It is with sadness that we have to report that Horwich is losing even more of it's open spaces, What with the building on the last green space left in central Horwich on Wright St, and now the encroachment onto the playing fields on Singleton Ave, We must ask how long is there left before the entire Green Lane Playing Fields are put up for building land, to suffer the fate of the Hilton Playing fields years ago, as well as the land where the once vibrant Market was once, a market that was shut due to years of deliberate neglect by the local Labour Liberal Zanu PF parties.
Wating to colonise Horwich |
You the people of Horwich and elsewhere do have a chance to halt this neglect of ours and other towns by joining the only party that cares about decent upright working British families, The British National Party, if you are a Horwich or Bolton Resident why not Join using this link
or just donate using this link
for the simple reason it is only the British National Party that will honour the pledge of British Homes for British Families on a national and local level! we hope for your support in next years elections also !