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Tuesday 12 October 2010

Manchesters BNP’s Derek Adams Releases Bombshell Halal Slaughter Video

BNP’s Derek Adams Releases Bombshell Halal Slaughter Video

The British National Party’s Manchester super activist Derek Adams has released a video which shows in graphic detail the process behind halal ritual slaughter and shows why this barbaric method of killing animals needs to be outlawed.
The video, which contains a strong age warning for the graphic scenes it contains, can be seen below. However, if you have weak stomach or feel disinclined to view such material, you are urged not to watch it.
In the video, Mr Adams describes exactly how the ritual slaughter process is carried out, comparing it to the humane stunning method which is the civilised way of the West.
All along, the video illustrates each step with a clear video record. Mr Adams ends the video with an appeal for consumers to boycott the major stores which are using halal meat without the public’s knowledge or consent.
“Imagine if Muslim people were sold meat in the belief that it was halal, when it was not,” Mr Adams said.
“Imagine the uproar that would follow. However, we have been sold halal meat while being assured that it was not.
“The BNP is the only party which will outlaw halal ritual slaughter, because we seek to preserve British values, he said.
“And one of these British values is compassion towards animals.”
The full video may be seen below. Viewer discretion is advised.

Taxpayers’ Alliance Calls for EHCR Race Gestapo to be Scrapped

Taxpayers’ Alliance Calls for Race Gestapo to be Scrapped

The Taxpayers’ Alliance has joined the growing list of socially responsible organisations which have called for the disbandment of the £70 million per year Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
In a demining letter sent to Tory Equalities Minister Theresa May, the Taxpayers’ Alliance said that the “EHRC’s targets are arbitrary and unreasonable, driven by a peculiarly activist equality agenda that itself threatens to undermine the important gains made by women and minority groups over recent decades.
“The insistence that the organisation knows what is appropriate for every employer in the country is misguided and obstructive to businesses still struggling following the recession,” the letter continued.
“The [EHRC] has proved unable to manage its finances responsibly. The Comptroller and Auditor General at the National Audit Office (NAO) reported this year that there were a number of irregularities in their accounts.
“The Commission paid well over £300,000 to re-engage staff from the former Commission for Racial Equality as consultants without the authority of the Government Equalities Office or the Treasury,” the letter said.
“They also breached agreed remits for pay increases, of 4.65 per cent for the last six months of 2007-08 and 4.45 per cent for 2008-09, with average increases of 6.81 per cent for the last six months of 2007-08 and 4.8 per cent for the twelve month period of 2008-09.
“That breach was equivalent to £508,000. This fits with a general pattern of generous rewards for staff. Trevor Phillips, Chair, received a salary of £112,000 in 2008-09 and perks like an official car and driver.
“Dr. Nicola Brewer, former Chief Executive, received a salary of £185,000 in 2008-09.
“The NAO concluded that ‘the Commission was not able to obtain any assurances over how [the] recipients had used some £62,800 of grants.’ In addition to that, the EHRC found they had spent £739,421 on seven contracts for more than £50,000 without the authorisation it is required to obtain from your office,” the Taxpayer Alliance letter told Ms May.
“That was just from a sample – the NAO note that the EHRC ‘cannot be certain’ that ‘represents all the breaches.’ The NAO also found further weaknesses in how the EHRC managed procurement expenditure,” the letter continued.
“They said that ‘the scale of these systemic weaknesses reflects a culture of inadequate forward planning in the Commission, a lack of focus on compliance with procedures and insufficient review and oversight of expenditure by the senior management of the organisation.’ They think that a ‘number of the weaknesses outlined above are deep seated and longstanding.”
The Taxpayers’ Alliance letter also stated what every British National Party supporter knows well, namely that the EHRC is not an equalities organisation but actually just a political front.
“The EHRC also engages in political campaigns at taxpayers’ expense. For example, their ‘human rights strategy and programme of action’ for 2009-12 set out ‘no regression in law from the levels of human rights protection and mechanisms for enforcement under the Human Rights Act and other ratified human rights treaties’ as something they aim to achieve,” the letter said.
“That is a political objective, and while the public may want some law to deal with human rights, research suggests a majority think that ‘too many people take advantage of the Human Rights Act.’ It is clearly inappropriate for those people to see their money spent supporting a cause they do not believe in.
“With so much inappropriate spending the EHRC is ripe for abolition. Genuine discrimination should be tackled by the courts. The saving would be a valuable contribution to the reductions in spending the Government need to make to deliver on their pledge of greater fiscal responsibility,” the Taxpayers’ Alliance letter, signed by Directors Matthew Sinclair and Douglas Murray concluded.

Monday 11 October 2010

Indian Immigration and the EU: UK Conservatives Hoisted on Own Petard

Indian Immigration and the EU: Tories Hoisted on Own Petard

The Conservative Party’s pretence of “capping” non-EU immigration has been exposed as yet another hoax by the news that the EU has negotiated a trade deal in terms of which thousands of Indians will gain access to work opportunities here, no matter what UK immigration rules say.
The European Union’s "free trade agreement" with India, which is due to be signed in less than two month’s time, will give Indian IT workers, engineers and managers instant immigration passage into Europe.
Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague is already on record as supporting the agreement, as is his Liberal Democrat colleague Vince Cable.
The dilemma facing the Tories is now to persuade their supporters, who are increasingly demoralised as election promise after election promise has been thrown out the window, of how continued membership of the EU can be reconciled with the promise to lower the number of non-EU immigrants.
The European Commission has set a 20-day deadline for comments from EU member states on the agreement which has already been finalised with the Indian government.
In terms of the deal, India has insisted on what it has called “increased mobility” (but actually means unfettered immigration access) for Indians into Europe in return for “reduced tariffs on European products” and the lifting of some restrictions on businesses bidding for public contracts.
The latter move is designed, for example, to keep confidential government files (such as medical records, personal files and so on) in EU member states, rather than letting it be removed to call centres in India.
Britain will, by virtue of its EU membership, be obligated to adhere to this free trade agreement which will utterly destroy the last pretence David Cameron has been able to maintain on the issue of “capped” immigration levels.
The choice is as obvious as it was with the Lisbon Treaty: either accept it, or leave the EU.
Will Mr Cameron choose to lie once again to the voters on the topic? Given his past record, it seems likely.

