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Monday 22 August 2011

Stormclouds over Europe:

Stormclouds over Europe: "Our time of opportunity is coming" – Nick Griffin

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A financial version of the Black Death is spreading like wildfire from Greece, through Italy and Spain, and on to Britain. It will take several years before the full impact of the disaster really hits most ordinary people, but no one will escape.

The political elite have stolen £Billions from current taxpayers and future generations to bail out the banking system. In Britain as well as Europe, they've thrown everything they've got at the crisis. The banksters have grabbed a shed load more bonuses, and good money has disappeared after bad down a bottomless pit of wealth destruction.

It is already obvious that we have not heard the last of the financial plague that the Europhiles used earlier this month as an excuse to push forward with their economic and fiscal unification Project. There's a good chance that their desperate attempt to cover up a deadly currency crisis with a yellow-starred blue sticking plaster will not even survive the summer. Far worse is yet to come.

The problem for the ruling elite is that they have already used up all the ammunition in their locker staving off the deflationary spiral that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. They've got nothing left to fight the new wave of systemic collapse.

This will in due course come as a huge shock to millions of ordinary people, but our Masters have known all along that their Masters' Quantitative Easing money-printing operation would only buy time for their corrupt and fatally flawed system.

The banksters' old trick of creating credit out of nothing as an interest-bearing debt worked (on average) over the last couple of hundred years only because first coal and then oil provided an ever-increasing supply of growth-promoting cheap energy. One of the first casualties of Peak Oil was apparently unstoppable economic growth.

While the world's supply of cheap and easy energy was growing, the overall economic pattern was of long periods of growth punctuated by short periods of decline. On the downside of Hubbert's Curve, the pattern will inevitably be reversed. In the absence of a new high-density energy source miracle, the periods of decline will become the norm, punctuated by short periods of growth.

Under these new conditions, debt-based fiat money can only lead to chronic instability and wealth destruction. Two hundred years of massive overall growth through cheap energy-based finance capitalism has just come to a screeching, devastating halt. We are in the early stages of the greatest train crash of human economic, social and, in due course, political history.

Even though Joe Public hasn't yet got a clue about this, it is inconceivable that our Masters, and their Masters, didn't see the writing on the wall several years ago at least.

Which is really all one needs to know to understand why, all over Western Europe, there is a frantic campaign of 'internal' factional attacks on, and external efforts to steal the clothes of, radical nationalist parties which stand to gain hugely from the coming collapse in legitimacy of the parties of the old status quo.

This shouldn't surprise anyone. It is a matter of public record, for example, that the multi-billionaire financier George Soros is 'obsessed' by the 'threat' of a nationalist upsurge in Europe.

Up until now, analysts have connected that fact to his backing of 'Orange Revolution' organisations in Eastern Europe which seek to spread 'Western' liberal capitalism to the very borders of Russia.

Why, however, would he pump money into bringing the nations of Eastern Europe into the neo-con sphere of influence but stand idly by and watch as nationalism 'infected' the countries of Western Europe? It would be ludicrous, wouldn't it?

The moment one understands this, he sees the reason for the attempts to break up radical nationalist parties – like the Swedish National Democrats and the British National Party – and to replace them with housetrained safety valve parties.

The moment one understands this, he sees the reason for the attempts to suck slightly more-mainstream nationalist parties into the neo-con orbit. Hostility to the Islamic takeover of Europe should not logically lead to hostility to Islam in its own heartlands. What Muslims do in the Muslim world is no concern of ours, any more than is the fate of the Zionist colonial experiment in Israel.

This is not for one moment to play down the role of personal ambition, individual pride, leadership mistakes and sheer frustration in divisions within radical nationalist parties, including the British National Party.

But it is to point out that when a properly informed account of such events is ever published, then it will recognise the role of moles and agents provocateurs in Cointelpro (Google it if it's not familiar) style operations against us, both by State agencies and by their NGO counterparts as funded by the likes of Soros.

The question of 'who?' is of course open to debate, but 'if' is not a question at all. Of course we, just like our Swedish counterparts, are the victims of a massive campaign of dirty tricks, black propaganda and subversion.

We know for absolute certain that it would be very strange indeed if, at a time when our potential is so much greater, the same kind of operation had not been rolled out again.

How could it not be so, when our enemies know that the stormclouds are gathering and that the prosperity which lulled our people to sleep is at an end?

We shouldn't be surprised at such attacks. We shouldn't be dismayed by the folly of good people taken in by such attacks. But we must be determined to overcome such attacks, for our moment of opportunity is racing towards us like an express train. We need to get on board, because History doesn't stop for anybody. And we won't get a second chance.

Sunday 21 August 2011

When Tolerance Becomes National Suicide

When Tolerance Becomes Suicide

Tolerance. It’s a word we always hear about, we must tolerate this, we must be understanding of that, it’s British to accept differences, even ones that we don’t like, and be tolerant of them.

It’s always a one way street though, it’s us who are urged to be tolerant of others, never them expected to be tolerant of us. We have to tolerate, they have to carry on much as they were, and object vociferously to any lack of tolerance on our part.

A little tolerance for differences can – sometimes – be a good thing, but when does tolerance become surrender?

I have a ghastly relative or two – don’t we all – who are always trying to ‘borrow’ £5 or so here and there, and who manage to promise to pay it back seemingly without shame at the fact that both they, and I, know that they never will and that they have said the same thing a dozen times before.

Still, occasionally – very occasionally though – and even though I don’t like it, it’s tolerable in the interests of harmony. Were they complete strangers, well, different story altogether.

But, if they were asking every day? If instead of £5 it was £50, or £500, or £5,000, that I knew was going into a bottomless pit?

Well, there’s a point when tolerating that becomes suicidal, driving oneself into bankruptcy and debt for the sake of supporting an ungrateful wretch who will always want more and who will never give a damn thing back.

In short, were I to tolerate all this relatives demands, I would surrender my interests and those of my family to his. I would give until there was nothing left, he would take and be enriched at my expense.

I’d be left broken and penniless, he’d have gained much, I’d have lost everything. If I were to allow myself to end up in this situation, well, more fool me.

Yet, isn’t precisely what we are doing as a society?

We encourage tolerance for the sake of tolerance, it doesn’t matter how whatever it is we are supposed to tolerate may harm us, or may be utterly incompatible with the existing tenets of society, we are supposed to tolerate it.

We are indoctrinated that we have to be tolerant – yet we are never told that, at some point, tolerance will become self destructive.

