BNP Crashes Through 14,000 Membership Mark – Party Now Larger Than UKIP
The British National Party membership figures have broken the 14,000 mark for the first time in its history, according to new figures from the party’s administration department.
As of the end of May 2010, the BNP has for the first time, over 14,000 members, an increase of 3,724 since April 2009.
This figure is very impressive, especially considering that the largest formal lapsing of non-renewing members that will be actioned at any point in the year (i.e. those with a December expiry date) has already taken place.
There were 3514 members due to renew in December 2009. Of these, 2915 renewed, 599 did not renew - that's an 83% renewal rate!
Since April of last year we have issued another 565 five-year loyalty badges.
The new 'super' integrated membership system is now fully up and running, working 'hand in hand' with the fundraising and Trafalgar Club databases. This is easier to use, faster and more professional than anything we have had access to in the past, and has totally revolutionised the central database system.
Since the 1st April 2010 we have received more than 10,000 info pack requests.
Some 6,000 of these have already been processed, added into the database and been sent information packs by the Enquiries Department. The remainder are still being added into the database.
The Call Centre, another Midas innovation, has already called 3,500 of these enquirers. 876 of these enquiries have already been converted into members at a total value of £23,890 (or an average value of £27.27 per new member).
586 of these enquiries have already donated to the party at a total value of £17,707 (or an average value of £30.22 per donor).
Where the enquirer has joined and then donated to the party, the donation average rises to £35.20 per member.