBC Asian Network, one may have been as young as seven years old.

This horrific practice of shaming and abusing young women (and sometimes even men) into a marriage that they do not want should be a long-forgotten dark ages practice, not a common occurrence on British soil.

But this is of course the inevitable result of the Third World colonisation of Britain, and it is just one more reason why the British National Party stands against it and in favour of the preservation of the traditional identity and values of our homeland and people.

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British National Party Beat Lib Dems and Tories in Burnley

British National Party Beat Lib Dems and Tories in Burnley

The British National Party beat both coalition government parties in a local election in Burnley last night. Both the Liberal Democrats and Tories were beaten by the British National Party, which won second place and significantly improved its percentage from 2010. Nearly a quarter of all those who voted supported us.

The election saw a strong campaign by our local candidate, Paul McDevitt, supported with advice and guidance from National Elections Officer Clive Jefferson.

"I am very satisfied with this result," said Mr Jefferson. "We are using by-elections to trial new techniques and to re-visit and refine some old ones. In particular our new election database Alfred is being tweaked and tested with good results. I would like to thank all those who helped support Paul's candidacy by leafleting and canvassing door-to-door.

"Clearly, Labour in opposition are a more difficult foe than Labour in power. People forget the harm they have done and simply vote against the unpopular ConDem coalition. They got an 11.8% swing compared with last May's main polls. The fact that we boosted our vote from 2010 under these conditions is a very good sign, but we still have much to do."

Full result below.

Rosegrove with Lowerhouse by-election result, 10th March 2011:

1st: Beatrice Foster, Labour – 521

2nd: Paul McDevitt, British National Party – 288

3rd: Kate Mottorshead, Liberal Democrat – 261

4th: Matthew Isherwood, Conservative – 81

5th: Andrew Hennessey, Independent – 58

Homosexual Couple persecute Christians Nazi Style for More Money with Fascists EHCR Help

Gay Nazi's persecute Christians for More Money

The gay couple who won damages from Christian hotel owners for refusing them a bed are suing to get even more money from them, according to documents filed at the Court of Appeal.
Steven Preddy and Martyn Hall said the owners were let off too lightly because of their Christian beliefs.
Peter and Hazelmary Bull now face having to pay the couple thousands of pounds more in compensation.
Civil partners Mr Preddy, 38, and Mr Hall, 46, of Bristol, won their case in January and were awarded £1,800 each.

Their legal challenge to the amount of damages is being backed and fully financed by the taxpayer-funded Equality and Human Rights Commission, according to the documents.
The move led yesterday to fresh protests that the might of the State is being used to sweep away any remaining claim Christianity has to a hearing in the courts.
Mr and Mrs Bull, who run the Chymorvah Hotel in their seven-bedroom home in Cornwall, had turned away the men on the grounds that their policy is to let double rooms only to married couples.
In January Judge Andrew Rutherford, at Bristol County Court, ruled that the Bulls had broken sexual orientation regulations under the Equality Act, because in the eyes of the law civil partnership is the same as marriage.
He said he took into account that ‘this discrimination by the defendants was due to a genuinely held Christian belief of theirs’.
According to Mr Preddy’s own evidence, the Bulls had not acted ‘in a demeaning manner’, the judge added.
Mr Preddy and Mr Hall have now applied to the Appeal Court to overturn the damages awarded against the Bulls and order much higher compensation. Their case is being presented by EHRC lawyers, according to court documents.
The couple claim the discrimination against them was wrong for whatever reason Mr and Mrs Bull acted. ‘It does not matter whether they acted with a good or indifferent motive’, their legal papers say.
Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute think-tank, which is supporting the Bulls, said: ‘It is disappointing that Mr Preddy and Mr Hall, backed by the Equality Commission, are being so mean spirited.

‘They are chasing an elderly Christian couple for yet more money, and effectively asking the court to disregard the Bulls’ sincerely held beliefs. For most people, this news will confirm their misgivings about using taxpayers’ money to drive Christianity to the sidelines.’
In his ruling in January, Judge Rutherford said: ‘It is not so very long ago that these beliefs of the defendants would have been those accepted as normal by society at large. Now it is the other way around.’ And that is an example in our view at the Horwich Nationalists on how SICK our Nation has become!

