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Monday, 20 September 2010

HM UK Government Response to White History Month

HM Government Response to White History Month 

 Author The Green Arrow

Read the mealy mouthed response from the government that took a year for them to come up with and the rubbish about Blacks and Asians living here for the last 500 years.

Petition to:
Make November the Official White History Month

This petition is now closed, as its deadline has passed.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Make November the Official White History Month. More details

Submitted by Mike Howson – Deadline to sign up by: 13 October 2009 – Signatures: 1,544

More details from petition creator


we call for White History Month every November in response to calls from the British public following yet another officially-endorsed Black History Month in October.

The campaign is a response to the annual Black History Month held every October. Black History Month is endorsed by the government, politicians, the BBC and other state institutions. There are exhibitions, websites, events and initiatives in schools, universities, colleges, town halls and city centres in Britain and all over the world.

We have no problem with anybody wishing to celebrate Black History Month, which allows Black people to celebrate their identity, explore their heritage and show pride in their achievements.

This is why we urge you to sign this petition giving full support to official White History Month. During this month all White people around the world – and in Britain -- will celebrate will their history and heritage with pride.

We hope that White History Month will attract the same level of funding, public recognition and support from politicians and celebrities which Black History Month has drawn.

Government response

The Government vision is of a fair society where there are no barriers to participation or ambition based on race, colour or ethnicity. Only by giving everyone the opportunity to succeed can we build a better future for everybody in Britain.

The Government is not responsible for Black History month. This is, rather, a community led initiative which has developed since the mid-eighties, and individual organisations take part on a voluntary basis. Its benefits are that it raises awareness of the, often unknown, Black contribution to our shared history, for example, that Africans and Asians and their descendants have been living in Britain for the last 500 years and also made a major contribution in the Second World War. By focusing on what people have in common, as well as recognising the value of diversity, we can foster a shared sense of belonging and a shared sense of the future.

In schools, the existing National Curriculum programme of study for history requires pupils to be taught a substantial amount of British history. The Government is currently reviewing the national curriculum and has announced its intention to reduce the amount of central prescription in the way that schools teach their pupils. The Secretary of State for Education has expressed his intention to return to a more narrative approach to British History.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Hypocritical Lefty Reds And State Media Attack Pope, but Silent Bigotry of Islamic Colonisers

Reds and Media Attack Pope, but Silent on Worse Attitudes from Islamic Colonisers

The staggering hypocrisy of the far left and their fellow travellers in the media has become obvious with the relentless demonstrations and articles critical of the Pope’s views on homosexuality, female priests and the Equality Act — while completely ignoring far more severe Islamic policies on these issues.
Long time homosexual activist Peter Peter Tatchell has even helped create something called the “Protest the Pope” campaign. At a public meeting of that organisation last month, Mr Tatchell said a protest against the Pope was necessary to call on the “British government to disassociate itself from the Pope’s intolerant teachings on issues such as women’s rights [and] gay equality.”
The Pope has also called the Labour, Tory and Lib Dem-supported Equality Act “sinful” as it in effect takes away an important part of religious freedom.
All of these issues have been raised time and time again by Mr Tatchell and his colleagues, and then faithfully repeated by their complaint friends in the media in an attempt to raise up hatred against Christianity in general.
Yet all of these organisations — from the anti-Pope groups through to the militant humanist and atheist organisations — have been quiet as church mice when it comes to questioning the much more extreme views of the Islamic colonisers of this country.
While the Pope might only have condemned homosexuals as sinful, no-one in the Catholic Church today actually suggests any legal sanction against that community.
However, in the Islamic religion, homosexuality is still regarded as a mortal sin and is punishable by death in many Muslim countries.
Eminent scholars of Islam, such as Sheikh ul-Islam Imam Malik, (who created one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence followed by Sunni Muslims to this day) and Imam Shafi (the founder of Islamic jurisprudence) amongst others, have ruled that Islam disallowed homosexuality and ordained capital punishment for a person guilty of it.
Yet strangely, Mr Thatchell and his media friends are silent about Islam’s view of homosexuality, despite the spreading influence of that religion and its adherents all over Europe.
As to women’s rights: It is true that the Catholic Church refuses to let women be ordained as priests. Yet Mr Thatchell and his friends have somehow never said anything about the fact that women are specifically forbidden from leading men in prayer in a mosque and that that religion even practises sexually segregated services.
Once again, it seems that the “anger” of the reds and militant atheists is reserved only for Christianity and never for the Islamic colonisers’ religion, which is left alone to implement dictates which the modern Catholic Church would never consider.
This attitude forms part of a larger assault on Christianity generally, only because it is so closely identified with the “enemy,” namely Western Civilisation.
The British National Party believes in a secular Britain, with freedom of religion.
It is however very conscious of the fact that the majority of British people still identity themselves with the cultural trappings of Christianity at the very least, and that this is under assault from the nation-wreckers who would rather see an Islamic state created in our lands.
As such, the BNP will take its place in the ranks defending Christianity as long as the majority of the British people are that way inclined.