Sunday 10 October 2010

A moral from Aesop fables to you Electors

A moral from Aesop fables,

 The Dog and the Hare Hound having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he would take her life, and at another fawning upon her, as if in play with another dog. The Hare said to him, "I wish you would act sincerely by me, and show yourself in your true colors. If you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do you fawn on me?' -"No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him."- 
so it is with the 3 main parties, they fawn on you at election times and then bite hard once elected!

The Bible a greatly abused book in the UK Today

A greatly abused book
Written by The Pilgrim   at The British resistance
I am a Christian.  I have read The Bible in full, and I try to live my life in accordance with what it teaches.  What I do not do is distort the teachings of the Good Book to suit my own political leanings.  There are however many people in Britain today who are happy to do just that.  They are to be found in the mainstream political parties and also – I regret to say – in the major church denominations, and in some cases even at the highest level.
For example I recently read an item about immigration on a church website, in which it talked about people in The Bible who led a nomadic existence, and said that it is wrong to persecute such people.  While I would of course agree that we should not persecute people who live a nomadic existence, it is only fair to point out that immigrants are for the most part not nomads.  How many of them lived a nomadic lifestyle before they came to Britain?  How many of them live a nomadic lifestyle in this country?
Of course we do have nomads in this country – we tend to call them travellers – and it is common for such people to persecute just about everyone they meet.  I once read a report in a newspaper about a man who lived near to a traveller camp, and whose house had been raided 250 times.  I am not aware that any of Britain’s church leaders have ever spoken out on this issue, but then maybe we shouldn’t expect miracles in this day and age.
Another favourite tactic of the anti-British lobby among our church leaders is to cite the law of Moses as recorded in Exodus: “Do not ill-treat an alien or oppress him” (Exodus 22, verse 21).  This is such an important rule that it is repeated in the next chapter.  There are two problems with this.  The first is that Christians do not live under the law of Moses.  Both Jesus and Saint Paul made it clear that while some of these laws still applied to Christians, not all of them did.  The law of Moses requires the death penalty to be handed down for a large number of offences, many of which would today strike us as trivial – such as dabbling in sorcery.  The second problem is that an exhortation not to abuse immigrants cannot realistically be construed as an exhortation to allow immigrants to settle among us for as long as they want.
The Bible commentator John Blanchard has rightly stated that The Bible is not a lucky dip.  You should not just open it, read a passage at random, and hope it will somehow be relevant to your situation in life.  It is a book which should be read carefully so as to be understood.  People, be they politicians or church leaders, who flick through The Bible trying to find passages which can be thrown out in support of a particular dogma are at best poor examples of Christians.
As I write, one of the big news stories in Britain is that the government wants to reduce the amount of financial assistance available to families, be they working families in receipt of child benefits, or families who are entirely dependent on handouts.  I could condemn this, and broadly I do.  I could also refer the reader to Psalm 127, which praises the virtue of having a large family.  Now of course you could argue that this passage does not actually say that the government should reward this virtue with lavish payouts, and you would be right.  It is relevant to the debate, but it does not by any means put an end to the debate.
This is I hope the first of many essays I will be posting on this site on the subject of British politics seen from a Christian perspective.

footnote from Horwich Nationalists,
I strongly recommend that all should read The Book of Romans in the Bible, an epistle of St Paul; it will open your eyes into the state of the modern society.
Also I believe that Christians MUST take a more active role in combating the forces of evil that now pervade the Political establishment, on the grounds that the filth of their atheist multi cultural and Marxist social experiments are putting the souls of millions in jeopardy. IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY! To win back the souls of this once great nation from the clutches of these dark forces that now pervade our society, by shedding the light of the Gospel on the darkness on the false philosophies of the political correct , that declare freedom tolerance but in fact create the slavery of our people and the intolerance of our Christian faith

Christmas Shopping Warning about Bolton Market only Halal Meat for Sale

Author horwich Nationalist
Horwich Nationalist must warn Horwichers who are considering buying meat and poultry for Christmas on Bolton Market, that
A report via the Bolton Patriot BNP Blog , reports that only the cruelly slaughtered Islamic Halal meat can now be purchased at the Bolton market.

This has come as quite a shock as the once popular Bolton Market has been a popular for generations with Horwich and Bolton families for purchasing Christmas supplies of meat and poultry. In a way it defiles the main Christmas meal of Christians by having to eat a meat that has been ritually slaughtered in order to appease the Arabian Moon God Allah. and not Jehovah the Only god of the Jews and Christians, the father of our lord Jesus Christ the only true and one God of all creation.

Even for the minority of foolish Atheists the thought of eating meats that has been so cruelly killed by being allowed to be slowly bled to death in a medieval and barbaric manner must be a cause of concern.

And a matter of concern to us is that it seems that none of the local media or Government or appeasing C of E Bishops the  RSPCA and other trendy liberal groups have made it public to the majority of the unaware citizens of Horwich and Bolton that are being allowed to purchase such cruelly slaughtered Animals and that is done in appallingly unhygienic conditions. 

Well just don't believe me see for your self the difference between how we in the west do it and then see how your Islamic appeasing PC riddled Politicians and Church of England Bishops and Trendy Liberals are allowing it now to be done. in the name of multi culturalism. 
Warning images are very graphic The reality of Halal

White Working Class Communities... Where Are They?

