British National Party Activist Arrested for Distributing Labour 25 Leaflet
British National Party superactivist Peter Tierney has been arrested for handing out Labour 25 leaflets, which detail the names of 25 convicted Labour party paedophiles.
Adam Walker and Nick Griffin with Peter Tierney todayMr Tierney was arrested in Liverpool and taken to Belle Vale police station after distributing the leaflets, which name and shame 25 Labour party councillors, mayors and activists who were convicted for crimes such as possession of child pornography and child rape.
The event mirrors that of Merseyside police’s arrest of thirteen British National Party activists in 2008 for distributing the Racism Cuts Both Ways leaflet, which highlights the government-and-media ignored issue of anti-white racism.
Adam Walker, who met with Mr Tierney ahead of a party meeting in Liverpool tonight, said that the police’s heavy-handed reaction clearly showed that the leaflets had struck a cord.
More information about this latest state attack on freedom of speech will follow on this site tomorrow.
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The event mirrors that of Merseyside police’s arrest of thirteen British National Party activists in 2008 for distributing the Racism Cuts Both Ways leaflet, which highlights the government-and-media ignored issue of anti-white racism.
Adam Walker, who met with Mr Tierney ahead of a party meeting in Liverpool tonight, said that the police’s heavy-handed reaction clearly showed that the leaflets had struck a cord.
More information about this latest state attack on freedom of speech will follow on this site tomorrow.
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