Dramatic Endorsement of BNP’s Anti-EU Stance in Latest YouGov Survey
The latest YouGov survey on Britain’s continued membership of the European Union has producing a ringing endorsement for the British National Party’s policy of complete withdrawal from that body.
EU scepticism is not restricted to the older generation. Some 43 percent of those over 60 want to leave the EU, while 69 percent of the 18–24 age group indicated they would be in favour of ending Britain’s membership.
The poll, conducted amongst 1,948 adults between 8 and 9 September, asked respondents: “If there was a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union, how would you vote?”
The answers were as follows: “I would vote for Britain to remain a member of the European Union: 33 percent.
“I would vote for Britain to leave the European Union: 47 percent.
“I would not vote: 5 percent.
“Don't know: 14 percent.”
* The ConDem regime’s pathetic attempts to persuade the EU to freeze its annual budget have ended in utterly predictable failure.
Chancellor George Osborne had called on the EU to adopt a cash freeze for 2011 but was heavily outvoted by other member states.
The annual rise has yet to be fixed but a 6 percent increase has been proposed by the European Commission, taking spending to £130 billion. In terms of the Lisbon Treaty, the UK has no veto on the EU's annual budget. Unlike on the multi-year budget, the UK has no veto on the EU's annual budget.
Part of this massively increased expenditure goes on EU institutions and agencies outside of Brussels whose numbers have increased from 12 to 38.
These outside agencies now employ 6,700 bureaucrats and cost a total of €1.66 billion per year. Examples include the Institute for Food Safety in Parma, the Agency for Chemicals in Helsinki and the Network and Information Security Agency on the Greek island of Crete.
In addition, the EU spends over €8 million every year “entertaining, training and informing journalists.”
At least €8.14 million was directly spent on entertaining, training and 'informing' journalists with €2.6 million spent on transport, accommodation and sustenance. An additional €351,800 was spent on Irish journalists and Lisbon-related seminars in the run-up to the 2009 referendum.
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