Anything goes among others, we indigenous British are taught that we must abrogate self and identity in the interests of outsiders, that we must give whenever asked.

We must be tolerant no matter what, even if it means national and cultural suicide.

Where do my couple of ghastly relatives come in?

Well, we’re always being told by the acolytes and the priest of the multi-culti, multiracial state that we’re all one big family, all the same, strengthened by our differences.

Like my few family members above, isn’t there a point when we have to accept that tolerance is surrender, that the more we tolerate the more they will take, and that too much tolerance will only destroy ourselves?

Tolerance becomes nothing but self destruction if it is made a virtue in its own right and is not tempered with common sense and with the common good in mind.

It does me no good if my tolerance and choosing to ignore obvious truths lead to the destruction of myself and my family.

Think about it.

Exterminate! Daleks to save Earth by exterminating humanity!

Exterminate! Daleks to save Earth by exterminating humanity!

From the British Gazette

Above, a group of Daleks – beware, they are green on the inside!

Yesterday, the British Gazette reported upon the Warmists declaring that human obesity is a threat to the planet. Our commentary included a “tongue in cheek” response including the mention of our fellow Leeds resident, the delightful Nell McAndrew.

We had assumed that this piece of idiocy complied by the academics at Robert Gordon University at Aberdeen must have qualified for the Order of the Wooden Spoon for Stupidity.

It seems however our friends on the other side of the pond could not allow we Brits to hold this particular prize for long, and in the traditional spirit of transatlantic competition felt they, “….had to outdo the Limey’s……”

Well they most certainly have succeeded:

A certain Shawn Domagal-Goldman and his colleagues at Pennsylvania State University have produced a report which states upon other things; “……. Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. This scenario gives us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets……”

British Gazette comment: Presumably this is why they are called, “little green men” – and we thought it had something to do with skin colour! How racist is that! Words fail us!

Saturday 20 August 2011


by the Horwich Nationalist

The following rousing video is taken from a website that intends to shed some light on the true reasons of the American Civil War, it exposes the myth that that was was fought over the issue of slavery. And that the true reason was the opposition to the establishment of a big centralized Government by the Lincoln Led United States of America,

The precursor to the split of the Union government that led to the Confederate States of America was an unfair tariff called the Morill Tariff that unfairly punished the Southern states . It forced many Southerners into bankruptcy allowed the tax rate to rise from 20% to 47%. And it must be realised that the Southern States only made up 30% of the population they paid more than 80% of the tax. It sounds like the emerging industrial and banking elites of America were already flexing their muscle in the Northern states were they and Lincoln held sway, sounds familiar ? In order to protect their Agrarian based Southern Industry and heritage and the original principles of the founding fathers of the American Republic the Confederate States LEGALLY ! seceded from the United States. Thus faced with a massive loss of revenue and a possible threat on their doorstep to the banking elites the only option for Lincoln and his federalist big government agenda was to take back the Confederate states by force of arms, an act that was in effect illegal. And leaving the Confederate States with no option but to defend it's self, a policy with which the Confederacy held to on a military point also.

It is a fact that at a stroke of Lincolns pen and the recognition of the Confederacy the lives of more than 600,000 American men women and children could have been saved, a death toll compared to the relative populations of 1860 USA to 1914 Europe makes the 1st world war look like a minor skirmish! In fact it would have been cheaper and at no cost in the lives of it's citizens if the North had bought every single last slave in America and then freed them. It is also a fact that many Negros were lynched in the North by a war weary populace due to Lincolns emancipation act , an act in my opinion that was merely a political maneuver to deflect attention from the real reason for the cause of the war.
In fact Lincoln is quoted as writing in a letter in1862 that
"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. "
In effect this single tract proves all along that Lincoln was not interested in the slavery issue , and only interested in the survival of the Union and it,s special interest backed federal government. And that for many years the true history of that conflict has been covered up, I believe that the origins of the drive for the New World Order began in that conflict, and that if the Confederacy had been Victorious the drive for that order would have died at birth.
So if we come to the issue of Slavery it,s self we must ask if only 6% of the Southern population were slave holders what on earth were the other 94% fighting for. As nearly all in the South knew that the time of slavery was coming to an end both on the moral and economical front.
And it is a fact that 65.000 negro soldiers both free men and slave fought for the Confederacy and that at least 13.000 of these men actually saw action .
And that unlike the Negro soldiers of the Union who were paid less than White Northern troops, Confederate negro troops were paid the same as white troops. I strongly recommend this article called the forgotten Confederates
Which puts to bed to myth that the American war was based solely on slavery but more on the interests of big business and their political puppets an all to modern theme that we recognise today. And I believe that soon we must be faced with the only choice the Confederacy was left with even if it means that we suffer the same fate as those brave Rebs who fought for the Liberty and a true government of their homeland based on the virtues of for the people by the people, against the tyranny of a government of big vested special interests and their puppets, who run nations just as a going concern!


A Breath of Fresh Air to The UK

A Breath of Fresh Air PDF Print E-mail
Written by Albion

relax_120_x_90What a great thing to be able to express a point of view, any point of view in contemporary Britain without Big Brother and its attendant vigilante thought police threatening reprisal. I almost wrote ‘Great’ Britain except it has ceased to be great for many people.

One of the huge attractions of many blogger sites that abound the Internet but particularly Patriotic and Nationalist sites here in Europe and the USA is the ability to make utterances that normally would place you under arrest.

I have heard it said someone in a pub made a remark that someone further down the bar found offensive, the police were called and the person was charged with one of the many exotic, rich variety of political racial crimes and crimes against government forced diversity.

Here we can comment how we like, within the limits set by the moderator. I have seen comments pass the moderator that if said within earshot of a dusky colonizer would place a Prol on a very serious charge and they would feel the full force of its rigid Orwellian laws. I liken this ability to get past the stifling totalitarian socialist oppressor with the advent of clandestine radio during WW2. Years into the future history will show just how close Europe came to being a dictatorship.

It is the sheer joy of absolute freedom to say what you like without the Ministry of Truth’s political storm-troopers deciding what you can or cannot say. It’s a heady, beautiful sense of exultation that rivals the aroma of spring flowers.

There is little on Gods earth that rivals physical crimes against the person than removing that person’s basic right of freedom of speech and expression just to satisfy an authoritarian Socialists government’s political ideology.