Mrs Bull, 66, whose 70-year-old husband underwent  heart surgery in January, has reportedly said: ‘We’ve been hit for £3,600 already. Why are they pursuing us for more money?
‘My husband is still very ill, and this news is the last thing we needed. Thankfully, we are still receiving messages of support from the general public, including several gay couples who feel we’ve been given a rough ride.
‘We don’t bear any ill will to Mr Hall and Mr Preddy. We simply want to live and work in line with our beliefs about marriage. Can’t we just agree to disagree?’
The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it was supporting Mr Preddy and Mr Hall’s appeal ‘on the technical matter of how damages in a case like this are calculated’. Or more in line with our view of following a perverse Marxist agenda, were the morality of the nation is set by the STATE!
A spokesman added for The Equality and Human Rights Commission : ‘We are trying to clarify the law in this area. I have spent a lot of time with Steven and Martyn and they have always said it was never about the money.’ then we must ask at the Horwich nationalists what is it about .in reality,

How sickening these sexual perverts, and lets define perversion, a perversion is a compulsion or feeling that overwhelms all sense of moral and ethical behaviour, leading to an unnatural act, can persecute a decent hard working decent ELDERLY couple . It shows that these so called equality laws are not a means for liberation, but a means of oppression of the decent people of this once proud Nation.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Latest Case of British Bolton Girl forced Groomed for Drug Dealing by Asian Men

A 16 young white TEENAGE drug dealer was spared jail when a court heard she had been forced into selling heroin and cocaine after being groomed by a gang of Asian men.
The 16-year-old girl had been exploited by the men, plied with drink and drugs and sexually assaulted, Bolton Magistrates Court heard.
The girl’s family last night claimed she had been showered with compliments, alcohol and gifts before dealing drugs for the men after receiving threats.
The case follows the recent sentencing of a gang of men in Derbyshire who had sexually exploited teenage girls, which prompted former Home Secretary and Blackburn MP Jack Straw to hit out at the culture of some Asian men targeting teenagers.the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was called by a man she knew on February 9 and asked to sell drugs for him.
Another friend drove her to Tonge Moor and around Bolton selling drugs, while she was directed by phone.
The girl was arrested by police in Flora Street, Bolton, at 3.15pm with £159 in cash and a “large quantity”
of drugs in bags inside her clothing, the court heard the young Girl had been harassed by an Asian man with calls of a threatening and sexual nature.
  it has come to light  the girl had been exploited and had previously been given cocktails of alcohol and drugs.
  and also the girl had been sexually assaulted by another member of the Asian gang.
The girl admitted possessing cocaine and heroin with intent to supply, supplying cocaine and two further counts of supplying heroin.
She was sentenced to a 12- month intensive supervision programme  which will also give her up to 25 hours of help and support each week ,and a three month curfew to remain at home between 7pm and 7am.
 a family member of the young has reportedly  said: “Older Asian lads in their 20s are targeting teenage white girls.
“She was just enjoying the attention but this has really been a wake-up call for her.
It has really affected her.She used to always be out and now she just wants to go to college and start again.
“They were grooming her into drug dealing.”The relative claimed the same was happening to other white girls in the town.
The matter of young white British girls being deliberately targeted to sell drugs and for sexual service by gangs of these Asians was first brought to light by Nick Griffin MEP for Bolton years ago, and instead of acting on the information he and the British National Party supplied to the TRAITOROUS Liberal elitist politicians, they tried to jail him for telling the truth.

Freezing The British and Bolton Poor & Enriching The Muliti National Rich

Freezing The Poor & Enriching The Rich

After the coldest December on record killed thousands of pensioners who couldn´t afford to heat their homes, the EU is forcing energy targets´ on Britain that will simply make a few very rich people even richer.Householders, businesses and public buildings are, from this week, to be offered cash incentives to install environmentally friendly technology under an initiative known as the Renewable Heat Incentive, and in return they will receive a grant based on the amount of heat which is produced from the alternative source.

However, the increasing number of government subsidies and incentives for renewable energies will surely create more problems than they solve. This new scheme joins the ranks of many other rewards and incentives, such as the feed-in tariffs which are to be paid to people, communities or businesses who generate electricity from solar panels, wind turbines or other renewable sources.