Lib/Lab/Con UAF Anti Democratic Violence shown towards the democratic proces again

Author Horwich Nationalists ,

It is with sadness that we have to report that the peaceful collection of signatures for the petition to Bring our troops home yesterday in Glasgow, was marred by the violence of the UAF, the same organisation that brought havoc to the streets of Bolton in May.

A organisation the majority of the labour party both locally and nationally support and in fact also a organisation that our so called Prime Minister David Cameron also supports by being a founding signatory.
Just watch to see for yourself at the tactics used by these brain washed thugs who hide behind the unjust laws and support of their political masters in the Lib/Lab/Con elites. Who also claim hypocritically that they battle against injustice, funny that you never see them joining the armed forces or the police, probably due to a yellow streak across their souls. just watch the shame that the Labour and Conservative parties have brought to the British Political arena.

The Bolton Horwich Labour Party's Local Voice Rag Latest

The Labour Party's Local Voice Rag.

Abridged from the Bolton patriot for the Horwich Nationalists

  We Have just finished reading the Labour Party’s ‘Lastest Local Voice’ snake oil rag distributed  early on Saturday morning ( I wonder why?) in central Horwich yesterday , whilst we in the British National party were openly campaigning on a issue of National and local importance,–well, I’ve got a sense of humour. Every time I read nonsense like this it fuels my belief that the fabric of multicultural dogma which has been used in an attempt to blind fold the British public will continue to disintegrate at an ever increasing pace.

Even before I turn the front page I see that Bolton’s Labour Party have shown what really riles them is that one of the  schools they list as being cancelled by ‘Cameron and Clegg’ is the Bolton Muslim girls school. Personally I couldn’t care less if the coalition closed every Islamic school in the country but it seems strange that any political group would continue to attempt to engage with a theocracy which has shown itself to be domineering, undemocratic and more importantly  un-British.

Labours glossy pamphlet goes on to refer to that proverbial patch up of an expression used by LibLabCon elites as ‘the Bolton Family’. ‘The Bolton Family’: a logo designed to suggest unity amongst the 3rd world colonists who now occupy across Dean, Daubhill, Halliwell, Great Lever and Farnworth, because let’s face it surely most of Bolton’s British people will have long ago dismissed such silly epithets as farcical.

Page two begins with the heading ‘Massive cuts to hit public services’. That would be the ‘public service’ which the Labour Party's bloated with non-jobs in an attempt to secure more public sector votes. I have never been able to understand how my local authority can employ so many ‘Fairness Officers’ when the very heart of the infrastructure which operates housing, education and health are so unfair. Why are Bolton’s political leaders via their endorsement of multiculturalism are putting a strain on all these resource's? Who is being treated fairly by the stress placed on theses resources, the British people or asylum seekers who have crossed nations and sometimes continents to access housing, education and free health care?
The news letter ends in a farcical thanking of the Bolton public for electing 30 Labour Councillors and 3 MPs. Labour should really be thanking the UAF for distributing smear and lies and running 3rd party organisations like hope not hate to smear all their political opponents not just the British National Party throughout the election, trade unions who assist in funding the distribution of such lies and the Bolton News who’s lopsided reporting ensured the BNP  received almost no media attention. And when you remember the Conservative Candidate only lost Bolton West by around 50 votes, then other parties should be just as concerned as well at the local Labour Parties conduct.

Sucess of first day of the British National Party's Bring our Boys Home campaign

Author Horwich Nationalists

Reports on the sucess of the first day of the British National Party's Bring our Boys Home campaign are now starting to flood into the British National Party Newsroom ,The response by the British Public has been overwhelmingly in support of our cause, as seen by the video below featuring the Chairman of the British National Party Mr Nick Griffin MEP, and also locally the response of the people of Horwich yesterday as photographed,( no false photo opp's here!
 And with the news today that two more of our brave lads have been killed in the Lib/Lab/Con illegal war. Reinforces the urgency of our campaign in gaining support of the British public for the British National Parties campaign. As we are the only Political Party that is clearly stating that we will bring our brave soldiers home NOW! from this pointless multi national Bankers and corporations oil pipe line war, that as turned our brave troops and armed forces in effect into a private militia for hire to the highest bidder of cash perks to the Lib/lab/Con political elites and their multi national backers.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