White Working class
Communities... Where Are They?
Written by BC1959   
  October 2010
russgreenfencesmOn their many pictorial Journals around the region, members of Team Black Country BNP have over the years, regularly informed not only locals, but people nation wide, about the demise of the region that spawned the Industrial Revolution, and reminded them of the dozens of important names of innovators and inventors that drove our economy.
Pictured here, is former Councilor Russ Green, pictured by yours truly. The levelled site with steel fence around it, was once the centre of a housing estate, with traditional people, families, and ways of life engrained within. The houses were built in the early thirties, and replaced Victorian homes that had until that time, outside loos, coal sheds, single-glazed windows, and no hot running water.
After years of fighting for a minimum wage, better living and working conditions, it all started to look very good indeed around Britain. The economy was booming in Wales, the North, and the West Midlands. Record numbers of people were in work, and Britain had three of the most envied institutions on planet Earth:
1 - Industrial power, including ship building
2 - The Combined Armed Forces.
3 - The National Health Service.
Communities were made up of people who knew each other, went to school with each other, and worked with each other, in many cases, the work was manual, and pushed the wealth of the nation through taxes, exports, and vast amounts of gas and oil revenues. Communities were the bedrock of tradition, and national life. This, and all of the above, have simply vanished in a haze of ''Socially Engineered'' chess moves, desined to bring Britain into line with Marxist thinking. Marxism itself is not something that comes to the minds of ordinary people. Marxism is hateful, and uses softer, subtle techniques to brow-beat people into submission. Industrious nations, led by patriotic politicians would mean that life could have carried on as normal, and advanced in a more natural and intellectual way, but this could not be allowed to carry on.
Public houses were a hive of activity, and every community had them. Local train stations were also a part of the community, as were larger families and full employment, which in turn led to each community being literally self-sufficient and sefl funding. Look around you now, if you are lucky enough to still have any, all all of the above, then you are a rarity, and must protect what you have. In much of Britain now, we see poverty, debt ridden people, families, and businesses. We see mass immigration, crime, and what protection do we have? None.
Imagine going back, let's say to 1945. OK, the government of the day, decide to implement a strategy of ethnic-cleansing, law making that takes the side of perverts, criminals, and foreign belief systems and alien political agendas. By 1946, there are mass demonstrations, clashes with the police, the army are called in, but many know each other, and recently fought to keep Britain independent, but the whole country is under military rule to ensure order and stability. Soon, the 1945/6 government know they have done too much, and the people of that time do not allow it, and they return to normal, and a more patriotic political class emerge.
Now let's look at the above, but from 1997. We know as nationalists, that we can trace our demise further than that, but let's keep it simple. The government have destroyed communities. Nothing has opposed it. The government then implement a policy of Ethnic Cleansing, then make laws to ensure the indigenous people are potential criminals. Nothing has been done to stop it. The government, and it's behind the scenes ''Horse Whipserers'' decided to take our industrial might away, and get us into even more debt. Nothing has been done to oppose it. Perverts are given a license to pervert, have under age sex with whom they want, and a charter has given them more powers to ensure they are ''not called nasty names'', and thus normal people can be jailed for hate crimes.
The government know they have done too much, but have stuck their noses in the air, put two fingers up to us all, and a more vicious, perverted and hateful class of anti-Patriotic political prostitutes and rent boys have emerged. Nothing has been done to oppose it. At least that's what the dark forces behind it have wanted us to think. Communities need to be made, protected, and engineered to be self-sufficient, if we are to tool ourselves with more than just the political will to stop all this. The photo above with Russ Green, is two years old, and the land is still unused. How many more communities will be destroyed before we are all essentially ''an island''?
Communities... where are they? They are in each one of us, and whether we have to make them virtual for now, with the British National Party ready to oppose it, as it has done for the last two decades, we have one large community... it's called the NATIONALIST COMMUNITY of Great Britain. Join it, fund it, be active in it, but for our children's sake, do something soon.

Saturday 9 October 2010

The Medias Emperor’s New Clothes: Mr Jabbar Was Not and will never be British

The Emperor’s New Clothes: Mr Jabbar Was Not British

The Islamic Army of Great Britain leader Abdul Jabbar — killed last month in a US drone attack in Pakistan — is not and never will be British, despite the efforts of the controlled media to lie to the public that he was.
The Telegraph, the Sun, the Guardian and Reuters all described Mr Jabbar as a “Briton,” with the Sun even going so far as to call him a “bragging Brummie” because he lived in Birmingham and boasted of how he was going to recruit “hundreds” of Islamists to the new Muslim terrorism group.
In each of the newspapers, and many other media, much speculation was made on what would motivate a “Briton” to become involved in such radical activities as wanting to bring a “holy war” to Britain.
Because the media is obsessed with multiculturalism and denial of the ethnic basis of nationhood, the British National Party must take on the role of the boy in the fable of the emperor’s new clothes and speak the truth when no-one else will.
Mr Jabbar was not, never could be, and never will be ethnically British.
He might very well have been in possession of a UK passport, but that would only confer upon him civic status.
A British passport makes Mr Jabbar as British as a Chinese passport would make Nick Griffin into a Chinaman. This is the reality which the liberal media would deny at any cost.
According to the media reports, Mr Jabbar “was a British citizen who has a British wife” and had been chosen as the leader of a new group, to be called the Islamic Army of Great Britain.
Apparently this decision had been made during a meeting in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan three months ago, “attended by 300 militants and monitored by intelligence agencies.”
The new group was set up to organise synchronised terrorist attacks in the UK, France and Germany.
Also killed in the US drone strike in Pakistan were a number of people described as “German militants,” all apparently plotting mass terror attacks in Europe styled on the Mumbai incident of two years ago.
Once again, a closer inspection of the facts revealed that these “German militants” were in fact a collection of Yemenis, Afghanis and Pakistanis who had acquired German passports due to the insane immigration policies practised by the German authorities.
The BNP alone declares that the ethnic British are those people who can claim indigenous status in terms of internationally recognised conventions, and is unashamed to stand up for their rights.
Newspaper editors, understand this well: Abdul Jabbar was, and never will be British.

