Britain’s Oldest Defence and Security Institute Confirms that BNP is Right
Britain’s oldest defence and security research think tank, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), has confirmed that the British National Party has been correct all along with its claim that Labour/Tory foreign policy is a major cause of terrorism in Britain today.
The BNP has long argued that there are two primary causes of terrorism in Britain today: mass immigration, which has created a large Third World population pool from which radical Islamists can recruit; and British foreign policy which provides an excuse for Islamists to whip up hatred against Britain.
In the article, titled “Terrorism: The New Wave,” RUSI authors Michael Clarke and Valentina Soria said that in the five years “since the 7/7 London bomb attacks and almost a decade after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the jihadist terror threat from violent extremists has evolved in significant ways, particularly as it affects the United Kingdom.”
The authors go on to state that the radicalisation of Muslims in British prisons could produce hundreds of home-grown terrorists as the UK faces threats from lone bombers and assassins.
“Large-scale co-ordinated attacks are being replaced by highly-motivated but poorly trained individuals operating with the expectation that eventually one will succeed.”
According to the experts, Britain has more to fear than any other western country from home-grown terrorists and the conditions are all there for a series of attacks to begin at any time.
“Estimates showed one in 10 of the 8,000 Muslim prisoners in high-security institutions in England and Wales were ‘successfully targeted’ by radical jihadists.
“Perhaps some 800 potentially violent radicals, not previously guilty of terrorism charges, will be back in society over the coming five to 10 years," they wrote.
"The natural reaction to improved counter-terrorist operations is for jihadist attacks to evolve towards more individual efforts."
They added that "a powerful al-Qaida media campaign" would make them "appear as dramatic and threatening as earlier attacks".
"If lone bombers and assassins are being sent out to try their luck... the key variable will be the effect these lone or spontaneous attempts have on the motivation of others to join the jihad," they said.
"Lone killers will always exist and some of them will succeed. The key question is whether their acts remain that of individuals or become part of a structural phenomenon."
Under a new generation of leaders such as Anwar Al-Awlaki, considered one of the world's most wanted terrorists, "it appears that high motivation is followed by fairly rudimentary training", the authors wrote, pointing to the apparent lone bomber behind the Times Square car bomb in New York in May.
While the chances of success for a lone, poorly trained individual may be considerably lower, "eventually, it is reasoned, one of them will be lucky enough to succeed in a major way against high-profile targets in Western countries".
The Rusi report went on: "The possibility of attacks now hangs over all major sporting events from the Commonwealth Games in India and the 2012 Olympic Games in London, to all future signature events such as football World Cup tournaments."
For the British public, it warned, the "greatest danger is public complacency".