More Double Standards concerning dianne Abbot

More Double Standards

By Dr Phil Edwards—Black Labour MP Dianne Abbott has been reported to the police over for calling for white males to be axed first when sweeping public sector savings are announced next month, but Cheshire Constabulary, where the complaint was lodged, has said it would not be pursuing the case.
Double standards from Horwich Nationalists point of view is hypocrsy
Tory MP Philip Davies was reported in the media as saying that Ms Abbott’s remarks were “politically correct garbage” and “manna from heaven” for the British National Party.
Perhaps Mr Davies should consider this issue in more profound terms:  since race is an important element in individual and group identity, then it is impossible to build a society in which race does not matter, and furthermore, people of different races build different societies.
So, racial diversity is a source of constant conflict, a conclusion so blindingly obvious yet one of the requirements of respectability in this country is to pretend – and to repeat loudly at every opportunity — that diversity is a strength.
The Abbott incident reminds me of a recent correspondence I had with the Home Office regarding comments made by the Minister of State for Policing, Nick Herbert MP, who had been reported as saying that the police stopping people "on account of their race is unacceptable."
I asked if police officers, led by intelligence, could be choosing to do so not on the grounds of prejudice (i.e. "racism") but on the grounds of experience i.e. in the knowledge that people of black African ancestry have been shown to be more likely to be involved in crime, for whatever reason, than are indigenous white people?
Put another way, if the police have to make an on the spot judgement to stop a potential criminal, is it not more effective — on average — to stop a black person than a white one when resources and choice are scarce?
But no – the Home Office reply was (and I quote) "The Race Relations Act 1976 made it unlawful for a person to discriminate on racial grounds against another person. The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 extended the remit of this legislation to include most public authorities and requires them to eliminate race discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and good relations between all racial groups. The Act applies to around 45,000 public authorities in the United Kingdom, including central government departments, health authorities, education authorities and police authorities. The police therefore have a positive duty to promote racial equality; not only to address unlawful discrimination where it occurs, but also to be pro-active in preventing it from occurring. The National Policing Improvement Agency are currently overseeing the phased roll-out of the “Next Step” programme which aims to help forces to tackle the problem of disproportionality and ensure stop and search powers are used effectively, and with the support of the local community”.
So, there we have it, the police are there to promote racial equality and soon the "Next Step" programme will "help forces to tackle the problem of disproportionality and ensure stop and search powers are used effectively, and with the support of the local community".
But will the police and "Next Step" help to stop the appalling crimes, many carried out by foreigners and illegal, undesirable aliens, which are turning many large towns and cities into Third World Hell holes?
It is as if the previous race relations acts were deliberately introduced as a straight jacket to prevent effective control of law and order. It seems that Ms Abbott has a get out clause.

Bolton British National Party Take Bring our Boys Campaign to Horwich

Bolton British National Party Take the Bring our Boys Back Home Campaign to Horwich!

just a few of the team in Horwich
Today members of the Bolton and Horwich British National party took the Bring the Boys back Home Campaign to the Streets of Horwich. The Campaign is part of a UK wide day of action by the British National Party, that is designed to put the pressure on the Lib/Lab/Con political elites to end their illegal war in Afghanistan, in order that NO! More Brave British soldiers lives are lost in a war who,s only purpose is to secure a oil pipe line for Multi national Corporations and Bankers!

Members of Horwich public showing support
The response from the public in Horwich was over whelming in favour of our campaign with many people filling in our petition to end this illegal war that is costing the lives of our Brave British soldiers NOW! with over 4000 casualties a figure that the corrupt elite try to cover up and more likely, only the British National Party, the only party that is not in the back pocket of the multi nationals and bankers , promises to bring our brave lads home from that desolate hell hole immediately ! Leaving the Afghans to continue their centuries long traditions of slaughtering other, and saving countless British Lives in a war that has nothing to do with us!

Also unlike the other pro war Labour , Liberal and Conservative parties the British National party has brought the campaign directly to the streets. Where members of the public can question us on our policies and the reason why state our brave lads lives must be saved. Unlike the other parties who skulk around throwing unwanted leaflets complaining about the lack of funds for the Bolton Muslim girls School through your door and never been seen in person by the electorate. 

Please Remember in future elections that Only the British National Party will end this pointless war and treat the British Armed Forces and public with the dignity and respect they deserve, and at the same time save thousands of our troops lives and millions of Innocent foreign Nationals by ending these cruel and pointless wars!
please watch Nick Griffins Speech filmed in Horwich this Month!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Defence Budget Cuts: £9.2 Billion. Foreign Aid Budget: £9.1 Billion

