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Thursday 13 May 2010

Tory/Lib Dems Will Raise Taxes and Reduce Services, But Keep Funding for War and Foreign Aid

We Told You So: Tory/Lib Dems Will Raise Taxes and Reduce Services, But Keep Funding for War and Foreign Aid

The new coalition Government’s very first cabinet meeting has confirmed the accuracy of the British National Party’s election campaign by announcing cuts in services to the British people and inevitable tax rises, while maintaining expenditure on war and foreign aid.
At the meeting, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said that the NHS would “not be exempt from efficiency savings and pay cuts.”
Mr Lansley said that increases in health funding were no longer “sustainable.”
News reports have also quoted economists as predicting that VAT will have to rise from 17.5 percent to 20 percent to help meet the £167 million deficit.
Both Tory and Liberal Democratic parties refused to rule out a VAT increase during the election campaign.
In terms of their coalition agreement, the two parties have already closed the door on other methods of revenue generation such as a rise in capital gains tax.
This VAT increase will hit all of Britain and will cost the average family hundreds of pounds a year extra just to maintain their current standard of living.
Even worse, experts at Credit Suisse have pointed out that the new Government’s policies will in fact add an extra £10 billion a year to the deficit. 
The Credit Suisse report, based on an analysis of the coalition agreement papers, drew its conclusion after adding up the real effects on taxes and spending of the Tory/Lib Dem compromise.
* The BNP has long argued that the best way to reduce the deficit is simply to cut expenditure which is not vital to Britain’s national interest.
Areas which could be cut immediately without impacting any frontline services to the British people would include:
- Halting British involvement in the Afghanistan war which would cut £5 billion a year off the deficit.
- Halting Britain’s EU membership which costs Britain £45 million per day.
- Halting the ‘asylum’ racket which costs Britain around £4 billion per year.
- Halting the immigration swindle which costs Britain around £13 billion per year.
- Halting the £9 billion per year foreign aid budget.
These four measures alone could be implemented immediately, but it seems that the Tory/Lib Dem alliance, like the Labour Party, prefers waging war to looking after British people.