It must gall the New World shapers to be unable to control the Internet; in the early days they did not factor in such a wonderful invention as the Internet. The Marxist/Socialist architects via their governments and media establishments have used lies and threats and though relentless propaganda that has shaped the minds of our people and terrified a nation. Nationalists retaliated using the Internet.

We know in the main our comments will be published unlike the government controlled newspapers where comments will only be published if it agrees with the strict guidelines of the New Order.

The English schoolchild was told to sit a table with other children to work on a class project, after a while she asked the teacher if she could be moved as she could not understand the language of the newly arrived eastern immigrant children. The Marxist programmed teacher screamed and ranted at her she was a racist, the police were called and the school child was taken to the police station. Science fiction? No, Airstrip One, or Great Britain 2010.

These comments I write of on these Internet sites would only be normally exchanged in hushed tones with like minded persons or between family members.

The Ideological Police in their canary yellow costumes cradling their sub-machine guns roam the streets looking for the transgressors. They are everywhere with orders to come with all haste if the government’s political ideology is breached or is suspected of being breached.

Its priority is paramount and takes precedent over any reports of the grooming of under-age English schoolgirls for sex to satisfy the carnal desires of primitive Asian immigrants, a phenomenon which we are also witnessing in Oslo with thousands of rapes being perpetrated by Immigrants, but for the Marxist overlords that is acceptable, it is collateral damage which cannot be avoided to achieve the final outcome.

I would say with certainty many people who contribute to this great site I am sure who would have made a comment or written an article outside of the internet would now be in prison, home detention or had trackers placed on them and made to report to the police twice a day and most importantly attend racial and cultural diversity lectures.

Crossed wires at Sunhill Police Station;

Lady PolicemanSir, Sergeant Cryer said put pink shoes on the bitch if she’s going to search the Mosque

Sergeant CryerSir, I was respecting their culture, I was suggesting putting shoes on the police dog not on Monica

David Starkey: Race, riots and censorship | ViewsHound

David Starkey: Race, riots and censorship

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Why are some viewpoints simply unsayable?

By John Atherton -
UK, Race, censorship, London, Racism, Riots, BBC, London riots, David Starkey, rioting, The Guardian

David Starkey, arguably the most respected historian in Britain, went on television and committed what The Guardian has called in a live blog “career suicide”.

Being interviewed on the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme, Newsnight, Starkey committed the ultimate crime: he dared to suggest that race, and specifically black culture, may have played a part in the London riots of the previous week – riots started by the police shooting of a black gang member.

In this article I am not concerned with whether or not Starkey’s analysis is correct, or stands up to scrutiny: readers can use their own experiences, and the video and images of the events, to draw their own conclusions one way or the other.

What I am concerned with is something far deeper: it seems that in modern Britain there are some things that cannot be said; some observations that cannot be seen; some thoughts that cannot be thought.

George Orwell, whose classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four deals with the manipulation of thought, once wrote:

~“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

For readers who are not familiar with David Starkey, he studied at the University of Cambridge, lectured at the London School of Economics, has been a regular guest on BBC Radio 4 and has had several highly successful television series. In short, he has serious credentials as a respected thinker. As an openly gay man, he is surely no stranger to prejudice.

So when he chooses to speak, in a manner that suggests prior thought and consideration, he has earned the right to at least be heard. Yet the worrying nature of today’s political discourse is that as soon as his thoughts turn to race, he is drowned out. Other contributors on Newsnight began to shout him down, and would not let him finish his point, with no real attempt from the presenter to allow him space to reach a conclusion.

The BBC itself, after the broadcast, was falling over itself to defend the presenter. A spokesman for Newsnight said, “I think that Emily Maitlis very robustly challenged David Starkey.” This language is highly revealing. Were any other points of view “robustly challenged”? Would an interviewee suggesting that the riots were down to poverty be “robustly challenged”?

Let us not forget that these views were not those of an ignorant, uninformed man, but a learned academic with knowledge of this subject (which is presumably why he was being interviewed in the first place). When confronted with a fellow interviewee saying that black people were more likely to be stopped and searched by police, Starkey countered with facts, saying that 80% of gun crime in London is carried out by blacks. Again, this is not casual racism, but a fact-based intellectual approach.

George Orwell again:

“The most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.”

read full article at link below.

David Starkey: Race, riots and censorship | ViewsHound

Friday 19 August 2011

Your Freedom is Disappearing: Want to Talk About it?

Your Freedom is Disappearing: Want to Talk About it?


Freedom_Association THIS IS THE THEME of a recently started campaign by the Freedom Association, a group of cross-party libertarians, started in the 1970s, to defend individual liberty against the encroachments of the expanding State of those days. It was deemed so “reactionary” by the KGB, the Soviet Union’s secret police that it is believed that they were behind the assassination of one of its co-founders.

The Freedom Association is certainly a group that every Christian believer can feel comfortable with, its seven principles of a free society resonating with the deeply-held beliefs of Christian political and gospel thought. These areas are as follows:

individual freedom,

personal and family responsibility,

the rule of law,

limited government,

free market economy,

national parliamentary democracy;

and strong national defences.

In its new campaign the Freedom Association declares that it does not want rule made for this country by unelected bureaucrats (Brussels’-crats?).

It successfully fought the Trade Union closed-shop, which had meant that if you lost your union membership you also lost your job.

They were the first group to oppose the Identity Card scheme of the New Labour Government, and they are currently fighting the European Union’s arrest warrant, which could see British citizens being arrested here for things which are not crimes in Britain!

The Freedom Association also believes that Britain is better off out of the European Union. They regularly hold debates, discussion, dinners and lots of other events and can be contacted at 0845 833 9626 or or

Their campaign leaflet ends on the positive note, which no genuine Christian could argue with:

“Whether you value your liberty, your freedom, or simply enjoy a healthy debate,

JOIN US and take part in our active political and social scene.”

Christians often complain about the state of the country but here is an organisation whereby you can be involved and do something about it.

Remember that all our precious views and values are based on Christianity. It would be a pity if Christians left the preservation and promotion of those views and values entirely to someone else.

© The Rev RMB West

Burning Britain and the Three-Times Treachery of Liberalism

Burning Britain and the Three-Times Treachery of Liberalism PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tim Heydon
At the VBR

Edmund_Burke_120_x_155"People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors" - Edmund Burke. (‘Reflections on the French Revolution’ Dent, 1955,(Everyman edition), p 31.)

Edmund Burke , the great conservative political philosopher of the era of the French Revolution, has been rejected by modern Toryism, There is much in Burke which nationalists might object to or would want to modify, such as the strength of his elitism.