Renewable Energy Targets:

Britain’s “renewable energy target”, which has been set by the European Union, demands that 30 percent of our electricity be generated from renewable sources within ten years.

OFGEM, the energy supply industry regulator, has announced that more than £40 billion alone will have to be spent by 2020 just to connect these “renewable energy sources” to the National Grid.

Enriching The Rich 

This works out to a cool £4 billion per year, dwarfing the “Green Investment Bank” handout, which itself is just another Green Gimmick. According to a recent report in the Financial Times, the “Bank” will be granted a £1 billion budget (with another £1 billion then coming from asset sales) to distribute. This £2 billion of new investment is meant to help plug the green investment gap in the UK!

Meanwhile, 30% of our coal and nuclear generation capacity is going to be taken out of service over the next few years in order to meet EU ´carbon emission´ targets set as a result of global warming hysteria.

Wind Farms:

Farmers in Cumbria have recently received a booklet detailing the income available to those who can afford Wind Turbines on their land. For an original outlay of £500,000 for a 250 kw turbine with average wind speed of 7 m/s, the annual income will be £150,000 fixed for 20 years, meaning a lifetime income (wind turbines only “live” for a total of 25 years) of £3 million.

However, one of Scotland's leading conservation bodies has challenged head-on the common assertion that wind farms run at an average of 30 percent capacity over a year. A study carried out for the John Muir Trust into the energy generated by dozens of wind farms, the majority of which are in Scotland, between November 2009 and December 2010, found that, over 395 days, the wind farms could have produced 17,586,000 mw hours of energy running at full capacity. In reality, 3,881,900 mw hours were generated, equivalent to 22.07 percent.

Meanwhile, a separate report has revealed that 70 percent of wind farms built in England only operate at 25 percent capacity because they have apparently been placed in areas where there is not enough wind.

According to the report, the worst performing wind farm is in Blyth Harbour in Northumberland, where windmills operate at 4.9 percent of capacity.

In the recent cold December, all the wind farms already built in Britain are reported to have been producing on average only enough electricity to boil 3,000 kettles.

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Lawful Rebellion in Action March 7th 2011 Liverpool England

Lawful Rebellion in Action March 7th PDF Print E-mail

Written by Green Arrow
Tuesday, March 2011
lawful_rebellion_title_logo_120_x_83We the people hereby Serve Notice, under Common Law, to all elected politicians, of all parties in Great Britain, that failure to take action to restore the British people’s Sovereignty, and to overturn the treason and criminality that has occurred and is occurring at the highest levels in this country, will lead to charges of being personally complicit in this treason and criminality and therefore liable to prosecution under Common Law. Taken from the Lawful Rebellion site.

Hundreds of protesters stormed a courtroom and attempted to make a citizens' arrest on a judge in support of a man challenging his council tax bill.

In chaotic scenes, police rescued Judge Michael Peake from the clutches of a mob and escorted him safely from the County Court in Birkenhead, Merseyside.

Officers were force to scramble over court benches to control the near riot as one protester shouted to 'seal the court'. Another sat in the judge's chair at the head of the court and declared the defendant be released. Read rest at Daily Mail.
Pity the demonstrators were not a bit more organised as it would have been nice to hear the speech the one patriot was trying to make. But a good first effort.
If this site can do anything to promote these people then we will

Tuesday 8 March 2011

UK Muslim Poppy-Burner Fined £50 – Which Will Come Out of His Benefits

Muslim Poppy-Burner Fined £50 – Which Will Come Out of His Benefits

A Muslim fanatic has been fined a mere £50 for burning poppies and chanting hate slogans on Armistice Day.

Emdadur Choudhury, 26, was part of a demonstration by members of the so-called Muslims Against Crusaders who protested at the end of a march celebrating the UK's armed forces, on 11 November last year.Poppy-FlamesChoudhury waved a protest flag and then set fire to two large plastic poppies. He was convicted of actions "likely to cause harassment, harm or distress".

He did not even bother to attend court to hear his sentence.

Choudhury's £50 fine was means tested after his lawyer said he earned £480 a month from part-time work and got £792 a month in benefits.

The maximum fine for his offence – the least serious of public order crimes – is £1,000. Another protester, Mohammed Haque, was found not guilty.