Twisted UK Conservatives Reverse Child Benefit Election Pledge and to Bring in Labour-Supporter to “Write British History” Curriculum

Twisted Tories Reverse Child Benefit Election Pledge and Vow to Bring in Labour-Supporter to “Write British History” Curriculum

The increasingly contorted and hypocritical Conservative Party announced this week that it was reversing yet another election pledge — this time on child benefits — and would be calling a well-known leftist Labour Party supporting academic to “rewrite” British school history curricula.
Throughout the election campaign, David Cameron and George Osborne promised over and over that child benefits would not be cut under a Conservative government.
However, Mr Osbourne announced in television this week that any household with a higher-rate taxpayer would lose the child benefit as from 2013.
Mr Osbourne justified the move saying that it would “save” £1 billion — which in real terms, is less than one-ninth of the foreign aid budget to which Mr Osbourne is dedicated to increasing.
The cut means that mothers in middle class families who choose to stay at home with their young children are now going to be penalised for doing so, striking a direct blow against the equally fake Tory election pledge to “preserve family values.”
The pill is all the more bitter to swallow given that the Tory regime is committed to increasing the foreign aid budget to £13 billion per year and currently spends at least £4 billion per year fighting the illegal war in Afghanistan.
As if this was not enough, the increasingly nutty Tory party’s education secretary Michael Gove has announced a revamp of history education so that British children can learn "our island story."
Making the announcement at the Tory party conference, Mr Gove proudly announced that he had brought historian Simon Schama into plan to emphasise “narrative British history.”
Mr Schama, most famous for his TV series A History of Britain, is a devoted Labour Party supporter and recently donated £2,000 to Oona King's bid to become Labour's candidate for the 2012 London Mayoral election.
Ms King, who lost her parliamentary seat to Respect’s George Galloway after voting for the illegal war against Iraq, was also endorsed in her mayoral election bid by Neil Kinnock and a host of far leftist cranks from London, the majority of whom are not ethnically British.
Given these political associations, Mr Gove’s choice of Mr Schama can only best be described as peculiar, unless, of course, one takes into account that there appears to be increasingly little difference between Labour and Tory.

Friday 8 October 2010

BNP Scotland Aflame with Activity in Scottish Cities

BNP Scotland Aflame with Activity

The British National Party in Scotland has spend the past two weeks campaigning in Dundee, the Lothians, Mid-Scotland and Fife, Aberdeenshire and the north east, reports Scottish leader Gary Raikes.
“After a weekend in Dundee, north east organiser Allan Sharpe reported that the group will be advertising in the city to raise our profile even higher,” said Mr Raikes.
Highland organiser Lynda Davies told BNP News that the party has now identified “enthusiastic members in the Highlands who would be prepared to stand for the party. We must now ensure that the supporting infrastructure is in place for the party to advance further.”
Meanwhile a team from Lothians BNP was active in two different towns in late September, handing out hundreds of leaflets and selling dozens of copies of the Voice of Freedom newspaper, reports organiser Mike Coyle.
“The team then moved to leafleting door to door, spreading the BNP’s ‘Bring Our Troops Home’ message to thousands of residents,” Mr Coyle said.
Mr Raikes said that campaigning was also due to start in Mid-Scotland and Fife under new organiser Andy Martin, who will be backing up the hard work already underway  in central Scotland with Joe Finnie.
Last weekend, Scotland BNP’s north east organiser, Allan Sharp, carried out a tour in the BNP Scotland van through several towns in the Aberdeenshire area assisted by Ms Davies.
The route followed went through Ellon, Peterhead and Boddam, Fraserburgh, MacDuff and Banff, Turiff, Oldmeldrum and Inverurie.
The team visited the towns of Stonehaven, Gourdon, St Cyrus and Montrose on the Sunday when they were ably assisted by party stalwart John Shackleton.
“The tour is part of a rolling programme of visits to Scottish towns in order that members, supporters and the general public may see that the BNP is present and will not abandon Scotland to the establishment’s parties,” Mr Raikes said.