Nevertheless, in many respects, including his rejection of ‘equality’ as against nature (‘A monstrous fiction’), his views and attitudes resonate with our own in a way that they don’t with Cameroonian Toryism and its fellow-travellers. We should claim him for ourselves as a key intellectual progenitor.

Whilst a conservative, Burke’s view of society is actually more modern because more realistic than that of the social engineers. For their vision is of a rationally ordered society which functions like some great well-oiled machine. It is a vision in which the life of humanity can be structured in manufactured states like the European Union by those with the power to do so. This vision of society as mechanistic and scientifically improvable derives ultimately from Newton’s view of the universe as operating like a machine through inflexible natural laws. This view had an overwhelming influence on the thinking of the French Revolutionaries and continues with ‘progressives’ today.

The State is not a Machine to be built by Leftist / Liberal Intellectuals. It is Organic

Burke, though, considered society to be ‘one family, one body, one heart and soul". It was not to be thought of as something to be ordered and structured in machine-like fashion. Rather it is organic. It is a living thing in which we the individuals are merely cells. Thus while the individual may die, the larger body carries on. So we must never reject tradition because this represents the ancient wisdom of our race. It is the fruit of the empirical experience of the ages; it is what works.

We should always distrust abstract reason, of the sort indulged in by the liberal /leftist ‘intellectual’ social engineers of our day, because "the individual is foolish. The multitude is foolish; but the species is a species it almost always acts right' (Works and Correspondence, vol X, (1852), p 97).

Our rights are not dreamt up from some abstract principle but are inherited from our ancestors (ie are inherent in our ethnicity) and it is for us to transmit them to our posterity. ’We have," Burke said, "an inheritable crown; an inheritable peerage; and a house of commons and a people inheriting privileges, franchises, and liberties, from a long line of ancestors." Indeed, "it has been the uniform policy of our constitution to claim and assert our liberties, as an entailed inheritance derived to us from our forefathers, and to be transmitted to our posterity; as an estate specially belonging to the people of this kingdom without any reference whatever to any other more general or prior right."

Burke’s organic view of the state /society fits in very nicely with a modern view of the universe as, not static in a Newtonian sense, but where even galaxies and perhaps the universe itself are born, live and die in an organic rather than in an unchanging mechanistic fashion. It is also more in keeping with a universe in which events are the result of the emerging possibilities of Quantum Physics rather than Newtonian determinism. Burke’s organic opinion of society; his view of the generations owing obligations to each other and his references to ‘the race’ as integral to society seems to assume an essentially ethnic perspective well in keeping with nationalist thinking.

Remembering Burke as Britain Burns

Modern society views the past as obsolete. It is an encumbrance to the future. Dynamic change must destroy the old to build the new in what Burke called "a liberal descent." He warned of "unsocial, uncivil, unconnected chaos" and demanded respect for institutions on the same grounds as for men: "on account of their age and on account of those from whom they are descended".

Society is a Contract between the Living, the Dead and the Unborn.

Burke affirmed that society was a contract between the living, the dead and those who are yet to be born. By this definition, Liberals including Cameroonian Tories have betrayed our past . They have betrayed our present. And they have betrayed our future. They have broken the sacred contract between the generations because they believe in nothing except the self, whilst we are faithful to that contract and believe in something greater than ourselves: our country, its people, its culture, the primacy of its traditional religion and much else besides.

The Betrayal of Our Past

In spite of the ludicrous historical perversions of left liberalism which lyingly try to force a multiracial history on Britain, until recently one of the most racially culturally and religiously homogenous nations ever (but which unwittingly confirm the importance of ancestry in national identity), this country was built by the ancestors of the native British. They built it, they struggled, they bled, not for the benefit of foreigners, but for themselves and for their progeny and their progeny - ourselves, their heirs. By destroying our traditions in favour of a continental –style manufactured arrangement in Europe and handing this country over to any Ahmed, Mohammed or Leroy, our present leadership has betrayed that trust and that legacy.

Burke said,

‘The fair mansion of civilisation which we enjoy was not built with our hands, and our hands must refrain from polluting it. Being mere life-tenants, we have no business to cut off the entail, or to commit waste on the inheritance.’ This is what Burke explains as "one of the first and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and the laws are consecrated." To deny it is to reduce men to the condition of the "flies of a summer"

The WW11 Generation would not have fought if they could have seen how their beloved Country has been polluted

One of the saddest news items of recent years was the report of the sense of betrayal of those who fought the Second World War as obtained by the research for a book. ‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors of WW11’, read the Daily Mail headline of 21st November 2009.

‘Sarah Robinson was just at teenager when WW11 broke out. She endured the Blitz, watching for fires during Luftwaffe air raids armed with a bucket of sand. Often she would walk ten miles home from work in the blackout with bombs falling around her. As soon as she turned 18, she joined the Royal Navy to do her bit for the war effort. Hers was small part in a huge, history-making enterprise, and her contribution epitomises her generation’s sense of service and sacrifice.

‘But was it worth it? Her answer –and the answer of many of her contemporaries, now in their 80’s and 90’s -is a resounding no.’

‘They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. ‘’It’s not our country any more,’’ they say in sorrow and in anger. Sarah harks back to the days when ‘’people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn’t have much money, but we were contented and happy.

’People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we fought for, our freedom , our democracy. But where is it now?’’

The Betrayal of the Present

The betrayal of the past breaks the contract with it, but the present also betrays itself. For when it could have been the heir to the great tradition, the wisdom of our ancestors, it opted instead to reject it in favour of - what? Of belief in nothingness; nothing except the self and its gratifications. When it could have had ideals of service and self –sacrifice; belief in belonging to a greater whole at it heart it now has self-fulfilment in things. The results of this materialism lie in the balkanisation of our country and smoking in towns and cities across the nation - fires that Hitler would have been proud of. This is secular nihilism and liberal individualism in action. It is a nothingness which feels it owes nothing to the past except contempt.

The Betrayal of the Future

The burning rubble, the colonised country, the tramping underfoot of our culture, our religion and traditions in favour of those of elsewhere - these are what are a now to be bequeathed to our children and their children. The ‘me’ generation which gives not a hoot for the future because it doesn’t believe in anything, even for many in having children at all, has squandered their inheritance.

Like the multicultural, multiracial slum that Britain has become, the evils of the Credit Crunch will be our children’s inheritance. They are the result of the economics of the ‘me’ generation which ran up towering debts in living for today. It is our children (if any) and their children who will pay.