Shaun Rusling, vice-chairman of the National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association, said that every serviceman in the country would see the sentence as "disgusting".

He said: "If we set fire to a Quran there would be uproar and they would go after us, but because this is Britain people just get upset. It is a futile sentence.

"For them to insult those who have given their lives for freedom is an affront. It is one law for them and one law for others," he said.

"Remembrance Day is a very special day for those in the armed forces. It is a day when we remember those who have lost their lives for freedom and fighting for their country."

British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin spoke for the nation when he said:

"The poppy is a symbol of generations of sacrifice by our people. The full force of the law should have come down on the heads of those who insulted that sacrifice. The petty sentence is another sign of how corrupt and out of touch the establishment is. I urge militant action against the haters who mock our nation.

"The fact that this man is on benefits means that it is the taxpayer who will be paying his fine in any case. You really couldn't make this up. What a disgrace our country has become. These fanatics will be celebrating the weakness of our establishment tonight and laughing at us and our brave service personnel. What must the lads and lasses fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan think of this?"
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The Liberal Elite Have they learned nothing from Afghanistan?

Have they learned nothing from Afghanistan?’

– British National Party leader condemns Cameron over moves to send British troops into Libya.
Nick Griffin today launched a stinging attack on Tory leader David Cameron over the fiasco of the eight SAS troops arrested by rebels in Libya and his announcement that 600 men from the Black Watch are on standby to be sent to the strife-torn desert to help remove Colonel Gadaffi.

‘It’s beyond madness,’ said Mr. Griffin, talking to journalists in Brussels. ‘It’s up to the Libyans to decide whether they want to be ruled by an elderly kleptomaniac sex addict or by the Islamists who will emerge as the strongest force among the rebels. But either way, regime change in Libya is not worth the bones of one single British soldier or airman.

‘For Cameron to fantasise about imposing a no-fly zone on Libya while simultaneously slashing the RAF is particularly crazy. With a ConDem closure of RAF Leuchars and Kinloss, the stark reality is that the only air force David Cameron is going to destroy is Britain’s.

‘If Cameron and his American puppet-masters do invade Libya, the British National Party will immediately launch a high-profile high-street campaign to focus popular rejection of such warmongering lunacy, and against the crippling Oil Shock fuel prices that will get even worse if the US further enrages the Arab world by openly trying to steal their oil
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Monday 7 March 2011

" Apples and oranges" How the ruling party sees themselves as incorrectly unlike the British National Party

" Apples and oranges" How the ruling party sees themselves as incorrectly unlike the British National Party!

By The Alabama Rose

At the present moment I am reading a David Starkey Biography about Queen Elizabeth 1st. (one of my favorite people ever on this  earth!) it has me creating so many pictures in my mind of the land and topography of reading, it so easily reminds me, even as a non indigenous person, of why the BNP exists.How magnificently and intricately the political fiber has been spun and woven into every blade of grass atop every hill and dell throughout for many thousands of years , to keep and to protect the purity and ownership of England's land and traditions for ALL of England's inherent citizens! My God! That ANY fortunate soul be born unto such a uniquely special Country, and not see the ABSOLUTE duty to do one's part to aid in whatever manner within their means to boost the fighting spirit of the home team, has no soul!!! To eat the fruits of England's land and drink from the waters that clearly run through God's blood before theirs , to walk down tree lined lanes and be free to voice your opinion of it's beauty.... To speak in your own language .... To have the gift of all of these things and yet not be willing to come to arms when ALL of the aforementioned things stand on the edge of a cliff with a strong wind at their back, is unfathomable! It is a narrow souled person who sees the BNP's sole mission to be bigotry. Even I , as an American, find it hard to believe that ALL rightful citizens( and by that I mean of course the families who have had generations of relatives go back to the beginning of time)that these citizens would not be stumbling over one another to join the heart felt and correct party of the BNP! The current prevailing parties say of the followers of the BNP ,that they stand for unethical and disrespectful practices against anyone who is not anglo..but is it not right and natural for the people who are the descendants of all the great masses of English citizens over thousands of years who fought for, died for, created , developed and maintain the current environment for themselves and ALL of the OTHERS who now enjoy the benefits without the blood sweat OR tears, is it not understandable that this group of descendants band together to strengthen their concentration in order to fight the threatening enemy who actively and aggressively seeps into all cracks and crevasses of their homeland....and has changed even the most unnoticeable detail of life as you knew it as well as the blatant
and fundamental core values you have always known? So these bully parties dare
to label the BNP yet they themselves are guilty of the same! They have banded together in likeness to fight against what THEY feel is threatening to THEM which from my perception is ANYONE who does not support THEM . They are alike with the BNP in that they have a common goal that they deem is most important above all other. Here is the difference. They have set their agenda of necessary change based on what a handful of career politicians see as important and have used their political prowess to push their personal ideas of what England should do to benefit primarily themselves ... The BNP
Is comprised of laymen and regular folks whose only " agenda" is to regain what is already rightfully theirs as citizens and have back the right to live as they choose, not as they are forced to by smaller private agendas that allow ALL OTHERS to take over everything and change the heartbeat and appearance of England while England's indigenous citizens are forced to eat the enemies dust as the foreign masses selfishly and persistently race ahead like locusts to wheat to devour anything recognizable as "English". I fail to see the BNP's banding together as a party to be any different than the banding of any other party. They must be overthrown. All the Kings and Queens and Knights and soldiers who look down from heavenly English skies must be sickened by what they see .... Take England back! Now! It is. indecent what is occurring. It must be stopped... There and in the US

