Issues that are nothing to do with the European Union
AUGUST 2010: NICK Griffin's researchers in Brussels and Strasbourg spend many hours each day trawling through the European Parliament's past, present and forthcoming legislation in search of intended laws that could have a direct effect on the lives and welfare of the British People.One such issue that has been flagged up by our researchers was on the Strasbourg agenda recently and concerned 'Violence in Mexico.'
The resolution stated:
"Alarmed at the escalating gang violence in Mexico, MEPs voice solidarity with the Mexican people and support for the government's efforts to combat the violence and drug trafficking. They also urge the government to provide more protection to human rights activists and step up its efforts to strengthen the rule of law.
European Union Governments are asked to provide more assistance to Mexico."
So here we have the European Parliament telling its member states to support the Government of a country that is not even in Europe, let alone a member of the European Union.
In the resolution, adopted by 57 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions, Parliament says it:
" . . . shares the Mexican authorities’ concern at the escalation of violence in the country, and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Mexican people in the fight against drug trafficking".
" . . . supports the Mexican Government in its determination to combat organised drug trafficking" and "condemns all forms of violence, in particular the violence and persistent death threats to which activists engaged in promoting and defending human rights in Mexico are subjected".
EU Member States are then called upon "to step up the support they provide for human rights through cooperation programmes and financial and technical resources; calls on them also to increase the budgetary resources allocated to cooperation in strengthening and reforming the judiciary".
On the face of it, taking on drug traffickers and pledging support for democracy seem the right course of action, even if it is in a country that has nothing to do with the European Union.
But the actual situation in Mexico is very different to the way it was portrayed in the European Parliament.
One of Nick Griffin's researchers explains:
If the EU understood the situation in Mexico, they would see this resolution is ludicrous.
Yes. there is terrible violence in Mexico - more than 28,000 people have died in drug violence in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006.
What makes the matter worse is that many of the police are in the pockets of the drug cartels - in fact many believe that Mexico is run and ruled by the drug cartels.
One cartel, Los Zetas was even trained at the school of Americas to combat drug trafficking, but then turned and are now better trained and better armed than the police and even the army.
Any money channelled into Mexico would end up in the pockets of the cartels because corruption is deeply ingrained in many internal systems.
While there are some people in the Government and police who are taking on the cartels, there are many more who are in the pay of the cartels which means that this is an internal war which the current government with its existing infrastructure does not have the resources to win.
While violence in Mexico is not an issue for the European Parliament to be involving itself in, it is something that is focussing the minds of politicians and the people of the American states bordering Mexico who are inextricably tied in with border control and immigration issues there.
Authorities in Arizona recently tried to introduce legislation to protect the state's borders, but were over-ruled by the Federal Government after extensive lobbying from human rights groups, similar to the ones which the European Parliament are requesting EU member states provide funding for.
By debating 'violence in Mexico', the European Parliament is interfering in an issue that it should have nothing to do with.
read more at Nick Griffins MEP Euro News at