The widespread riots this country has seen recently, the product of Burke’s ‘liberal descent’ and the mad, French Revolutionary emphasis on an unattainable and unjustifiable ‘Equality’ which discounts ‘Liberty’ never mind ‘Fraternity’ may prove a turning point in our history when people begin to realise that Leftist Liberalism is a disaster for civilised life and begin to move away from this brand of ideology back to Burkean empiricism and the wisdom of our traditions. Let us hope so.

Thursday 18 August 2011

LEEDS GRIM PRIDE: Backside-Sex Perverts Welcomed. “Disgusting Buggers!”

LEEDS GRIM PRIDE: Backside-Sex Perverts Welcomed. “Disgusting Buggers!” says the Revd Robert West.


A note from Leeds City Council

“Leeds City Council is pleased to be supporting Leeds Pride 2011. Leeds Pride plays a huge role in promoting the rich diversity of our city, of which we are very proud. I would like to wish the event every success.”


Undersigned by Cllr Keith Wakefield, Leader of Leeds City Council.

A response from the Revd Robert West

WHATEVER HAS POSSESSED A CITY COUNCIL TO take pride in Backside Sex, men with men, is beyond the ken of every decent and normal thinking citizen. Of course there were Lesbian perverts there too.

Normal folks do not feel the need to celebrate their sexual orientation: it is normal, after all, and there is no need to seek to justify it. Only the abnormal are so eaten-up by their perversities and inversions that they feel the need to justify themselves,

“This is a disgusting abomination and should be utterly abolished: their ‘pride’ is their disgrace.”lves, and before others. But it won’t be normal when they get aids, will it: then they will be playing the victim card and bleating like folks who need sympathy, instead of ones who have justly received the condemnation of their misdeeds which was due (Romans 1: 27).

We all reap what we sow; and that applies to them as well as to us (Gals 6: 7, 8). But they will not have it: they think they are special and that what normal people do not and cannot do, they can not only do, but grimly brag about it. How evil, perverse and pathetic. But that is the “homo-sodomite rights’ lobby” for you.

Well, what does the Holy Bible have to say about this? It is nothing new. Perversity and iniquity were rampant in the ancient world and brought it down, as it will do us. God is not mocked! God said of the homosexual cities that “…the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly” (Genesis 13:13). Later we read that as the Sun rose upon Lot, as he fled from Sodom into Zoar, that “…the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven” (Genesis 19: 24). Many centuries later the apostle Peter tells us how God turned the “…the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes… …making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly” (2 Peter 2: 6). And the apostle Paul says, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wantons, nor buggerers…shall inherit the kingdom of God” (Geneva Version [1599] 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10).

Well said and how appropriate for the “pride” of Councillor Keith Wakefield and the people he loves to have visit his city!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Immigration, You Know Its Gone Too Far When

You Know Its Gone Too Far When . . .

….Even the immigrants are complaining that there’s too much immigration.

The following is quoted from an article on Reuters, relating to the riots which have torn several cities in Britain apart, and which have removed the rose tinted spectacles with which many regarded mass immigration forever:

Jay Dattani, an Asian from Tanzania, came to Britain nearly 40 years ago and runs Dalston Stationery across the road from Essuman’s taxi stand. He said London still offers the chance to make an honest living that first attracted him to the city. He kept his shop open during the riots.

“Let them come. I have weapons in the back. I can look after myself,” he said. But like many Londoners, native and foreign-born alike, he pines for simpler times.

“It was easier in the early days. It’s getting out of hand now” he said. “Too many foreigners, isn’t it. Just taking all the jobs. Taking advantage of the system.”

Try being indigenous British Mr Dattani, that statement would have drawn cries of racism from all corners, despite the fact that it is entirely true and – hysteria and accusation aside – even the most fervent supporter of mass immigration would have trouble providing a coherent argument against it.

We were told that some immigration would be good for us, that immigration would improve our society, that immigrants would integrate.

Some did, but then the influx of immigrants became so great that it was us left expected to integrate with them, immigration instead became colonisation. We became the strangers in our own land, the ones on the outside.

Even if it were possible to begin with, any form of integration that the social engineers old us upon ceased to be possible when those who were supposed to integrate exceeded the number of people they were supposed to integrate with.

Look at areas of London, there is no integration possible. Immigrants outnumber the indigenous. Instead you get isolation, separation, a cherry picking of which British things – e.g. the welfare system – immigrant groups will accept and make their own, and those which they’ll reject.

A society cannot tolerate immigration on a huge scale – look how well that worked out for many indigenous peoples across the world. After a point immigration becomes invasion, the indigenous become the alien presence, forced to surrender their identity to the coloniser or perish.

Even if we can accept that, at times in a nation’s existence, immigration is beneficial, Britain has gone too far – instead immigration and diversity has become something which is considered always to be beneficial and enriching, with no reference made to its impact upon the host society or the existing population.

You really know we’ve crossed that line big time when the immigrants themselves are waking up to how much of a mess it is causing.

UK Sticky Plaster Politics

Sticky Plaster Politics

By South West Nationalists.

What a week. The night skies over our cities are red from the flames of rioters torching everything in sight. Stock markets, bright red too as the value of shares plummet.

At first glance they may appear to have little to do with each-other, but both could be said to be symptomatic of something which is seriously wrong with our country today.

I like to call it Sticky Plaster Politics.

Everyone knew the markets, banks, and even many EU nations, were in a mess a long time back.

Instead of any fundamental reform, what did our politicians do? Apply a sticky plaster. Bail out some failing banks and countries, talk a few tough words, and leave it all as it was before. Nothing changed, it just got a sticky plaster – a rather expensive one for the taxpayer as profits stayed private and losses got socialised – but a sticky plaster none the less.

And all the while the politicians kept on telling us that all was well.

For years people have been warning that riots like the ones we see now are an inevitable result of the flawed and disastrous multicultural dream which has seen parts of our nation become more like the third world than areas in a first world country.

You can take people out of the third world, but you can’t take the third world out of people. Of course that would be called racist, but we’re seeing the reality of it around us now.

What have the politicians done? Thrown a sticky plaster on it. Community workers, money thrown at ‘deprived’ minorities, Operation Trident, and turning a blind eye to many things in the name of so called sensitivity – aka surrender. It was the only way to hide the problems for as long as possible, until it was too late.

Yet again, you know it yourself, all the while they kept on telling us that all was well, how lucky and enriched we all were.

