ConDem Welfare Reform Plan Ignores Underlying Cause of the Problem
The ConDem regime’s “plan” to reform the obviously broken welfare system ignores globalisation as the underlying cause of UK unemployment and even more insanely tries to “incentivise” people to work when the system pays them more not to.
Part of Mr Smith’s plan is to “incentivise” the unemployed to get back to work by ensuring that they will get at least 25 pence in the pound more if they start working.
However, as David Green, director of Civitas pointed out, this is “likely to be very costly without achieving its intended effects. Work should be a personal and civic obligation, not something we will only do if we are incentivised by the Government,” Dr Green said.
As long as a system remains in place whereby the unemployed can earn as much, or in some cases, even more, on welfare than they can do by working, the core problem in the system will never be addressed.
Furthermore, the real reason for unemployment lies in the destruction of the British economy and manufacturing base.
This policy has been followed consistently from the time of Margaret Thatcher right through the years of Labour rule and is still enthusiastically endorsed by today’s ConDem regime.
This belief, underlined by David Cameron’s speech this week in India telling young people in search of opportunities to “go east,” argues that Britain does not need its own manufacturing base as globalisation can provide all heavy industry needs.
All that Britain has to do, this twisted ideology says, is become a “service industry economy” where somehow British people can survive by giving each other backrubs for ever more while buying cheap consumer goods made in China.
Until Britain’s economy is restored to a sound basis where our manufacturing, mining and industries have been rescued from the ravages of globalisation, the unemployment situation will never be remedied.
On the contrary, if globalisation is left to run rampant, the end result will be total global economic collapse.
This will occur once the ‘service economies’ inevitably become bankrupt and disposable income dries up, leaving the West unable to continue buying the cheap Far Eastern consumables.
Only once the problem of globalisation and the destruction of the British economy is addressed, can much-needed real welfare reform be implemented.
It is no good punishing those who genuinely cannot get work because of the destroyed economy, and no amount of fake ConDem “incentivising” can create jobs where there are none.
However, once work opportunities which pay a decent living wage actually do exist, the welfare system must be overhauled to prevent scroungers from abusing the well-meant charity of the rest of society.
To this end, the British National Party has argued that the only true reform of the welfare system should be the implementation of a “workfare not welfare” system.
According to the BNP’s 2010 election manifesto, such as system would work as follows: “Originally, benefits were meant to be the state’s obligation to support those who genuinely were not in a position to support themselves. This guiding principle must always remain the guiding light for a just and humane system — and it is the core of the British National Party’s welfare policy.
Decades of Labour and Tory socialist state-induced welfare dependency has utterly distorted this noble ideal. Well-meaning welfare programmes have been exploited, distorted and twisted to become nothing more than a free handout to scroungers, foreign and local.
This has in turn created a welfare dependency culture which has led to in excess of six million people living in homes where no one has a job and where benefits are a way of life.
Not only does this cost the taxpayer in excess of £13 billion per year, but it also has a hugely damaging effect upon the psychology of a nation which once led the world in productivity and technological innovation and which gave birth to the Industrial Revolution. This dire situation must be reversed — urgently.
The BNP proposed to reverse these decades of disastrous Labour and Tory social engineering programmes through a sensible policy of workfare, not welfare.
The principle is simple: those who receive community support incur obligations as well. People who genuinely want to work must be provided with the opportunity to do so in return for training which will put them back into proper full-time employment.
In return for financial support and training for a new career, the benefit recipient must complete a certain number of hours of work per week. Properly implemented, this policy will undermine the benefit dependency culture and bring masses of unemployed back into the formal employment sector.
To this extent, we shall require that those who have been out of work for over 18 months participate in local work schemes in return for their taxpayer-funded benefits.
The success of the “workfare not welfare” policy has been proven: these programmes already exist in Australia, America and even in India. Britain has to get back to work: and workfare provides the only path through which this aim will be achieved.”
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