Join the British National Party Here

Milliband New Labour Leader And The British People

New Labour Leader And The British People
Written by BC1959   
  September 2010 From the British resistance Newsroom
Ed MillibandBeware... promises, promises, and a break from the past. In other words, we have to endure the pretence of a shift in political philosophy and goals. Not again, you might wail, well yes, again. And again, and again. Will the British voting public ever actually get it? Nationalists hope so, and so do the Tri-Partate dictatorship installed since the end of the Second World War, because each promise has had enough time in between that many will not remember. The younger brother of David Milliband, Ed, told his party's conference that he wanted a fresh start (just like Tony Blair did in 1997). He told the media he was distancing himself from "New labour" (just like Blair told everyone he was doing the same with old Labour), and he declared, although not at the time of course that, "the Iraq war was wrong". In addition, he said people could expect a "new generation of party leaders".
With decades of pretentious swings to the left, and then back to the right, all we can hope for is finally, and to some, bravely, voters realise the whole thing is a sham. Now let's look at the person who has potentially got hold of the reigns of British power, should they once again con the gullible cattle into heading straight for the slaughterhouse. After his modern ancestors managed to get themselves on a boat to England, one would think there would be some sort of "love and respect" for the country that gave them the intellectual and political lifestyles they have, even though not much "hard labour" has bothered the Millibands. This is from the diary of Ed and David Milliband's father, Ralph:
The Englishman is a rabid Nationalist, they are perhaps the most nationalist people in the world. When you hear the English talk of this war, You sometimes almost want them to lose it, to show them how things are. We found out about middle-class meanness and snobbery.
Well I never, an immigrant not liking our way of life, and only just off the boat as well.
In the "Socialist Jobs Finder", and Liberal "intellectual porn mag", The Guardian, they themselves quoted what he'd said also:
One boiling afternoon during his first summer in London, he went to Highgate cemetery, found Karl Marx's grave and, standing with his fist clenched, "swore my own private oath that I would be faithful to the workers" cause.
Workers cause? Since these immigrant parasites have been allowed to infest our institutions, there has been no need, other than making money for themselves, for Unions, as the whole political class has demolished the cornerstone of the Industrial Revolution brick by brick. How has this family ever shown solidarity with workers? They immediately, and cunningly did what Robert Maxwell, former Mirror group boss did when he arrived here... conned their way into our institutions, and became intellectuals, politicians, and businessmen, and all this from supposedly losing everything previously. The Milliband Brothers' father, found cleaning up bombsites and other manual work below him, and set his sons up to become what this author calls, "Soft Focus Communists".
So, what can be done? How will the British people react to yet another ''new start''? When it comes to voting, let's hope enough damage and memory of it, has stayed within the sometimes dense, cloudy minds of voters. Being forgetful is understandable when getting older, but to continue to have a permanent political forgetfulness after each government has messed it all up... well, this is dangerous, and enough destruction has taken place already since 1945. If this country does not elect a pro-British, genuine indigenous politician soon, there will be absolutely nothing left to concern ourselves with, as both Cameron and Clegg, have gone on record as saying they are from non-European ethnic stock. Could this be the problem?
Are foreigners, from the mass immigration pouring into our country from the 1940's onwards, to the political and so-called intellectual immigrants, many of them Jewish Communists and anti-Monarchists from the east, pre-disposed to hating nation states? If so, then we have more than simply political hills to climb. We have mountains, and also, we have to climb them with much baggage. The baggage being mostly petty, and media manipulated, has been used by yet again, mostly foreign owned media outlets. This author says we should no longer worry ourselves sick over it, as let's face it, when you consider the sick, perverted types who want to have sex with under aged boys through decreasing "age of consent policies", the war-mongering money grabbers, and the all out traitors taking money from the tax payers they are not entitled to, then we have nothing to worry about.
Let's be honest, most of us would not be that quick to snatch our sons and daughters away from a room full of white Nationalists left looking after them, but we'd all be out of our minds with worry if they were left in a room with a bunch of Liberals, Labourites, and soppy modern Conservative types, now wouldn't we? Let us hope that the British public will see through this "duplicate act", and let us remind ourselves of the task ahead. We have each other, and we have communications. We should use every tool in the box to unravel the mess Harold Wilson, Heath, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Cameron, Clegg, and now "Ed the red" has and will continue to make of this nation of ours. Milliband is just another foreigner on the make, and just as before, the public have one option left open to them when voting either locally or nationally comes around... Vote for the "British National Party", otherwise your great, great grand children will be saying the exact same things in twenty or thirty years time... and by then, they will be simply be slaves, and minority ones at that.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Liberals Shocked As Globalisation Chickens Come Home to Roost

Establishment Liberals Shocked As Globalisation Chickens Come Home to Roost

Establishment liberals have reacted with shock at the logical end result of their much-vaunted globalisation ideal as China launches a massive worldwide natural resource grab bid.
The liberal elite, typified in the readership of the Independent newspaper, have long since promoted globalisation as a way of de-industrialising the West as part of their pro-Third World mania, but probably never quite expected China to be so ruthless about its global ambitions.
Instead, it seems, they genuinely expected China to “play fair” and be equal with all other nations, as per the liberal luvvie fantasy dream world.
Hence the shock was palpable when last weekends’ Independent newspaper ran a front page headline announcing that there were “[F]ears of Chinese land grab as Beijing's billions buy up resources.”
According to that article, China is “pouring another £4.4 billion into into Brazil's oil industry, reigniting fears of a global ‘land grab’ of natural resources.
“[Chinese] State-owned Sinopec clinched the deal with Spain's Repsol yesterday to buy 40 per cent of its Brazilian business, giving China's largest oil company access to Repsol Brasil's estimated reserves of 1.2 billion barrels of oil and gas,” the breathless Independent article continued.
In addition, the shell-shocked report told its equally shell-shocked readers, Sinopec provided a $10 billion loan to Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned oil company, “in return for guaranteed supplies of 10,000 barrels of oil every day for the next 10 years.”
As if that was not enough, the article revealed even more of the Chinese state’s natural resources power grab throughout the world: “China has continued a global spending spree of unprecedented proportions, snapping up everything from oil and gas reserves to mining concessions to agricultural land, with vast reserves of US dollars.
“This year alone, Chinese companies have laid out billions of dollars buying up stakes in Canada's oil sands, a Guinean iron ore mine, oil fields in Angola and Uganda, an Argentinean oil company and a major Australian coal-bed methane gas company.”
Of course, only a fool, or a liberal, would not have foreseen this development. It is impossible to transplant the entire manufacturing base of Britain, America and much of the West over to China in the name of globalisation and not to expect that nation to have increased demand for raw materials,
Indeed, as the Independent coyly pointed out, China already is the world’s largest consumer of oil and its annual electricity demand growth is equivalent to Britain's entire output.
The Chinese are only too aware of the upcoming peak oil shortage and are simply taking advantage of the globalisation nightmare visited upon the West to bolster its natural resources base.
This development is as logical as it is inevitable, and for the Independent to “reveal” this news as a shock-its-readers article reveals how little liberals understand of the real world, and of how the chickens they have hatched will soon come home to roost.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Horwich and Bolton BNP Bring our Boys Home Campaign in Westhoughton oct 2010

Horwich And Bolton British National party in Westhoughton 

This last weekend saw the Bolton and Horwich British National Parties Bring our Boys Home Campaign come to the town centreof Westhoughton Lancashire, 
The response from the public was overwhelming in there support of the campaign and the British National Party also.
there was much appreciation from the public for the campaign as it was overwhelming that 99% of those spoken to thought that the sooner we are out of that wind swept hell hole the better.