The result in both cases is the same. At great expense politicians bought a little quiet, and managed to hide a few problems, but when the explosion comes – and come it always does – it is far worse than ever.

The plunging stock markets and an economy in tatters, and streets ablaze and thronging with feral rioters, can both be traced back to very much the same kind of thinking.

Capitalism is great, the markets will take care of themselves, who needs a manufacturing industry when we can be a world leader in shuffling figures around the financial markets. Anything goes wrong, it’s just a scratch, we’ll apply a sticky plaster.

Multiculturalism is great, if we import millions of people they will suddenly become British, and their mere presence will enrich us all. They’ll integrate, and we’ll all be one big, happy family of an enriched nation. Anything goes wrong? Sticky plaster at the ready, the ideal is so great that it just needs a little patching up now and again.

The political bigwigs running this country think only of today, of applying a sticky plaster, and maintaining the status quo. None of those in charge have the courage to do more, they just try and cover the wound until it can explode on someone else’s watch.

It’s all of us in Britain paying the price for the politicians armed with their bundles of sticky plasters, not one of the sorry bunch in charge offer anything more than a quick fix which will come back to haunt us all in days to come.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Somalian Asylum Seekers £8000 a Month Mansion Your Taxes Pay For

Somalian Asylum Seekers £8000 a Month Mansion You Pay For

Meet the Khaliifs, Saeed and Sayida, Somalian asylum seekers - who, thanks to the insanity of a Britain which throws taxpayer money at every asylum seeker and foreign chancer who knocks on the window of the DSS and asks for money, are now living in an £8,000 a month house.

Yes, you're paying for it, did you ever doubt that?

Good old Saeed, 49, is unemployed and has not worked since coming to Britain 3 years ago and claiming asylum. How many kids he and his wife have seems to be unknown, but some sources are suggesting 8.

Yes, yet again you are right, odds are that you are paying for those kids as well.

Take a look at the photos in the Daily Mail story!

How many hard working Brits could afford anything like that? Hell, how many take home £1,000 from a months work, let alone could afford to pay out £8,000 a month in rent?

The council and benefits agencies would laugh you or I out of the office if we turned up, slapped that tenancy agreement on their desk, and asked them to pay for it.

But no, if you're an asylum seeker who has contributed nothing, taken much, and who seems to have little to offer Britain other than the ability to breed quickly, here are the keys to the mansion, tell us if it is not satisfactory and we'll find you better.

Britain, the mug of the world, where the streets really are paved with gold for anyone who can yell the word asylum.

Mail Story

The barking Mad Police Inspector Mulla of Lancashire

The barking Mad Mulla of Lancashire PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

lancI often wondered where the term Mad Mulla came from, now I know after reading a most vicious attack on the True British People by some jumped up, immigrant moslem Police Inspector named Bilal Mulla.

This insane moslem is behind a racist scheme in Lancashire for people to report on friends, neighbours and children in case they show signs of objecting to the colonisation of their Country.

The filth says that the organisation Channel is not a tool for spying or criminalising people but identifying people with right wing views that are in his opinion akin to child sexual abuse. As a moslem he would certainly know about child abuse.

And what would this unwanted piece of vermin do with these people who object to their young daughters being pimped, their sons being hunted for sport and seeing their cities burn down around them as they flee for the suburbs? Why, he would have them referred to mental health practitioners where they would probably then be certified as insane and locked away. This is what the unwanted creature has to say:

"It is making people understand there may be vulnerable people who are targeted by those with radical views who had a different agenda.

“It is not about criminalising people, it is early intervention before radicalisation.

“Think about what happened in Norway. Do we really want that sort of thing to happen in Lancashire?”

Insp Mulla said he wanted to encourage people to refer any ‘signposts’ of right-wing or other types of extremism to his team.

“It is not much different to child sexual exploitation.

"It can happen online and people are ‘groomed’ into a certain belief and ideology.

“We are constantly seeking more referrals and we want people to understand what we do and what Channel is for.

"It is about us building trust and confidence and making sure the right messages get out.

“We put interventions in place, not investigations.

"If someone is not suited for the Channel project, we pass them on to other authorities such as Youth Offending, mental health practitioners, probation for example.

"Just because Channel doesn’t take them on, doesn’t mean there are not other interventions available.”

The vile slug even tries to drag the isolated Norway incident into the equation, when anyone with half a brain knows that the cancer of Islam is the most sickest, violent cult on the surface of the Earth.

Look forward to your outspoken comments on this piece of garbage that has washed up on British Soil.

On a slightly ironic finish. This mad mullah is also mentioned in this news story where he tells moslems not to give to beggars outside the many mosques in his area as they are not moslems.

Hat tip to Whylink - for providing the link to story.

Monday 15 August 2011

Liberation in Education Courtesy of the Marxist NUS

Liberation in Education Courtesy of the NUS

Taking a break from campaigning against student fees, the National Union of Students have found time to publish a paper on liberation within the education system. How….liberating.

It all boils down to the same. More minorities should be included in course literature, etc etc and so on ad nauseum. Minorities would learn better if an obscure Arabian mathematician or a bleary eyed beat poet were made the cornerstone of lessons.

The long and short of it is that liberation comes from diversity and inclusiveness.

We’re sorry that Shakespeare wasn’t a one legged lesbian refugee from Uganda who had sought to escape persecution in her homeland and had come to enrich Britain.

We apologise for the fact that neither Sir Isaac Newton nor Sir Alexander Fleming were black transexuals.

Our hearts bleed with sorrow that Coleridge or Tolkien weren’t homosexual Muslims who penned their masterpieces in between prayers to Mecca and bouts of the love that dare not speak its name.

Get over it!

It does not aid education one iota to have people elevated to the level of reference works, icons of learning, or eminents in their field with official recognition simply because they happen to tick the right boxes on a diversity survey.

Conforming with an education systems own ideological bias and obsession with all things diverse is no substitute for attainment or educational value.

Equality and inclusiveness, if such things are even possible, and most definitely when enforced by the insane criteria of the PC zealots, destroy the educational system by replacing merit with identity.

Relevance now comes not because of someone’s achievements, but because of who they are and their ability to tick as many of the minority boxes as possible.

Still, what else is the NUS other than a product of that – the new generation of those schooled in diversity, carrying on the tradition of putting ideology before education and determined to ensure that the next generation have been spoon fed on all that is diverse.