Sheep Voting for Mint Sauce in Barnsley

Sheep Voting for Mint Sauce
Written by Sarah Albion   
white stick me voting labour in red ballot boxes
There are some good things to say about the result in yesterday's Barnsley bi-election, which followed the conviction and imprisonment of the previous Labour MP Eric Illsley for fiddling his expenses. The British National Party's Enis Dalton, easily beat the candidate for the Liberal Democrat part of the current government coalition and came within a mere 600 votes of beating the other government coalition candidate, the Conservative.
The bad news is that Labour won, and did so by a very comfortable majority.
One question is raised by the triumphant Labour party's impressive 60.8% share of the vote, won despite the previous Labour MP's criminality, that question is how many creatures which walk on two legs and are quite as stupid as a white, working class, Labour voter?
Extraordinarily stupid people have for centuries been the subject of, sometimes very unkind humour. Long before the cold dead hand of political correctness clasped hard on the throats and testicles of stand up comedians across the land, particular groups were often singled out as examples of those challenged in terms of intellect and common sense. Some such groups continue, to be mocked, whereas others are no longer viewed as acceptable targets.
Jokes at the expense of Irishmen have long since been consigned to the naughty step, however, interestingly, even in this feminist age jokes about Essex girls and blonds still find their way into our mailboxes from time to time, perhaps they are considered less racially sensitive than jokes about Bradford boys and brunettes.
Back in the 1980's, Sun readers became very much the butt of jokes about cerebral inadequacy and single digit IQs. There was, of course a political motive to this as the rise in “Sun Reader” jokes coincided with the point when Sun readers started to vote in large numbers for Margaret Thatcher, and the previously left leaning paper itself decided to throw its support behind the lady.
Although the underlying purpose was to undermine Thatcher's Conservative party and pillory her supporters, the official message was that it was somehow dumb for working class people to support a right wing Conservative.
To make sense of such an argument, one must believe totally in the urban myths which have become the stuff of contemporary reality.
Amongst those myths, of course, is the belief that the modern Labour party retains some vestige of loyalty to the traditional British Working class. In terms of myths this belief can only be compared to the assumption that a pack of hungry hyenas might care a jot for the well being of a wounded antelope.
In fact for Sun readers to support Thatcher demonstrated towering intellects by comparison to those amongst the white working class who still vote Labour, a group which must now stand unchallenged as the most moronic section of our community.
The Labour party may have been created to support the traditional working classes when it was formed in 1900, but that support lasted little more than 80 short years. Labour's emotional attachment to the white working class began to die with the defeat of the Atlee government in 1951, and the process was speeded up in the 1970's when, despite massive politically inspired industrial and social unrest, the downtrodden proletariat failed to embrace a socialist Utopia as the Labour script had required them to.
A shadow of the old loyalty may have lingered in the hearts of some older Labour activists at the beginning of the 1980's but that too was crushed as the defeated coal miners marched back to work in 1985.
For the last quarter of a century the Labour movement have been the sworn enemies of the white working class they were once set up to serve. The white working class failed to live up to what was expected of them and have paid a heavy price for that failure, albeit it seems a few thousand slow witted souls in Barnsley have not yet noticed that fact.
Labour have new darlings now, and none of them are white. Their interests, needs and well being conflicts entirely with the interests needs and well being of the white working class, but must at all times now take precedence over the white working class, whom most Labour activists have come to view as racist scum.
Almost every act taken by Labour over the last twenty five years, especially during their period in government have been deliberately damaging to the white working class and beneficial to Labour's new non-white, non-native favourites. This extends to almost all areas of economic, foreign and social policy. The main victims of the open door immigration policy, the embrace of the Human Rights Act, the worship of globalisation and the strengthening of outrageously one sided “equalities” legislation have been the white working classes.
It is they, the white working classes who have suffered more than any other, who have lost out in terms of earnings, employment, housing, social care and loss of their natural inheritance, they are the main victims of imported crime and the first to be replaced by an imported workforce, and it is they who have been deliberately and ruthlessly targeted by a party which cares only for a form of new multiculturalism which must, by its very nature, destroy the old culture in order to survive.
Yet they keep voting for the party which has done them so much damage and still seeks their destruction.
Why do they do it, can they really not see the truth? Are they truly all as deluded as poor old Gillian Duffy when she said to Gordon Brown “Me father, even when he was in his teens went to Free Trade Hall to sing the red flag” foolishly believing that such memories of a party so long dead would mean a thing to the cynical, Stasi minded zealot then in Downing street?
The White working class who still vote Labour are not so much turkeys voting for Christmas, after all Christmas comes just once a year. In fact they are more like sheep voting for Sunday lunch and mint sauce.
The Barnsley result shows us that there are still millions in this country who mindlessly embrace their own demise.
In answer to the question what is more stupid than a white working class Labour voter, one must admit that very little else on Earth is quite that dumb.