And as our boys are only out their on behalf of those multi nationals and bankers who own the other three main political parties who want to build the gas pipe line across Afghanistan. And we did our best to pass the message across to the public of what is really going on in Afghanistan, as we all know the state controlled media can no longer be relied on to be impartial and truthful.
just see for yourself as members of the Bolton and Horwich BNP engage with members of the public face to face,  and not by dropping leaflets in the early hours through your letter box. As you will find the British National Party campaigning on the streets all year round not just at election time.

European Police Office Report Blows Lid on Extent and Impact of Third World Immigration Invasion

Europol Report Blows Lid on Extent and Impact of Third World Immigration Invasion

A newly-released report from the European Police Office (Europol) has revealed that at least 900,000 illegal immigrants from the Third World enter the EU every year and that 350,000 legal visitors overstay their visas each year — and that the continent faces major criminal threats from this invasion force.
The Europol report, submitted to the EU’s Standing Committee on operational cooperation on internal security (COSI), which can be found here, was drawn up in May this year but was only released to the public last week.
According to that report, most “threats to the internal security of the EU either originate outside Europe or have a clear nexus to other parts of the world.”
By way of illustration, the EU report states, all “heroin and cocaine consumed in Europe, for example, is trafficked here from a different continent.
“So, too, in the case of the estimated 900,000 illegal migrants entering the EU each year, while Colombian, Nigerian, Russian, Albanian, Turkish, and other non-EU groups have important roles in organised crime activity in the region.”
In addition, the report goes on, at least 350,000 visa overstayers were detected in 2008 alone.
This massive influx has seen “European citizens and businesses increasingly exposed to systematic violence and corruption at the hands of organised crime groups, terrorist groups, and, increasingly, street gangs,” the Europol report states.
“West Africa’s strategic position between Latin America and the EU is increasingly exploited by cocaine and synthetic drug traffickers, assisted by an increasing flow of licit commodities between West Africa and the EU.
“Nigerian organised crime groups are active in the EU, particularly in terms of organised fraud and trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation,” the Europol report continues.
“East Africa, specifically the Horn of Africa, is increasingly a transit region for Afghan heroin. North Africa (Morocco), meanwhile, continues to be the most prolific
supplier of cannabis resin to the EU and acts as a distribution centre for counterfeit Euros.”
The report makes specific mention of the problem posed by already resident Third World nationals in Europe.
“The risk of illegal migration by North, East and West African nationals to the EU remains high, due to geographical proximity, wide economic disparities compared to the EU and sizeable communities already established in several Member States,” it states.
“North and West Africa have emerged as significant feeder regions for the South West criminal hub around the Iberian Peninsula.
“This hub is a key distribution centre for cocaine, cannabis products, trafficking in human beings and illegal migration to markets including the North West criminal hub, located in The Netherlands and Belgium.”
The report continues: “Suspects of Turkish ethnicity based in this [North Western] hub and those in contact with Turkish trafficking groups dominate the wholesale of heroin through the Netherlands.
“Moroccan groups in Belgium and The Netherlands move cannabis products from Morocco through Spain to the North West criminal hub for distribution to EU markets.”
The report also makes mention of the growing problem of cannabis factories in Europe, caused directly by Third World immigration: “Meanwhile, indoor cultivation of cannabis by Vietnamese and other groups is increasing, with an impact on the availability of cannabis products in the EU, which has a market of 22.5 million users.
“This in turn encourages illegal migration and trafficking in human beings (THB): illegal Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants and Bulgarian trafficking victims required to pay for their transportation and upkeep are often put to work tending cannabis plantations.”
After discussing the extent of the problem caused by the use of forged documents and fraudulently obtained documents which it says are “indispensable facilitators for illegal migration, trafficking in human beings (THB), stolen vehicle trafficking, identity fraud and terrorism,” the report also points out that “fraudulent claims of those nationalities granted asylum by Member States are made in order to benefit from EU residency.
“Forged documents, particularly EU passports and ID cards, which are used to cross the external border illegally, are subsequently used in association with other criminal activities or types of fraud, such as the abuse of social benefits,” the Europol report states.
“With biometric security features becoming more common in travel documents, there is growing abuse of documentation by impostors.”
“The impact on society of organised crime activity channelled to the EU from these external sources” is described by Europol as “significant.”
According to the report, these Third World origin criminal activities have created “4 million cocaine users and up to 1.5 million problematic opioid users in the EU.
“Exposure to drugs-related problems in particular has been identified as a major source of fear of street crime, with just under 30% of EU citizens feeling unsafe on the street after dark,” the report states.
In its conclusion, the Europol report is blunt about the causes of this nightmare: “The internal security of the EU faces a substantial threat from organised crime, terrorism, and illegal migration,” Europol states.
The evidence is startlingly clear: Third World immigration and the open borders policy pursued by the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and their ideological allies across Europe have had a devastating impact on the security and well-being of the people of Europe.

Monday 4 October 2010

Will Oldhams Labour’s Phil Woolas Lose His Seat?

Will Labour’s Phil Woolas Lose His Seat?