Sunday 14 August 2011

The Liberal Pseudo intellectuals should hang their heads in shame!

Liberals should hang their heads in shame! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mark Haynes

shame_120_x_120The shocking and disgusting scenes of rioting, looting, violence, lawlessness and criminality of the past few nights we have all witnessed in British Cities has one root cause. That root cause is the warped Liberal Establishment, Cultural Marxism and the liberal society they have created.

I turned on the television set this morning only to see several liberal politicians, such as the Labour leader Ed Milliband, and laughingly the expenses crook, former Labour minister Hazel Blears, and of course the Prime Minister, just call me Dave hug a hoodie Cameron himself, all sermonising about the disgusting behaviour of the criminals responsible for the riots and looting, and promising tough action, belatedly against the offenders.

It then struck me the hypocrisy and damn right cheek of these expenses cheats and cheerleaders of the ’Liberal society’, who were all part of a liberal, Marxist establishment responsible for the creation of such an underclass of feral, out of control youth in the first place. Gobsmacked is how I felt!

You see these young and certainly in the first instances, mainly black rioters are composed mainly of aggressive, nihilistic, low intellect, zombies, and are highly representative of the term ’Broken Britain’. They are products of a diseased culture where a poisonous cocktail of contributory factors such as multinational corporations, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry brainwashing them to aspire to lifestyles they can never have.

The dumbing down of education, obsessive promotion by the media of celebrity culture, and decades of sustained Marxist attacks on established moral values of right and wrong, family, community, respect for one self, other people and, authority, coupled with the use of the Frankfurt school’s critical theory which has been used to constantly attack western institutions, undermining our christian civilization, and then disastrously imposing unfettered Mass Immigration and enforced multiculturalism onto our country, has shattered our once peaceful, cohesive society. This is the dream of the cultural Marxists coming to fruition, the breakdown of our society, all part of their plan for a New World Order out of chaos!

The Marxist doctrine of Political Correctness enforced on us to stifle our free-speech, was responsible for the decidedly weak, and muted response of the police to the original Tottenham riot, where they treated gangs of marauding black youths, burning, rioting and looting with kid gloves. At first standing back, hesitant and seemingly more worried about accusations of racism, heavy-handedness or Human Rights abuses than dealing forcefully and aggressively with the feral, rioting vermin.

The nettle has never been grasped of the problem of gangs, especially black gangs in inner city areas, such as in London where they commit much gun crime, knife crime and muggings. This has never been dealt with properly by the police or the authorities.

Thugs and violent criminals in general receive pathetic short sentences, cushy prisons to serve them in, and are soon back on the streets to commit more mayhem. The Justice secretary Ken Clarke recently wanted to reduce sentencing even further by 50% for many crimes including rape before being forced into an embarrassing u-turn, which ably demonstrates the sick mentality of the diseased liberal mind!

The ordinary copper one feels sorry for, because their career could be on the line if they make the wrong move, with watching Diversity & Equality commissars looking over their shoulder all the time, which must be hard if you have a mortgage and family to provide for, but the Liberal politicians and media, Race/Equality industry apparatchiks, and their fellow travellers the morons of the Far-Left one can only have utter contempt for!

The development of vigilante gangs - Sikhs guarding their Temple, Muslims guarding their so-called areas, Turks guarding their businesses, and English whites guarding their streets from marauding gangs of mainly black rioters could be a worrying sign of things to come, various ethnic/religious tribes vying for supremacy.

If the police and establishment can’t maintain law & order, I see a lot of trouble ahead. The multicultural dystopia the liberal establishment and Far-left Marxists wanted is here.

Liberalism and Marxism are the enemy of the people, they have used their evil tools of political correctness, cultural Marxism, Mass Immigration, and Multiculturalism to try and divide and destroy our country, only the common-sense policies of Nationalism can save this country from the Abyss of destruction!

Who the on Earth are The Shomrim?

Who the bloody hell are The Shomrim? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

shorim1_120_x_90I really do not want to write this article and I warn the Jew Lovers/Jew Loathers to choose their words with care when commenting or they simply will not be published - but the question must be asked.

Who the bloody hell are The Shomrim? Well actually I do know - now - after a bit of digging. But before we go on about them, first of all a bit of background to this article and what prompted me to dig into The Shomrim.

In an online Jewish "Newspaper", they give the Jewish Reaction to London Riots and write the following:

In England, two organizations are involved in enhancing the security of the Jewish community. The Shomrim an organization similar to the one active in Jewish neighborhoods in New York, and the Community Security Trust, known as the CST are on alert. The CST as a large, professional security organization that works closely with police and the authorities. The group, which has volunteers in every city, also put its hotline into immediate action.

Now, I have written about the CST before and asked back in 2008 why are the Jews allowed to have their own uniformed private army for "defence", when British People are accused of being vigilantes or worse when they organise defence of their remaining areas in Our Cities?


The Jewish CST is a small army with Headquarters, offices and staffed by 55 trained people to support their private force of over 3,000 volunteers who are trained by the police to carry out the following.

Their "volunteers" Briefing Card carries the following information.
Your job:
Your job is ensuring the safety and security of those attending this location.
Check the location for unauthorised entry.
Observe/challenge all unknown persons approaching the location.

Now I am not sure why the police are helping to train a private army and whether they would be kind enough to train groups of White People, so they may also act in the defence of their own people and property should the need arise again - and it will - but I very much doubt it.

We have a close relationship with senior officers, constables and beat officers which includes joint patrols, training exercises and regular consultations on strategic issues in the fight against antisemitism. The CST is represented on numerous Police and liaison groups, including the Race and Violent Crime Task Force Unit at Scotland Yard and Police Consultative Groups throughout Britain.

Joint patrols, training exercises? What the hell is going on here?

Now on to a report about The Shomrim. The Shomrim ("watchers" or "guards") are another "volunteer" Jewish private army with their own uniforms and active units all over the world.

Their prime purpose they say is to prevent anti-Semitic attacks but they have been criticised for using excessive force against non-Jewish suspects as well as being criticised for holding back information on child molesters and Jewish criminals, as they believe that it would be wrong to inform on a fellow Jew to non-Jewish authorities.

The Shomrim
Now Shomrim Officer, Gary Ost told the Jewish Ynet; "We realized that people start riots when there is no police presence on the scene, and then it is hard to control them, so we wanted to stop it in the Jewish neighbourhoods before it gets started." and I cannot fault him there but what I found interesting in this article, apart from the bit about how, protected by kevlar vests they apprehended some looters - was the news that they also have been working with the police for many years although initially there were concerns by the police about their organisation!