Defence Budget Cuts: £9.2 Billion. Foreign Aid Budget: £9.1 Billion

The ConDem regime has ordered defence budget cuts of up to £9.2 billion (the equivalent of the foreign aid budget) while still expecting the army to continue to fight the regime’s illegal foreign wars without proper equipment.
On the same day that the all-party Commons Defence Committee issued a report which said that cuts to the defence budget will undermine the Armed Forces’ ability to defend Britain, David Cameron boasted in parliament about the foreign aid allocation.
Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions, Mr Cameron boasted that Britain could “hold its head up high” because the foreign aid budget is not being cut back even though all services to British people, including those of securing the borders and defence funding, are being drastically cut.
The ConDem regime has committed itself to increasing the foreign aid budget from its current £9 billion to £13 billion, despite announcing cuts of 25 percent and more in the police, border and defence budgets. Mr Cameron’s announcement was greeted with praise and admiration by the rest of Parliament.
Meanwhile, the Commons Defence Committee report said that the cuts will “jeopardise troop operations” and the army’s capacity to “sustain current in-use capabilities and therefore current operations could well be put at risk by the proposed cuts.”
In other words, Mr Cameron is not only committed to keeping British troops in Afghanistan, but also to deliberately underfunding them.
This was exactly what the Conservatives, when still in opposition, accused the Labour regime of doing.
Now, however, as the reality of the Tory regime becomes ever clearer, it is apparent that the Labour Party’s policy of underfunding the army while committing it to foreign wars is being implemented with gusto by the ConDem government.
In February this year, for example, Mr Cameron accused then Prime Minister Gordon Brown in parliament of sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan without the proper equipment.
In Commons question time exchanges, Mr Cameron accused Mr Brown of "ignoring the welfare" of the armed forces, pointing out that the Labour government had so underfunded the military that former defence secretary Geoff Hoon had gone on public record as saying that the air force now had fewer helicopters because of Mr Brown’s decisions.
In a staggering display of hypocrisy which has become the hallmark of the ConDem regime, Mr Cameron went on to say that “"We've had soldier after soldier complaining about lack of body armour, vehicles and equipment.”
But now that he is in 10 Downing Street, Mr Cameron has announced cuts to the military which not even the Labour government dared consider – all the while demanding of our heroes that they continue with their mission impossible in Afghanistan.
The British National Party will launch its “Support our troops, bring our boys home” campaign this coming weekend to underline the party’s demand that the Labour and ConDem regimes have abused our troops for their evil and illegal wars.
The only solution to the problem is to end the wars with immediate effect and bring our soldiers home without delay. The BNP will be circulating petitions calling for the withdrawal of our troops starting this coming Saturday.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Bring Our Boys from Afghanistan Home British National Party Campaign

The following communication has been send out by the Chairman and Leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin MEP.

Dear Patriot,

Saturday 18th September will witness the launch of the British National Party’s autumn recruitment campaign under the banner of “Support Our Troops — Bring Our Boys Home” with a wave of leafleting drives, town centre stalls, petitions and banners nationwide.

The party's Communications Department has produced a new A5 leaflet, petition and table top banner as part of the national campaign.

This campaign will help establish the BNP as the only political party that is opposed to the bloody, unwinnable, futile and illegal war in Afghanistan, a war that is producing a constant stream of British deaths and a war that has nothing whatsoever to do with Britain.

Public anger at the ongoing Afghan war is at bursting point, as recent BNP surveys have shown. Furthermore, the establishment’s allegation that the war is necessary to
“prevent terrorism” has been thoroughly debunked by all security experts and military institutions. Every single one of these experts and institutions have confirmed the accuracy of the BNP’s prediction that involvement in these wars would not prevent terrorism, but cause it.

Party Leader Nick Griffin MEP has called a National Day of Action for Saturday September 18th and every branch in the country is expected to visit multiple towns and cities with the leaflets, banners and petitions and set up town centre stalls. Branches will aim to hit at least two busy shopping streets on the first Saturday, and then do the same again (in the same places or elsewhere) each Saturday there after for a full month.

The following dates have been declared
Days of Action as part of our "Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home" campaign by the Chairman:

  1. Saturday September 18th (campaign launch)
  2. Saturday September 25th
  3. Saturday October 2nd
  4. Saturday October 10th
All organisers, local and regional, have started making preparations for activities in town centres on their patch on these dates, dispatching local postal, email and text bulletins to members and supporters to enhance attendance.

This is going to be a hugely popular campaign, and we're aiming to make it the biggest co-ordinated nationalist recruitment campaign ever run outside of an election period.

To view the campaign material released by our Communications Department please use the links below.

- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Leaflet
- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Petition
- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Table Top Banner

Yours sincerely,

Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party

Place Jobs Black Workers above those of Whites Says Dianne Abbot Labour Party Leadership Candidate

Place Interests of Black Workers above those of Whites, Says Labour Party Leadership Candidate

The interests of black workers must be placed above those of white workers when it comes to redundancies caused by the recession, Labour Party leadership contender and well-known black supremacist Dianne Abbot has said.
The Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington has been nominated as new leader of her party by a string of well-known senior Labour MPs, including far left anti-BNP “Hope not Hate” crank Jon Cruddas, Harriet Harman, Jack Straw, Keith Vaz and Phil Woolas.
Speaking to BBC’s Radio 4, Ms Abbott said that “ethnic background and gender should be considered” when drawing redundancies are planned in the Government’s austerity drive.
She called for new requirements for local councils, Government agencies and quangos to be “mindful” of the race and gender distribution of any job losses they are planning.
“Figures show that out of the 6 million people that work in the public sector, 4 million are women and over 500,000 workers are of black and ethnic minority backgrounds,” she said, pretending to be interested in the rights of women as well.
Her true anti-white agenda quickly shone through in the very next sentence. “My concern is that the progress black and ethnic minority workers have made in employment is relatively recent and if there have to be big cuts, it will be ‘last in, first out’ and these cuts will fall disproportionately not just on women but on black and ethnic minority workers,” she said, repeating the comments in a statement on her campaign website.
“I think this could lead to a degree of instability which could have the potential to set back race and gender relations by a generation.
“We need to ensure that local authorities, Government and quangos are mindful by making them monitor the gender and ethnic distribution of people losing their jobs,” Ms Abbott said.
This is not the first anti-white outburst by Ms Abbott. In 1996, she said that "blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls" in her local hospital in West London were unsuitable as nurses because they "may never have met a black person before."
When she joined the leadership race earlier this year, she told the BBC that she was standing because all the other candidates “look the same.
“We cannot be offering a slate of candidates who all look the same. The Labour Party's much more

“Nazi” Smear Used against France for Resisting Roma Gypsy Crime Invasion

“Nazi” Smear Used against France for Resisting Gypsy Crime Invasion

The worn-out “Nazi” smear has been turned out once again to smear the French government because it has dared to try and protect France from a shocking 358 percent increase in Gypsy crime through a perfectly legal deportation policy.
The pathetic smear came from the far left EU chief Viviane Reding who also announced that her organisation was going to take punitive action against the French government for reportedly deporting over 1,000 Gypsies back to Romania.
Ms Reding and her far left backers, including “former” Communist Party member and EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso, appear not only to be too useless to think up a new smear word, but also totally ignorant of the EU’s own laws, which make the deportations perfectly legal.
The legal status of Gypsies from Romania and Bulgaria — who are the centre of the storm — is governed by EU regulations which state that if a non-Schengen area national has been in an EU state for more than three months and has no job or no proof of substantial means on which to support themselves, they can be deported at any moment.
This also applies if those non-Schengen nationals are found guilty of a public order offence. Romania and Bulgaria are non-Schengen EU member states and the French government is therefore fully within its legal rights to deport nationals from those states.
More importantly, however, is the Gypsy crime wave which sparked off the deportation orders in the first place.
Interior minister Brice Hortefeux revealed official statistics which showed that crime rates and “delinquency of Romanian origin” in Paris had rocketed by 138 percent in 2009 and by 259 percent in the past eighteen months.
“Today, in Paris, the reality is that almost one thief in five is a Romanian” and “one theft in four by minors is committed by a Romanian minor,” Mr Hortefeux said.
Mr Hortfeux said that these figures were “not about stigmatising this or that population, but we cannot close our eyes to reality.”
As a result, the French government has ordered the dismantling of at least 300 illegal Gypsy camps across France as part of a fight against crime and urban violence.
The figures showed that in 2008, some 1,323 Gypsies were charged with criminal offences. This figure leaped to 3,151 in 2009. According to Mr Hortefeux, most of the charges were related to burglary, theft and pick pocketing.
It is estimated that some 15,000 Gypsies — who are not Romanians or Bulgarians, but actually Indians who arrived in Europe during medieval times — have flooded into France since those Eastern European nations joined the EU.
France's immigration minister, Eric Besson, went on to say, "We must broaden the possibilities for issuing deportation orders (for people who pose) a threat to public order by repeated acts of theft or aggressive begging."
The deportations are therefore aimed at criminals, not any specific ethnic group — but in the eyes of the crazed far left, anyone wanting to protect their nation against a criminal invasion is now a “Nazi,” even if, as they are in French president Nicholas Sarkozy’s case, themselves of Jewish origin.
The outburst by Ms Reding serves two valuable lessons:
- Firstly, that the smear words invented by the far left have become meaningless; and
-Secondly that it is the EU’s intention to ensure that any attempt, no matter how half-hearted, to assert ethnic European identity, is vehemently opposed, even if lies and deceit have to be used for that purpose.

