Voting Rights for Brits Abroad
29TH SEPTEMBER 2010: BY far the most consistent query to the MEP's office in the North West Region comes from Britons now living overseas - "Please advise me, can I vote in UK elections?""We have many expats here in Canada who share the same political viewpoint and believe that the British National Party is best suited to safeguard these values. We want to vote for BNP candidates back home at election time but are not certain whether we are able to."
Responding on behalf of the MEP, Constituency Office Manager Tina Wingfield wrote:
"Thank you for your email regarding ex-pats’ voting rights in the UK.
"The UK Government’s public service website, DirectGov, states the following with regard to voting rights:
'British citizens living abroad can register as overseas voters if they have been registered to vote in the UK at any time within the past 15 years. Brits living overseas can either vote by post or arrange for someone (a proxy) to vote for them in a UK election.
Voters can apply for a postal vote when they register.'
"If you would like further information about your voting rights, and to download a voter registration form, please go to: .
"Please also feel free to contact the British National Party’s Overseas Liaison Officer, Mr Andy McBride, who co-ordinates all our associated overseas groups and organisations. He may be able to put you in contact with some similarly-minded compatriots. His contact details are:
Telephone: 05601 950167."