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Sunday 9 May 2010



A Nation and its people are built upon a common culture, which in itself shares a common philosophy, which in turn is based on a theology!
These are the core principles on which the Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1891 - 1937) realised that were the means of attack upon Western culture and values. As he had realised after a visit to Stalin's Russia in 1922 that the means of exporting the revolution by traditional methods would never work on the culture of the West.
He realised that Western Culture was based on the morality of the Judea Christian traditions of the individual’s knowledge of good and evil and personal & social responsibility concerning them in the matter of their outlook on all matters both public and private.

therefore the 1st stratagem of the Marxist cultural attack on the west and it’s values must be to attack and destroy the Christian faith 1st in it’s role in public life and then in it’s relevance to the individual, in effect, the Christian Tradition is the foundations of our society and if you destroy the foundations of any structure the edifice will collapse!
The pathway to socialist oppression is no longer bloody revolutions. The omnipresent dialectic process is far more subtle and effective. Enhanced by the steady drumbeat of the media's pervasive, suggestive and anti-Christian stimuli, minds are dulled and the masses indoctrinated everywhere. While people in the Soviet Union knew they were trapped in a cruel system, many could still think factually and logically. Today's managers of mind-control have nearly perfected the social "science" of collective brainwashing.

So using this principle later worked on by other Marxists mainly Herbert Marcuse the Frankfurt school, it was used in the so called sexual revolution of the 1960,s amongst the younger members of society especially the students and their campuses ,were the future leaders of the west are educated ! 
Were it was claimed that the free use of sexual gratification of any nature was a personal liberty and was being denied by the antiquated views of the Christian church and western culture on personal freedoms. And that to warn against the so called sexual freedoms was the sign of intolerance, and therefore the views of a bigoted and uneducated mind.

  Well it is quite obvious that hormone ridden young men and women of the 1960,s would have their attention grabbed by such notions especially as when the use of cheap and free contraception had been introduced.
And they would be easily led to believe that the Christian Church was a institution of oppression of their personal freedoms and choices and therefore become a irrelevance in their lives and personal choices, both in their private and public lives, which could lead to all kinds of personal gratification if not curbed by the morality and traditions of the Church and western culture which quite clearly stated what was good and what was evil in mankind!

So if you destroy the moral teachings and traditions of the Church what did they conclude would they replace it with, A RELIGION CALLED TOLERANCE! 

This is something that can easily be controlled by the communist state as in the eyes of the Marxists a moral choice is not fixed for all time! they argue that something that was morally acceptable in the 19th century may not be acceptable in the 21st century, so in effect morality can be changed to suit the needs of the moment in time, example their are to many old people euthanasia is a good moral choice for the good of the proletariat. Or their are too many children forced abortions are a good moral choice, in effect a moral equivalency for any action (see china’s Birth policy).

And as today it is acceptable that divorce can be had at the drop of a hat, that fathers have no responsibility for their children apart from a mediocre maintenance payment, and on and on, till you get a fragmented & disorganised host society, as in the UK today, where even the main stream Churches the victim of this first stratagem is now blindly arguing against itself blowing Satan's trumpet in the cause of tolerance.

But not being stupid even Stalin realised the use of a spiritual aspect to some of the proletariat lives was essential in keeping them in check in case they fought against the moral equivalency of the state, at 1st they tried to introduce the shamanistic religions of the East, But an even better Cult was found for their ends, Islam and a mass introduction the followers of this cult into the Western World would help also, what better a cult based on the basis of submission to higher authority, and who’s moral precepts were based on the acceptability of death as a tool of control, and the added benefit of a multi cultural society that is fractured on all aspects of social life, IE diversity means division! A divided society can not rise to supplant its political elite!

So what is the remedy to this situation 1st educate your self about the tactics of these monsters. And secondly it must be within yourselves you must 1st rediscover your moral and spiritual traditions and by publicly declaring and living at all times in your life, put pressure on your Church leaders to not hide them selves away hoping for divine intervention as a cure all they themselves must take the battle to Satan's door, and also put pressure on all members of public society make them know how strong in numbers we are, and how tired we are of all the perversion and moral decay that pollutes our lives , write to TV advertisers the papers where your voice can be heard, They will try to attack you with their tolerance lies but like the Emperors news clothes people will see that if you show a lead many other will follow, In the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ "Seek the truth! It will open your eyes and then you will see things as they really are!
Our Mission is just not political It is now a spiritual one also!
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