Thursday 3 March 2011




So We Ask What Was the Afghan War About? as MPs Call for Talks with Taliban

So What Was the War About? MPs Call for Talks with Taliban

The House of Commons cross-parliamentary foreign affairs committee has called for direct talks with the Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan, making their original decision to go to war ten years ago into little more than an evil farce.
The announcement by foreign affairs committee chairman and Conservative MP for Croydon South, Richard Ottaway, coincided with his party’s leader David Cameron endorsing the idea of talks with the Taliban during an press conference in London.
According to Mr Ottaway and his committee, more “US engagement in talks with the Taliban is needed to bring the conflict in Afghanistan to a close” because “political reconciliation in Afghanistan could be impeded by ongoing fighting with insurgents.”
What this means in plain English is that continuing to wage war against the Taliban is preventing it from entering direct negotiations — a statement of the obvious if ever there was one.
Apart from the idiocy of this comment (befitting though it is for the current Westminster parties), its more sinister aspect is that the admission that the only solution to the conflict is to “politically reconcile” with the Taliban, raises the obvious question: why did they go to war in the first place?
The conflict in Afghanistan has cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds, hundreds of British lives and has served to incite Muslims around the world into attacking UK interests.
In other words, the war has served no useful purpose at all. Indeed, it was directly against British interests to attack Afghanistan, both at home and abroad.
Yet this same cross-parliamentary group which has now called for talks with the Taliban to “end the conflict” enthusiastically supported the war in the first place. The war, promulgated by the previous Labour regime, was supported and encouraged by the Tories, while the Liberal Democrats have, through their coalition with the Conservatives, been brought on board the warmonger bus as well.
The foreign affairs committee’s comments coincided with a visit by Afghan president Hamid Karzai to Mr Cameron in Downing Street, during which the Prime Minister genially promised that even more British taxpayers’ money would be given in aid to Afghanistan.
According to press reports, Mr Cameron also appeared enthusiastic in a joint press conference held yesterday lunchtime for more dialogue with the Taliban.
“The military campaign is only part of the equation on an Afghan-led process for reconciliation and reintegration," he told reporters.
"It is time for the Taliban to start this journey and make this year a decisive year in Afghanistan."
That comment will no doubt not be well-received by the family of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps soldier who was killed in the latest incident in Helmand province just a day ago.
The fatality brings to 358 the number of British military personnel who have died while serving in Afghanistan since the start of operations there in 2001.
The families of the dead might well now be forgiven for asking what their bitter sacrifices were now all about, if the end game is to draw the Taliban back into a “reconciled government.”
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Train Commuting Costs Set to Rise and Road Maintenance Budgets Cut Spending Review Nightmare Part III:

