Labour25 +8 Timothy Edmeades
at Gerard Rice the Labour Party Paedophilic supporting Mayor & Councillor of a Serial Child Rapist and Labour Party activist and case working & organiser … Timothy Edmeades.
A lousy 33 months jail for Labour Party activist and case working assistant
to Labour party Lord Mayor and Councillor Gerard Rice sends the Court into
uproar. Screams and shouts of anger were hurled at the local Labour Party
Councillor & Lord Mayor Gerard Rice of the Thurrock Councill, after he openly
praised his Paedophile sex beast monster case worker assistant in a Basildon
Court room in front of the 3 Child victims parents.
Labour Party activist and case worker/events organiser Timothy Edmeades
was a teaching assistant and boy scout leader. (Another Labour
party paedophile who likes the boy scouts )
Here we go again… Labour Party Paedophiles after jobs with the schools,
and Harriet harman ( Paedophile Information Exchange ) with her hands on
the infant school sex education programme for 5 yr olds….
Labour Party activist Timothy Edmeades was Sexually abusing and grooming
young boys in Thurrock. Labour Party Councillor and Lord Mayor Gerard Rice
Gave good references of this Paedophile and when evil paedophile Timothy
Edmeades was eventualy caught, Labour Party’s Gerard Rice was there to give
him a full reference.
The Headmaster at the School where Timothy Edmeades had been
appointed to be a teaching assistant was instantly sacked. If Timothy Edmeades
had not had a reference to teach near children, then 3 childrens lives and the lives
of their families would not be devastated today, thanks to Labour Councillor and
Mayor Gerard Rice.
Timothy Edmeades was caught when Two years after the assaults, the boy then
10 years old bravely stood up and called ‘Childline’ and within hours, police
were around to arrest Labour Party activist Timothy Edmeades.
How ’Natural’ it is for paedophiles to be attracted
to the Paedophile Labour Party.
Labour Party Councillor Gerard Rice should have been sacked when standing
up for the evil paedophile Timothy Edmeades in Basildon Crown Court but the
Labour Party would never sack a Paedophile protector. Labour Party
Paedophile protector Gerard Rice stood up in a packed court room filled with
parents and family members of the 3 abused children and said ‘ Mr Edmeades
worked for me in a bed store called Bensons for 4 years’ He was trustworthy,
diligent and totaly reliable.’ He also added that Timothy Edmeades had helped
the Labour Party by helping him as Labour Party Lord Mayor and dealt with
many of the Labour Party Constituents, and helped organise Labour
Party Functions. The Labour Party had a new activist for dealing
with case work, he was Paedophile Labour activist Timothy
After Labour Party Councillor Gerard Rice heard of Labour Paedophile activist
Timothy Edmeades conviction, Labour Councillor Gerard Rice gave an
interview to the newspapers while he was ‘outside’ the country, and in that
interview, he buried Timothy Edmeades, trying to cover himself by saying
that he didn’t know what Timothy Edmeades had been arrested for.
The families and parents threatened Labour Party Gerard Rice with the
Authority’s standard commission, and two parents made complaints to the
Council itself.
Labour Party case worker and events organiser activist Timothy Edmeades
has been sentenced to 33 months in prison for the sexual abuse of 3 boys
and severe child abuse images on his computer with children as young
as 4 years old. Parents were telling the jury of the hell caused by this Labour
Party activist paedophile Timothy Edmeades.
One child ( age 10yrs) said to his father.. ‘I don’t want to live anymore.’
The childs father just keeps ‘breaking down.’
Another lousy sentence for a crime that
should have been a life term, and Guess
who will give Labour Party activist
Timothy Edmeades a new identity ?
Check if any Labour Party Members
of any ‘rank’ are teachers or on the
school governors board or leaders
of your local scout group.