Join the British National Party here Secure Membership Application

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Government-Funded Report Reveals True Extent of Islamic Colonisation: A Caliphate in Britain

Muslim Organisations Squeal after Government-Funded Report Reveals True Extent of Islamic Colonisation: A Caliphate in Britain

Muslim organisations in Britain have squealed in collective horror at a secret government-funded report leaked onto the Internet which revealed that all Islamic groups want to see Britain turned into a Caliphate, and not just the “extremists.”
The report, issued by the Quilliam Foundation, which is supposed to be a “counter-extremism think tank” run by two “former” radical Muslims, says that many mainstream Islamic groups who denounce violence and terrorism still want to bring Britain under Islamic control.
The report was sent in June to Charles Farr, the director general of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT), a directorate of the Home Office.
It was addressed personally to Mr Farr and a covering letter said it should be kept secret to avoid “the twin distractions of media attention and potential civil service defensiveness.”
The report warns that the ideology of non-violent ‘Islamist’ groups is “broadly the same as that of violent Islamists” adding “they disagree only on tactics.”
Entitled “Preventing terrorism; where next for Britain?" the report lists extremist sympathisers, including the Muslim Association of Britain, the Federation of Student Islamic Societies, the Cordoba Foundation, and Muslim Welfare House, the Finsbury Park mosque, Birmingham Central mosque, the East London mosque, the Muslim Safety Forum, the Islamic Human Rights Commission and the Islam Channel.
Most shockingly, the report says that a Scotland Yard counter-terrorism squad called the Muslim Contact Unit is dominated by extremist Islamist ideology.
“These are a selection of the various groups and institutions active in the UK which are broadly sympathetic to Islamism,” the report says.
“Whilst only a small proportion will agree with al-Qaeda’s tactics, many will agree with their overall goal of creating a single ‘Islamic state’ which would bring together all Muslims around the world under a single government and then impose on them a single interpretation of sharia as state law.”
The document warns that if the Government works with such groups “it risks empowering proponents of the ideology, if not the methodology, that is behind terrorism.”
The report has merely highlighted the reality which faces Britain in the face of the ever-increasing and unchecked colonisation of Britain by the Third World.
The conversion of Britain — and all of Europe — into an Islamic state is merely a matter of time unless the criminal mass immigration policies propagated by all the Westminster parties is not only halted, but reversed.
This then, is the task the British National Party has set itself.

Vive Le France! Vive Le Sarkozy! Vive Le Liberty!

Vive Le France! Vive Le Sarkozy! Vive Le Liberty!

By Horwich Nationalists

One can only admire the French people and the President of France Mr Nicolas Sarkozy's defence of their Homeland and culture, from the scourge of the Roma Gypsy inflicted crime wave on France and the French people. And also not to forget the previous Banning of the oppression of women who are forced to wear the Islamic garment the Burka. All this in the face of determined opposition from the Marxist EU and their left wing Liberal elite allies. 

Whose spokesman a little known puffed up eurocrat with the title of Justice Minister of the EU , (now theirs a contradiction in terms justice in the EU) Vivane Reding , who hails from the parasitical Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, yes! Luxembourg the postage sized state that surrenders at the first sign of trouble and after hostilities cease demand the victors pick up all the defence bills of their minuscule state whilst they offer tax exile to all those multi millionaires who should be contributing  for the defence of their own nations. has compared the French President and in effect the French People as Nazi's. And has also threatened the French Nation with Legal action. I bet the French  are Quaking in their boots at that threat. just imagine the  headline on that one, 
Menopausal Harridan invades France with Legal Document, Last seen exploding on the end of of an Exocet missile, Luxembourg surrenders!
All I can add it is about time that the British Public shouls also elect Politicians that are willing to stand up for the rights of British People and Nation, and not those who are only to glad to turn this once proud nation into the dumping ground of the worlds undesirables. 
And off course their is only one Party that to be blunt HAS THE BALLS TO DO SO! It is of course the British National Party , who's entire ethic is the British People and Nation must be the first consideration in all laws and policies!  And 1st task would be to leave that nest of vipers called the EU and once again take our own place on the world stage!
So I hope soon to not only to shout Vive La France but also Vive Grande Britan!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Nick Griffin BNP MEP Visits Horwich Bolton and Give A great Speech this Weekend

Author Horwich Nationalists,

This Sunday evening just gone , The members of the Bolton British National party and members of the public were treated to a superb and in depth topical speech by Nick Griffin MEP and Chairman of The British National Party at their monthly meeting. 

The meeting was opened by Dorothy Sayers who gave a impassioned speech on the need for the British people to unite behind the British National party , in order to ensure their survival as a indigenous majority in their homeland. Mrs Sayers also pointed out that in her opinion and I must say many many others, we have only 15 years left to stem this tide that threatens the survival of the British people and Nation. And when you bear in mind that is only three General Elections, the horror of the situation really hits the mark.Dorothys speech below.

