Order of the White Feather
As said, your efforts tripled votes for the British National Party, and Chairman Mr Nick Griffin has revealed thousands of enquiries were made and followed up as a result of your work.
UAF leader and criminal Weyman on the other hand, should have a large white feather for his repulsive and abusive attempts to overthrow the democratic process using bricks, darts, metal railings and other lethal weapons, whilst trying to convince the populations in cities up and down England which have been colonised by foreigners, that he was on their side.
Needless to say, a Marxist can only ever use lies to further his aims, and there has not been one Marxist in history, just like Weyman, who has not resorted to violence when confronted with the fact that people just don't agree with their wierd beliefs or their criminal and obvious undemocratic actions.
This can be attested if you simply look at public reaction to Weyman and other criminals when they tried to block Mr Griffin's appearance on Question Time.
If we were really at war in the 18th or 19th centuries, then Weyman would undoubtedly have faced a firing squad for cowardice and subversion, but rather than bringing charges against him, the cowardly government has instead offered financial backing through their many grubby fingered unions and activists in an attempt to cling to power with their bitten nails.
Gordon Brown and Peter Hain must surely share a feather between them for what amounts to the highest degree of political cowardice which is quite visible by all but their other bullying friends. Their punishment will be that they are out on their arse as soon as Nick Clegg can convince Cameron that democracy is a good way to reach the top in politics as opposed to using hammers, bricks and darts and placed people who agree with you.
Another white feather for cowardice must surely go to David Cameron for his continuing support of the criminal subversive Weyman.
He also abuses political priviledge as he hides behind the apron strings of an established party leadership. With the weight of media in front of him along with armed guards, it is without doubt a measure of his cowardice that from his position, he deliberately hurls abuse toward the brave leader of the British National Party Mr Nick Griffin, who in contrast was prepared to put his own life on the line in Wootton Basset to halt an illegal demonstration, whilst Cowardly Cameron buried his head under the blankets back in his Tory bunker.
Cameron is a coward of a particular kind as he ducks the major issues of immigration and the EU, and he refuses to confront Nick Griffin in open debate.
Cameron should receive a white feather, a bar from politics and a community order to see if he can help run another television station but this time without making it bankrupt whilst seeking only personal gain.
After that, maybe if there's an old scrap car dealer handy in his area, then they could be persuaded to have him take a job such as washing cars for which cowardly Cameron would be more suited.
Next white feather goes to HopeNotHate, who were busily engaged in trying to destroy the democractic process with 1,000 activists, all bought and paid by the Daily Mirror, NUJ, Socialist Workers Party, and Morning Star. i.e. Marxists.
None of these cowards had the bottle to stand for election but instead chose to interfere with the democratic process and sought to peddle lies about people who were brave enough to walk the streets knocking on doors and seeking votes in a country where an entire establishment had gathered against them.
HopeNotHate are advised to check their budget to see if they have any money left and they are ordered to submit accounts to the nearest BNP office for inspection where interested parties will be delighted to take them to see exactly who donated to their Marxist cause which was designed to subvert democracy in our country.
Nothing British is another subversive which is hardly worth a mention saying as their pathetic propaganda could really only be believe by a halfwit like those who run it.
Shifty eyed coward Lord Bethel might want to come and collect his feather himself if he can muster up the courage to leave his little office at Westminster where he continues to hide himself from public gaze with his other compatriots and traitors whose only achievement has been to prove they are Nothing British.
Green Arrows will be pleased to snap a pic of cowards on the day, or on some other day in the not too distant future if they are too scared to collect it.
Meanwhile, BNP victory medals are to be awarded for all once we get a democracy in Britain.