So there you have the two para military Jewish Organisations being allowed to patrol "their areas" of Our Land whilst the True British People who attempt the same are treated like "cattle" and condemned as racists by the Ashkenazi False Jew, David Cameron.


Meanwhile, the Sikhs, tooled up to the teeth are also working with the police whilst running a military style operation. Amarjit Singh Klair from Hounslow said: ‘We are working along side the police, they’re doing what they can but they are stretched. ‘Why shouldn’t we defend our homes, businesses and places of worship? This is our area. There’s lots of talk about it kicking off here. But we’re ready for them.

Actually Amarjit, whilst I do not condemn you defending what you say is your area, I do dispute the ownership of the "area" but this is something we will no doubt resolve in a few years or so, so we shall drop it for now. Meanwhile keep it safe for the British People.


And what about whitey during all these troubles? What was he upto when not stripping off to hand his clothes over to some black robber?

Well those brave white souls who took to the streets were vilified as racists and vigilantes - and if they had been seen carrying the types of weapons that the Sikhs are seen brandishing in the image above, they would have been shot dead quicker than that black gangster the police shot last week.

As for the other whites - well a lot of them shamed the white race by waving broomsticks in the air and rushing off to clean up the muck left by those who so enrich our nation. Roll on payback time.

Cameron, Crime and the Dhimmi Hypocrisy

Cameron, Crime and Hypocrisy

By Clive Wakely.

The news that David “Dhimmi” Cameron is leading “the fight back” to punish anyone responsible for inflicted damage and destruction on Britain’s society should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Although Dhimmi Dave and the rest of the rotten political establishment claim to be shocked and surprised by the events of the last week, the public at large is not; no more than any rational person would be by the revelation that dropping a lighted match into a barrel of gunpowder is liable to result in a rather large explosion.

However what is truly shocking is the imbecilic and banal commentary offered up by Dhimmi Dave and his ilk in their attempt to “explain” away the disturbances and violence in our town and city centres.

Whilst Dhimmi Dave, assorted “Guardianistas” and Establishment stooges talk tough (always good for a few reactionary votes) and shower down condemnation from the ivory towers afforded them by television studios and the House of Commons, it is the long suffering British public that has to deal with the indigestion arising from attempting to digest the half-baked rubbish being fed to them by way of “explanation”.

Not to put too fine a point on it and to extend the analogy a little further, we are feeling increasingly nauseated by it all.

Sorry Westminster, sorry controlled media – but we, the people, know better than to buy into your “it’s the fault of immorality, criminality, dysfunctional families, gang culture” lines of appeasement; we know exactly what is at the root of the problem – and what’s more so do you!

We also know that so long as the lying, deceiving, bought-and- paid for media and politicians hold sway in this country that things can only get worse – for us – the tax-paying, law-abiding, silent majority.

Yet, watching the politicians perform on television, apart from an ever-growing sense of loathing for such parasites, one is left with the inescapable conclusion that Dhimmi Dave and friends appear to find some forms of thuggery, theft and criminality more deserving of condemnation than others.

As reprehensible as it is, a brick thrown through a shop window, a furniture store torched or a bus burnt out on a London street hardly ranks highly against the criminal devastation wrought on Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya and condoned by the likes of Dhimmi Dave and associates.

Similarly in the greater scale of things, how does the theft of flat screen televisions, designer footwear and electronic gismos stack up against the misappropriation of Kosovo, Iraqi oil or the ongoing “ram-raiding” of Libya for its oil and gas fields; felonious activity which Dhimmi Dave and his handlers are apparently more than happy to condone?

Yet whilst Dhimmi Dave and his cronies loudly voice their opportunistic demands that rioters must be subjected to “the full weight of the law”, they are conspicuous by their silence and inactivity when the matter of bringing Tony Blair, widely considered a war criminal, to justice.

Similarly does anyone serious believe that Dhimmi Dave – the bankers’ friend, who says he wants to crack down hard on looters, has the slightest intention of having the mega “bankstas”, whose fraudulent activities have cost this country billions, brought before the courts to answer for their crimes?

Whereas the thieving activities of largely ethnic feral youth will inevitably result in insurance companies passing on their losses to the public through increased premiums, the incalculably more massive theft from the citizen through “quantitative easing”, the printing of paper money, which will eventually manifest itself in spiraling inflation and the theft of the value of the pound in everyone’s pocket, will go unpunished.

Let’s not even start on the bank bailouts, rigged credit ratings, fraudulent fractional banking and collateralized junk debt scams.

If Dhimmi Dave was remotely serious over wanting to eradicate the “culture of criminality” that pervades society then surely it would not only be unemployed (unemployable?) young thugs that would be progressing through the court system but also those of the pin-stripped, bowler-hated, variety; the very sort to be found in City of London boardrooms and, indeed, sitting alongside Dhimmi Dave on the benches in the House of Commons.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Pravda (Channel 4) and the UK Marxist Police state 2011

Pravda (Channel 4) and the UK Police state 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sarah Albion


When Asian and Turkish people gather to protect their shops and businesses against rioters, they are praised by the media for "protecting their community". Meanwhile, white hating liberal's like Christina Odone, a woman's who's one time editorship of the Catholic Herald reduced it to something mostly suitable for lining a parrot's cage, write articles like this, praising the immigrants for, as she puts it, “loving this country more than we do”.

Meanwhile when whites assemble to protect their communities, such as happened in Eltham, they are called “thugs” and “vigilantes”. Police arrive en-masse and deliberately, albeit relatively unsuccessfully, attempt to provoke violence, in order to cause a "white riot", whilst the lying scum from Channel 4, who had obviously been invited to the show, produce a dishonest and misleading report like this one.

On the TV news report, it was claimed that white residents "attacked the police" however, despite the presence of TV cameras, this was not shown, in fact apart from close up film of one broken bottle (who knows who threw it, or when), no evidence of violence was shown. It was also claimed that people were shouting "racist abuse" although this was also not shown.

There was no trouble in Eltham, the police attempted to provoke white residents into violence for propaganda purposes, however, apart from, maybe, on frustrated bottle thrower, they did not succeed. Meanwhile so called “journalists” attempted draw an equivalence between the predominantly black rioters, and the peaceful white residents of Eltham.

This is what passes for “truth”, "justice" and “news reporting” in England in 2011.

Related (and amusing) article on Simon Darby's site here.