Before and after  the meeting Nick who is a very busy man, had plenty of time to mix with members and the public, in order to discuss topics and pose for photo,s from the many admirers, as the one he graciously agreed to have taken  with last years Horwich North east British National Party candidate Ivan Cooper. Mr Cooper commented that, "It is the first time that I have met Mr Griffin and I found him to a pleasant and quiet spoken man who,s persona has been much maligned by the Left wing media lies. I also found him also to be sincere with a true love of the British people and Nation a truth that is obvious to any one who listens to the speech he gave, it is also a pity that we could not make Nicks appearance at our meeting fully public, but unfortunately we would have had the the Prime Ministers sponsored violent Marxist UAF thugs threatening public safety. It is a shame that the three main political parties now have to use third party organisations to threaten and use actual violence in order to attempt to silence the British Peoples opposition to their policies of the British peoples and Nation destruction by subverted means ".

Also after the meeting many members of the ordinary members of the public who attended the meeting declared themselves to  to be utterly now convinced that the Left wing media are complete liars! and also that their support for OUR party was assured. indeed several membership applications forms were taken by the public, and the news is that in the last 48 hours one is now indeed a new member of the Bolton British National Party.
So why Not decide for yourselves a choice we always give in our party, by sitting back and watching Nicks superb speech!

convinced then why not join us in our modern day Battle to Save Britain by joining the British National Party British National Party Membership application

Sunday, 12 September 2010

BNP Vote Tops 21% in Spennymoor By Election

BNP Vote Tops 21% in Spennymoor

The British National Party took nearly 22 percent of the vote in the Spennymoor town council by-election from a standing start in a seat never before contested by the party, reports candidate Adam Walker.
Adam Walker and supporters at the polling station. Adam Walker and supporters at the polling station.“I am really delighted with the result which shows that hard work on the streets does pay off,” Mr Walker said.
The BNP polled 264 votes to the winning Lib Dem candidate’s 494. The seat was previously held by Labour and a large defection of that party’s voters to the BNP played a critical role in securing the result.
“We had never contested a seat on Spennymoor town council before and had no real idea what to expect,” Mr Walker continued.
“We decided to fight the Spennymoor seat all-out and put up a paper candidate in the neighbouring ward of Middlestone Moor.
“We put out seven leaflets in Spennymoor and completed a full canvass, while in Middlestone Moor we did not even put out a leaflet,” Mr Walker said.
“The result in the two wards showed the difference that hard work can make. Even so, the paper candidate polled 47 votes, or a respectable 8 percent of the vote,” Mr Walker said.
There was a 28.9 percent turnout in Spennymoor and a 22.8 percent turnout in Middlestone Moor.
“I'd like to say thank you very much to everyone who came to help throughout this campaign. We've had lots of people from the Cumbria in particular come to help, and it has served to raise the party’s profile in the area once again,” he said.
* The BNP also stood a paper candidate as a test in Exeter Council this past week. The single BNP candidate (amongst the race which was fought by 13 Tories, 13 Lib Dems, 12 Labourites and 10 UKIP candidates) polled a respectable 673 in his ward.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

The Koranic Book Burning And a Missed Opportunity to Gain the Moral High Ground

Author Horwich Nationalists 

The latest false outrage from the world of spineless politics about a little known American Pastor claiming that he was about to burn hundreds of copies of the Holy Book of the followers of Mohamed, was yet another example of the so called Liberal political class, surrendering to the fear of the Islamic mob, and perhaps even worse the loss of a few strategic votes, that will keep them in power for another 4 years in order to put their own career before the welfare of their nations or peoples and more importantly the true faith of Christianity that is under attack constantly but refuses to act violently.

It is with sadness in my opinion that these so called defenders of democracy, who are willing to send the brave young people in the armed forces of the west to fight in illegal wars for the sake of oil, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims out side their respective nations ( Unable to vote) have died only for the sake of their political parties financial backers gaining more billions. 
And yet at the same time pontificate about the lack of respect for the beliefs of the followers of Mohamed. In other words submitting to the Islamic Mob rule within their own borders, in the belief that such incidents are bad for their own electoral success. Which I suppose is just a another example of Multi Culturalism, ie: the Tail wagging the Dog! instead of informing the followers of Mohamed that if they wish to live in a democracy they should abide by the laws that govern those who do not follow the dictates of Mohamed and if they find that unpalatable then they should seek another land to live in.