Spending Review Nightmare Part III: Train Commuting Costs Set to Rise and Road Maintenance Budgets Cut

Workers who commute by train on main routes with regulated fares face dramatic price increases because of the coalition government’s budget cuts, travel industry experts have warned.
The Tory/Lib Dem government has announced that it will be raising the ‘fee cap’ on routes with regulated fares to 3 percent above inflation in a bid to shift some of the cost of rail subsidies it provides onto the public — even though tax money is used to already subsidise the train companies.
The rise will hit conventional commuters the hardest, as the commuter runs are specifically those with regulated fares.
In addition, the budget cuts will “prove tough for workers in the public sector,” experts have warned.
Nigel Turner, director of programme management at travel company Carlson Wagonlit, was recently quoted in the Air and Business Travel News as warning that the budget cuts will prove a “major challenge” for the government.
He said that nobody in the public sector “has been quite sure what budget they have.
“There have been huge cutbacks already on travel, just through people not knowing what they are allowed to spend. In general, they have not been travelling.”
He said he was “hopeful” that the estimated one million job cuts, which are part of the cutbacks, would not affect the travel industry “too badly.”
It is not only the rail service which is going to cost the public more. Councils across the country have been told by Transport Minister Norman Baker that they should stop "bleating" for more funds to repair road networks.
Mr Baker, a Lib Dem MP for Lewes, admitted that the roads in his constituency were “not particularly brilliant” — an understatement considering that East Sussex County Council has an estimated backlog of 20,000 potholes to repair.
Nonetheless, Mr Baker and his colleagues have overseen a £1.5 reduction in the highways maintenance budget according to East Sussex County Council as part of the overall spending review budget cuts.
And so it goes on: While train fares rise, subsidies to train companies remain; and road maintenance budgets in Britain are cut, but the increased foreign aid budget contains millions allocated to road building in Africa.
Once again, British people are put last.
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Wednesday 2 March 2011

Public Left Vulnerable as Police Cutbacks Bite:Spending Review Nightmare Part II:British National Party Analysis

Spending Review Nightmare Part II: Public Left Vulnerable as Police Cutbacks Bite

Coalition government Policing Minister Nick Herbert’s promise that the police’s front-line services would be protected after severe budgets cuts has been exposed as a lie with the news that yet another specialist unit that traces and recovers stolen cars is to be axed.
The Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (VCIS) has been highly successful in tracking down a significant number of the 150,000 cars stolen in Britain every year, but has been told its annual £300,000 grant has been cancelled.
This money is, of course, a mere fraction of what is spent on foreign aid each year, a large portion of which goes to helping establish ‘law and order’ in other countries.
In the past four years, the VCIS has recovered more than £48 million of stolen cars, arrested more than 200 thieves and reunited thousands of car owners with their property, according to a report in Police Review magazine.
The article went on to say that the 13 police officers and seven police staff who make up the unit, called its scrapping “short-sighted” and “unjust.”
According to the Automobile Association, the service was vital. “If you can take out a gang you can wipe out a crime wave for several months, so you need this specialist police activity,” an AA spokesman was quoted as saying.
In last October’s Spending Review, it was announced that the police funding would be cut incrementally until it totalled 20 percent by 2014-15.
At the time, Mr Herbert told parliament that “front-line services could be protected while achieving challenging savings.”
This was, of course, yet another lie. It is has since emerged that police forces up and down the country will have to cut at least 10,000 active officers and thousands more other staffers will also have to be fired.
Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, warned last year that police savings in back office costs and procurement would not be enough to absorb the cuts, as Mr Herbert has claimed.
“Police numbers will almost certainly have to fall once budget cuts start to bite,” Sir Hugh said.
Central funding to the police budget will fall to £9.3 billion in 2011-12, and to £8.8 billon the year after.
Compared to the billions spent on European Union membership, this figure is trifling, but, as always, the Westminster parties always put the interests of British people last.
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Tuesday 1 March 2011

