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Monday, 10 May 2010

Europa, Europa über alles, über alles in der Welt

Europa, Europa über alles, über alles in der Welt

When David Cameron says he will ensure "less Europe" he is deliberately lying. He can ensure nothing of the sort because the EU has a constitution agreed under the Lisbon treaty which has
  1. a qualified majority voting system (which means even if the UK vetoes anything it can still be passed) and
  2. is self amending (which means that it can be changed without further negotiations).
This is incidentally the same when he says he’ll control immigration. Another lie, because the EU controls our borders.
Under a deal brokered by the Germans and French the UK will be FORCED to contribute to a fund which will be used to shore up the Euro. This is called the “European stabilisation mechanism”.
It could cost Britain BILLIONS at a time when the government, whichever colour it might be, will be making savage cuts.
And this is just the start. I have often said that the realisation that the UK is no longer a sovereign nation after Lisbon will be slow to sink in, even though it’s blindingly bloody obvious. There will be more and more of this rule from Brussels by people who frankly don’t give a toss about Britain. We can do nothing about it. Will the sheep then understand the price of treason?  Even then I doubt it.
Opinion polls before the election constantly showed a huge majority of Britons being against EU interference and yet, in the general election, more than 94% of people voted for parties that support that very interference. How soding retarded can you be?(All the main parties signed up to Lisbon including the Tories when Cameron refused a referendum on Lisbon, despite all his promises – yet another lie).
They must not bleat, they must not moan, BECAUSE THEY CHOSE THIS PATH.  And yet the stupid thick hypocrites act as if this is a shock to them.
It’s what you voted for you morons, you had your chance and chucked it away.
Now you stupid thick sheep people, you slaves, you stupid bastard cowards, down on your knees (its where you belong) and face Brussels and sing after me:
Europa, Europa über alles, über alles in der Welt