I did not gain any financial benefit he said, as he resigned as treasury minister and gave an 'emotional' speech.
But the Telegraph reported that David Laws MP had not only claimed expenses fraudulently, which met what he called rental of rooms at his 'partners' house, but they uncovered that he had in fact abused his expenses by claiming the maximum allowances he could without receipts until receipts were made a requirement. It was then when he had to prove his expense claims with receipts, Telegraph claims, that Laws expenses were drastically reduced.
Laws is clearly not only a thief but he is also a liar, and the two usually go together.
The FACT is, he DID have a financial benefit because he claimed for things he had no right to claim, and those claims spanned several years and amounted to over £40,000.
He says he will pay it back, but surely he's already given that money to his partner in this crime.
So his partner has benefited too as a result of Laws sneak thief approach to politics.
When will the proceeds of that crime be taken from his partner?
When a crime is committed, does the public have a whip round to compensate the loss or does the criminal get his comeuppance?
Clearly, Laws has not the first clue about truth and honesty, or fair play or justice, and nor does David Cameron who says that he hopes Laws "can return in time".
Cameron is mouthing hopes of a return to politics by a self declared thief and before judgement has been passed on him by the parliamentary standards commission.
Cameron not only spits in the face of the public but he spits in the face of the PSC too, as he tries to limit the damage to his pathetic unelected government of cobbled together lunatics, who HE put together in defiance of the democratic will of the people who declared NONE of them were suitable to make a government.
Cameron thinks he's the prime minister and maybe he is, but to me he is no different to Oliver Cromwell who marched into parliament with his troops to declare himself leader.
Yet! He has declared his own office term will be 5 years despite not asking the people, and he has declared a referendum on a new electoral system which defies the public's expressed will, that government should be 'shared'.
The public voted and its vote is nearer to a request for proportional representation than it is to any other form of system.
Cameron has no inkling of the disturbance he is causing in society by declaring that millions of people who voted AGAINST him, will continue to not have a voice.
He sits in our government with a minority vote whilst declaring that all who oppose him have to wait 5 years. Further, when he took the seat of power in Britain without authority, he declared that he thought a large part of the people who did not vote for him, were 'ghastly filth'.
He speaks for the government and he has elected to brand the indigenous people of this country 'ghastly filth'. What prime minister does that?
He spouts hatred toward his own people, and he spouts lies about his authority and he spouts utter crap about his intentions to clean up politics, when in defiance of all moral conviction, he wishes that one day a thief and a liar can return to politics. Ergo, that proves Cameron is AGAINST the people not FOR them, and shows he is AGAINST DEMOCRACY.
David Laws has no moral right to be in politics and nor does Cameron, and both of them should resign.
Whilst Cameron and Clegg pander up to their 'Operation Black Voters', their 'Islamic Council of Britain', their 'Gay Lobby' friends (of which Laws home-partner is one), and to their Marxist UAF, Searchlight, HopenotHate, Nothing British subversives, Cameron and Clegg are UNDERMINING OUR DEMOCRACY FROM WITHIN.
They are clearly earmarked for a future tumbrel if ever we regain a government in Britain which actually takes the wishes of its sovereign people - those ghastly filthy people - into consideration, and I for one will be happy to prepare the scaffold for all of them if ever I am called.
These thieves, liars, traitors and CON Artists, cannot be permitted to rule this hallowed land much longer whilst our people are becoming extinct as a result of their damned hateful Marxist policies.
1 million or more people who support openly the British National Party, SHOULD have a voice in politics, and are prevented from doing so by FILTH who call themselves honourable men.