NHS Staff Cutbacks Despite Tory Election Promises, British National Party Analysis

Spending Review Nightmare Part I: NHS Staff Cutbacks Despite Tory Election Promises

In yet another example of how Britain was conned by David Cameron’s promise not to cut back on the National Health Service, the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has just announced that at least 1,000 hospital jobs, including those of doctors and nurses, are to end.
The cutbacks are a direct response to the coalition government’s Spending Review, which did not cut funding to the NHS but lowered its annual increase to 0.1 percent above inflation.
This is well under annual operating cost increases, many of which (such as the ‘carbon tax’ on emissions and the increased petrol price) are the direct result of government-imposed surcharges.
The East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has confirmed to a local newspaper that 200 posts a year will go between now and 2015, a figure which will total a fifth of their total workforce.
According to reports, positions “facing the axe will be 257 jobs from the administration and estates department, 226 from the nursing division, 126 from therapy and diagnostics, 47 doctors, 205 clinical support staff and 13 managers.”
The Trust’s director of human resources and organisational development, Mr Ian Brandwood, admitted to a local newspaper that “some” front-line doctors’ and nurses’ posts would go.
The announcement confirmed the accuracy of the earlier report this week by anti-cuts activist organisation, False Economy, which specifically said that the East Lancashire NHS Trust would soon get right of 1,013 full-time equivalent staff, 50 doctors and dental staff, and 270 nurses, midwives and health visitors.
The budget restrictions will impact more than 50,000 hospital posts nationwide as NHS Trusts struggle to meet the government’s demand of £20 billion of “efficiency savings” over the next five years.
The “savings” mean that the NHS has to trim £4 billion off its expenses each year — a figure which is less than the annual estimated £4.5 billion spent each year fighting the war in Afghanistan.
Once again, the Westminster parties clearly think that fighting an unwinnable war which causes terrorism, is more important that funding healthcare for British people.
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Monday 28 February 2011

Foreign Aid Costs £479 for every household in Britain. As Tories Admit that British National Party Was Right All Along

Foreign Aid: Tories to Admit that British National Party Was Right All Along

A leaked draft copy of the government’s foreign aid spending review, has all but admitted that the British National Party has been correct on the topic — but still insists on increasing the amount of British money handed out to the Third World.
The document, leaked to the BBC ahead of this week’s spending review to be announced in parliament, apparently states that British foreign aid handouts are to be stopped to at least 16 countries, including Russia, China and Iraq.
In addition, aid to India will be “frozen,” whatever that might mean.
The dramatic turnaround comes after months of sustained pressure from the British National Party on the subject, which finally forced the issue to the forefront of politics after having been deliberately hidden for decades.
Although this move is a major concession to growing popular opinion on the topic — and an understanding that it is the British National Party which is responsible for it coming to the public’s attention — the manoeuvre does not in fact reduce the foreign aid spend.
Instead, the spending review merely redeploys the billions in the budget, and, to add insult to injury, will increase the total amount spent.
According to the document, the international development budget will rise by a third because “aid spending is good for Britain's economy and safety.”
This blatant Tory lie — that it is “good” for the economy — is exposed by the simple fact that the foreign aid budget is twice as much as the total cutbacks on university spending, which is set to cripple higher education in Britain.
In addition, the document apparently says, by 2014, some 30 percent of British foreign aid is to go to “war-torn and unstable countries.”
Afghanistan will continue to be a major aid recipient, being “war-torn.”
Of course, the only reason why it is in that condition was because the Labour/Tory elite waged war on that nation in the first place.
The Department for International Development’s budget for 2009/2010 was £7.8 billion,  but the total foreign spend in all sectors for that period was £8.4 billion.
This figure is set to rise to £12.6 billion per year by 2014, equal to £479 for every household in Britain.
Furthermore, at this rate, the total foreign aid spend over the next ten years will amount to £126 billion. This figure is a conservative estimate, as both Labour and Tories have promised to keep increasing the budget year-on-year.
The halting of aid to Russia, China, Iraq and India does not meet the demands of the British National Party on the subject, which is the complete halting of all foreign aid while there is need or want here at home.
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