Labour MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, Phil Woolas, could possibly lose his parliamentary seat if an ongoing court case goes against him — and would that not be a fine day, reports British National Party candidate and Euro assistant Chris Beverley.
A leaflet distributed by the Labour Party at the last General Election. Readers may recognise some of the imagery, which has also been used in BNP propaganda.A leaflet distributed by the Labour Party at the last General Election. Readers may recognise some of the imagery, which has also been used in BNP propaganda.Writing on his blog, Mr Beverley said he had “followed with interest the recent court case involving Labour MP Phil Woolas, who was accused by his Lib Dem opponent at the recent General Election — a man defeated by Woolas by just over a hundred votes – of distributing literature that included ‘false statements of fact in relation to the candidate's personal character or conduct.’
“It is alleged that this constituted a breach of the Representation of the Peoples Act 1983, and for the first time in 99 years, Woolas found himself embroiled in a specially-convened election court case that would rule on an MP’s right to be a sitting MP,” Mr Beverley wrote.
“This court has the power to bar Woolas from office and order a by-election to take place should it find him guilty.
“The furore surrounds claims made against the Lib Dem Elwyn Watkins, who was alleged to have received foreign donations, garnered support from Muslim extremists and been involved in vote-fixing.
“It is ironic to hear such claims coming from the Labour Party considering their own track-record in this area, but this vile party obviously deemed it necessary to make such claims in order to shore up the votes of a sufficient proportion of the English population within this constituency.
“Let us also not forget that the constituency where this all took place is Oldham and Saddleworth, where the BNP has a fairly entrenched voter base. In a close contest, it makes a degree of political sense for enemy parties to try and tease away a few BNP voters, something which would rarely be attempted in areas of low BNP support.
“The case is now over and a ruling is expected to be reached in October.
“I found this case interesting and amusing for a number of reasons. “Interesting because it is important to learn from such cases to better prepare oneself for what can go in a political leaflet and what cannot. I go to great lengths to avoid putting anything into print that could backfire on me or the party, as I do not believe that spending large amounts of time fighting avoidable court cases is the most productive way to spend one’s time.
“It is also interesting in that it demonstrates once again that desperate politicians are willing to play the race card where they feel this is necessary.
“We are used to the Tories doing this, but the fact that Labour are also happy to do so, in this case the former Labour Government’s Immigration minister no less, shows the incomprehensibly hypocritical depths at which the ruling political class are content to operate.
“Between them the Tories and Labour have done more harm to our country over the past 60 years than would have been imaginable to most people in this country in the early post-war period.
“They have created a society in which the indigenous population are second class citizens and are discriminated against in a whole host of ways, many of which are so deeply entrenched in people’s automatic everyday behaviour that this seems to many to be the natural state of affairs (this is worth an article in itself, which I may one day write!)
“There is nothing worse than the parties that have created this situation attempting to appeal to what were referred to in the above case as ‘Sun reader’ types, and making noises about immigration or Islamism.
“I said the case also amused me, and indeed it did, as I enjoy the spectacle of our enemies falling out with one another, especially when this is done in a courtroom.
“It would also amuse me greatly to see Woolas lose his seat over this affair, though I do not know how likely this is.
2As a general rule, Establishment politicians who cynically exploit people’s genuine concern over the excesses of mass immigration — whilst deep down knowing that they have no intention whatsoever of addressing the causes of these concerns — are the very lowest form of politician, far lower, in my opinion, than those who actually believe in the benefits of mass immigration (stay with me here) and are happy to say so openly.
“Here’s to hoping the election court makes history and casts Woolas out of Parliament,” Mr Beverley concluded.

Third World Benefit Fraud Rife In Britain as Colonisation of UK Speeds Up

from the BNP Newsroom

Third World Benefit Fraud Rife In Britain as Colonisation Speeds Up

By MaidofKent—The increasing numbers of Third World immigrants present in Britain has generated a massive wave of corruption and benefit fraud which the media is doing its best to cover up by claiming that the increasingly long list of swindlers are “British.”
Evidence of Third World fraud and corruption in the UK caused by the importation of  people from Africa was highlighted once again when a couple, identified as Abiodun Olaleye, 50, and his wife Olanrewaju, 49, were sentenced to imprisonment for benefits fraud at Southend Crown Court last week.
The two, which media reports said were “from Romford in Essex,” claimed almost £150,000 in benefits for 10 fictitious children and managed to buy 4 homes from the proceeds of their crime against the British taxpayer.
Their punishment, deemed suitable by our out-of-touch justice system, was 20 months in prison for Abiodun Olaleye and a 6 month suspended prison sentence plus Community Service for his wife.
Despite having names that no indigenous Briton could pronounce properly, the media seeks to hide the fact that these criminals are not natives of our country and are certainly not from Romford.
The couple will face a confiscation hearing later to decide how much of this stolen money they will have to pay back.
British people may wonder how our welfare system can be cheated of such vast amounts by foreigners and may why the criminals are handed such pathetic sentences, not to mention the fact that there was nary a mention of a deportation order for these criminals.
The fact that foreigners like the Olaleyes can come to this country, be handed British passports and then end up milking the benefits system of £150,000 betrays the lie of successive governments that immigrants are here to do the jobs that the British people cannot or will not do.
The Olaleye case is merely the latest in a long line of cases.
In August, for example, Newham Council fraud investigator Badrul Islam was convicted of running a benefits scam for the past 18 months, in which he diverted over £200,000 in “ghost rent” payments.
Islam, 46, had been working for Newham council since 1994 and was a trusted senior benefits officer. Investigators discovered that Islam had created a series of claims in the names of people who had previously been claimants but were no longer receiving money.
Islam also reactivated dormant claims but instead of sending the money to individual landlords, he diverted large amounts to the offices of property agent and landlord Dulal Haque, 40, and to his friend Moinuddin Ahmed, also a landlord. All three were born in Bangladesh.
In June this year, Iraqi “asylum seeker” Mahira Rustam Al-Azawi, 49, was convicted of fraud after using a series of false identities to milk the benefit system over an eight year period. Although she never worked, she was able to purchase three properties – two of which she rented out – worth in excess of £1million and her 18-year-old son was educated at Colfe’s School, in South-East London, where fees are currently £4,164 a term.
The fraud was uncovered only when Al-Azawi uccessfully applied for a student loan to study civil engineering at Greenwich University. When police raided her £800,000 detached home in Bromley, they found what was described as an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of false documents, including a selection of passports, identity papers and driving licences.
During her trial at Croydon Crown Court, it emerged that she had claimed for income support, housing and council tax benefits in her own name, as well as those of her cousin and mother.
Earlier this year, a Chinese couple were imprisoned after being convicted of making £500,000 from a plan to help immigrants stay in the UK illegally using hundreds of fake university documents.
Haiyang Liu, 29, and his girlfriend Jiao Wang, 26, ran a lucrative internet scam selling bogus diploma certificates to people desperate to stay in the country through the firm E-Fly Education. The sophisticated forgeries earned the 'well organised criminals' between £500 and £3,000 and duped the Home Office into handing out student visas.
 During the two-year fraud immigrants were also provided with papers enabling them to claim council tax handouts from local councils.
A Sunday Times investigation last year found that immigrants were even smuggling babies into Britain to enable them to make up fake benefit claims. Forged immigration documents and employment records are used in the multi-million pound scam, and in many cases the children are taken from families with the knowledge of their parents, the paper said.
A special team set up to investigate the problem in London has identified 119 potential child trafficking victims in the capital with more than 1,500 convictions between them.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Vote Fraud: Muslim Tory Party Chairman Refuses to Say the M word