But to me as a Christian the most saddest part of the entire incident is the fact that the Parson missed a golden opportunity to show the Islamic world the wisdom of Christianity and peace by putting a mirror in the face of the followers of Mohamed and the illegal wars of the Liberal Politicians , by showing the ingrained  violence of their faith . By seeking the assistance of  other preachers even those of Mohamed who would bear witness to his intent. By claiming at 1st that he was going to burn these books, whilst not having any intent to do so. Then as the violence and death threats begin , he could have asked the followers of Mohamed why do you always react with violence to any criticism, is your faith in this man and his teaching so fragile that you must seek to destroy all those who question or any of the critics who put your belief to the test. it seems to me that your faith is as a house made of mud and that when it rains you attack the drops. It is as deep within yourselves you know that the entire structure of your faith in this man cannot stand against it , and will be washed away by any of the drops of criticism. 
But if it is not so then rise to my challenge which would be to put away your violence of word and deed. And answer your critics and point out with debate and reason the injustices you feel that are done against you and your beliefs, and gain the ear of the world. 
Then the people of the world, would be more understanding towards you and would not allow these Liberals a free rein to make war on you for false reason of the war on terror, for that reason is a reason that YOU AS MUSLIMS HAVE GIVEN THEM, by your outrages such as 9/11, for the real reason you know and I know that it is all down to oil and money.

Geert Wilders to form a new Government for the Netherlands?

Geert Wilders to form a new Government for the Netherlands?

The latest polls show that Geert Wilders’ party, the PVV, has forged even further ahead of the other political parties in the Netherlands. The leftist dissenters within the CDA (Christian Democrats) have done nothing to improve their party’s standing; it remains at an all-time low.
If the election were held today, the PVV would hold almost a quarter of the seats in parliament. Matters seem abundantly clear, and yet the parties are unable to form a government, thanks to the cordon sanitaire around Geert Wilders.
watch this film

Islamic Holy Book Burning Controversy: Let’s Strike a Deal with the Muslim World Instead

Koran Burning Controversy: Let’s Strike a Deal with the Islamic World Instead

The worldwide hullabaloo over a threat by a tiny Christian church in Florida to hold an “international Koran burning day” has illustrated how divisive Islam has become in modern Western society and has highlighted once again the sense and logic behind the British National Party’s foreign policy towards Muslim nations, according to party Foreign Affairs spokesman Arthur Kemp.
“The fact that a denomination of less than 50 people at an obscure church could provoke a world crisis involving the heads of state of Britain, America, Afghanistan and others, should serve as a wake-up call to the importance of Islam’s influence in the world,” Mr Kemp said.
“Under normal circumstances, such an event would hardly even be noticed, much less seized upon by the President of the United States of America and the head of the American military mission in Afghanistan,” he continued.
“Even the president of Afghanistan has said that the Koran-burning would have international repercussions and would see Americans attacked anywhere in the world. From that point of view, it is good that the event has been cancelled.
“However, it has underlined the fact that Islam has now, courtesy of uncontrolled mass immigration, become a factor in Western societies on both sides of the Atlantic.
“The BNP has long pointed out that the Westminster parties are directly responsible for this disaster, and have encouraged terrorism in the West through their twisted foreign policy which incites the Muslim world against the West.
“If that were not bad enough, these same parties then follow a domestic policy of encouraging as much Third World immigration as possible, creating a huge pool of potential support inside Britain (and Europe and America, for that matter) from which radical Islamists can recruit,” Mr Kemp continued.
“We have to bear in mind that Islam’s primary objective is in any event to seize control of non-Muslim lands, either by force or colonisation. The Westminster parties are actively aiding this objective and through their foreign policies are fanning the flames of radical Islam and providing them with the excuse to encourage acts of terrorism against the publc.
“The BNP’s position is quite clear, simple and obviously truthful: Islamist terrorism in the West will never be contained until the twin issues of mass immigration and our biased foreign policy are corrected.
“Only once mass immigration has been halted and reversed, and our foreign policy brought into line to serve British interests alone, will the immediate threat dissipate.
“In this regard, the sense and logic behind the BNP’s foreign policy towards Muslim nations will play a major role in sorting out the problem. For there is no truth at all to the allegation that the BNP is anti-Muslim.
“All we say is that in the same way that Saudi Arabia has the right to be a Muslim country without outside interference, Britain has the right to be a British country without outside interference.
“This means that Britain has the right not to be colonised by millions of Muslims who will change the very nature of our society, and that Saudi Arabia has the right not to be colonised by millions of Christians who will change the very nature of that society.
“The BNP would offer a deal to the Muslim nations of the world: We would agree to a completely neutral foreign policy and undertake never to interfere in the internal affairs of Muslim nations. This would mean never again launching wars such as the illegal invasions of Iraq or Afghanistan, or undertaking any action in which British interests are not directly threatened.
“In return, all we would ask is that the Muslim nations accept our right not to be colonised and accept back their excess populations which they have already exported to Britain.  It is an offer founded on realism and a desire to create a lasting peace so that we may never again have to face the prospect of an international incident over a ‘Koran’ burning’ threat,” Mr Kemp concluded.