Vote Fraud: Muslim Tory Party Chairman Refuses to Say the M-Word

Muslim Conservative Party chairman “Baroness” Sayeeda Warsi has blamed what she called “Labour” electoral fraud for depriving her party of an outright majority in Parliament — but what she actually meant, and was to too scared to say, was Muslim electoral fraud.

Speaking in an interview with the New Statesman magazine, Ms Warsi said the Conservative Party had lost at least three seats to Labour because of fraud in what she called “Asian areas.”

Ms Warsi, who is also Britain’s first female Muslim cabinet minister, said there were “at least three seats where we lost, where we didn’t gain the seat, based on electoral fraud.”

She refused to say exactly which seats they were, but then conceded that they were “predominantly within the Asian community.”

According to reports, police have instigated launched 50 criminal inquiries into claims of voter fraud during the election.

Ms Warsi is however living in a dream world if she thinks Muslim voter fraud is exclusively a Labour problem.

Just yesterday, the last day of September, five Muslim Conservative Party members in Bradford, including two former councillors, were jailed for their part in a postal vote scam aimed at getting a Tory candidate elected.

Former Bradford city councillors Jamshed Khan and Reis Khan were jailed along with Mohammed Sultan, Mohammed Rafiq and Alyas Khan were all jailed for attempting to pull off a vote fraud which literally involved making up over 3,000 fraudulent votes.

In May this year, Conservative councillor for the Palfrey Ward in Walsall, Mohammed Munir appeared in court charged with voter fraud relating to his victory in the May 2008 elections. That case is ongoing.

There are also a large number of cases of electoral fraud involving Muslims from the Labour and Liberal Democratic parties.

This is not surprising, given the fact that Pakistan ranks as the 139th most corrupt country in the world (out of 157 on the corruption index list) and has almost no record of successful participatory democracy.

The ongoing problem of Muslim voter fraud is not therefore, as Ms Warsi says, a problem confined to the Labour Party. It has been caused by mass Third World immigration and the resultant steady Islamification of Britain by immigrants from parts of the world where the indigenous culture is alien to the concept of democracy.

As British National Party MEP Andrew Brons recently told the European Parliament, culture is not something like a coat which can be taken off at the arrival desk of an airport. Culture comes with a people, not the other way round.

After Billions Spent on War, plus £800 Million in Foreign Aid and 338 British Deaths, Afghanistan to Get Taliban Back in Power

After £12 Billion War, Nearly £800 Million in Foreign Aid and 338 British Deaths, Afghanistan Aims to Get Taliban Back

The announcement by Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai that he intends to bring the Taliban back into government as part of a peace deal has underlined the pointlessness of the war which has cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds and the lives of at least 338 soldiers.
Karzai announced his latest plan at a meeting in Kabul where he said that he had appointed a new 68-member council tasked with setting up peace talks with Taliban-led insurgents.
The proposed plan includes an improbable program to lure Taliban insurgents with cash bribes and “seeking reconciliation with senior militant leaders by offering them asylum in Muslim countries and striking their names off a UN blacklist,” according to reports.
The cash bribes will, of course, come out of the £700 billion in foreign aid that the British taxpayers are busy handing over to the Afghan government.
The 10-year old war has cost several billion each year, with latest estimates saying the annual cost has now risen to about £4 billion per year as the military struggle intensifies.
Some 338 British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, and thousands more seriously injured. The total number of Afghans killed in the conflict is unknown, but certainly numbers in the tens of thousands.
And now, after all that sacrifice, blood and money, the Taliban, which was supposed to have been the reason for the invasion in the first place, is going to be allowed back into government — with money provided by the taxpayer.
To add insult to injury, President Karzai also warned that the war was causing the “next generation” of Afghanis to “flee the country.”
In other words, the invasion of Afghanistan has caused an upsurge in refugees and asylum seekers entering Europe, and Britain in particular, precisely as the British National Party predicted.
Furthermore, the latest offer to the Taliban to rejoin the government makes a mockery of the original reason given for the war, namely that the Taliban regime was a supporter of international terrorism and was providing refuge to Osama bin Laden.
In fact, the head of the American CIA is now on record as saying that there were no more than 50 Al Qaeda terrorists in all of Afghanistan.
Now it seems that the original objectives (to drive out the Taliban and to capture Osama Bin Laden) have also been abandoned.
What was it all then for?